Baby steps.

I have to admit, I'm very pleased with what this blog has been doing for me.

For me?

Yeah. I mean, I think it is great that I have some regular readers, and I'm really glad that you are enjoying it. In all honesty, that is secondary.

A while back, I got into the habit of not following through. It was a bad time in my life, and I let things slide. One day, I woke up and realized that the scales of "unfinished" and "accomplished" were horribly off balance toward the "unfinished" side. Life had knocked me down, and I stayed down.

I tried to return to my previous ways, but was completely out of practice. Granted, I was aiming too high right out of the gate, taking on huge projects in hopes that the mere scale might force me to move forward.

Yeah... didn't work.

So, toward the end of last year, I started thinking about how I could change my ways, to re-embrace my accomplishing (is that a word?!?) ways.

Everything was baby steps, and none too steady at that. After a stuttering and sputtering start, I started to feel like I was getting my footing. There was much prayer in this, so don't think it was just me pulling myself up by my bootstraps.

By December, I felt it was time to start thinking about a bigger step. I decided to create the Christmas card that I had thought about making a year earlier. When I finished it (even managed to do it before Christmas), I wanted to do something bigger.

I guess that's the result of actually doing things... wanting to do more.

I had, at that point, been woefully neglectful of my blog. I decided that would be another good place to start, especially with the coming new year.

Then, the idea of including a daily sketch came into my head. It would force me to draw at least a little each day. I decided to include that.

Here we are, a little over a month later, and I'm still chugging along. Some days have been harder than others, but each day I finish at least the blog, I feel I've done something. Plus, again, I've been adding things. Steps toward a healthier life have already started and a renewed passion for getting my webcomic off the ground are just a couple of the new things I'm doing.

I'm not finished... not by a long shot. As a matter of fact, there is a huge, massive thing that I want to do beyond all of these other things that is still waiting in the wings for me. I'm not ready for it just yet... but I'm so much closer than I have been in years. The time will come. To everything there is a season, after all.

For the moment, I'm happy to thank God for how far He has brought me in such a short time, and I ask for prayers that I will continue to be faithful.

I'll type at you later.

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