...been trying to draw strangers outdoors, but it's amazing the amount of odd stares I get even at the laundary mat when I'm wandering around staring at everyone; that's where I drew these...and these are where I realized that there are just some shapes I do not identify yet or notice as easily...My teachers will never cease lecturing on contstruction, but (using "construction" literally as an anaology) if there are certain structures I cannot build because I'm just not familiar with the method or materials used for them. Some charactures I got as well as I did because I understood the shapes better than I did with other faces...I guess my teachers have to be there with me so I can see how they would handle the faces I have trouble with...
Try wearing sunglasses. That helps a little with the people looking at you stranglely. But strange stuff will happen to you as an artist. At least that's my experience.