I am pleased to announce that Jackket Knightmare issue #1 has sold over a hundred issues and has continued to sell consistently each week. At last count I estimated that %60 or more of the issues were bought by non-believers. To me this is very encouraging, because I know that this story will reach the broken hearted and wounded in this world(Psalms 147:3), just as it has touched me.I thank God the most the One who has blessed me with this wonderful story, and the gifts to tell it. Of course thank you to those of you who here who has helped to support this ministry!.Now gotta get back to work on issue #2!beloved in Grace,Souba
That's just awsome that the momentum of your comic is on the rise and there are many non believers reading it! I'll be praying for you as the success of your adventures through self publishing your work will increase in your ministry and God's kingdom. God bless BAP out!!!