William Wilbur's Posts (23)

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I KNOW WHERE GOD CAME FROMWhen I was very young,I was one day asked, whether I believedin evolution or that God made meI answered, why can we not believe in both?I was quickly told that it has to be one or the other.Keep this thought in mind, as you proceedto read and ponder an amazingly shocking possibilityTo begin this eye-opening experience-Let’s say that you are the owner of a vicious dogYou know this dog is very vicious and that you musttake great care to always monitor and control itStill, it came to pass that one day,the dog got out and attacked and killed a small childAre you not,as the owner and the one who was in control of the dogresponsible for tragedy that has taken place?You bet you are,and criminal charges would soon be pendingNow, follow me along on thisSometime back there was a great tsunami on Christmas daythat killed over 217,000 peopleNow if there is a God who was in control of all thingsand who had the power to keep this kind of disaster from happening-Yet, he chose not to do so, for whatever reasoning…Would he not be morally responsiblefor the destruction and loss of life that resulted?The only way he would not be responsible and accountable,would be if he was not responsible for it happening in the first placenor did he have the power necessary to stop it from happeningWell maybe… just maybe…. God wasn’t even there…. to do eitherFour Radical Propositions1 What if…God did not create this world or the universe2 What if…In order for God to exist , to be real...God had to have a beginning3 What if…God evolved ...Where did God evolve from or have his beginning?First, we need a world in evidence ..a world of intelligent species-There is only one that we know of…how about OURS!!God had a beginning … God began here in this world as a Human (humanity)and Charles Darwin was indeed right about evolution prior to GodIf humanity has been around…lets say 50-60 thousands years-how long would it take for a being to evolve into God?...millions or maybe billions of years.... you bet!!So how can this be ....if man has only been here for thousands of years?4th Radical Proposition4 What if…God evolved from humanityand came back in time to save the world on which he evolvedLet's ponder this for a momentWho came first God or Man? (most if not all, would say God)Are we really comfortable with that answer??Let’s look at and ponder… a different viewMan is in the world as God once wasGod is in the world as Man may becomeOr maybe…God who is our futurecame from humans who are his pastNow, let’s ponder some deeper thingsIf the God of perfect love,actually evolved from the human race…Would he ever have, anything to do with, or any part in,the destruction and death of another human being?Any book of Scripture that commands, justifies, or excusesone person killing another person in the name of religion,or country, or justice-such a book does not come from God, it is written purely by menAny book of Scripture that presents Godas an angry god, a wrathful god, a vengeful god, a jealous god;that book was not authored by your Heavenly Father-it came strictly from menAny book of Scripture that demeans and humiliates women;that puts forth the idea that women are nothing but theserving vessels of men-such a book does not come from GodIt was written by men for menAny book of Scripture that promotes the doctrine, the beliefin hell fire and brimstone and final judgment;does not come from God-it comes from menWisdom 12:15-17Thus would such men as these fashion God like unto themselves,that he might not rise above their own image and likeness,being small and filled with pettinessThat even as they are filled with anger,so then is the god of their understanding made angry also;as they are filled with hate and loathing,so have they fashioned god;as they are made subject unto wrath and vengeance,so have they made subject unto like passionsthe god of their own understandingWhy then will you be made to fear such a god as this,who by vain passions is made no greater than the least of you?Will you love him for the sake of fear only?Furthermore;Your Heavenly Fatherhas never commanded any man to kill another personWisdom 22:24For at no time have I commanded that one man should slay another-for this is an abomination unto meWisdom 12:55-57Guard yourselves therefore,against the righteousness of churchgoers;for by word and deed would they hope to make yousubject unto certain men of authority,that they might hedge up the way against you,that you might be encompassed round aboutwith doctrines and creeds of menWatch, therefore and beware:For in the beginning did the teachers and preachersof the church seize the keys of deep knowledgeand with great cunning did they hide thembeneath the robes of their authority,securing them against you for the sake of their traditionsI tell you truly, they shall not enter into the kingdom of God,neither would they permit that you should enter eitherLet's now, take a look at what Yahushuah himselfsaid about the doctrine of "blood atonement"which we have been taught all of our livesWisdom 14:53,54For such exaltation as God would givecomes not by reason of my death upon the cross,but it is my word which gives eternal life,for the words which I speak are spirit, and they are lifeWhat shall it profit a manif he believe in my death and burial,or if he take delight in my resurrectionbut does not the things that I say?For I have left unto all who will,an example that they should follow in my steps,that they might become even as the Only Begotten of the FatherWisdom 12:24-27By such contrivancewould the teachers and preachers of religionseparate you from the love of God;that being made fearful,they might hedge up the way against youlest you should by some meansfind again the Father and liveThus would they make Christ unlike the natural man,being perfect; that by his deathall people might stand condemned before the cross,being made worthy of all reproachWhosoever has ears to hear, let them hear;for I tell you truly that the love of God manifest itselfnot in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christas these men would have you suppose,but rather in those thingswhich Yeshua desired to teach unto the children of menThat by the exercise of a goodly faith unto good works,they might draw nigh again unto the Father of their soul,being made holy even as he is holyWhat about the doctrine of the Virgin birth?Wisdom 12:3-7Consider how the teachers and preachers of religionhave desired to remove you from the Father of your soul,for fear that you should take to yourself some knowledge of himFor they and their fathers before themhave established a multitude of doctrines and creedswhich have become as a wall to separate you from God;that no one should by any means approach nigh unto Godexcept that they first go to the builders of the wallThus would they have you believe that this onewhom they call Christ should be brought forth of a virgin,being conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit;that he, being unlike the natural man, might be made free from sinThus, by such a birth would they make Christa stranger unto the children of men;for they desired to hedge up the way, round about,against even all who would come to a knowledge of GodFor by reason of your natural birthhave they proclaimed through a million preachersthat all people are filled with evil and corruption continually,having been made partakers of Adam's transgressionWisdom 12:28,49For even God your Fathercame forth to dwell upon the earth,even as a man having flesh and bone like unto yourselves,being born unto life even as you were bornFor your God is not without understandingconcerning the frailties of man,for even so great a one as hethought it not unseemly to become as one of youwhen he came as Yeshua to walk upon the earthWisdom 12:28-34Come now and hear again this parable:For it so happened that on a certain day,Yeshua of Nazareth went walking by the sea,and in the heat of the dayhe rested himself beneath the palmsNow there came unto him this Jesus Christ of the Christianswearing garments made red with blood,and he desired to contend with Yeshua,seeing that he was aloneAnd sitting himself down,Jesus Christ and Yeshuaspoke unto one another all that dayAnd in the evening tide,when the wind caressed the waters of the seaand the birds of the air made ready their nests,Yeshua rose from his place and speaking unto Christ, said:"My friend, I fear that you and I shall never agree"And Yeshua turned himself again unto the children of his soul,being made joyful that he should walk among themBut Christ, rising from his place, turned himself againunto the doctrines and creeds of the faithful;muttering to himself always concerning the works and deedsof saints and martyrs, popes and preachersHear now this great mystery and ponder:For this Yeshua of Nazarethwhom these men would call Christ,even he is the Father of your soul,being Emmanuel unto the children of menWhy, therefore, would you let such teachingsas these men would afford,separate you from the Father who loves you?Or, why will you not believe?
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Pondering the validity of the Serpent's Seed line


Did Eve have a sexual relation with Satan
resulting in Cain and the Serpent's Seed line?

Gospel of Philip

First adultery came into being
afterward murder

Cain was begotten in adultery
for he was the child of the serpent

So he became a murderer
just like his father
and he killed his brother

As we begin this thought provoking study
we must first understand the "tree"
and what it can be symbolic of

Who was the "tree"
in the dream Daniel interpreted
for King Neb-u-chad-nez'zar

Dan 4
my king, you are the "tree"

What does God liken his people to

Isa 61:3
...that they might be called
"trees" of righteousness

Jesus also used parables
of good trees and bad trees
as people who bear good or bad fruit

When Christ returns...
What are the blessed to look forward to

Rev 22:14
Blessed are they that do his commandments,
that they may have right to the "tree of life"

So we must "partake" of this tree of life
if we are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven

I now submit,
that it is Christ himself
who is this "tree of life"

John 10:9
I am the door,
if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, I am the way

Yes, my friends
The "tree of life" gives eternal life

Gen 3:22
...lest he (Adam) put forth his hand
and take also of the "tree of life"
and eat, and live forever

Jesus Christ is therefore the "tree of life"
and just a few of the fruits thereof are
love, mercy, forgiveness ect...

I now submit
that the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil
which indeed is the "tree of spiritual death"

is none other than Satan himself

and just a few of the fruits thereof are
adultery, murder, fornication ect...

Yes, my friends
Satan has the power of spiritual death

Heb 2:14
...he (Christ) might destroy him
that had the power of death,
that is the devil;

As Satan has this power
so also does his tree

Gen 2:17
for in the day thou eatest thereof
thou shalt surely die

Above we spoke of Cain
being the child of the serpent-


Who is this serpent?


Rev 12:9
And the great dragon was cast out,
that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan,

Satan is described as a snake
because it is his very nature


Gen 3:1
Now the serpent...said to the woman (Eve)
Has God indeed said, ye shalt not eat of every tree

and the rest is history...

as we know that Eve did indeed partake of Satan's tree
and the fruit thereof of adultery/fornication


She then proceeded to Adam to share her sexual experience
and he as well ate from the sickness she was now carrying

Please take note,
that they did not put fig leafs over their mouths;
but over their "private parts" after their eyes were opened

We know that God cursed the serpent
and put enmity between him (Satan) and the woman
and between his (Satan's) seed and the woman's seed

The word "seed" is 2233 strong's dictionary which means
sowing, seed, semen, offspring, descendants, posterity, children

God also multiplied Eve's sorrow and conception in childbirth
which is another indication that her sin was of a sexual nature

Eve not only had a sexual relation with Satan and conceived
she shortly thereafter also had a sexual relation with Adam
which resulted in Fraternal Twins and two distinct "seed lines"

Super fecundation

The fertilization of two or more ova from the same cycle
by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse

The term is also sometimes used
to refer of instances of two different males
fathering fraternal twins

Able was conceived by Adam and Eve
Cain was conceived by Eve and Satan

1John 3:12
Not as Cain who was of the wicked one...

Listen to these revealing words of Christ
which he spoke to some of the people around him

John 8:44
Ye, are of your father, the devil...

Satan knew
that the Messiah would come through the lineage of Eve

This was his first attempt
to destroy the pure seed line that Christ was to come through

It is also interesting to note:

Cain is not mentioned in Adam's genealogy
Gen 5:1-7, Luke 3:38

Well what do you think?

Was it through a sexual union...
that Cain and Satan's seed line came to be?

Are you a "Wheat" or a "Tare"

William Wilbur

The first link below is to my site

with many eye-opening writings

The link below will take you to my blogs

and they will definetly make you think

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Our Messiah's blood, trickled thru the earth onto the ark of covenant

which has finally been found buried 20 feet below
the spot where Yahushuah was impaled upon a stake this so...?

The blood of the animal sacrifices
had to be sprinkled on the Ark to wash away
all the sins of the children of Israel for one year

The blood of the Messiah had to also be sprinkled
on the Ark to wash away ALL sin for ALL times

DNA can be taken from dried dead blood
but not chromosone counts....

But not surprising at all-
The Messiah's blood was indeed still alive!!!!

Upon testing this blood-

It was found that unlike the 46 chromosones
we have because of having two parents...

This sample had only 23 from Miriam
and 1 from the Father. ...totaling 24!!!!

This is Elohims final witness and Testimony
that he did indeed send his Son to Save the WORLD

Also this is the same spot Abraham offered his son
and the same spot of Jacobs ladder

It is the gateway to heaven
and just as the Messiah is the only way
his BLOOD is upon the ARK at this very location

Watch the following video-
it will send shivers down your spine

http: / / www. youtube. com/ v/ bYIwjYN4JVo& border= 1& color1= 0xb1b1b1& color2= 0xcfcfcf& hl= en_ US& feature= player_ embedded&fs=1">
if you enjoyed this... come visit my site at:
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Jesus responds at the Court of Salvation

