Area(s) of Interest or Expertise:
Authoring graphic novel basedon a book i am writing about prophecy. Seeking an artist.
My Testimony: (We encourage members to share briefly about how their faith in Christ has impacted their lives.)
I grew up reading christian comic books... all free reads while waiting for my mom to close up the christian bookstore. Fast forward many years to a crooked road that i had swerved off of and into a ditch... that's when God let me go to the brink and pulled me back. Lots of miraculous interventions to put me back on the straight path.
Then one day, in a day, overnite, i received some kind of holy spirit gifting of creativity that i never really had before. Now, seven years later i see why. About a year ago i wandered sideways into Matthew 24, which led into a six month full time research project into bible prophecy. Now i know what you're saying about now, "sure, sure!". Now i'm not claiming its the 200 books i read, or the thousands of web sites i referenced, or the thousands of hours of research, or the thousands and thousands of pages of research notes, or the twenty by 7 foot wall chart that is any evidence of being right, but i believe this writing project is the one thing God put me here to do. I will say though, that there are at least 4 major breakthrough revelations that i discov er ed...all of which i have never heard of before, and all of which are clearly and plainly in the scriptures, and all of which will radically transform any christians understanding of coming prophecy. So, no, this is not your fathers left behind story.
Even now, as i anticipate finishing this book this winter, i keep hearing that little voice between my ears, better known as a jesus email, telling me to also author a grapic novel. This leads me here to seek out an artist.
Dream Job: (If you could have your dream job in the comics industry, what would it be?)
Authoring. Seeking artist. See above for description of mission. In writing the prophecy book i reference, it occurs to me that this story i'm telling will almost make more sense to a non christian teen who has grown up watching movies like promethus, x men, watchmen, thor, etc.. than it will to a 60 year old prophecy buff who grew up on late great planet earth. Further, however transformatively powerful my book may be, many christians are as powerfully under the spell of the predominant prophecy theory being preached as non christians are under the spell of satan's "world", therefore, i think the best hope for christianity in that future prophetic world will be today's young christians. I've talked with 12 year olds who can moee clearly see thru the layers of deception than most older christians who are "in the matrix". These young souls may be the only ones with the vision, clarity, and strength to wage the coming fight. This is where comics are the most powerful.
Favorite Comic Creators:
Too much a newbie to know, but have always appreciated clean clear lines where the graphics don't obscure the story. More minimalistic. Compact.
Welcome to CCAS! Looking forward to seeing some of your work!