Jackket Knightmare is Done! *finally*

As of yesterday the 20th of January Jackket's final page was completed. *does happy dance*

I am so thankful and excited to have finally finished Jackket! It's been a three year labor of love and sometimes hate, lol.

Once God told me 2006 to finish Jackket I took up the job not knowing how to put an American comic together, but by his grace God has provide the people and the skills I've needed to finish it. It hasn't been easy and there have been so many times where I said to God that I couldn't do it and that he had picked the wrong person, but I continued because He wanted me to do this. So after completing page 16 I can now officially get started on issue two, lol! :-P

I'll keep you guys updated on the final details for ordering the issue and I pray that as you sit at home and read the finished product, that you will be touched and blessed as much as I have been.
Beloved in Grace,

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  • Is this your first actual comic that is going to be bought and sold? If so you will soon no longer be an amatuer comic book artist but a PROFESSIONAL comic book artist. YAY! Congratulations!
  • Amen guys! That is the real blessing. I find that most of the time when I don't even try I wind up encouraging others. ^^ Ah yes God is good!
    Beloved in Grace,
  • Hey Souba, sometimes we need to get in the trenches to learn things that we couldn't have learned otherwise; you understand that faith and persistence is needed when you feel like giving up, and you understand how much grace God gives when you need it the most. His timing is often not ours, and I'm sure you've learned so much in the process. I can't wait to get a copy!! I've been praying for you and your work. I'm sure it will bless many people--GOD IS SO GOOD!! :)
  • Awesome! Reading how you struggled for 3 years is pretty inspiring for me. Many times I feel way in over my head too. But YOUR done with #1! Hopefully theres a light at the end of the tunnel for me too. Thanks for being faithful. It makes me want to be too!
    I haven't even read the story yet and I already feel BLESSED! ( that sounds corny but it's true )
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