Jesus responds at the Court of SalvationTHE ROOM WAS SILENT AS SATAN STOOD UPHeavenly Father;It's really quite simple...Just as the majorityof those who incorrectly claimthe precious blood of your SonThis defendant...has never ever had the Correct Faithin the three that testify in the earthhas never been Reborn of the WATERis still carrying their sinsAs such...The defendant belongs to meOh yes, I will admitthat the defendant appeared to domany great things in your nameand that this defendant even attemptedto put their daily sins upon the sacrificeBut Most Heavenly FatherYou can plainly see...This effort...was nothing more-than attempting to put the sins on the sacrificeAFTER it had already been killedThis action would never be accepted by youin the priestly sacrificial systemand likewise can not be accepted nowOnly the Correct Faithin the WATER aspect of Salvationcan properly put the Sins on the SacrificeBEFORE it was killedI rest my caseJesus, the living Son of God stands upand slowly approaches the benchFather…The Accuser could not have a stronger caseEverything that he has saidis absolutely true as statedThese truths were also presentedin a most appropriate order and mannerHowever...As devastating as this testimony surely isThere is one extenuating circumstancethat the prosecution has over-lookedand failed to addressSomething of utmost importancewhich is essential to this caseand must be addressedFatherDid you not commission meto be the Saviour of the entire world?though contrary to the popular belief...that I would fail you in this very important matterand that I would not be the Saviour of the entire world?Well, I am indeed the Saviour of the entire Worldand as such, I submit the following mitigating factsAs foreshadowed in the Sacrificial System…The sins of Israel were placed on the Sacrificeby the hands of a Priest in the lineage of Aaronbefore it would be sacrificed in full paymentLikewise…Did I not also receive all the Sins of the Worldwhen I received my Baptism at the hands of Johnthe last Levite Priest in the line of Aaron?Did not the Holy Spirit descend from you Fatherin the form of a dove which rested upon me-revealing my Royalty as being your only begotten Son?And did I not then proceed to the crossand complete with the shedding of my precious bloodthe full payment of all sin for the entire world?As such...legally being the Saviour of the entire worldIt is at my discretion and mine alonewho will be the recipients of SalvationTherefore…As Saviour of the entire worldit is my decision that this defendantas well as all of thosewho failed to have the Correct Faithin the three that testified in the earth-The Blue Purple Scarlet…Water Spirit Bloodwill make payment for their own sins in the Lake of Fire-wherein they will have their Carnal Natures burned awayby the Spiritual Consuming Fire of GodAnd this fire will not be quencheduntil such time as all the undesirable traits are consumed-resulting in themfalling to their knees and confessing meas their Lord and SaviourSome will receive few lashes (so to speak)and some will receive many (so to speak)but they will not come OUTuntil they’ve paid the uttermost farthlingAnd I...The Saviour of ALL menspecially of those that believe (1tim 4:10)REST MY CASEBREAKING NEWS...THIS JUST INMANY People... who BELIEVED in Jesus DIE IN THEIR SINSMatt 7:22MANY will say to me in that day,Lord, Lord, have WE (BELIEVERS)not prophesied in thy name?and in thy name have cast out devils?and in thy name done many wonderful works?Being BORN of the WATER has nothing to do with child birthyou do agree...that if the priest in the Sacrificial Systemdidn't do step A ...putting the sins on the Sacrificebefore it was killed-then the death of the sacrificewould be meaningless anddidn't cover any sinsokay...lets say this same priestseeing the error of his waysdecided to go put the sins on the sacrificeAFTER it was already deadWould that be acceptable....??NO WAY!!The sins had to be on the Sacrifice before it was killed!!!Now isn't that exactly what Christians try to do...They pray dailyto put their sins on Yahushuah (Jesus)AFTER his deathNot realizing that it is too late!!They have to have the Correct Faithin the WATER aspect of Salvation-which by Correct Faithputs their sins on Yahushuah (Jesus)BEFORE HE WAS KILLEDHas the Sacrifice been killed without your sins upon itHas Yahushuah (Jesus) paid for ALL or NONE of your sinsWe must remember there are THREEthat testify in the earthSomething to ponder...The WATER...BLUEHe took ..ALL.. Sin for ..ALL.. time there at HIS Baptism(how many really believe that...??)The SPIRIT...PURPLEThe Dove came down and rested upon himwitnessing indeed this is the Royal Son of ElohimThe BLOOD...SCARLETOnly after the Sin of the entire WORLD was passed on to himby the only one that could do so(John the last high the lineage of Aaron)As Jesus said:Of ..ALL.. men born of women...there is NONE greater than John...who prepared the wayfor our Saviour to be the acceptable Sacrificecarrying the Sin of the entire worldI hope you will readMost Christians will die in their sinsand see how Elohim himself designed the Tabernaclewith layers of Blue Purple Scarletto match the Gospel of Water Spirit BloodI submit that the majority of Christians live in the Scarlet layerJUST BELIEVING IN THE BLOODThey will be savedbut they will not stand before him with the correct faithTHEY ARE THE ""CALLED"Those by correct faith that find their way to the last layerof blue purple scarlet...water spirit bloodwill stand before him without sinBECAUSE THEY DID INDEED BELIEVETHE WATER ASPECT OF SALVATIONTHEY ARE THE "CHOSEN"  
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YOUR GOD ... or ... MY GOD ... YOU DECIDEARE YOU TOO...WORSHIPING A GOD OF FAILURE...A GodWho always has to go from plan A to plan BA GodWho is running a "disaster control operation" from heavenA GodWho supposedly created creaturesHE CANNOT CONTROLCreatures that will wreck His original planThe foolish and unscriptural teachingis that God created a PERFECT archangelwho then SINNED AND REBELLED AGAINST GodBut ... BUT,here is the evil in this teaching:God did not INTEND,neither did He KNOWthat this was ever going to happen!!!Then, supposedly,God created PERFECT MANand put him in the garden of Eden,and never INTENDED for him to sin or rebel,nor did He KNOW it was going to happen!!FOILED AGAIN!!Then God sent His Son Jesus Christ to BE:"The SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD" (1John 4:15)And now we are taught by most Christiansthat JESUS CHRIST FAILED!!!He wanted to save the world,He tried to save the world,It was, in fact, His VERY WILLthat all mankind be saved (1Tim 2:4 & 4:10),but He COULDN'T DO ITMan's phantom "FREE WILL"proved to be FAR TO POWERFULFOR THE SON OF GOD TO OVERCOME...FOILED AGAIN!!!How many timesmust your God FAILbefore you find ANOTHER GOD?WAKE UP PEOPLE....God created EVIL, not Satanor any other supposed power greater than God (Isa 45:7)God uses evil for goodGOD planted the treeof the knowledge of good AND evil in the gardenIf man wanted to know "good"he had to partake of the tree of EVIL as wellBOTH WERE IN THE SAME TREE, IN THE SAME FRUIT!!!Both good and evil experiencesare necessary in the building ofGodly Character,and so God provides bothGod knew what He was doing,He knows what He is doing,He will continue doingexactly what He planned FROM THE BEGINNING!!!God is not...operating a "disaster control center"from his throne of the universeHe is not trying to "pick up the pieces"of a totally unexpected tragedythat he never saw comingHe is not trying to "figure out" a wayto somehow to get things backto being as good as they once wereHe is nottrying to "figure out"a way to out smart Satan-and he is not "falling behind" numericallyas far as how many will be savedand how many will be lostGod has a plan,and he is working out that planto perfection on a perfect scheduleGod has a "will" and he has his "intention"There are times,when we will go against his willaccorded with his divine plan-but we will never ever go against his intention-which is his intended FINAL RESULTContrary to popular belief;God's "WILL" was that man would sinand indeed be lost for a period of timebut his "INTENTION" is for ..ALL.. to be saved,and come to a knowledge of the truth-thus becoming Sons and Daughters of the Most HighIt was God-who planted the treeof the knowledge of good and evil-not SatanIt was God who put Satan there to do the temptingIt was God who made Adam and Eve Spiritually weakso that they would indeed partake of the tree according to planRom 8:20-22For the creature was made subject to vanity not willinglybut by reason of him (God) who hath subjected the same in hope;because the creature itself also shall be deliveredfrom the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertyof the children of GodFor we knowthat the whole creation groans and travails in pain until nowVanity-empty, vain, profitless, depravity (wickedness)Bondage-slavery, subjectionCorruption-spoil, ruin, deprave defile decay, destroy, perishGroan-moan, calamity murmur grief anguishTravail-pangs, pain, travail as in birth,Pain-anguish, starvingGod himself...subjected the whole creation to vanityand it is God himself who will deliverthe whole world from the bondageof corruption, pain, and sufferingThe Lamb of Godwas "slain from the FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD"The Salvation of Adam and Eve and the entire worldwas prepared way before they were ever even createdWhy do you suppose there was but one treecontaining both qualities of good and evil?Because you can't separate good from evilYou can't appreciate good-if you have never experienced evilYou can't appreciate light-if you have never experienced darknessYou can't appreciate eatingif you have never been hungryYou can't become a Son or Daughter of Godwithout knowing good and evilThe Father commissioned Yahushuah (Jesus)to be the Saviour of the worldWill he fail the Father, and not save the entire world?Read my writing:Have you been tested for Spiritual Color Blindness(Most Christians will die in their sins)You will then understand why Yahushuah (Jesus)said "few there be" that will find the narrow wayand stand before him without sinThe majority...will have "THEIR PART" in the Lake of fireand as was insinuated,some will receive few lashes (so to speak)and some will receive many-but you will not come out (but you come out!!)until you've paid the uttermost farthlingHow can anyone be a minister of the gospeland doubt the God of Perfect Lovesaving ALL of His children?2Peter 3:9The Lord is...not willing that ANY should perishRom 11:32For God hath concluded them... ALL ... in UNBELIEF,that he might have mercy upon ALL1Tim 4:10because we trust in the living GOD,who is the SAVIOUR of ALL men,specially (but not only) of those that believe1Tim 2:4Who will have ALL men to be SAVEDand to come unto the knowledge of the truthLuke 3:6And ALL flesh shall see the salvation of GodJohn 12:32And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,will draw ALL men unto me1John 4:14And we have seen and do testifythat the Father sent the Sonto be SAVIOUR of the WORLD2Cor 5:19To wit, that GOD was in CHRIST,reconciling the WORLD unto himself,not imputing their trespasses unto them;and hath committed unto usthe word of reconciliationJohn 1:29Behold the Lamb of God,which taketh away the sin of the WORLDGod sent Yahushuah (Jesus) be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDRom 5:19For by one man's disobedienceMANY WERE MADE SINNERS (MANY means ALL)so by the obedience of oneSHALL MANY BE MADE RIGHTEOUS (MANY means ALL)DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THE BIBLEDo you really,I mean REALLY BELIEVEthe first half of 1Cor 15:22"FOR AS IN ADAM...ALL...DIE?" (ALL OR MANY?)Do you really,I mean REALLY BELIEVE the last half,"EVEN SO IN CHRIST SHALL..ALL.. BE MADE ALIVE?" (ALL or MANY?)Do you believe that Yahushuah (Jesus)only "wants or wishes" to save the world?Do you BELIEVE"our Saviour, God, who wants and wishesfor all mankind be saved and comeinto a knowledge of the truth"is a proper translation of 1Tim 2:4?Do you believe"Who WILLSthat ALL MANKIND BE SAVED"is also the proper translation?Do you BELIEVE Isa 46:11?"I have spoken it(as in He has spoken it in 1Tim 2:4 for example)I WILL ALSO BRING IT TO PASS:I have PURPOSED it,I WILL ALSO DO IT"Isa 46:9-10"I AM GOD, and there is none like meDeclaring the end from the beginning,and from ancient timesthe things that are not yet done,saying,My COUNSEL SHALL STAND,and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE”YOU CANNOT BELIEVE BOTH;that God "WILLS" to save ALL mankindand that He WILL perform ALL His "PLEASURE"and will bring about ALL that He has "SPOKEN"and then BELIEVE...that He will NOT save ALL mankindand will NOT accomplish ALL His WILLand will NOT do all His PLEASUREand His COUNSEL will NOT standCan Yahushuah (Jesus)be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDand NOT SAVE the entire WORLD?Will Yahushuah (Jesus)FAIL the Father and NOT SAVE the entire world?Heb 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die,but after this the judgmentIsaiah 26:9for when thy judgments are in the earththe inhabitants of the worldWILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS1Cor 3:15If any man's work shall be burnedhe shall suffer loss but he himselfshall be SAVED yet so as by FIREALL things work together for good-and Yahushuah (Jesus)will SAVE the entire worldThe Prize and "High Calling" of God,is to be in the first resurrectionand be able to stand before him-and not to go through Purification by FireRemember, the Bible proclaims:1Co 12:3and that no man can saythat Yahushuah (Jesus) is the Lord,but BY the Holy GhostIt is this same Holy Spiritwhich seals us unto the day of redemptionEph 4:30And grieve not the holy Spirit of God,Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemptionAnd so shall it be, even with the “unbelievers”when God’s judgments are in the earththe inhabitants will learn righteousnessthey will receive the Holy Spiritand they will bow and confessYahushuah (Jesus) is LordRom 14:11For it is written, (in Isaiah 45:23)AS I LIVE, saith the Lord,(does this sound like "maybe" he really means it?)every knee SHALL bow to me,(do you think “shall” means “maybe” or “possibly”?)and every tongue shall confess to God(do you think “every” means just a few?)Isa 45:22, 23“Look unto me, and be ye SAVED,ALL the ends of the earth;For I am God and there is none elseI have sworn by myself,the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness,and shall not return,(what part of the word “not” do people not understand?)That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swearRom 10:13For whosoever shall callupon the name of the Lord shall be savedAND BELIEVE ME...those who have "their part" in the Lake of Firewill be calling upon the Name of the Lord-They will learn righteousnessThey will bow before himand they will confess him as LordHOW GOOD OF A POTTER IS GOD?Rom 9:20-21"Nay but, O man,Who art thou that replies against GOD?Shall the thing formed (that’s us)say to HIM that formed it, (that’s GOD)Why have YOU made me thus?Rom 9:20-21Has not the Potter (GOD)power over the clay (man),of the same lumpto make one vessel unto honour,and another unto DISHONOUR?"GOD IS THE POTTER AND WE ARE THE POTCould anything be plainer?GOD, the Potter,does not owe an explanation to the potas to WHY He made the pot the way HE desired!!And God desiresto make some pots honorableand some pots DISHONORABLEWhy?Because He is a mean and nasty God?NO!!!because HE has a plan, a purpose,and intentions,to save ALL humanity in the endThat... IS THE "WILL" OF GODIsaiah 26:9for when thy JUDGMENTS are in the earththe inhabitants of the worldwill LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESSThen what about HELL....Things to ponderabout eternal punishmet forever and everADAM AND EVE WERE NEVERWARNED BY GOD OF ENDLESS PUNISHMENT"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereofyou shall SURELY DIE" (Gen 2:17)The wages for eating the forbidden fruitwas "you shall surely die"And:"In the sweat of your face shall you eat bread,till you return unto the ground[not be turned into a terrorists hellholeof endless torture in some pagan hell]:for out of it [the ground] were you taken;for dust you are, and unto dust shall you return" (Gen 3:19)Death began immediatelyNotice a better translation of Gen 2:17:"…to die shall you BE DYING" (Concordant Old Testament)Their life was but a slow deathuntil they returned to the dust of the groundGod said that their judgment for sinningwas to be RETURNED to the groundfrom whence they cameThey didn’t come fromsome terrorists hellhole of torture in fire,so how could they "return" to such a placewhen God plainly statedthat they would "RETURN unto the ground?"They came from the earth and they returned to that earthGod cursed the serpent, and God cursed the ground,but nowhere did God curse Adam and EveGod pointed outthe different judgments against Adam and Eve,such as multiplied childbearing pains, sorrow in gathering foodall the days of his life, thorns, thistles, and sweat,but no mention of punishment in death or after deathIf Adam and Eve were to have a far greater punishment(trillions and trillions of times greater)at death or in death or after death,Why did not God warn them of such an horrible destiny?Why would God tell them one thingand then pull a trick on themand do something totally differentwhen the time came?Listen to what God said to Ezekiel:"When I say unto the wicked, You shall surely die[hey, isn’t that exactly what God did say to Adam?]and you give him not warning, nor speak to warn the wickedfrom his wicked way, to save his life;the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity;but his blood will I require at your hand" (Ezek 3:18)Are we to believe that God held Ezekielto a higher standard of morality than God holds for HIMSELF?God told Ezekiel that He would require Ezekiel’s bloodif he did not warn the wicked so they could be saved from deathDo we then turn around and accuse Godof a lower standard in which God Himselfhas utterly failed to warn the human race of a destinythat is trillions of times worse than mere death?God would hold Ezekiel responsiblefor the death of just one wicked person,whereas God Himself feels no responsibilityfor failing to warn the entire human raceof a fate trillions of times more severe?CAIN WAS NEVER WARNEDBY GOD OF ENDLESS PUNISHMENTNotice very carefully God’s conversation with Cain:"But unto Cain and to his offering He [God] had not respectAnd Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fellAnd the Lord said unto Cain, Why are you wroth?And why is your countenance fallen?If you do well, shall you not be accepted?And if you do not well, SIN lies at the doorAnd unto you shall be his desire,and you shall rule over him" (Gen4:5-7)God warned Cain that if he did not do well,that sin would be at his doorBut did God say"endless torment and punishment would be at his door?" No"And Cain talked with Abel, his brother;and it came to pass, when they were in the field,that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew himAnd the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel your brother?And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?And He said, What have you done?The voice of your brother’s blood cries unto Me from the groundAnd now are you cursed from the earthwhich has opened her mouth to receiveyour brother’s blood from your hand:When you till the ground it shall not henceforthyield unto you her strength; a fugitive and a vagabondshall you be in the earth" (Verses 8-12)Did God threaten Cain with"endless punishmentin some subterranean hellhole of torture in fire?" NoBut notice Cain’s reply?"And Cain said unto the Lord,My punishment is greater than I can bearBehold, you have driven me out this dayfrom the face of the earth, and from Your face shall I be hid;and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth:and it shall come to pass, that every one [any one]that finds me shall slay me" (Verse 13-14)What? My punishment is greater than I can bear?If Cain thought being a fugitive and vagabondand having poor crops was greater than he could bear,what pray tell would he have thoughthad God told him that he would be punishedfor all eternity in some hellish pit of fire?Did God fail to tell Cain about the"endless torture" because He was afraidit would be too much for Cain to psychologically handle?Did God fail to inform Cain of his coming endless punishmentbecause He was afraid it might discourage him,or some other unfathomable fiendish foolishness?Search all we may, we won’t find thispagan doctrine of Christendom in the ScripturesBut hold on there’s moreWe are not finished with this account of Cain yet"And the Lord said unto him,Therefore, whosoever slays Cain,vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfoldAnd the Lord set a mark upon Cain,lest any finding him should kill him" (Verse 15)Let’s all use our brains together on this one:Cain is a murdererIt doesn’t get much worse than thatNot only a murderer, but, a murderer of his OWN BROTHERBut God tells us that if someoneshould find and slay Cain the murderer,then that person would have vengeancetaken on him seven times greater?SEVEN TIMES GREATERthan burning in some fabled hell for all eternity?Seven times greater than that?Are they kidding?Can any human mind conceive of a punishmentseven times GREATER than being tortured in fire for all eternity?Here then would be the orthodox logicof this whole scenario:Kill your brother, and receive a certain punishment:but kill the murderer of his brother,and receive "seven TIMES greater" punishmentThere is nothing greater, or "seven TIMES greater"than an eternity of torture in fireDoes someone wish to stop and seriously argue this point?Then how is it possible that any who would kill Cain,would have a punishment "seven times