Five Amphibian Related Phrases That I Enjoy
Phrase the First - I'm feeling as fine as frog's hair!
I don't even know why I like this phrase. Of course, the idea is that fine is being used in two ways here - the feeling and the idea of being thin and delicate. Frogs, just in case you were wondering, do NOT have hair (hey, I'm sure someone out there doesn't know), so the idea is that their hair would be as fine as you could get, and, thus, you couldn't feel any better.
Phrase the Second - You can't tell by looking at a frog how high he will jump.
A variation on "You can't judge a book by it's cover," I always liked the undertone that there is a possibility of greatness in a less than obvious package. Plus, everytime I say it in my head, I picture Mark Twain saying it, even though it doesn't really have anything to do with The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.
Phrase the Third - Therein squats the toad!
I love this expression, but no one ever uses it, and I got sick and tired of explaining it. I use another phrase (Ay, there's the rub from Hamlet) a lot, and it means the essentially the same thing, which is, "that's the problem." If everyone could do me a favor and start using this phrase again, I would really appreciate it. (By the way, this is the one that inspired the list!)
Phrase the Fourth - Leap if you feel froggy.
Phrase the Fifth - Fully Rely On God (F.R.O.G.)
Okay, so this one doesn't technically use an amphibian in the phrase itself, but I've liked this acronym from the first time I ever heard it. Plus, we used to have a shower curtain that had various frogs on it, and one looked like he was praying, so I was always reminded of it. A nice, strong image to remind me of a lesson I need to make sure I'm using in my life.
Alright, that's it for now. Type at you later!
"Taste like chicken!"