Did Eve have a sexual relation with Satan
resulting in Cain and the Serpent's Seed line?
Gospel of Philip
First adultery came into being
afterward murder
Cain was begotten in adultery
for he was the child of the serpent
So he became a murderer
just like his father
and he killed his brother
As we begin this thought provoking study
we must first understand the "tree"
and what it can be symbolic of
Who was the "tree"
in the dream Daniel interpreted
for King Neb-u-chad-nez'zar
Dan 4
my king, you are the "tree"
What does God liken his people to
Isa 61:3
...that they might be called
"trees" of righteousness
Jesus also used parables
of good trees and bad trees
as people who bear good or bad fruit
When Christ returns...
What are the blessed to look forward to
Rev 22:14
Blessed are they that do his commandments,
that they may have right to the "tree of life"
So we must "partake" of this tree of life
if we are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven
I now submit,
that it is Christ himself
who is this "tree of life"
John 10:9
I am the door,
if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, I am the way
Yes, my friends
The "tree of life" gives eternal life
Gen 3:22
...lest he (Adam) put forth his hand
and take also of the "tree of life"
and eat, and live forever
Jesus Christ is therefore the "tree of life"
and just a few of the fruits thereof are
love, mercy, forgiveness ect...
I now submit
that the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil
which indeed is the "tree of spiritual death"
is none other than Satan himself
and just a few of the fruits thereof are
adultery, murder, fornication ect...
Yes, my friends
Satan has the power of spiritual death
Heb 2:14
...he (Christ) might destroy him
that had the power of death,
that is the devil;
As Satan has this power
so also does his tree
Gen 2:17
for in the day thou eatest thereof
thou shalt surely die
Above we spoke of Cain
being the child of the serpent-
Who is this serpent?
Rev 12:9
And the great dragon was cast out,
that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan,
Satan is described as a snake
because it is his very nature
Gen 3:1
Now the serpent...said to the woman (Eve)
Has God indeed said, ye shalt not eat of every tree
and the rest is history...
as we know that Eve did indeed partake of Satan's tree
and the fruit thereof of adultery/fornication
She then proceeded to Adam to share her sexual experience
and he as well ate from the sickness she was now carrying
Please take note,
that they did not put fig leafs over their mouths;
but over their "private parts" after their eyes were opened
We know that God cursed the serpent
and put enmity between him (Satan) and the woman
and between his (Satan's) seed and the woman's seed
The word "seed" is 2233 strong's dictionary which means
sowing, seed, semen, offspring, descendants, posterity, children
God also multiplied Eve's sorrow and conception in childbirth
which is another indication that her sin was of a sexual nature
Eve not only had a sexual relation with Satan and conceived
she shortly thereafter also had a sexual relation with Adam
which resulted in Fraternal Twins and two distinct "seed lines"
Super fecundation
The fertilization of two or more ova from the same cycle
by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse
The term is also sometimes used
to refer of instances of two different males
fathering fraternal twins
Able was conceived by Adam and Eve
Cain was conceived by Eve and Satan
1John 3:12
Not as Cain who was of the wicked one...
Listen to these revealing words of Christ
which he spoke to some of the people around him
John 8:44
Ye, are of your father, the devil...
Satan knew
that the Messiah would come through the lineage of Eve
This was his first attempt
to destroy the pure seed line that Christ was to come through
It is also interesting to note:
Cain is not mentioned in Adam's genealogy
Gen 5:1-7, Luke 3:38
Well what do you think?
Was it through a sexual union...
that Cain and Satan's seed line came to be?
Are you a "Wheat" or a "Tare"
William Wilbur
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and they will definetly make you think