greater" than Cain,if his punishment is to be tortured in real fire endlessly?Cain’s punishment will not be an eternity of torture in fireCain died, just as his parents (Adam and Eve) diedBut there is no punishment in deathCain’s "punishment" was here on this earthwhile Cain was still alive, not afterAnd likewise, anyone who found and killed Cainwould have punishment on this earthwhile they were still alive,"seven times greater," than that of CainThe wages of sin is death not eternal life in hellif you don't burn foreverif you burn don't dieThe Truth About HELL Just Might Burn You UpIF YOU DIE...You don't BURN foreverIf you BURN forever...YOU DON'T DIEFrom the Old Testament Hebrew Bible;Sheol was translated to hell(a chamber.... cave, tomb, or grave)When the Hebrew Bible was translated to GreekSheol then became hades(unseen underworld for the dead)The concept of tormentwas not associated with Sheolby any of the old testament prophetsAs Christianity was arisingThe Levitical Priesthoodbecame the privileged "learned"in regard to the letter of the lawTherefore, they were respected and fearedfor they had the power of life and deathWhen Rome under Titus invaded Palestine in AD 70the temple was destroyed and eventuallyRome accepted ChristianityAs the Popes of Roman Catholic Churchbegan their "holy apostolic succession"They quickly realized thatfear and ignorance worked much better than loveThe everlasting torments of Hellthus made its appearancein conjunction with the oppositealluring rewards of HeavenThis brought many peopleand much money into the churchYou were not allowed to have a Bibleas the church would instruct youin all matters concerning religionBut soon, an "enemy" would arisein the form of the Printing PressEx-communication from the church would be the resultif anyone was caught reading or having any portionof the Wycliffe BibleWilliam Tyndale and John Rogerswere burned at the stake for being translatorsTranslating from one language to anotherwas not always easy and errors were madeOne such example,was the translating of Hebrew and Greek wordsto the English words of eternal, everlastingand for ever and everThe hebrew word OLAM and the greek word AIONcan be simplified to the english equivalent of EON(age)for this explanationFirst of all, that which NEVER ceasescan only be in the SINGULAR formTherefore,if the hebrew OLAM or greek AIONequals the english EON(age)meaning TIME UNENDING (eternity)there could be but ONE such EON (age)One such time unendingYet many times, these words are usedas PLURALS in our scripturesSo, if there are timeswhen there are more than one EONS (ages)We must conclude that one of these EONS (ages)must of necessity be of A LIMITED DURATIONTherefore, if translators renderedcertain passages FOR EVER AND EVERthis would have to be an errorbecause if FOR EVER means time unending (eternity)It would be incorrectto attach to TIME UNENDING (eternity)another equal period of TIME UNENDING (eternity)by the added words of AND EVERThis error resultsin the "ETERNAL" nature of HELLequaling in the same languageour "ETERNAL" reign with ChristSo it would appearthat our life with Christ is to be ETERNALand that our suffering in HELL is to be ETERNAL alsoYet, what did Paul write about the reign of Christ?1Cor 15:24,25Then shall the end come,when he (Christ)hands over the Kingdom to God the FatherAFTER he has destroyedall dominion, authority, and powerFor he must reign UNTILhe has put all his enemies under his feetThe reign of Jesusis to be of a LIMITED durationwhich will at some point come to a terminationJust as the Lake of Fireis to be of a LIMITED durationwhich will at some point come to a termination-after having completed what it was truly designedby God the Father to accomplishThe words"everlasting"... "evermore"... "for ever"..."fore ever and ever"... and "eternal"...are no where found....not even once in any Hebrew or Greek manuscriptfrom which our modern language Bibles are translated!!One of the greatest lies about our loving Godhas made its way into the church and isbeing taught as truthInsinuating, that our Father in Heavenis a God of hatred and vengeanceAnd that he isthe greatest of all hypocrites-in that he teaches us to "be ye perfectas your Father in Heaven is perfect"... love your enemies!!yet he will torture his enemies in fire for all eternity...This most evil doctrine was designed to insurethat man would hate the loving CreatorThe truth is:God, is not going to and never intended toburn anyone, in the Lake of Fire for all eternity!!The first time Jesus came, it was NOTto condemn or judge the worldbut to save the worldThe next time Jesus comes it will beto judge the world in RIGHTEOUSNESSThose that will be cast into the Lake of Fire,will have their carnal sinful natures burned away!!In the consuming, purifying presence of Godthey will learn righteousnessHeb 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die,but after this the judgmentIsaiah 26:9for when thy judgments are in the earththe inhabitants of the world will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS1Cor 3:15If any man's work shall be burnedhe shall suffer loss but he himselfshall be saved yet so as by FIREYes, there will be punishment in this Lake of Firefor those who will be cast thereinshall burn in accordance with their sinful carnal naturesThe fire will not be quencheduntil all the sinful nature is burned away;resulting in that personlearning obedience and being made perfectThe wages of sin is death not eternal life in HellIf you die…you don’t burn foreverIf you burn forever…you don’t dieIf the wages of sin was to burn eternally in Hell-then Jesus,would have had to burn eternallyin Hell for taking all sin upon himself!!The wages of sin is death followed by a resurrectionRev 20:6Blessed and holy is he that hath partin the first resurrection:on such the second death hath no powerRev 2:11He that overcometh shall not beHURT (not killed) of the second deathMalachi 3:3He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverThis verse puzzled some women in a Bible studyand they wondered what this statement meantabout the character and nature of GodOne of the women offeredto find out the processof refining silver and get back to the groupat their next Bible StudyThat week, the woman called a silversmithand made an appointment to watch him at workShe didn't mention anythingabout the reason for her interestbeyond her curiosity about the processof refining silverAs she watched the silversmith,he held a piece of silverover the fire and let it heat upHe explained that in refining silverone needed to hold the silverin the middle of the firewhere the flames were hottestas to burn away all the impuritiesThe woman thought about Godholding us in such a hot spotthen she thought againabout the verse that saysHe will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverShe then asked the silversmithif it was true that he had to sit therein front of the fire the whole timethe silver was being refinedThe man answered yeshe not only had to sit thereholding the silver in the fire;but he had to keep his eyes on the silverthe entire time it was in the fireIf the silver was lefta moment too long in the flamesit would be destroyed!!The woman was silent for a momentand then asked the silversmith:How do you knowwhen the silver is fully refined?He smiled at her and answeredOh, that's easy-when I see My IMAGE in it!!Is Elohim able to redeem anyone from hell?The Translators of the King James Versiontranslated the HEBREW word "SHEOL"to the ENGLISH word "HELL" thirty timesIf sheol is indeed hell,is God able to redeem anyone from this "hell"?Psalms 49:15But God WILL redeem my soulfrom from the power of the GRAVE: for he shall receive me SelahThe word "grave" in this verse is the Hebrew word "sheol"which is translated "hell" in no less than thirty other versesSo if "sheol" really is "hell"then there is "REDEMPTION" FROM HELLAnd in the GREEK:1Cor 15:55O death, where is thy sting? O GRAVE, where is thy VICTORY?The word "grave" in this verse is the Greek word "hades"which is translated "hell" in no less than ten other versesSo if "hades" really is "hell"then there is "VICTORY" OVER HELLBut the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable,and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers,and idolaters, and all liars, shall HAVE THEIR the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:which is the second deathWhat is Brimstone anyway?Does it make the fire hotter and more painful?Is it caustic to the skin causing greater pain?Brimstone is defined by the dictionary as SulfurSulfur, is often called brimstone, burning stone, or ignited sulfurIt has been used in religious ceremonies forPURIFYING or fumigating buildings and for bleaching cloth(Encyclopedia Britannica, page 536)Methods of Production:Producers describe their methodof obtaining sulfur from the ore asPURIFICATION BY FIRE (Page 537)Interesting thought-Purification by FirePurification by a Lake of Fire?Physical Properties:Sulfur isTASTELESS, ODORLESS,AND OF NO EFFECT ON THE SKIN (page 537)Sulfur is aPOOR CONDUCTOROF HEAT AND ELECTRICITY (page538)Interesting thought-A poor conductor of HEATAn even more interesting thought-So if God were to put enough Brimstone into the Lake of Fire,it would actually have the potential of protecting those in the firelike an asbestos suit!!Am I going to fast for anyone?Do you see where I am going with this line of thinking?Malachi 3:3He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverTo be the Saviour of the World...One must SAVE the entire WORLD!!The FiremanI teach that Yahushuah (Jesus)is the Saviour of the world-and that he can not beSAVIOUR OF THE WORLD-and notSAVE THE ENTIRE WORLDI get replies that Christcan be the Saviour of the world,and yetNOT SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLDThey give me this type of proof:When a fireman goes into a burning building to save trapped people,what happens if these trapped people refuse to be saved?Is the fireman not still a firemansimply because some do not wish to be saved?Here we see the foolishness of the carnal mind at workdesperately grasping for straws to supportan unscriptural theory-that Christ TRIES to save everyone...(just like a fireman tries to save those trapped in a burning building),but is unable to save everyone because many REFUSE to be savedTherefore Christ is STILL the Saviour of the worldeven if He doesn’t save everyone in the worldI have been told by Christians many timesthat most of humanity will CHOOSEto be burned in the pain of literal hell fire for all ETERNITY,rather than to be saved by Jesus ChristUTTER FOOLISHNESS!!Only an insane person would prefer to be burnedin literal torturing flames of firerather than to be saved by a fireman!!Futhermore, Any fireman worth his saltwill save men, women, children,and even cats, dogs, and other pets,WHETHER THEY WANT TO BE SAVED OR NOTImagine a mother being told by a firemanthat he left her little girl back in a burning buildingbecause the little girl didn’t want to be rescued by a fireman?Jesus Christ does not suffer the limitations of a fireman!Jesus Christ IS GOD! God does what He WILLS,and God wills to save all humanity (1Tim 2:4 and Isaiah 46:9-11)"GOD IS LOVE" 1John 4:8How many believe it?Do YOU believe it?Not if you also believethat God will torture the majority of mankindunmercifully in real fire for ALL eternity, you don’t1Tim 2:4"For this is good and acceptablein the sight of God our Saviour:Who WILL HAVE ALL MEN TO BE SAVED,and to come unto the knowledge of the truth"ONLY Christians(lead by Christian theologians,clergymen, pastors, and teachers)teach the whole world that Jesus Christ,the Saviour of the Whole World (1John 4:14),WILL NOT SAVE THE WHOLE WORLDThat he only "wants and wishes"that he could save the whole worldIt is ..ONLY.. THEY,who teach the world that this prophecyin 1Tim 2:4 will NEVER COME TO PASSBy the way, God NEVER, EVER"wishes" or "hopes" for ANYTHING!He "desires" things that absolutelyare certain to come about,but God never wishes or hopes for thingsthat may or may not come aboutConsider this:Suppose 1Tim 2:3-4did not say what is in our Bibles-but suppose it said the following:"For this is good and acceptablein the sight of God our Saviour;Who will ..NOT.. have all men to be saved,and to come unto the knowledge of the truth"Would not every single detractor who teachesthat God will NOT save all humanitythen use this Scripture toPROVE THAT GOD WILL NOT SAVE ALL MEN?YES OF COURSE THEY WOULD!YOU KNOW THEY WOULD!They would be delightedto show from the Scriptures a statementsaying that God "WILL NOT" save all men?And this Scripture would thenbe the one most profound statementsin all Scripture to back up their doctrinethat all men will NOT be savedThis would be their "proof text"that God most assuredlyWILL NOT save all menNow then,the ONLY difference between the fabricated verse aboveand the real verse found in all Bibles in 1 Tim 2:3-4is the addition of the word "not"So if the addition of the word "NOT"would prove that God will not save all men,then the deletion of the word "NOT"would have to prove that God WILL save all menSo if this verse had said thatGod "WILL NOT" save all men,then it would definitely meanthat all men will NOT be saved!!I don’t think there is a theologian alivewho would deny that!But here is the unbelievable irony of their teaching:since it says that God"WILL have all men to be saved"(according to theologians),this phrase alsoMEANS THAT GOD WILL NOT SAVE ALL MEN!Now, Imagineif 1 Tim 2:3-4 really did say that"God will NOT save all men,"and then I would try to argue(using the same stupid scholarship as theologians use)that this verse doesn’t really meanthat God will NOT save all men,but that it meansHe only "DESIRES" that all men "NOT" be savedwhen in reality they WILL all be saved,even if God were to sayHe "will NOT" save all menWould not my detractors try to laugh me to scornover such inane reasoning?OF COURSE THEY WOULD!YOU KNOW THEY WOULD!EVEN THEY KNOW THEY WOULDWell, guess what?The word "NOT" is NOT in this verseSo God really "WILL save ALL men!"Ask a hundred pastors or theologiansif your mother, let’s say, were to bow her kneesin the name of Jesus [Jehovah-Saviour] Christand confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, will she be saved?I am pretty sure all one hundred would say,"YES, OF COURSE!"Next ask the same one hundredwhether all those in heaven and earth...who will also bow and confessJesus as Lord will be saved,and I am pretty sure all one hundred would say,"NO, OF COURSE NOT!"See the difference?Me neither!!The Consuming Spiritural FIRE of GODWe are saved by grace through faith (Eph 2:8)However, that does not purge usfrom all our filthy thoughts and deedsNo, there is moreThere is also a consuming FIRE that God uses on us:"For other foundation can no man laythan that is laid, which is JESUS CHRISTNow if any man build upon this foundationgold, silver, precious stones,WOOD, HAY, STUBBLE;Every man’s work shall be made manifest;for the day shall declare it,because it shall be revealed BY FIRE;and the FIRE shall TRY EVERY MAN’S WORKof what sort it isIf any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon,he shall receive a rewardIf any man’s work shall be BURNED,he shall SUFFER LOSS;but...[pay close attention to this BIG BUT]BUT HE HIMSELF[the one who had his works burnedand consumed in God’s consuming fire]SHALL BE SAVED[What will save him?],yet so AS BY FIRE" (1Cor 3:11-15)!!Ah dear readers,can we begin to understand the workings of God?God consumes with fire,the wood, hay and stubble in our livesThe things that don’t deserve to continueBut he REFINES the gold, silver, and precious stones(those doctrines and godly character traitsof God’s spirit that abide the fire)It is figurative language, it is an analogy,it is a parable, it is metaphorical(where one thing is called another thing)Our lives have either qualities of character(which are likened to gold and precious stones,things of value to refine and retain),or gross lacks in character(which are likened to wood, hay, and stubbleand which are not worthy to retain or preserve)And just as real literal fireis used to refine and purify gold and precious metals,so God’s SPIRITUAL FIRE refines and purifies usfrom our sinful and carnal natureAnd likewise, as real literal fireis used to burn up wood and stubble,so God’s all consuming SPIRITUAL FIREwill consume and burn up all the impurities in our lifeThese things MUST DIEThis purging is the SECOND DEATHAnd whether the person God subjectsto His consuming fire has many good qualities or none,the person himself shall be purged, purified, andSAVED BY GOD’S ALL-CONSUMING SPIRITUAL FIRE!!!We just read it in God’s Holy WordHow can any deny it?Every person who has ever livedwill be subjected to the cleaning fire of God’s spiritGod is the JUDGE (Rev 20;12) ...NOT SatanThis judgment throne is "WHITE" not black!God judges in righteousness"He shall judge the world with RIGHTEOUSNESS"(Psalm 96:13)"Because He [God] hath appointed a day,in which He will judge the world in RIGHTEOUSNESS"(Acts 17:31)Next I present a Scripture that many Christians hateI’ll bet you have never heard a sermon on this verseWe read that God has appointed a day (a period of time)in which He will "JUDGE" the whole worldRevelation 20:10-15 IS THAT DAY OF JUDGMENT!Now we know that those not found in the book of lifewill be put into FIRE, and they will be TORMENTEDThis is certainly part of this judgmentBut it is not literal fireLiteral fire burns up physical thingsand literal fire cannot harm spiritual thingsSo what does the fire do or accomplish? ...MUCH!This judgment in Revelation 20IS that worldwide judgment spoken of in many propheciesBut is the purpose of this worldwide judgmentto torture people by burning their fleshin real fire for all eternity?Is that HOW God judges in " righteousness" ?Absolutely notWe just read where God burns up our fleshly WORKS,and this is "tormenting" for sureBut God does not torture our flesh for all eternityDon’t get me wrong,there will be severe chastisementson those who despise God and His Savior and His GospelBut out of their ashes will come salvation!!Here is another marvelous Scripturewhich answers what happens to sinning humanitywhen God JUDGES THE WORLD in righteousness"For he [GOD] bringeth down them that dwell on high;the lofty city, he layeth it low, HE LAYETH IT LOW,even to the ground, he bringeth it even to the dust"(Isa 26:5)Make no mistake,God will judge the wicked with great severityHowever, ALWAYS FOR A BENEVOLENT PURPOSE:"With my soul have I desired thee in the night;yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early:for when Thy judgments are in the earth,THE INHABITANTS OF THE WORLDWILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Isaiah 26:9)!!There will come a timewhen those who only knewhow to blaspheme the name of God,will come to LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESSThey will not just "hear" of righteousness,no, they will actually "LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS"!The whole book of Isaiahspeaks of judgments on Israel and on the nationsBut the end of all these judgmentsis SALVATION TO ALLNotice Isa 45:22-23,"Look unto me,and BE YE SAVED, ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH:for I am God, and there is none elseI have sworn by Myself,the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness[as in, ‘For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;Who WILL HAVE ALL MEN TO BE SAVED, and to come unto theknowledge of the truth,’ I Tim. 2:3-4] ,and shall not return,That unto me EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW,EVERY TONGUE SHALL SWEAR"(See also: Phil 2: 9-11 & 1Cor 12:3)God’s words will NOT return empty or voidWhen God speaks, it will be doneWhen God wills, it will be doneWhen God desires, His desires WILL BE DONE:"Declaring the end from the beginning,and from ancient times the things that are not yet done,saying,MY COUNSEL SHALL STAND,and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE ...I have spoken it,I WILL ALSO BRING IT TO PASS;I HAVE PURPOSED IT, I WILL ALSO DO IT"(Isa 46:10-11)Oh the blasphemy of those who teachthat God’s most heartfelt desiresWILL NOT COME TO PASS,but will utterly fail!!!Jesus Christ is not the "potential" Savior of the world;HE IS THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD!!!HE WILL SAVE THE WORLD!!!How many self- appointed, bible- thumping,doomsday, fire and brimstone,eternal torture in hell preachersbelieve these verses in Isaiah?Not one that I know of!Most Christians have never been taughtthe Scriptures that I am giving youThese things are despised by manywho call themselves "Christian"And yet, God’s Word is FULLof such statements of God’s Salvation to ALLWHO ARE THE "FALSE CHRISTS"Who are they...who almost deceivethe VERY ELECT and DECEIVE MANY?We read that they are"false Christs" and "false prophets"But WHO are these false Christs and false prophets?How will we know them?What IDENTIFIES them asfalse prophets, liars, and deceivers?Here are just two Scriptureswhere Jesus gives us the IDENTIFYING SIGNSof the these false teachers, and deceivers:"MANY will say to me [Jesus] in that day,Lord, Lord [Master, Master], have we not:A: PROPHESIED[taught, preached] in Thy Name [Jesus]?B: In Thy Name [Jesus]have CAST OUT DEVILS [demons]?C: And in Thy Name [Jesus]done MANY WONDERFUL WORKS [miracles]?And then will I profess[plainly, openly, tell them to their face]I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM MEYOU THAT WORK INIQUITY [lawlessness]" (Matt 7:22-23)"For MANY shall come in my name,saying [that], I [Jesus] am Christ,and shall deceive MANY" (Matt 24:5)Who are the "MANY" today who,(1) Teach and preach in the name of Jesus Christ?(2) Cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ?