Hello to everyone here at CCAS

I am a newbie here, only my second day. I uploaded some of my design work. I have never really worked doing comic styled art as you will see from what I have posted. I tend to be all over the place as an artist and have never really taken the time to develop a specific style. This is something that I hope to change as time goes on. Like I said in my profile, I am a huge Fantasy Art fan and this is the style of artwork that I am currently working towards learning. What do I mean by that, well its like this. Its really not so much a subject matter issue but an artistic style I guess. I cant really put my finger on what I am trying to explain. Sorry. I guess once I get going I can post some samples of what I am talking about. Maybe its the painterly look that I am thinking about, not sure. Oh well, dont want to ramble.About five years ago I started writing a story that I thought would make a cool comic. I ran the story by a hand full of people, some young, some older, some huge comics fans other not at all and I received huge positive feedback on the work. But as life does sometimes, things get in the way and I went in a totally different direction. See this link for what I am talking about. This is what I have been doing for the last four years. You can go here and see some of my photo work., I have refocused a bit and am trying to work toward this comic goal again.I have a question for you writers out there. How do you get people you dont know to read your work and provide feedback without worring that someone will steal your idea? Do you use some sort of agreement that they wont discuss the work? I have worked very hard on this and I think it may be a pretty amazing thing to produce, so thats one of my worries. Any advice would be great.Then again maybe I am way off base and this is just a pipe dream. This is one reason to share it with others to get a good sense of where its at or if its marketable or to similar to whats already out there, which is possible.Okay, thats enough for now.ThanksLance
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