Larry Norman passed away on Sunday.

Larry Norman passed away on Sunday at the age of 60.

It isn't that I was a huge fan of Larry Norman in particular. I don't want to give that impression. And, I'm not going to rush out and become a huge fan now, to become something I wasn't before.

But, I do believe that without Larry Norman, most of what we know of as contemporary Christian music would not exist, or, at the very least, not exist in the way we know it.

See, I'm not a Larry Norman fan, but I am a fan of many artists that were fans of his. Fans that were inspired by him to become musicians in their own right. Directly, I know that Keith Green and Randy Stonehill, favorites of mine, were very inspired by Larry Norman. I know, also, that artists like Geoff Moore, Audio Adrenaline, and DC Talk were all influenced by him.

I can understand the progression, and respect the line. I wasn't a fan, no, but I know Larry Norman's place in history. My favorites are my favorites because Larry went there first.

For that alone, I am grateful for what he did on this earth. Now, Larry has gone on to his eternal reward with the Lord. Luckily, the footprints he left can still be seen.

You can see his final thoughts to his fan on his website,

Goodbye, Larry, and thank you.

Type at you later, folks.
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  • i was a border line fan due to the song I wish we'd all been ready which was part of a movie called a thief in the night which after seeing i got saved that night and the song for close to 30 years runs in my head once in awhile

    Ive seen randy stonehill and don francisco and randy matthews three of the other founders of contemporary gospel music the only one left for me wanting to see was larry norman and hes never been to fla but i kept hoping someday. don francisco had never been to fla in concert as far as i know until a year or so ago but i got to see him

    Goodbye larry cant wait too meet you on the other side
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