(3) Do MANY (not a few, but many) WONDERFUL WORKS(not evils works, but good and wonderful works),in the name of Jesus Christ?...Who?The Russians? The Chinese? The Muslims?The Hindus? The Confucianists?The Buddhists? The Jews?The QUARTER BILLION Ethnic Religionists?The HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION Athiests?Do ANY of these worldwide religions"teach, preach, cast out demons,and do many wonderful worksIN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST?"No, they don’t!!Well then,WHO ARE THESE "MANY" who do these things?Do not "MANY"of the TWO BILLION CHRISTIANS in the world today,"teach, preach, cast out demons, and do manywonderful works IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST?"Then I would say that we have identifiedthe "many" that Jesus warned us aboutIt is not preach, teach, heal, and cast out demonsin the name of Jesus Christ-One has to also OBEYthe commandments and teachings of Jesus ChristJesus said that it is the "many" who do good words,but are guilty of "iniquity" which means "lawlessness"Next, who are the "MANY" today who say that,"Jesus IS THE CHRIST, THE MESSIAH?"No, don’t be deceived;it is not those few who occasionally claimthat they themselves are "Jesus the Christ"They don’t deceive the "MANY"Only some fool would ever be deceivedinto believing that some carnal idiotreally IS the ChristBesides, there are NOT "many"who make such a claim in the first placeBut there certainly are "MANY"who say and teach that JESUS is the REAL CHRIST!!And so it is not only thosewho "teach and preach and cast out demonsand do many wonderful works in the name of Jesus"who are DECEIVING THE MANY,but also there is a large group (many)who teach that "Jesus really IS THE CHRIST"and yet Jesus said it would be thesethat are also DECEIVING THE MANY!!Millions of Christianshave heard these Scriptures quoted all their livesBut, God forbid that they would pause a minute or twoto consider WHO REALLY ARE THESE PEOPLETHAT JESUS IS TALKING ABOUT THAT REALLY DOTHESE MANY WONDERFUL THINGSAND YET-DECEIVE THE MANY!!Jesus Christ said"I will BUILD My church..."(Matt 16:18)Where are God’s people (My people)?"And he cried mightily with a strong voice…And I heard another voice from heaven sayingCOME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE,that ye be not partakers of her SINS,and that ye receive not of her PLAGUES" (Rev 18:2,4)Who is the "her"that "God’s PEOPLE" are to "COME OUT OF"but "Mystery Babylon the Great, Mother [catholic church]of Harlots [protestant daughter churches]and the ABOMINATIONS of the earth" (Rev 17:4-6)Today’s Church threatens the world of sinnerswith eternal torture in eternal fireif they do not...COME INTO...their Great Mystery Church of Abominations!!!"Know you not thatYOU ARE THE TEMPLE OF GOD,and that the Spirit of Goddwells IN YOU?" (1Cor 3:16)That's because,"God that made the world and all things therein,seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth,DWELLS NOT IN TEMPLES MADE WITH HANDS" (Acts 17:24)No, God does not "dwell"in temples and buildings made with hands,but SATAN does "DWELL" in carnal churchesmade with hands (Rev 2:13)The Depths of Satan is found IN THE CHURCHHe doesn't attack the Churchfrom without, but from within:Where do we find "Satan’s seat (throne)?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:13)Where do we find "where Satan dwells?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:13)Where do we find "the doctrine of Balaam?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:14)Where do we find them who"say they are apostles (of Christ) and are not?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:2)Where do we find themwho have "left their first love?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:4)Where do we find them which"say they are (spiritual) Jews and are not,but are the synagogue of Satan?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:9 & 3:9)Where do we find"them that hold the doctrineof the Nicolaitanes, which thing I (Jesus) hate?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:15)Where do we find "that woman Jezebel,which calls herself a prophetess,to teach and to seduce my servantsto commit fornication and to eat thingssacrificed unto idols?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:19)Where do we find them that"have a name that you live, and are dead?"Why, IN THE CHURCHWhere do we find them that"are wretched, and miserable,and poor, and blind, and naked?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 3:17)And were do we find "the DEPTHS of Satan?"Why, IN THE CHURCH, of course Rev 2:24)THE CHURCH OF GOD IN PRIVATE HOUSESThere was a transition periodwhere the disciples still went up to the temple,but God’s intimate dealings would now be foundin more humble surroundingsWhen the Holy Spirit was poured outon the first Saints of Jesus,it was not in a synagogue, but in a house:"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come,they were all with one accord in one placeand suddenly there came a sound from heavenas of a rushing mighty wind,and it filled all the HOUSEwhere they were sitting" (Acts 2:1-2)Church services were held in houses:"Likewise greet the churchthat is in their house" (Rom 16:5)"The churches of Asia salute youAquila and Priscilla salute youmuch in the Lord, with the churchthat is in their house" (1 Cor 16:19)"Salute the brethrenwhich are in Laodicea, and Nymphas,and the church which is in his house(Col 4:15)"Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ,and Timothy our brother,unto Philemon our dearly beloved,and fellow labourer,and to our beloved Apphia,and Archippus our fellowsoldier,and to the church in your house"(Philemon 1-2)When we come to the famous Jerusalem Conferencein the fifteenth chapter of Acts, we readthat Paul and Barnabas were"…being brought on their way by the CHURCH…"(Acts 15:3)This is the Church of Jesus Christ,not the church of the synagogue systemNotice that in this conferencetheir determination was to not forcethe Law of Moses on new Gentile converts:"Then pleased it the apostles and elders,with THE WHOLE CHURCH…" (Acts 15:22)The High Priests did not attend this conferenceThis was the first "Policy Binding Counsel"of the Church of Jesus Christ,consisting of only those who believed,who formulated policy which would be bindingon the whole churchThe Jews had "synagogues"―church buildingsThe newly converted Christians came out ofthose synagogue church buildingsand their doctrines, and met in homesWhy?Mostly because Christ was not taughtor tolerated in these synagoguesIn order to worship and followthe teachings of Jesus Christ,it became necessary to "come out of her"...the synagogue system of religionWherefore...2Cor 6:17Wherefore come OUT from among themand be ye seperate, saith the Lord,and touch not the unclean thing,and I will receive youRev 18:4Come out of her, my people,that ye be not partakers of her sins,and that you receive not of her plaguesGod is calling his people ..OUT.. of the Churchesand thus hiding them in the shadow of his handJer 6:2I have likened the daughter of Zionto a comely and delicate womanIsa 51:16And I have put my words in thy mouth, andI have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand,that I may plant the heavens,and lay the foundations of the earth,and say unto Zion, Thou art my peopleCan their own "FREE WILL" choose Christor Does God himself FORCE our steps?John 15:16Ye have not chosen me,but I have chosen you, and ordained you,that ye should go and bring forth fruit,and that your fruit should remain:Can you or anyone elseby their own "FREE WILL"come to JESUS CHRIST?John 6:44No man can come to me,except the Father which hath sent me draw him:and I will raise him up at the last day(greek word for draw above; helko = DRAG)Can you or anyone elseby their own "FREE WILL"decide to do GOD'S desires?Phil 2:13For it is God which worketh in youboth to will and to do of his good pleasureSo, by our own "FREE WILL"we can't choose Jesuswe can't come to Jesuswe can't even "internally" desire to do eitherSo, it's our Creator himselfwho begins this great work within our very beingsCan we have any confidence in this?Phil 1:6Being confident of this very thing ,that he which begun a good work in youwill perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:Amazing!!That's like a "FREE GIFT"Eph 4:7But unto every one of us is given graceaccording to the measure of the gift of ChristWhat exactly is this "GIFT" ?Eph 2:8For by grace are ye saved through faith;and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:Has every man received this gift of faith?Rom 12:3God hath dealt to every man the measure of faithIs it possible for us to increase our faith?Rom 10:17So then faith cometh by hearing,and hearing by the word of GodSo God himself, and the word of God;are the sources for receiving and increasing our faithFaith sure is of "great importance" to God!!Heb 11:6But without faith it is impossible to please him:for he that cometh to God must believe that he is,and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek himSo, as it is written;we must have faith ,we must believe that God iswe must believe he will reward usFREE WILL or DOES GOD "FORCE" OUR STEPS?God never uses the word force,but He does use words such as "directs" or "guides"It doesn't take a great deal of energyfor God to make people follow the footstepsthat He has established for themThe SLIGHTEST motivationsin our finances, stomach, social life, egos, etc.,will easily cause us to go either this way or that wayOf course none of this is of any valueunless we can establish it in God's WordNotice what God says regarding our "steps""...It is NOT IN direct his steps..." (Jer10:23)"A man's heart deviseth his way:but the Lord DIRECTS HIS STEPS" (Prov16:9)God could have just as easily said: "...the Lord directs HIS WAY""Man's goings (Heb: steps) ARE OF THE LORD:how can a man then understand HIS OWN WAY?(it matters not if our steps are good or sinful)" (Prov 20:24)"For now thou NUMBEREST my steps(That's pretty specific): dost thou NOT watch over my SIN?" (Job 14:16)"The steps('steps' is used to symbolize ALL OF MANS DOINGS)OF A MAN ARE ordered (Heb: established)by the Lord" (Psa 37:23)If ALL man's steps are "established",then of necessitythey are ordered by God IN ADVANCEof him taking those ordered steps!!!With this in mind,Let's take a closer look at man's supposed "FREE WILL"ELOHIM'S FOREKNOWLEDGECONTRADICTS FREE WILLPhil 2:13it is God (not man)which works in you BOTH TO WILL (God causes us ‘to will’)and TO DO (God causes us ‘to do’)of His good pleasure" to bring about His intentionsAfter years of following Jesus daily,the apostles were not as yet convertedIn the evening of the last PassoverJesus tells Peter:Luke 22:31-32"And the Lord said, Simon, Simon,behold Satan has desired to have you,that he may sift you as wheat;But I have prayed for you,that your faith fall not:and when you are converted,strengthen your brethren"Yes indeed, "when you are converted"And just when might that be?Up until the very last day with their Lord,the apostles all believed that theypossessed the power of free will,which could enable them to choosetheir own destiny, and that they couldand would have the strength of self determinismand free will to maintain that courseBut Jesus told His disciplesthat they would all forsake HimIn other words,Jesus was foretelling of EVENTS that would cause(even ‘force,’ if you will) them to change their wills,against their previously stated willsThey of course, all deniedthat Jesus knew what He was talking aboutMark 14:27 & Zech 13:7"And Jesus said unto them,all ye shall be offended because of Me this night;for it is written, I shall smite the shepherd,and the sheep shall be scattered"The disciples all saidthat they would remain loyalbut Jesus said that they would allbe offended because of HimWas there a reasonfor God causing the disciplesto will loyalty to Jesus and thenin the same night to will to deny Jesus?Does God do anything in vain without a reason?This was all part of their conversion process!!God totally humiliated them by proving to themthat their own will was not freeto do what they wanted, but thatPhil. 2:13"it is God (not man) which works in youBOTH TO WILL (God causes us ‘to will’)and TO DO (God causes us ‘to do’)of His good pleasure"to bring about His intentionsIn just one night God smashedthe presumed "free will" of all the disciplesand they lost confidence in their flesh after that nightThere are two things that constantlyoppose and change the will of man,so that it cannot be said that the willis free to will its own destinyfor even a day or an hourWhat are these two factorsover which man has absolutelyno control whatsoever?CIRCUMSTANCESandGOD’S WILLCIRCUMSTANCES:God changes the minds and wills of mankindaround the world, a billion times a minute,through circumstances that "you know not"which are actually the cause of your choicesand your changed choicesWe are often if not most of the timecompletely unaware of what actuallycaused us to do or say or think as we doHow did all the disciples willto remain loyal to Jesus no matter what,at one moment in time, and in the next momentthey all changed their will to forsake Him?What changed their wills?Circumstances!!One moment they were at ease and safein the upper room, and at a later momentthey were in the garden surrounded by Roman Soldiers!Fear was the circumstancethat caused their (un-free) wills to changeSo it was the presence of certain circumstancesthat caused the disciples to will as they didBut what caused the circumstancesto be as they were to ensurethat they would will appropriatelyto fulfill Christ’s prophecy concerningtheir denying and forsaking Him?GOD’S WILL:Who was in charge of all these circumstances,which caused the disciples to change their wills?Why God, of courseThey did not want to change their willsThey did not desire to deny their Lord and SaviourThey did not wish to make liars of themselvesThey did not want to be shown to be cowardsWell then, why did they change their willsif they did not wish to change their wills?Were they free to not change their wills?No, they were not freeThe fear inside of them caused and made(and yes, FORCED, if you will) them to change their willAnd Jesus Himself told themthat they would change their wills,so how pray tell could it have been otherwise?God knew exactly what was neededto make all of the disciples change their willsGod said that they would change their willsand forsake Jesus,and God was not aboutto be made a liarPeter did not even know what it was that caused himto deny Christ until the "cock crew"In our above example with the disciples,not only did they change their emphaticallystated will, but, they did so against their stated willEven when they willed to change their will,they did so against their original desired willPeter did not want to deny Christbut he was made to deny Christby the mere fact that the alternative (fear)was greater than his desire to remain loyalAnd so, how was he "free" to remain loyal?NO he wasn’tPeter was no more "free" to not deny Jesusany more than he was "free"to be loyal in his original choiceBoth choices were caused,and once something is caused to happen,it could never had been otherwiseOnce the cause is set in motion,the effect must followGod brought about circumstances thatcaused, made, forced, Peter to dowhat he didn’t want to doHow then, can such a forced will, be free?Peter didn't will to deny Jesus,but he was clearly caused to do soThis is an example of how God causes mento change their will even when it is againsttheir initial will to do soHow much easier and unrecognizableare the millions of choices we makein which we very willingly make the decisions we do,because they often appear to be pleasant, profitable,and desirable choices?This exampleof the disciples forsaking Jesus is so important!!Can we believe that Jesuscould have told His disciples the following:"And Jesus said unto them,All ye shall be offended because of me this night,but then again,maybe not all of you will be offended,seeing that all of you have a free willOr maybe this to Peter:"And Jesus said unto him (Peter)Verily I say unto you, that this day, even in this night,before the cock crow twice, thou shall deny me thrice,but then again,maybe you won’t deny Me three times,seeing that you have a free willthat does not need to deny me even onceIt doesn’t depend on what I say,or circumstances brought about by my Father,or what God declares,but rather on your own "free will"Sounds a little sillywhen we look at it logically doesn’t it?Yet this is the contentionof those who believe in "free will"Maybe Peter will,but then again maybe Peter won’t,NOT EVEN GOD KNOWS FOR SUREAlmost sounds like blasphemy, doesn’t it?It is blasphemy to argue that when Godprophesies, states, and intendsthat someone do a particular thing,that the person is still at libertybecause of his supposed free will,to not do what God has saidYet this is what the theory of "free will" demandsThe fact that God has a foreknowledge of everythingproves that free will is an impossibility,True "free will" could alter the futureand therefore God could nothave an absolute and true knowledge of the futureTherefore, it is a grave error to statethat man has a free will that is not"made" or "caused" to do as it does,and yet state that God knows in advancethe only possible choice that a person must makeHow can one believethat if God states that a person will make choice A,that he is nonetheless still at liberty to make choice B?Let me restate that:Can God say that you WILL make choice A,but you can make choice B?Can God say that such and such, WILL happenbut that it doesn’t need to happen?The disciples WILL forsake and deny Christ,but they have a free choice NOT to forsake and deny Him?God knows in advancethat something WILL be a certain way,and yet it doesn’t have to be that way?Peter thought he possessed free will:Matt 26:33"Peter answered and said unto Him,Though all men shall be offended because of you,YET WILL I NEVER BE OFFENDED"Jesus responded that Peterhad no freedom of the willto stick by such a statement"Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee,That this night, before the cock crow,YOU SHALL DENY ME thrice" (Ver 34)Peter again respondsfrom the throne of his presumed free willand CORRECTS Jesus to His face:"Peter said unto Him,Though I should DIE WITH THEE,YET WILL I NOT DENY THEELikewise also said ALL THE DISCIPLES"(Ver 35)And the rest is historyWhen Peterwas confronted the third time we read this:Matt 26:74 & 75"Then began he to curse and to swear,saying, I KNOW NOT THE MANAnd immediately the cock crewand he went out, and wept bitterly"Free will? Where? Give it up!!What about all of the other discipleswho also thought they possessed this powerof free will and self-determinism?Matt 26:56"But all this was done,that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilledThen ALL THE DISCIPLES FORSOOK HIM, AND FLED"Free will? FREE will? FREE WILL?Where?If you still believe man has a will that is "free"from external and internal causes, beyond his control,then your arguments are not with me, but with God’s WordNow for maybe the most profoundand all-encompassing statements in all Scripture:Eph 1:11"In Whom (GOD) also we have obtained(‘obtained’ not ‘earned’) an inheritance,being PREDESTINATED(our ‘destiny’ was ‘pre’ arranged by God, not us)according to the PURPOSE OF HIM(not the free will, OF US!)Who WORKS ALL THINGS (EVERY thing)AFTER THE COUNSEL OF HIS OWN WILL(not OUR OWN WILL)What must I do to be SAVED?Must I "COME" TO CHRIST,and then "CHOOSE" CHRIST by my own "free will"?The Concordant Literal New Testamentis a better translation than the KJVin the following verse"Now we are aware that GOD[the word 'God' is left OUT in the KJV,but it is IN the Greek manuscripts]is working all togetherfor the good of those who are loving God[but just how does one come to 'love God?' continue...]who ARE CALLED[by GOD, not by our so-called 'free' will],according to the purpose[God's purpose in calling us]that, whom He foreknew[God knew before you were bornwhether He could be calling you now, or later]He designates BEFOREHAND also,to be conformed to the image of His Son,for Him to be Firstborn among many brethrenNow whom He designates BEFOREHAND, these HE calls also,and whom HE calls, these HE justifies also;now whom HE justifies, these HE glorifies also"(Rom 8:28-30)It is "HE"-GOD, Who does all these things!!NOWHERE do we see herethat you must first choose Christ of your own free will,and ..THEN.. God will do all these other thingsNO! GOD, has a purpose and perfect plan!!GOD does the calling,GOD conforms and transformsus into the image of His Son,GOD justifies us, andGOD will glorify us alsoIT IS ALL GOD!!And when God does do these things for those He calls,He also gives them ..FAITH.. to believe these things"For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH;and that [that saving faith] not of yourselves:IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD" (Eph 2:8)HOW HARD IS IT GETTING SAVED?According to the sinners prayera person can be saved in about 15 secondsby saying some specially arranged wordsNot so! & Not true!!Getting Saved is the hardest most difficult thinganyone will ever have to go through in their entire lifetimeBeing saved is a lifetime process!!Just as we are in a lifetime processof being made into the image of God-Both are on-going processes!!Many times people use the following textsto prove that they are indeed savedIf you believe on the Lord you shall be savedIf you call upon the name of the Lord you shall be savedIf you get Baptized in the name of the lord you shall be savedIf you go through Jesus the door you shall be savedIf you receive Grace through Faith you shall be savedNow, follow me on thisAfter you have done one, two, or all of the aboveare you finally really and truly saved?Wait, I forgot one more:1Cor 1:21For after that in the wisdom of Godthe world by wisdom knew not God,it pleased Godby the foolishness of preachingto save