I am so thankful and excited to have finally finished Jackket! It's been a three year labor of love and sometimes hate, lol.
Once God told me 2006 to finish Jackket I took up the job not knowing how to put an American comic together, but by his grace God has provide the people and the skills I've needed to finish it. It hasn't been easy and there have been so many times where I said to God that I couldn't do it and that he had picked the wrong person, but I continued because He wanted me to do this. So after completing page 16 I can now officially get started on issue two, lol! :-P
I'll keep you guys updated on the final details for ordering the issue and I pray that as you sit at home and read the finished product, that you will be touched and blessed as much as I have been.
Beloved in Grace,
Beloved in Grace,
I haven't even read the story yet and I already feel BLESSED! ( that sounds corny but it's true )