them that believeDo you have to do all the aboveand then on top of that-Listen to the foolishness of my preachingto finally reach that status of being saved?My friends the one and onlyevidence that you are truly saved-will be when you come forthat the first resurrectionJohn 6:39And this is the Father's will which hath sent me,that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing,but should raise it up again AT THE LAST DAYJohn 6:40And this is the will of him that sent me,that every one which seeth the Son,and believeth on him, may have everlasting life:and I will raise him up AT THE LAST DAYJohn 6:44No man can come to me,except the Father which hath sent me draw him:and I will raise him up AT THE LAST DAYJohn 6:54Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood,hath eternal life; and I will raise him up AT THE LAST DAYJohn 11:24Martha saith unto him,I know that he shall rise againin the resurrection AT THE LAST DAYWe are in the on-going processof being saved and made into the image of GodThe completion of this processwill not take place until you riseat the first resurrection-AT THE LAST DAY!!Mat 24:13But he that shall endureUNTO THE END, the same shall be SAVEDGod has a perfect purpose and a planand he will accomplish his "WILL" ...which is:1Tim 2:4Who will (eventually)have ALL men to be saved,and to (eventually) come unto the knowledge of the truthYou can not take the next verseand make a teaching of it aloneas no scripture is of privateor ones own interpretationThe scripture following it;will explain the true meaning of the first versethat so many people quickly use to defendtheir salvation as being an already done dealRom 10:13For whosoever shall call uponthe name of the Lord shall be savedLuke 6:46And why call ye me, Lord, Lord,and do not the things which I say?In other words:If you are going tocall on me- the Lord and- call me Lordthen- YOU'VE GOT YO DO WHAT I SAY!! You have to believe on the Sonand the TESTIMONY that God gave to his Son1Jonn 5:9If we receive the witness of men,the witness of God is greater:for this is the witness of Godwhich he hath TESTIFIED of his Son1John 5:10He that believeth on the Son of Godhath the witness in himself:he that believeth not God hath made him a liar;because he believeth notTHE RECORD THAT GOD GAVE HIS SON1John 5:11And THIS IS THE RECORD, that Godhath given to us eternal life,and this life is in his Son1John 5:12He that hath the Son hath life;and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life1John 5:13These things have I written unto youthat believe on the name of the Son of God;that ye may know that ye have eternal life,and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of GodSo you must-Believe in and callupon the name of the LordDo the things he saysBelieve on the TESTIMONYGod gave of his Son What is the TESTIMONYthat GOD GAVE TO HIS SON?Rev 1:1The Revelation of Jesus Christ,which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servantsthings which must shortly come to pass;and he sent and signified it by his angelunto his servant John:Rev 1:2Who bare RECORD of the word of God,and of the TESTIMONY of Jesus Christ,There it is!!The TESTIMONY that God gave to his Sonis the Book of RevelationsIt's no wonder that we are sternly warnedthat no one is to add or take away from this bookREPENTANCE ... a deeper lookWhen the sun is shining-there is light and it is warm and dryWhen the sun goes downit gets darker, colderand towards the morningthe earth become damp with dewWould it then, be true to say:The sun is the causeof darkness cold and dampness?This may sound right-but it is not correctThe sun did not cause these thingsThese thing are automatically thereIt is when the sun comes up;that these things are taken awayLikewise...When God removeshis beams of light from mankindthey become dark and cold and dampGod is NOT the cause of those things!!Those things are automatically there-due to sin being in the worldWhen the sun is on one side of the earthGod doesn't have to supernaturallymake the other side dark-It's automatic!!and likewise;God does not have to force anyone to sinIt's automatic!!It is our "nature"to be sinning machineswith masses of sin are within usLet's go deeperJames 2:10For whosoever shall keep the whole law,and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of allThe above doesn't sayif you broke one of these lawsthat you have broke them all-but that you are guilty of allThis is why we really need to deeply repent always!!Remember Christ came to magnify the lawand thus made the Law a much higher and Spiritual lawCommitting adultery is sin-yet Christ taught a much higher spiritual messagethat even thought of committing adultery was sinThink for a minute-of a sin that you considerto be one of the most despicable of sinsWhen that person committed that sin;was he not also guilty of ALL the law?I didn't say he broke ALL the other lawsbut that he is indeed guilty of ALLLikewise if you break one of these lawsyou also would be guilty of ALLI didn't say you would ever commit thesame despicable sin you thought about-but that even in a sin you did commityou are just as guilty of ALLincluding the one you judged as so despicable!!Rom 2:1Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man,whosoever thou art that judgest:for wherein thou judgest another,thou condemnest thyself;for thou that judgest doest the same thingsRom 2:3And thinkest thou this, O man,that judgest them which do such things,and doest the same, that thou shaltescape the judgment of God?This is how serious sin is to God!!We may haven't literally committed the despicable sinbut any sin we do commit accounts usjust as guilty of any and ALL sins that are possibleGod makes vessles of honor and dishonorMost of us were blessed by God-being made NOT to travel downsuch a dark alley of despicable sinMay we stop judging the sins of othersand spend more time repenting for our own
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YOUR GOD ... or ... MY GOD ... YOU DECIDE (Part 2)I believed in the Trinity ...and then I looked for myselfThe Trinity as defined byHastings Dictionary of the Bible Page 1015:The Christian doctrine of Godas existing in three Persons and one Substanceis not demonstrable by logic or scriptual proofRegardless, those that believe in and teach the Trinitybelieve that it is, "...a necessary "hypothesis"that there are three persons to the Godhead:God the FatherThe Holy Ghost (Spirit)Jesus Christ the Son of GodHypothesis as defined by Webster's Dictionary:A system or theory imagined or assumedto account for what is not understoodAn unproved theory, a speculative plan...a formulation of underlying principlesof certain observed phenomenawhich has been verified to some degree... a conjecture; guessFacts:First of all, God ..IS.. Spirit; not "a" SpiritJohn 4:24"God is SPIRIT,and those who are worshiping himmust be worshiping in spirit and truth"Nowhere in the Scripturesis God referred to or called a "trinity"or a person or consisting of threeThe word "three" is never usedin reference to Who or What God isGod is never called or referred to as "a person"The Holy Spirit is never called "God"Since Christ is the Son,he cannot also be the Fatheror be coequal with his FatherJesus plainly said:John 14:28"My Father is GREATER than I"John 17:3And this is life eternal, that they might know theethe ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sentCountless things can be said to "be ONE"in numerous forms of close relationship;In this close relationship of purpose,will, harmony, etc; our Lord said:John 10:30"I and the Father, We are ONE"One plus one plus one DOES NOT equal oneOne God plus one God plus one GodDOES NOT equal one GodOne third of a God plus one third of a God plus one third of a GodDOES NOT equal one whole GodThe Holy Spirit ..OF.. God cannot also be that same GodANYTHING that is either "from" or "of " something ELSEcannot also "BE" that something else no matter what or who it isA "Father" and a "Son"CANNOT ALSO BE THE SAME PERSONJesus did not say:"I and the Father, We are one GOD," did He? No, He did notDo the Scriptures, however, tell usthat there is only ONE GOD? Yes, they doDo the Scriptures, tell usWHO that ONE God is? Yes, they doDo the Scriptures tell uswhat the relationship of Jesus Christ iswith that ONE God? Yes, they doIn fact, all of these things are answered in ONE ScriptureHere is the ONLY Scripture you will EVER need forunderstanding Who Jesus Christ and God the Father areand how many Gods there are, andWho composes that ONE God1Cor 8:5-6"For though there be that are called gods,whether in heaven or in earth,(as there be gods many and lords many,)But to US there is but ONE God, the Father,of whom are all things, and we in him;and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whomare all things and we by himand the next verse:Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge (ver 7)How many Gods are there?Answer: "ONE God."Of Whom is this ONE God composed?Answer: "the FATHER"NOT, the Father, AND the Son, AND the Holy GhostJust, "the Father!" ONLY,"the Father "ONE God, the FATHER!"Is Jesus Christan equal part of this "ONE God?"NO, He is notLet Gods' Word tell usWe don’t need to speculate and theorizeHere is Who and What Jesus Christ is,He is the "ONE Lord"This Scripture tells us that"ALL IS OUT OF" GOD (the FATHER)And this Scripture tells us that"ALL IS THROUGH" Jesus ChristGod the Father is the first cause of alland ALL IS OUT GOD,even Jesus Christ is "OUT of God "John 16:27-28"...I (Jesus) came OUT from GodI CAME OUT from the FATHER..."Now if Jesus came out from the trinity,why doesn’t the Scriptures say so?He didn’t come out from the trinityand He didn’t come out of the Holy Spirit,but HE DID COME, "...OUT FROM THE FATHER!"And after Jesus Christ came OUT from the Father,ALL ELSE came THROUGH Jesus Christ:Col 1: 14-17Who (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God,the firstborn of every creature:For by him were all things created, that are in heaven,and that are in the earth, visible and invisible,whether they be thrones, or dominions or principalities,or powers:all things were created by him and for him:And he is before all things, and by him all things consistChrist came OUT FROM THE FATHERand all else was created THROUGH Jesus ChristThere is no trinity here!!1Tim 2:5For there is ONE God,and ONE Mediator OF God and mankind, the MAN Christ Jesus..."John 14:28"...I am going to the Father, for the Father is GREATER than I"John 17:3And this is life eternal, that they might know theethe ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent1Cor 11:3"Now I want you to be awarethat the Head of every man is Christ,yet the head of the woman is the man,yet the Head of Christ IS GOD"Eph 1:3"Blessed be the God and Father OF our Lord Jesus Christ"Col 1:3"We are thanking the God and Father OF our Lord Jesus Christ"1Pet 1:3"Blessed be the God and Father " OF OUR LORD Jesus Christ,Eph 1:17"...that the GOD OF OUR LORD Jesus Christ, the FATHER..."And just who was it;who raised Jesus from the grave?Acts 2:24"Ye men of Israel, hear these words,Jesus of Nazareth... whom GOD HAS RAISED UPhaving loosed the pains OF DEATH"Rom 8:9,11,14"But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit,if so be that the Spirit OF GOD dwell in you...But if the Spirit OF HIM (GOD the FATHER)that RAISED UP JESUS FROM THE DEAD dwell in you,He (GOD the FATHER) that RAISED UP CHRIST FROM THE DEADshall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you...For as many as are led by the SPIRIT OF GOD (GOD the FATHER),they are the sons of God (God the Father, not sons of the Son)"Gal 1:1"Paul, an apostle, (not of man, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ,and GOD THE FATHER, WHO RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD")Let me make this as easy as I canThere is one God; the FatherThe Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God the FatherJesus Christ the Son,came forth and proceededFROM and OUT of God the FatherThen Jesus Christ did all the creatingwhich is precisely why he being the "Creator"could die and save his entire creationThe Son was given the full measure of the Fathers Spiritand he in turn gives us measures of this same SpiritIf the trinity was true, and the Holy Spirit was a person...when the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she conceived-Jesus would be the Son of the Holy Spirit and not the Son of GodIn Conclusion,Is Jesus God or is he not God?Yes Jesus is God,When the Pharisees accused Jesus of blasphemingbecause He said He was "The SON of God,"Jesus reminded themthat their own scriptures state that, "YE ARE GODS"Psalm 82:6"I have said, YE ARE GODS;and all of you are CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH"So Jesus is God and Ye are Godsboth having come forth from the ONLY true God-but neither Jesus or Ye;are or ever will be the ONLY true God the Fatherwho is GREATEST of allEph 5:31-32"For WE (believers) ARE membersof His (Jesus) body, of His flesh, and of His bonesFor this cause shall a man leave his father and mother,and shall be joined unto his wife,and they TWO shall be ONE fleshThis is a great mystery:but I speak concerning Christ and THE CHURCH""That they ALL may be ONE(Who?-ALL; How many?-ONE)as you Father are in Me, and I in You,that they also may be ONE in US...John 17:21-22And the glory which You gave to Me I have given them,that they may be ONE, EVEN AS WE ARE ONE"This IS the Scripture that Jesus quotedThey didn't accept what Jesus said,and some people will not accept what I am sayingOnce again;Gen 2:24"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother,and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be ONE FLESH"How many people?-TWO;How many flesh?-ONEThere, the Scriptural answer!!"...that they may be ONE,even as WE (Jesus AND His Father) ARE ONE!!HOW many Persons? Jesus & Father-TWO;HOW many GODS?-ONE GODAs a "husband and wife" ARE ONE,and "Jesus and His Church," ARE ONE,so also "Jesus and His Father," ARE ONEWill there be two or three Godsto choose from after the dust settles?NO!!Jesus came forth and proceededFROM and OUT of the Father and is our bridgewhich brings what was lost back unto the FatherFor now he sits at the "right hand" of the FatherWhen he has accomplishedexactly what he came into being to DOwhat will happen to him and his rule?1Cor 15:24,25Then shall the end come, when he (Christ)hands over the Kingdom to God the Fatherafter he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and powerFor he must reign ..UNTIL.. he has put all his enemies under his feetJohn 17:3And this is life eternal, that they might know theethe ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sentAlso... Shocking as this may be:1John 5:7-8 should read:"For there are three that bear record,the spirit, and the water, and the blood:and these three agree in one"The words" heaven the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost:and these three are oneand there are three that bear witness in earth..."are NOT Scriptures and are NOT found in ANY Greek Manuscriptsor even the early Latin Fathers writings and translationsThese spurious words appear in no reputable manuscript,and no manuscript period, before the FIFTEEN CENTURY!No Biblical Scholar thinks those wordsare part of any original manuscripts or ScripturesThey are as spurious as the pagan trinity doctrineThe Holy Spirit ..OF.. Godis certainly not a "person" as you suggestThe Holy Spirit is the "Spirit ..OF.. God the Father"I assure you, however, thatGod the Father is not the "Father ..OF.. the Holy Spirit"Think about that for a few thousand hoursPaul ALWAYS addressed and praisedGod the Father and His Lord Jesus Christin EVERY salutation in EVERY epistle He ever wroteExample:Gal 1:1-2"Paul, an apostle of JESUS CHRIST by the will of GOD,to the saints which are at Ephesus,and to the faithful in CHRIST JESUS:Grace be to you, and peace, fromGOD OUR FATHER AND FROM THE LORD JESUS CHRIST"But Paul never ONCEmentioned or addressedthe Holy Spirit in ANY of his epistles EVERDo you have a good explanationfor such an gross omission and degradation of the Holy Spirit,if the Holy Spirit is PERSON, and VERY GOD?The verse was added to the Bible;by the Catholic Church, to back the Trinity teachingALL in ALLThere is ONE GODJesus Christ came OUT ..FROM.. Godand is called the "Son ..OF.. God"The Holy Spirit comes OUT ..FROM.. Godand is called the "Spirit ..OF.. God"God has bestowed on JesusALL THAT HE IS AND ALL THAT HE HAS,Therefore,Jesus also, has this SAME SPIRITThereforeThere is the "Spirit ..OF.. Christ"which is the SAME Spirit ..OF.. GodThey BOTH possess the SAME SPIRIT-and because they both possess the SAME SPIRIT,they are indeed ONEGod promises believersthe obtaining of this same spirit alsoThereforeWE TOO...become ONE WITH CHRIST AND OUR FATHERFurthermore,all of God's creatureswill one day possess this same spiritand then God will be "All in ALL" (1Cor 15:28)I believed in Tithing and then I looked for myselfWhy hasn't your church taught you this about Tithing?Of all the tribes of Israel, the tribe of Levite was designatedby God to serve as the PriesthoodBecause of the sacrificial duties of this assignment,this tribe was not able to own land, raise crops,or tend to herds and flocks as the other tribesGod therefore instructed Israel:Numbers 18:24-28"But the TITHES of the children of Israel, which they offeras an heave offering unto the Lord, I have givento the LEVITES to inherit:therefore I have said unto them, Among the children of Israelthey shall have no inheritanceNot just anyone could claim to represent Godand receive the tithes-only the Levites!!Where did these tithes come from?Leviticus 27:30-33"And all the TITHE of the LAND, whether of the SEED of the land,or of the FRUIT, of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the LordAnd if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes,he shall add thereto the fifth part thereofAnd concerning the TITHE of the HERD, or of the FLOCK,even of whatsoever passes under the rod,the tenth shall be holy unto the Lord(the 10th one that was counted as it passed under the rod)He shall not search whether it begood or bad, neither shall he change it..."The tithe was from the land, the herds, and the flocksNot from the air or the sea(fishermen were not required to tithe fish)It was the "seed" or agricultural productsfrom the field that was holy to God and tithableProducts from "trees" were to be tithedThis not only included the fruit, but oils etcNOT YOUR MONEY!!(does anyone see money listed here?)Also, notice, where our churches todayinstruct us to pay the ..FIRST.. tenth to the church-God said ..the tenth one...of the herd or flock that passed under the rod,as they were counting, was to be the tithe!!It was not the first tenth, but ratherthe tenth tenth that belonged to GodIf the herdsman only had nine cowshe didn't have to tithe at all !!In the old testament, the Day of Atonementrevealed the future salvation through JesusOnce a year, the High Priestwould lay his hands on the head of a living goatcalled the "scapegoat"This act, was to pass all the sins of Israelfor that year onto the sacrificeJohn the Baptist, through his fatherZacharias and his mother Elisabeth,was a descendant of Aaron ther High PriestHe was the last Levite Priestin the line of Aaron; and it was he,who put the sins of the worldonto the head of Jesus at his baptismJesus then proceeded to the cross;shed his blood, and died for the sins of the worldThe Levitical system of sacrifices endedwhen Christ died on the cross,and the veil in the templewas torn from top to bottomNo longer was there anymorea need for the animal sacrificesNo longer was there a needfor the sacrificial systemNo longer was there a needfor the Levite PriesthoodNo longer was there a needfor tithing to the tribe of LevitesNo longer was there Tithing!!Notice this remarkable storyof the only time the temple taxcame up in the ministry of JesusMost Christians will never hearan explanation of these versesas long as they live!!These verses are highly incriminatingto those who teach the tithing of money to the Church:Matt 17: 24-27"And when they were come to Capernaum,they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said,Does not your master pay tribute(Greek: 'pay the double drachma'which was the exact amountof the annual Temple tax)?He says, Yes(Peter was embarrassed and apparentlynot honest with his answer)And when he was comeinto the house, Jesus prevented him(Greek: prophthano-to get an earlier start of,forestalls or anticipated him)saying, What do you think, Simon?Of whom do the kings of the earthtake custom or tribute (taxes)?Of their own children [sons] or of strangers?Peter said unto Him, of strangersJesus said unto him,THEN ARE THE CHILDREN FREENotwithstanding,LEST WE SHOULD OFFEND THEM,go thou to the sea, and cast an hook,and take up the fish that first comes up;and when you have opened his mouth,thou shall find a piece of moneythat take and give unto themfor Me and thee"What an amazing truth!!No wonder most Christianshave never heard this Scripture explainedThe reason Peter said "yes" to the tribute collectorwas because it was embarrassing to Himto say, "NO, my master does NOT pay temple tax"It was such a small amount of money(less than a dollar)But then Peter has to go into the houseand give Jesus an appraisal of what had just happenedJesus being merciful to Peterdoes not reprimand him for not being honestwith the tribute collector, but rather, cuts him off(forestalls him) before he can speakand saves Peter the embarrassmentThe point is this:Jesus did not pay temple tax...becauseJesus is the King of the kingdom!!And if the children are free, certainly; the King Himself is free!!THE CHILDREN ARE FREE!!Malachi 3:8-12"Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me.But you say, Wherein have we robbed thee?In tithes and offeringsYe are cursed with a curse:for ye have robbed me, even this whole nationBring ye all the tithes into the storehouse,that there may be meat in mine house,and prove me now herewith, saith the Lordof hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven,and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not beroom enough to receive itIt is obvious from the above text,that God was not at all pleased with theIsraelites concerning their tithing practicesNow, all those, who BELIEVE ...that tithing is validfor the New Testament Church-are correct in believing that the above verses APPLY to themIf they tithe they may expect blessings,if they don't, they may expect cursesBut what is wrong with the above statement?The "error" comes from the re-definitionof two keywords used in the above text;by those who want to present tithing in their own wayThe "tithes" are presented to be the tenth portionof your income which is given away and depositedinto the "storehouse"The "storehouse"is presented to be your church's savings accountBOTH OF THESE TWO DEFINITIONS ARE FALSEThe key to understanding this is in the preceding verse:Malachi 3:7Even from the days of your fathersye are gone away from mine ordinances,and have not kept themGod is pointing the Israelites (and us)to his "ordinances" concerning tithingTithing according to God's ordinancesDeu12:17-19Thou mayest not eat within thy gatesthe tithe of thy corn, or of thy wine...But thou must eat them before the Lord thy God...thou, and thy son and thy daughter, and thy manservant,and thy maidservant and the Levite that is within thy gates:and thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy GodDeu14:22-23Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seedthat the field bringeth forth year by yearAnd thou shalt eat before the Lord thy Godin the place that he shall choose to place his name there,the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine...that thou mayest learn to fear the Lord thy God alwaysDeu 14:24-26And if the way be too long for thee,so that thou art not able to carry it...Then shalt thou turn it into money,and bind up the money in thine hand,and shall go unto the place whichthe Lord thy God shall choose:And thou shalt bestow that moneyfor whatsoever thy soul lusteth after,for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine,or for ..STRONG DRINK.., or for whatsoever thy soul desireth:and thou shalt eat there before the Lord thy God,and thou shalt rejoice, thou and thine household.Those were the commandments of Godconcerning tithing which were given to MosesI find this verses to be worthy of thought:Deu12:8,9Ye shall after all the things that we do here this day,every man whatsoever is right in his own eyesFor ye are not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance,which the Lord your God giveth youSo, the Israelites were supposed to take their tithesto the appointed place, and eat them there before the Lord,rejoicing, with their family, their servants and their local Levitewho was within their gatesThe Levites were to be allocated citieswithin each tribe ("within your gates")where they were supposed to live with their familiesThese Levites were not those who servedin the Tabernacle (or, later on, in the temple),but those who have chosen to remainin their cities within each tribal landThey would join the Israelites on those special tripsto the appointed place of worship, where they would joinin the celebrations and consumption of tithesThe Israeliteswere commanded to ..EAT.. their tithesThe tithes were supposed to be consumedin an atmosphere of celebration, sharing, andcommunion with fellow Israelites and with GodTherefore, this is not the tithespoken of in Malachi given for the storehouseWas the temple used as a storehouse?Neh10:37-38And that we should bring...the tithes of our ground unto the Levitesthat the same Levites might have the tithesin all the cities of our tillage(farming community)And the priest, the son of Aaron,shall be with the Levites when the Levites take tithes:and the Levites shall bring up the tithe (10th) of the tithesunto the house of our God, to the chambers,into the treasure houseSome rooms in the temple were indeed referred toas the "storehouse", but they were used to storethe tithes of the tithes (10th of the tithes)which were called the "heave offerings"that the LEVITES were to give to the priestsTherefore, these rooms in the templewere not the "storehouse"where the ISRAELITES were to bring their tithesThe Levites were to receive their tithesin the places where they lived in their farming communitiesfrom which they would give tithes to the priestsin conclusion...THE CHRISTIAN TITHING LAW:Where did the "Christian Law of Tithing come from?"The Bible?Absolutely not !!There is not one single example in the Bibleof a "Christian" tithing to the churchor a command to do so,and that is a Scriptural fact!!Notice this telling bit of historyfrom the Encyclopedia Britannica:"Tithes in Christendom―The earliest authentic example of anythinglike a law of the State enforcing paymentappears to occur in the capitularies [ecclesiasticals]of Charlemagne at the end of the 8th or beginning of the 9th centuryTithes were by that enactment to be appliedto the maintenance of the bishop, clergy, the poor,and the fabric of the churchIn the course of timethe principle of payment of tithes was extendedFAR BEYOND its original intentionThus they became transferable to laymenand saleable like ordinary property,in spite of the injunctions of the third Lateran Council;and they became payableOUT OF SOURCES OF INCOME[not just farming and herding, but other tradesand occupations and salaries paid in the form of money]NOT ORIGINALLY TITHABLE"(1963, volume 22, page 253, ‘TITHES’) (Emphasis mine)Unbelievable!!!It was from the powerful Catholic Churchthat the unscriptural practice(did you notice the word "enforcing?")of Christian tithing originatedmany hundreds of years after the original ApostlesTruth be known, the "Reformation" did virtually nothingto "reform" the corrupted Church of ChristEnforcing the tithing of money on Believersas if it were a law of God to do so,is a damnable heresy that has caused untold pain and sufferingand only led to more corruption and worldliness in the ChurchEither tithing is a law that Christians must obey or it isn’t a lawIf it is, then it is a SIN to not tithe,and no one could be saved until they repented of breaking this lawBut if it is not a law, then it is a SIN to teach that it is a law!!And as it decidedly is nota New Covenant Law binding on Christians-Those who teach it will be condemned and cursedfor teaching it and living like worldly fat cats from it...As they sow: so shall they reapAs they judge others: so shall they be judgedWhat measure of punishmentthey deem fit in their false teaching:they will have measured back on themScriptural tithing was for Israelites ONLY,giving a tenth of farm and herd products ONLY,under the law of Moses ONLY,to the poor, widows, strangers, and the tribe of Levite ONLY,up until the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD, ONLYNOTHING else is "Biblical Tithing"Abraham NEVER tithed his own personal property,Jacob said he would tithe once,but ..ONLY.. after God would make him rich firstJesus NEVER taught His disciples to tithe to the church!!The Apostles NEVER collected tithes from the church!!Paul NEVER taught tithing to the Gentilesor collected tithes from them!!And money was NEVER EVERa tithable commodity, not even under MosesTrue Believers are cheerful, generous givers,not coerced and threatened tithe payersEASTER...with their backs toward the temple of the Lord;they worshipped the sun toward the eastThe Pagan Origin of EASTEREaster is a day that is honoredby nearly all of contemporary Christianityand is used to celebratethe resurrection of Jesus ChristThe holiday often involvesa church service at sunrise,a feast which includes an "Easter Ham",decorated eggs and stories about rabbitsThose who love truthlearn to ask questions,and many questions must be askedregarding the holiday of EasterIs it truly the daywhen Jesus arose from the dead?Where did all ofthe strange customs come from,which have nothing to dowith the resurrection of our Saviour?The purpose of this writingis to help answer those questions,and to help those who seek truthto draw their own conclusionsThe first thing we must understandis that professing Christianswere not the only oneswho celebrated a festivalcalled "Easter""Ishtar", which is pronounced "Easter"was a day that commemoratedthe resurrection of one of their godsthat they called "Tammuz",Tammuz was believed to bethe only begotten sonof the moon-goddess and the sun-godIn those ancient times,there was a man named Nimrod,who was the grandsonof one of Noah's sons named HamHam had a son named Cushwho married a woman named SemiramisCush and Semiramisthen had a son named him "Nimrod"After the death of his father,Nimrod married his own motherand became a powerful KingThe Bible tells us of this man,Nimrod, in Genesis 10:8-10 as follows:"And Cush begat Nimrod:he began to be a mighty one in the earthHe was a mighty hunter before the Lord:wherefore it is said,even as Nimrodthe mighty hunter before the LordAnd the beginning of his kingdomwas Babel, and Erech, and Accad,and Calneh,in the land of ShinarNimrod became a god-man to the peopleand Semiramis, his wife and mother,became the powerful Queen of ancient BabylonNimrod was eventually killed by an enemy,and his body was cut in pieces and sent tovarious parts of his kingdomSemiramis had all of the parts gathered,except for one part that could not be foundThat missing part was his reproductive organSemiramis claimed that Nimrodcould not come back to life without it;and told the people of Babylonthat Nimrod had ascended to the sunand was now to be called "Baal", the sun godQueen Semiramis also proclaimedthat Baal would be present on earthin the form of a flame,whether candle or lamp, when used in worshipSemiramis was creating a mystery religion,and with the help of Satan,she set herself up as a goddessSemiramis claimedthat she was immaculately conceivedShe taught that the moon was a goddessthat went through a 28 day cycleand ovulated when fullShe further claimedthat she came down from the moonin a giant moon eggthat fell into the Euphrates RiverThis was to have happenedat the time of the first full moonafter the spring equinoxSemiramis became known as "Ishtar"which is pronounced "Easter",and her moon eggbecame known as "Ishtar's" egg"Ishtar soon became pregnantand claimed that it was the raysof the sun-god Baalthat caused her to conceiveThe son that she brought forthwas named TammuzTammuz was notedto be especially fond of rabbits,and they became sacred in the ancient religion,because Tammuz was believedto be the son of the sun-god, BaalTammuz, like his supposed father, became a hunterThe day camewhen Tammuz was killed by a wild pigQueen Ishtar told the peoplethat Tammuz was now ascendedto his father, Baal,and that the two of themwould be with the worshippersin the sacred candle or lamp flameas Father, Son and SpiritIshtar, who was now worshippedas the "Mother of God and Queen of Heaven",continued to build her mystery religionThe queen told the worshippersthat when Tammuz was killed by the wild pig,some of his blood fell on the stumpof an evergreen tree, and the stump grewinto a full new tree overnightThis made the evergreen treesacred by the blood of TammuzThis would carry over to our Christmas belief-but it was actually the Son; of the Sun God Baalwho was born on Dec 25thJer 10:3For the customs of the people are vain:for one cutteth a tree out of the forest,the work of the hands of the workman, with the axeJer 10:4They deck it with silver and with gold;they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move notShe also proclaimed a forty day periodof time of sorrow each yearprior to the anniversary of the death of TammuzDuring this time, no meat was to be eatenWorshipers were to meditateupon the sacred mysteries of Baal and Tammuz,and to make the sign of the "T"in front of their hearts as they worshipedThey also ate sacred cakeswith the marking of a "T" or cross on the topEvery year, on the first Sundayafter the first full moon andafter the spring equinox, a celebration was madeIt was Ishtar's Sundayand was celebrated with rabbits and eggsIshtar also proclaimedthat because Tammuz was killed by a pig,that a pig must be eaten on that SundayBy now, the readers of this writingshould have made the connectionas to how paganism has infiltrated intothe contemporary "Christian" churches,and further study indicatesthat this paganism came inby way of the Roman Catholic SystemThe truth isthat Easter has nothing whatsoever to dowith the resurrection of our Lord Jesus ChristWe also know,that Easter can be as much as three weeksaway from the Passover,because this pagan holiday is always setas the first Sunday after the first full moonafter the spring equinoxSome have wonderedwhy the word "Easter"is in the the King James BibleIt is becauseActs, chapter 12, tells usthat it was the evil King Herod,who was planning to celebrate Easter,and not the ChristiansThe true Passover and pagan Eastersometimes coincide, but in some years,they are a great distance apartWe know that the Bible tells us in John 4:24,God is spirit: and they that worship himmust worship him in spirit and in truthThe truth is, that the forty days of Lent,eggs, rabbits,hot cross buns and the Easter hamhave everything to do with the ancient paganreligion of Mystery BabylonAnd they are all, anti-christ activities!!Satan is a master deceiver, and has filled the livesof well-meaning, professing Christians with idolatryThese things bringthe wrath of Godupon children of disobedience,who try to make the pagancustoms of Baal Christian worshipYou must answerfor your activitiesand for what youteach your childrenThese customs of Easter honor Baal,who is also Satan, and is still worshippedas the "Rising Sun" and his house is the"House of the Rising Sun"How many churches have "sunrise services"on Ishtar's day and face the rising sun in the East?What does the true God think about Sun Worship?Eze 8:16And he brought me intothe inner court of the LORD'S house,and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD,between the porch and the altar,were about five and twenty men,with their backs toward the temple of the LORD,and their faces toward the east;and they worshiped the sun toward the eastEze 8:17Then he said unto me,Hast thou seen this, O son of man?Is it a light thing to the house of Judahthat they commit the abominationswhich they commit here?In conclusionYahushuah (Jesus)said there would be one sign giventhat would prove who he really wasMat 12:40For as Jonaswas three days and three nightsin the whale's belly;so shall the Son of man bethree days and three nightsin the heart of the earthA Good Friday Crucifixionis not possible as it does notallow for the three daysin the heart of the earthA day according to the Bible,is from "even to even"or "sunset to sunset"Lev 23:32From "even" to "even"shall ye celebrate your SabbathBut when is "even"?Mark 1:32And at "even" when the sun did setThat is why in Genesis 1:5,8 It says;And the evening and the morningwere the first day,And the evening and the morningwere the second day,Darkness came firstat the beginning of a dayaccording to the Bible!SUNSET SAT TO SUNSET SUN.....DAY 1 (SUNDAY)SUNSET SUN TO SUNSET MON....DAY 2 (MONDAY)SUNSET MON TO SUNSET TUE....DAY 3 (TUESDAY)SUNSET TUE TO SUNSET WED....DAY 4 (WEDNESDAY)SUNSET WED TO SUNSET THU....DAY 5 (THURSDAY)SUNSET THU TO SUNSET FRI......DAY 6 (FRIDAY)SUNSET FRI TO SUNSET SAT.......DAY 7 (SATURDAY)Therefore Yahushuah (Jesus)was crucified Wed at sunset:DAY 1 Wed sunset to Thurs sunsetDAY 2 Thurs sunset to Fri sunsetDAY 3 Fri sunset to Sat (Sabbath) sunsetMat 28:1In the end of the sabbath,as it began to dawntoward the first day of the week,came Mary Magdalene and the other Maryto see the sepulchreYahushuah (Jesus)rose from the tomb Sat at sunsetwhich would be the first day of the weekaccording to an actual Bible day-SUN-dayAct 17:30And the times of this ignorance God winked at;but now commandeth all men every where to repentJUDGMENT BY FIREMUST BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GODActs 17:31Because He hath appointed A DAY, in whichHe will JUDGE THE WORLD (Greek-inhabited earth)in righteousnessBefore God brings this final judgmenton the entirety of the world,he must first perform another judgmenton another group of people...This judgment is going on right now,yet many are not even aware of it1Pet 4:16-17Yet if any man suffer as a Christian,let him not be ashamed;but let him glorify God on this behalfFor the TIME IS COME thatJUDGMENT MUST BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GODJohn the Baptist said that Jesuswould be baptizing repentant believers with fireMatt 3:11I indeed baptize you with water unto REPENTANCE:but He that comes after me is mightier than I,Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear:He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit,AND WITH FIREPeter said:1Pet 4:12Beloved, think it NOT STRANGEconcerning the fiery trial which is to try you,as though some STRANGE thing happened unto youPeter also said:1Pet 1:7That the trial of your faith,being much more precious than of gold that perishes,though it (your faith) be TRIED IN THE FIRE,might be found unto praise and honour and gloryat the appearing of Jesus ChristPaul said:1Cor 3:13Every man’s work (including believers)shall be made manifest; for the day shall declare it,because it shall be revealed BY FIRE, and the FIREshall try every man’s work of what sort it isJesus said:Mark 9:49For EVERY ONE (sinner and saint)shall be salted with FIREChristian will NOT escape beingrevealed, tried, salted, and baptized by FIREWhatever this "fire" is,it is going to be used ON EVERYONE (Rev 21:8)And are these non-believersjudged differently from believerswho are revealed, tried, salted and baptized IN FIRE?Just HOW are these non-believers judgedin the book of Revelation?How are the "fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable,and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers,and idolaters, and all liars..." JUDGED?Answer: ...In the lake WHICH BURNS WITH FIREIs this "fire" in the book of Revelation DIFFERENTfrom the fire that tries the works of believersin the book of I Corinthians?NO, The word "fire"used in the four examples above concerning believers,is the SAME word "fire" used in the book of Revelationconcerning non-believers:STRONG’s Greek Dictionary of the New Testament:page 219, #4442, pur; a primary word; "fire"(literally OR FIGURATIVELY) Pur is used(besides its ordinary natural significance)Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible:in Rev 3:18 it is SYMBOLIC ofthat which tries the faith of saints,PRODUCING WHAT WILL GLORIFY THE LORD;NOTE:It is NOT the "believer" who "produces" these glorious things,but it is the "SYMBOLIC FIRE" that produces themAnd just Who is this "symbolic fire?"It is, of course, GODFor OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE (Heb 12:29)Also from Strong's:of the fire of DIVINE JUDGMENT upon the REJECTERS of Christ,Matt 3:11 (where a distinction is to be made betweenthe baptism of the holy Spirit at Pentecostand the "fire" of divine retribution;Acts 2:3 could not refer to baptism); Luke 3:16In conclusion...Unless God Almightythrough the purging power of His FIERY SPIRIT,is BURNING OUT the lusts and passions and vanityand haughtiness and greed and self-righteousnessand laziness and weakness and hypocrisy and wickednessand pride and materialism and cynicism and depravityand carnality in your life,then Jesus Christ is NOT choosing youto reign with Himas the Sons of God in the Kingdom of Godand to bring ALL Heaven and Earthto repentance and salvationOur character flaws of the mind and spiritare going to be burned out of us allGod will either BURN OUT these filthy impuritiesfrom our hearts and minds NOW,or He will BURN THEM OUT IN THE LAKE OF FIRE,but either way, make no mistake about it,THESE THINGS ARE COMING OUT!!!PARABLESChrist spoke ONLY in parableswhen talking with the masses,Matt 13:34"ALL these thingsspake Jesus unto the multitude in PARABLES;and without a parable spake He NOT unto them"PARABLES ARE SPIRITUALA parable is a storythat contains in figurative or symbolic languagea higher moral or spiritual truthParables are HIGHER, SPIRITUAL,GLORIOUS teachings of ETERNAL thingsLiterallythey are of little consequence;Spirituallythey are of enormous consequenceBut without knowing...what the symbols represent in a parable-no one could ever understand the higher meaningTherefore the multitudes of peopledid not understand the teaching of Jesus Christ,becauseHe did not explain the meaningof the symbols to the masses-only to his disciples in privateSome parables require only a little spiritual understandingExample:The Parable of a Beam in One’s EyeThere are few believers who would notunderstand the meaning of this parable,although they might not practice its teachingOthers such as The Parable of the Prodigal Sonrequires much more spiritual understanding,as there are many more spiritual truths within this storyMany Christians can only understand parablesthat require very little spiritual understandingWhen reading the "deeper" parables,they can not comprehend The higher meaningwhich is totally missed, and/or not believedA simple example:"Another parable spoke He unto them;The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven,which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal,till the whole was leavened"Jesus didn’t explain this parable,So what does it mean?Most, ...certainly understand,that leaven (like yeast) put into doughwill cause the dough to rise through fermentationBut what is the spiritual application of this parable?Paul tells us that,1Cor5:6"Know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump"But who believes this parable?According to Jesus, the kingdom of Godis like this parable of the leaven and the lumpThe kingdom of God moves and worksthroughout the entirety of the universeuntil the WHOLE of God’s creation is broughtunder its influenceBut who believes it?The time comeswhen Jesus Christ will turn overthe kingdom of God to His Father:1Cor 15:24,28b"Then comes the end,when He shall have delivered upthe kingdom to God, even the Father;when He shall have put down all ruleand all authority and power… that GOD MAY BE ALL IN ALL"Then the whole lump will be leavened with God!!Everyone―ALLThis parable is not literalThe kingdom of God is not literally "leaven in a lump of dough!!These teachings are SPIRITUAL!!!They teach GREAT SPIRITUAL TRUTHS!!!Every parable teaches a spiritual truthIf you do not understandthe parable of the leaven and the dough-you don’t understand the gospel!!Because the leaven in the doughis like the kingdom of Godand Jesus came preachingthe "GOSPEL" OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!!You see...if the leavendoes NOT leaven the WHOLE lump,then it is NOT "like the kingdom of God"Anything that does not involve the whole (everyone)cannot be "like" the kingdom of GodFor anything to be"like" the kingdom of must involve the whole, the all, everyone, ALL MANKINDTherefore Jesus said...The kingdom of God is "like" leaventhat leavens the WHOLE LUMP!!!The Secret of PrayingHow to have every prayerthat you will ever pray-answered....Guaranteed!!First you must know and believe:Elohim is a Sovereign God,knowing ALL THINGSbefore you even ask andEph 1:11Who works ALL THINGSafter the council of HIS OWN WILLJesus himself, revealed an amazing truthduring his most serious moment in prayerin the garden of Gethsemane afterthe last supper with his disciplesMat 26:36Then cometh Jesus with themunto a place called Gethsemane,and saith unto the disciples,Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonderMat 26:37And he took with him Peterand the two sons of Zebedee,and began to be sorrowful and very heavyMat 26:38Then saith he unto them,My soul is EXCEEDINGLY SORROWFUL,even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with meMat 26:39And he went a little farther,and FELL ON HIS FACE, and prayed, saying,O my Father, if it be possible, LET THIS CUP PASSfrom me: nevertheless not as I will, BUT AS THOU WILTWas Jesus sincerely, with all his heart, requesting thatIF AT ALL POSSIBLE "let this cup pass?"YES, He surely was!!Did God answer the prayer of Jesus to "let this cup pass?"NO, He didn’t!!Yet, did not Jesus get His prayer answered?YES, He surely did!!How so?Because Jesus’ greater desirewas that his Father’s will be done,rather than "let this cup pass"Jesus has just shown usnot only the answer to ALL answered prayerbut also the answer to ALL unanswered prayer!!If you always pray, "not as I will, but as THOU will,"all of your prayers will be answered too!!Whether you always get what you desireor you do not get what you desire,if your greatest desire of all desiresis for "THY WILL be done,"then you can rest assured that from this day forward,all of your prayers will always be answered!!Elohim's WILL which is his intention for the wayhe has already preordained everything to go,will always be done!!And believe me,No prayer has ever changedwhat God has planned or purposed to happenexactly as he preordained and WILLED for it to happenIf it is God’s intentionfor you to be blessed by some particular favor,and God INSPIRES you to pray for that favorthen it will surely be given to youIf on the other hand,if it was not God’s intentionfor you to be blessed by some particular favor,then no amount of prayingwill cause God to grant it to youEither way, God’s will must and will be done,and if that is your GREATEST DESIRE in your prayersthen whether you receive some particular favoror you don’t receive it, nevertheless,your prayer will be answered!!1John 5:14And this is the confidence that we have in him,that, if we ask any thingACCORDING TO HIS WILL,he heareth usRom 8:26Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities (weaknesses):for we know not what we should pray for as we ought:but the Spirit itself maketh intercession (prayer) for uswith groanings which cannot be utteredSo what should you pray for?Anything you desire that aligns with God's WILLIf God has blessed you with your physical needsof food, clothing, shelter, and transportation-then pray for the qualities of love, mercy, forgiveness,kindness, gentleness, meekness, faith, courage,knowledge, understanding, wisdom,patience, self-control, and thankfulness!!God is our Father and Jesus is our SaviourGod wants to hear from you!!Talk to him!!About anything and everything important enoughfor you to think about or be concerned aboutAnd always be thankful!!At night when you lay down to sleep, spend a few minutes,and thank God not only for your loved ones;but even for your pillow, your bed,the shelter over your head,your refrigerator, your indoor plumbing,the water you have to drinkand above all these, the Father who loved youso far beyond your understanding,that he sacrificed his only Sonso that you may live and becomehis very image and Son/DaughterTHE SACRED NAMESThe Sacred Names were thought to be to Sacredto be uttered and therefore they were removedfrom the Scriptures over 6,800 times andreplaced with Lord or Godand soMasses of Christians, have been pursuingfor many years, a personal relationshipwith their Lord and Saviourand yet, after all this time;They, have never even known his real name!!WHOM SEEK YEProverbs 30:4who has established all the ends of the earth?what is His NAME, and what is his Son's NAME,IF THOU CANST TELL?A brief study in linguisticsTo translate is to explain the meaningof one language using the words of anotherTo transliterate is to spell a wordusing the letters of another language"I am" is the English translationof the meaning of God’s personal nameThe English transliterationof God’s personal name is YHVH, or YHWHWith vowels added, YAHVEH or YAHWEH,being translated to I AM WHO I AMNo matter what language you use,whether you translate or transliterate,YHVH's name means "I am who I am"and it directly points to his real name,which is the same in all languagesYHVH is the personal NAME of the Creator,and revealed in the four letters YOD, HEY, VAV, HEYAlthough often transliterated as YAHWEH,But it is more accurately transliterated as YAHVEHNote:V is the better transliterationas there is there is no letterin Hebrew like the W (double-U)The four Hebrew letters transliterated YHVH are:a Yod, rhymes with "rode", which we transliterate..."Y"a He, rhymes with "say", which we transliterate.…."H"a Vav, like "lava", which we transliterate "W" or......."V"a He rhymes with "say", which we transliterate..…."H"Original Hebrew didn't have any vowels,and was written right to leftSome of the consonants carry with themthe indication of associated vowel soundsThe Y is associated with the sound of a "long e", as in “beam”The H is associated with the sound of a "short a" as “ah”The Vav ("W" or "V") is associated with the vowel “u”and produces the sound in the word "cool"The H is associated with the sound of a "short a" as “ah!”Thus, the name of the Creatorsounds something like "ee-ah oo' ah", (Yah-oo' ah)with the accent on the second of the three syllablesPsalm 68:4Sing unto God, sing praises to his name:extol him that rideth upon the heavensby his name YAH, and rejoice before him“JAH” is transliterated in Bible but there is no "J" in HebrewThe name of YAH is related to the Hebrew verb "Hoveh"which means "to be" ( I am I was I will be)Therefore "YAH Hoveh" (transliterated as JAH hoveh)in the present tense means "YAH is"So therefore, YAH could alsobe his actual or abbreviated nameDeut 6:4Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:SHMAA YISRAEL YAH HOVEH ELOHEINU YAH HOVEH ECHADHEAR ...ISRAEL..YAH..IS ..........OUR GOD.YAH..IS ........ONEEven the most ancient of praisesends with the name YAHYAH is the last partof the word "halleluYah" and means "praise YAH"Now let's take a closer look at the Son's NAMEThe Hebrew/Jewish name for the Jewish Messiah is:YAHU'SHUAHwritten.........Y'SHUAHspoken.........YAHU'SHUAH YEHOSHUA or YESHUApronounced...YAH-OO'-SHOO-AHY'SHUAH means"YAH is Salvation" or "YAH the Saviour"This sacred name was gradually changedto "Je-Zeus Khristos" by the pagan masseswho converted and joined the originally Jewish Messianic SectChristianity was born, with a mixtureof pagan customs and traditionsConstantine the Great, was a Zeus worshiper,who converted to Christianity which resultedin worshipers of the sun god, Zeus,entering into the Christian religionYAHU'SHUAH'S abbreviated form of Y'SHUAHbecame "Y'Zeus" or Je-Zeus which eventuallybecame "Jesus" in EnglishThe name "Jesus" was never appliedto the SAVIOUR during his lifetime,nor for nearly 300 years afterhis death and resurrectionThe correct name of the Messiah, YAHU'SHUAH,is the only name by which he was known to hisdisciples, though he has several titles such asRabbi, Son of Man, Saviour, Anointed, King of KingsNot even once did he ever hearhimself addressed as "Jesus Christ"even when the Greek proselytes went to Philip andsaid, "We would see YAHU'SHUAH" (John 12:20, 21)A second witness of such a changeis the translation of Luke 4:27,where it refers to the prophet "Eliseus"and an event recorded in 2 Kings 5:14The Prophet's Hebrew name, however,was 'Eli'Shuah', which means "God is my Salvation"The same pagan influence that changedY'SHUAH to "Y'Zeus" is reflected in the changeof "Eli'Shuah" to Eli' Zeus ("My God is Zeus")YAHU'SHUAH (or Y'SHUAH)is used often, in the Tanach (Old Testament)as well as in the official Jewish dailyand festival prayer books, where it isgenerally translated as "Salvation"The Father's name YHVHis written using four Hebrew letters(right to left) YOD HEY VAV HEYHis true Hebrew name is YAHUAHwhich means I WAS I AM I WILL BEThe Son's name YAHU'SHUAHis written using five Hebrew letters(right to left) YOD HEY VAV SHIN HEY(The written Shin is pronounced Shu)"Shu" is a Hebrew root word meaningSALVATION, deliverance, overcoming,health, help, prosperity, and welfareWhen you add the root "Shu"to the Father's name between the "u" and the "a"this results in the Son's name YAHU'SHUAHYAHU'SHUAH and YAHUAH are OneYAHU'SHUAH came IN his YAHUAH’S NAMEYAHUSHUAH !!YAHUAH the Father sent YAHU'SHUAH his Sonto be SAVIOUR of the entire worldThe FATHER's True Hebrew Name is:written..........YHVHspoken...….....YAHUAHpronounced....YAH-OO'-AHThe SON's True Hebrew Name is:written..........Y'SHUAHspoken..........YAHU'SHUAHpronounced....YAH-OO'-SHOO-AHThe CHOSEN TRIBEYAHUDAH (JUDAH)pronounced....YAH-OO'-DAHIsaiah 52:6Therefore my people shall know my NAME:Psalm 9:10And they that know thy NAMEwill put their trust in thee:John 17:6I have manifested thy NAMEunto the men which thou gavest me out of the world:John 17:26And I have declared unto themthy NAME and will declare it:John 14:13-14And whatsoever ye shall ask in my NAME,that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the SonIf you ask anything in my NAME I will do itActs 4:12for there is no other NAME under heavengiven among men whereby we must be savedRom 10:13For whosoever shall call uponthe NAME of the Lord shall be savedMay the Father YAHUAH bless youthrough his Holy Son YAHU'SHUAHWilliam Wilburwhom_seek_ye@yahoo.com
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THE AWAKENING...YOU'VE BEEN WRONG ALL ALONG!!Jesus came by Water and Bloodnot by Water onlybut by Water and Bloodin other words:Jesus came by Baptism and Deathnot by Baptism onlybut by Baptism and DeathNot everyone claiming the Blood of Christwill stand before him at his comingTherefore, not everyoneclaiming the Blood of Christwill be able to SEE and UNDERSTANDthe "WATER" aspect of SALVATIONNot even if GOD himself,PAINTED THEM A PICTURE!!But wait- He did indeed paint everyone a picture-SEE my slide show or pics on my profile page at the animal sacrifice picture in my slide showif you cover up the left side of the picture;where the sins are being put on the sacrificeand only performed the right side;the killing of the sacrificeit was unacceptable to God;and certainly did not cover any of the sins!!God was very specificin how these sacrifices were to be donebecause they forshadowed his Sons' deathNow, Look at the Baptism picturealong side of Jesus on the crossif we cover up the Baptism picture;and the "passing on" of the sinsand only performed the right side;the killing of the sacrificeit also would be unacceptable to Godand certainly did not cover any of the sins!!THEREFORE;if your FAITH covers up the Baptism picture;and you are just believing in the crossand the shed blood of JesusIT IS UNACCEPTABLETO COVER ANY OF YOUR SINS!!Now follow alongIf you have not put your sins on Jesuswith the Correct Faith of when, where, and howhe took ALL of your sins for ALL timeand then proceeded to the crossto pay for ALL of your sins for ALL timewith his one offeringWhere are your sins?SURPRISE!!YOU ARE STILL CARRYING THEM!!Satan has deceived almost the entire worldinto just believing in the Blood!!Blindly ...we believe that our sins are goneby just believing in the deathof Jesus at the crossAnd believe me Satan is going to get great pleasureas he watches millions of Christians fall in "shock"at the coming of JesusJohn said to Jesus:You come to me to be Baptised;I need to be Baptised by you!!Jesus replies:Suffer it to be so now,It is necessary that we fufil all righteousnessJesus knew he couldn't proceed to the crosswithout the sins of the world upon himIf he did, the sacrifice would be meaninglessOnly a Levite Priest;in the line of Aaron, could pass the sins onto Jesus(John was through both his father and mother)It's no wonder Jesus said of John:Of all men born of womenthere is none greater than John the BaptistJohn was a major and significant part in our salvation!!Baptism-Jesus takes the sins of the world upon himselfSacrifice-Jesus proceeds to the cross and pays the judgmentIt is our faith... and believing with all our heartsthat he took ALL sins, for ALL time, ...there...that puts our sins on the sacrificeCoupled with the fact...That he then proceeded to the crossand shed his blood as payment(judgment)The two go hand in hand-you can not disregard one of theseand have believed in the correct and proper manner!!The BLOOD of the Sacrifice washes awayONLY the SINS that were put on the Sacrifice FIRST!!!God himself designed the Tabernaclewith the different layers of colorsto guide us to the final layerbefore returning to the Father through Christ!!It is surely not a freak accident...the Blue Purple Scarlet matches the Water Spirit Blood!!After very much praying,the Lord enlightened me,that the majority of his "CALLED"were living in the SCARLET layer of his TabernacleI was shown this was not the Correct Faith,and that the "FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT"would be the "CHOSEN" from this layer;whom would proceed to the final layer ofBlue, Purple, Scarlet...Water, Spirit BloodThey alone would have the Correct Faithwhich would remove the engraved sinsand allow them to stand at his comingThe many Christians who go to churchstill carrying their sins because of improper faithare the ones that live in the red Scarlet layerThey are the "CALLED"(many are "called" but few are "chosen")And they will still be saved;AFTER... they take "their part" in the Lake of Firewhich will remove all the sinful carnal naturethat they never put on Christ by having theCorrect Faith in theBlue Purple Scarlet ... Water Spirit BloodUntil Christ died we had to ask for forgivenessOnce he died and paid the pricefor ALL sin for ALL timewe no longer have to ask for forgiveness!!It is Satan who wants youto keep asking for forgivenessbecause if you continue to ask for forgiveness;you are denying the Correct Faiththat he already took ALL sins for ALL timeand paid the price (judgment)for ALL sins for ALL timeThis incorrect faith allows Satan to arguethat you do not have the Correct Faiththat you have not been reborn of the "Water"therefore you are still carrying our sinsand therefore you indeed belong to him!!!Satan wants you to keep believingthat you have to pray daily for sins;as a never-ending requiredment to be savedAnd if you think for a minute,that you could possibly pray enoughto cover all your sins-you are badly mistakenWhat if you died 15 minutes ago??Would you have had even one forgot??Do you think Jesus can or will let that one sin slidewhen he had given you the perfect Salvationof the Water Spirit Blood?Do you think that a person who went to churchall their life and was totally devoted to the Lordshould burn in hell forever with the rest of the wickedbecause he forgot to pray for just one sin?Remember sin can not enter heavenso somehow, someway that sin has to be removedthus my writing will also cover the truthabout the Lake of Fire lie and its' real purposeIn ConclusionJesus told us:You must be born of the Water and the Spirittherefore I am boldly proclaiming and teachingthe washing of rebirth and the renewal by the Set-apart SpiritBeing reborn of the WATER is the very split secomdthat you by Correct Faith in the Water Spirit Blood-believe with all your heart soul and mind that Jesusdid indeed take all of YOUR sins at his BaptismYou are reborn at that very split secondas you now have the Correct Faith that puts your sinsproperly on the Sacrifice by the Correct Faith in the Threethat testify in the earth:The Blue Purple Scarlet ... Water Spirit BloodThe Blood of the Sacrificewashes away....ONLY....those sins that are put on the Sacrifice FIRSTThe Gospel of Water Spirit Bloodanswers all the questions and teaches you:Where it was doneWhen it was doneHow it was doneWhat way it had to be doneWhy it was done as forshadowedWho had part in itHeb 10:12,14But this man, after he had offeredONE sacrifice for sins FOREVER,sat down on the right hand of GodFor by ONE offeringhe has perfectedFOR EVERthem that are sanctified1 John 5:6This is hethat came by water and bloodeven Jesus Christnot by water only,but by water and bloodAnd it is the Spiritthat beareth witness,because the Spirit is truth1 Peter 3:21The like figure whereuntoeven baptism doth now also save us(not the putting away of the filth of the fleshbut the answer of a good conscience toward God)by the resurrection of Jesus ChristWhat about "Daily Sins"?Yes, as we continue through lifewe will still make errors and sinuntil all things are restoredWhen this happens:The Set-apart Spirit will convict us and we will know;that act/thought was wrong (guilty feeling)We acknowledge it(accepting in our mind, it was sin)We repent for falling back into the fleshy nature(are sorry and confess it was sin)This is not asking for forgiveness!!We get back on our feet and back into our Spirital Natureby re-focusing on the perfect salvation of Water Spirit BloodWhen Jesus washed Peters feetit was to show him that even though he was "clean"he would continue to have daily sinsJesus was showing him that though his feet (so to speak)would continue to get dirty until all was restoredHe (Jesus) had also taken care of those sins as wellwith his one offering for ALL sins forevermoreMy friends;Satan can not stop Godfrom speaking through someonetherefore his only alternativeis to go to the "receiving end" of the messageand attempt to draw out their "defensive" carnal natureto stop them from receiving itMy advice is look at the Tabernacle againSee the colors that God himself designedThe entry gate of the Sanctuarywas also constructed with these colorssignifying that one must have the Correct Faith in Jesusto even enter the Sanctuary and attempt to go back toGod the Father through ChristAnd believe me, it is no accident whatsoeverthat the Blue, Purple, Scarlet colorswere all over the Tabernacleas well as on the entry to the Holy Place,to the Most Holy Place, and even on the veilbetween the Holy and the Most Holy PlaceReflect on the sacrifices that forshadowedwhat Jesus would come and doReflect on why Jesus saidthere was no man born of woman greater than JohnReflect on the fact, you could never everpossibly pray enough to cover all your sinsby the daily forgiveness prayerAnd then reflect on how beautiful and perfectthis true Salvation which the Lord providedcovers all your sinseven if you died 15 minutes agohaving not got to ask forgivenessfor something that slipped your mind!!!You can read this awesome truth in my blog orI can send a color-worded copy to a good emailThe “passing on” of sins forshadowed the Baptism of JesusLev16:21And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the goat,and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israeland all their transgressions in all their sins,putting them upon the head of the goat,and shall send him away by the handof a fit man into the wildernessJohn the Baptist is the one who passed the sins of the world onto Jesusand also the fit man who sent him into the wilderness of the worldcarrying those sins until his death on the crossWhat I am proclaiming is not about our Baptism,but the Baptism of Jesus and the correct faithof the three that testify in the earthThe Blue Purple Scarlet … Water Spirit BloodI am proclaiming the only correct faith,that will allow us to stand before him at his comingas it removes all the “engraved” sins from the tables of our heartsGod himself, designedthe Tabernacle/Sanctuary colors of Blue Purple Scarletand it was no accident that theBlue Purple Scarlet matches the Water Spirit BloodSee the slide show or pictures at the linksNotice how the final layerbefore returning to the Father through Christis the Blue Purple Scarlet coveringMy friends, Satan is a master at deceptionHe has succeeded intaking the Sacred Names of the Father and Sonout of the Bible over 6800 timesand replaced them with Lord or God(read my writing the Sacred Names)He has succeeded changingthe 7th day Sabbath to Sun…day the 1st day of the week(read my writing Seal of God or Mark of the Beast)And now, he has almost succeededin deceiving the entire worldinto believing in half of the true gospel,because they are only believing inand teaching the blood at the crossSo in essence he has accomplished getting almost the entire world toForget God’s NameForget God’s DayForget where and how God took your sinsSatan knows, that if you do not have the correct faithin the Water aspect of Salvation;You are not “reborn” of the Waterand your sins have never,properly by correct faith been put on JesusSatan’s argument is,that because of your incorrect faith in the true gospelyour sins are not covered by the blood of Jesusand therefore you belong to him!!As you proceed through this amazing truthyou may question the validity of it,because of so many that have been deceivedand thus appear to be lostThe Good News isOur God is an awesome God!!and he will save his entire creation!!!Let us begin our study, with a brief look at the Passover"The Passover"This was a special day;to remember and thank God for the Exodus from EgyptGod told Abraham that if he and his descendantswould enter into his covenant and be circumcised;he would become their God and they would become his peopleCircumcision was the "cutting off" of the foreskinsignifying the "cutting off" of sin and becoming God's peopleOnly those who were circumcised became God's peopleand were allowed to participate in the Passover celebrationThe Passover lamb signified Christthat is why not one bone was to be broken!!In the New Testament, we must be "Spiritually Circumcised"to become God’s people and participate in Jesus the PassoverRom 2:29Circumcision is that of the heartSpiritual Circumcisionis spiritually "cutting off" sin thus becoming God's peopleWe do so by faith,and believing in the Water, the Spirit, and the BloodWe "cut off" sin, by believing in faith,that Jesus took all sins upon himself at his baptism;and then proceeded to the crosswhere he would pay the price (judgment)for them in our placeHow then, do we Spiritually become God’s people?By believing in the Water Spirit Blood truth!!Just as the circumcision of the fleshrepresented the "cutting off" of sin and becoming God’s people;The proper faith of believingin Jesus "cutting off" all sin at the Jordan Riveralso restores us to being God's children again!!WE CAN PARTICIPATE IN CHRIST AND HIS KINGDOM!!Remember,those who were not circumcised in the fleshwere "cut off" from his peopleLikewise, those who are notSpiritually Circumcisedby the proper faith of theWater Spirit Bloodwill also be "cut off" from his people!!And so,In a world of so many “so called” Christianswho all believe in the life, death, and resurrection of JesusWhat is it, that separates them from the“few there be that find it”Jesus spoke about?Jesus said in Matt 7:14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way,which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find itAnd what really happens to so many of the peoplewho appeared to be the good christian people of the world?What you are about to read will change your life foreverAnd yes,Satan is very concerned about you knowing or teachingthis amazing truth which breaks his binds forevermore!!Still, Satan can not stop God from speaking through someoneTherefore, his only alternative,is to go to the receiving end of the messageand attempt to bring outthe carnal defensive natureof the person receiving the messageHe will use anything, or anyoneto keep you from receiving this truthincluding your friends, family, loved ones,and even those in your churchMay The Holy Spirit of God guide you as you read:The almost hidden:TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUSTHE WATER THE SPIRIT THE BLOODJohn 3:5Jesus answered, Verily, Verily, I say unto thee,Except a man be born of Water and of the Spirit,he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God1John 5:8And there are three that bear witness in earth,the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood: and these three agree in oneIn the Old Testament the Day of Atonementrevealed the future Salvation through Jesus ChristOnce a year, the High Priest (Aaron) would lay his hands on the headof a living goat called the "scapegoat"This act, was to pass all the sins of Israelfor an entire year, onto this sacrificeand only a levite priest in the lineage of Aaron could perform this ritualLev16:21And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the goat,and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israeland all their transgressions in all their sins,putting them upon the head of the goat,And shall send him away by the handof a fit man into the wildernessKey point:The sins were transferred or “passed on” to the sacrificeby the high priestby his hands on the headand before the death of the animalThe sacrifice (death) of this scapegoat would have been meaninglessif the sins were not passed onto it first as God requiredIn the same respect,the sacrifice (death) of Jesus on the crosswould have been meaninglessif all the sins of the worldwere not properly passed onto him first as God requiredThis “Passing On” of sinsforshadowed the Baptism of JesusJohn, the Baptist,through his father Zacharias, and his mother Elisabeth,was a descendant of Aaron the High PriestJohn who was the last earthly priest to represent all mankindmet with Jesus, the heavenly priest at the Jordan RiverMatt 3:13-15Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John,to be Baptized of himbut John forbade him,saying, I have need to be baptized of theeand comest thou to me?And Jesus answering said unto him,Suffer it to be so now:for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousnessThen he suffered himfor thus means;Baptism by the laying on of handsis the most appropriate, just, and fitting mannerto "pass on" the sins of the worldAs in the Old Testament’s "shadow of things to come"John the High Priest passed all the sins of the worldonto Jesus (the sacrifice) at this water baptismYes, the animal sacrifices of the Old Testamentforshadowed what Jesus would come and doJesus is the sacrificial Lamb of Godwho would take all the sins of the worldand then proceeded to the crossto pay for them with his bloodIt makes perfect sense for Jesus to tell Johnthat it was necessary for him to baptize himbecause he knew he couldn’t proceed to the cross without the sinsIf the Priest in the old testamentdidn’t put the sins on the head of the sacrifice first;the sacrifice was meaningless and unacceptable to GodLikewise, if John didn’t put the sins on the head of Jesus first;the sacrifice would also be meaningless and unacceptable to GodMatt 3:16And Jesus, when he was baptized,went up straightway out of the waterAnd it also makes perfect sense that Jesuscame straightway out of the wateras he was baptized by the hands on the headstraight down and straightway outJohn the Baptist was a significant part of our Salvation!!What did Jesus himself say about John?Matt 11:11Verily I say unto you,Among them that are born of womenthere hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist(Greater than Isaiah, Ezekiel, and even Moses?)Matt 3:16,17And Jesus, when he was baptized,went up straightway out of the water:and, lo, the heavens were opened unto himand he saw the Spirit of Goddescending like a dove and lighting upon him:And lo a voice from heaven, saying,This is my beloved Son,in whom I am well pleasedAfter the baptism,the very next day,John saw Jesus againand witnessed to all that were presentJohn 1:29Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the worldJohn knew,Jesus was now carryingall the sins of the world and witnessed it aloud!!It isn’t our baptism,but the baptism of Jesus, that was essential to our salvationFor this is where Jesus would "cut-off" all sin in the world forevermore!!The sacrificial requirement of passing all sins onto Jesushad been correctly accomplished(the WATER)The Spirit of God had descendedin the form of a dove(the SPIRIT)Jesus would now proceed on to the cross,where he would accept the judgmentfor all sin in our place(the BLOOD)God sent his Son to save us from all sins. (past, present, and future)Jesus came to save us from all sins. (past, present, and future)When Jesus cried out: IT IS FINISHED!!Was it not finished?Did he not save all of us who by faithaccept his water, spirit, and blood sacrifice?Was it not completely sufficient?Heb 10:12,14But this man,after he had offeredONE sacrificefor sins FOREVERsat down on the right hand of God:For by ONE offeringhe has perfectedFOR EVERthem that are sanctifiedAll we have to do is understandhow this great salvation was accomplishedand by faith accept it as the truth and believeRemember, the sacrifice (death) of Jesuswould be meaninglessif he didn't take all the sins with himSatan has slyly hidden the water aspect of Salvationso that many who profess to believe in Jesuswe will still have sin in our hearts upon Christ's returnFor if we fail to believe by faithin the water aspect of Salvationand that Jesus took all the sins of the worldupon himself at his baptism;We will be found still having our sins in our heartsand we will not be able to stand in his presencenor be fit to enter the Kingdom of GodSatan doesn't care if you teach the Bloodas long as you don't believewhen and how Jesus took your sinsAnd Satan will have great pleasurewatching the multitude of Christianswho will fall in great shockbecause they were believing incorrectlyin just the Blood of Christand therefore still carrying their sinsWe must believe by faiththat Jesus cleansed our hearts of all sin!!We are no longer separated from God the Father,but are now restored children of God without sinJesus took all sin past, present, and future to the crossIf a person doesn't believe this by faithand only believes in the blood on the crossthe sacrifice of Jesus would be meaninglessfor that personas that person's sinswere not properly put on Jesusby the correct faith in the "High Priests" baptismThus, that person’s faithwould fail to represent all the necessary aspects of true salvationWater Spirit BloodThe Blood of the Sacrificewashes awayONLYThose sinsthat were correctlyput on the SacrificeFIRSTThe momentwe see, understand, and believe this beautiful truth;we become God's people!!we no longer have any sin in our heartsas they are immediately transferred to our sacrifice JesusThe separation between us and God the Fatherhas been eliminated forevermore!!If we don't believeJesus took all sins to the cross and just believe in the blood;We are essentially eating the Passoverwithout being spiritually circumcisedWe are attempting to be covered by the blood of Christwithout first becoming God's peopleLet's take a look at the book of JoshuaJoshua led God's people to the Jordanen-route to the "promised land"When the Priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant,stepped into the Jordan river (known as the river of death)The water was "cut off" and parted leaving dry landso they could cross over into the "promised land"ForshadowingJesus was to be baptized in the future by Johnat this same Jordan Riverand would "cut off" all sin foreverSo we could also enter the "promised land"by the Water, the Spirit, and the Blood sacrifice of JesusAs we continue on,we will be taking a closer look at theSanctuary and the Tabernacleof which God himself was the designer!!My friend, You must Believe me when I tell you this,It was no accident whatsoeverthat God matched the Tabernacle’sBlue, Purple, and Scarlet threadwith the Water, Spirit, and Blood truth!!The entry gate of the Sanctuarywas also constructed with these colorssignifying that one must have the correct faith in Jesusto even enter the Sanctuaryand attempt to go back to God the Father through ChristAnd it is no accidentthat the Blue, Purple, and Scarlet colorswere all over the Tabernacleas well as on the entryto the Holy Place, to the Most Holy Place,and even on the veil between the Holy and the Most Holy PlaceThe outer layer of the Tabernacle was brownsignifying Jesus would come as a manUnderneath this, is the scarlet layersignifying Jesus would shed his bloodUnderneath this,the whiter layersignifying He would make us pure as snowAnd then, the almost hidden truth;the beautiful Blue Purple Scarlet layersignifying the true gospel ofWater Spirit BloodThe only correct faith which allows usto go back to the Father, through Jesus ChristIt is interesting, that these beautiful colorsare the final layer between us and the Fatherand that this truth was hidden underneath the other coverings;yet not hidden at the gate of the Sanctuaryor the entrance to the Holy PlaceJust a thoughtIn Noah’s time it had never rained,and the people that didn't believein the "water"were not saved by God; but perishedIn Jesus time,the people that don't believein the "water" aspect of Salvationand the "cutting off" of all sinwill likewise perish at his coming;because of the "engraved" sins within their hearts (minds)Remember,the sacrifice of Jesus would be meaninglessif he didn't take all the sins with him to the crossEither he took all the sins with himand finished what he came to doand we are saved by faithas we are sinless by his righteousnessORwe choose not to believethat all our sins are gone and when he returnswe won't be able to stand and face himbecause we failed to believe the"Water" aspect of Salvationwhich essentially meanswe were neverspiritually circumcisedto become God's peopleyet, we were incorrectly believingto be covered by his bloodWhen Jesus said: "It is finished"Was it not finished?If the Son therefore shall make you free;You shall be free indeed!!Praise, Honor, and Glorybe unto Jesus Christ, the Living Son of the Living God!!Accept his free gift of Salvation by saying a prayer similar to this:Father in Heaven,in Jesus name I pray to thank you LordFor revealing to me that salvationis only found in your Holy Son JesusI confess Jesus,I am a sinner, destined for hellI have broken all your laws and commandmentsMasses of sin are in me,and I can do nothingbut sin over and over againSo I call upon your holy name Jesusand accept and believethat you, take me as I am,and that you have alreadytaken all my sins with thee to the crossAll I have to do is believe by faithand my heart is cleansed of all transgressionsand I instantly becomea child of God and thy Holy Spirit dwells within meThank you Lord Jesusfor being a wonderful lovingGod and SaviourTruly, You are most worthy ofall Praise, Honor, and Glory!!AMENHeb 10:12,14But this man,after he had offeredONE sacrificefor sinsFOREVER,sat down on the right hand of GodFor by ONE offeringhe has perfectedFOR EVERthem that are sanctified1 John 5:6This is he that came by water and bloodeven Jesus Christnot by water only,but by water and bloodAnd it is the Spirit that beareth witness,because the Spirit is truth1 Peter 3:21The like figure whereunto evenbaptism doth now also save usnot the putting away of the filth of the fleshbut the answer of a good consciencetoward God by the resurrection of Jesus ChristRejoice!! You are now a Child of God !!Reborn of the water and of the spiritAcceptable to God the Fatherbecause of the righteousness of ChristLet your light so shine!!Remembering always faith without works is deadand by works was faith made perfectJames 2:12So speak ye and so do,as they that will be judged by the law of liberty.and walk ye in the Spirit:LOVE, JOY, PEACE,LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESSGOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS, TEMPERANCEPEACE THAT PASSETH ALL UNDERSTANDINGI myself have great peace within me for now I understandHow Jesus has taken all of my sins(past, present, and future) with him to the crossAnd if you can believe ithe has also taken all of yours!!With the correct faithwe are now accounted as righteousbefore God the Fatherbecause Jesus not only took all our sins to the crosshe has also paid the price for them in our placeIt's so simple !!If you don't believeby the correct faiththat Jesus has taken all of your sinswhen he returnsyou will still have your sins in your heart (mind)and you will not be able to standbefore him and his brightnessYou can believe your sins are gone and paid foror you can hold on to them and perish at his coming;because you didn't accept his free gift of SalvationIf you accept his free gift of Salvationyour heart is emptied of all sinand the true Holy Spirit can thus enterThis is the "rebirth" that Jesus said you must haveprior to entering the Kingdom of GodWe are accounted as righteous before the Fatheras we honor him, by honoring his Son Jesusand accepting his righteousnessas our garment that the Father looks upon…after we believethe WATER, the SPIRIT, the BLOODIn closing:We were born into sinWe must be "reborn" into righteousnessWhere do you believe Jesus took all the sins upon himself?In the Garden of Gethsemane?Did he take them at the cross?It is a very important question,as Salvation is based on you having the correct faiththat Jesus was who he was and accomplished what he came to doSince the entire sacrificial system of the old testamentforshadowed what Jesus would come and dowe can no longer believe just in the blood at the crossWe have to acknowledgethat even though the Lord didn’t plainly tell usthat Jesus took all the sins upon himself at his baptismHe has given us enough wisdomto see that the evidence is substantial !!People seem to forget how sly Satan is:Satan doesn’t want us to knowthat Jesus took all sins at his baptism;so that our sins will remain in our heartsand never get to the crossJesus basically saidif your mind even thinks about a sinyou may as well have done itHe was trying to show usthe great "degree" in which we are all sinnersWe are saturated with the disease of sin!!A person couldn't possibly pray enoughto cover all their sinsand since this is so,and sin can never enter heavenone man asked:Who then, could possibly be saved?and Jesus replied,with God all things are possibleThe only way anyone can stand at the coming of Christis to be completely COVERED by his righteousnessBut, we have to truly know who Jesus is,lest we fall into the multitude that says:Lord didn't we do great things in your name?Didn't we cast out devils in your name?And Jesus replies, I never knew you.(or perhaps you never knew me)The True Gospel of the Water, the Spirit, and the Bloodis that close relationship that we need to havewith our Lord and SaviorJesus has already paid the price for all sinsBut to be covered by his righteousnesswe, by the correct faith have to put all our sins on himThe Water, Spirit, Blood truth provides us with this correct faithIf your faith is incorrectJesus hasn't taken all your sins with him to the crossand you are still carrying them in the tables of your heartYou are essentiallytrying to be covered by the Blood of Christwithout having put your sins on the sacrificethrough the correct faiththat John, the High Priest transferred themat his BaptismThis results in your sins remaining in your heart:Jer 17:1The sin of Judahis written with a pen of Iron,and with point of a diamond:it is graven upon theTable of their Heart,and upon the horns of your altersThe moment(the blinking of an eye)when one understands the "Water" aspect of Salvationand sees and believes by true faiththat Jesus has already taken all their sins at his baptism;that is the moment they are reborn of the "WATER"Their sins, are instantly transferred to Jesusand his payment on the cross covers themThey are instantly a child of God from that very moment,as the Father sees only the righteousnessof Jesus when looking at themWHAT ABOUT DAILY SINS ?Yes, you will sin until you die,or until all things are made newBut even those sins are blotted outif you have the correct faithJesus does nothave to come back againto pay for your daily sinsHeb 10:12,14But this man,after he had offeredONE sacrificefor sinsFOREVERsat down on the right hand of GodFor byONE offeringhe has perfectedFOREVERthem that are sanctifiedWhen we sin,the Holy Spirit will convict us of these errorsand we mustconfess and acknowledge the sin,by repenting (being sorry)and turning away from that sinWE REPENT,BUT WE DO NOT HAVE TO ASK FOR FORGIVENESS!!If we continue to ask for forgiveness,we do not have the correct faiththat he took all the sins past, present, and futureall at once and paid for all the sinspast, present, and future all at onceSatan doesn't want you to know,that after Jesus diedand paid the price for all sinyou no longer have to ask for forgiveness!!He wants you to keep askingthus denying your correct faiththat the sin is already gone and has already been paid forBecause, you have been reborn of the "WATER"Again, as the Holy Spirit reveals our sins from here on outwe acknowledge our sins,we repent (are sorry) for the sins,and we return to our true and correct faithof theWater Spirit and the BloodMeditating always,on how perfect and beautiful this Salvation really is!!THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO SIN !!The Holy Spiritwill convict you deeply if you are thereby deceivedAnd who in their "right mind"would purposely, use this wonderful truthas a license to sinonce they realize that Jesushas truly freed them from all sin forever?This beautiful truth breaks the "binds" of Satan forever!!Once you truly believe this;the Holy Spirit gives you the powerto not want to do those things of the fleshy natureYes, we can fall back into that "fleshy nature"as it is always within us and tempting usSo to keep from falling back into our "fleshy nature"we must strive to always stay in the SPIRITMeditating always(daily)on this "Perfect Salvation"and working for the Lord dailyto reveal this beautiful gospel to othersWe now know, and understandhow a world of so many"so called" Christianscan be separated into"few there be that find it"Being in the first resurrectionis the "high calling" of Godand the correct faith in Jesusis the only way to be completely covered by his righteousnessBut, what happens to the multitude of the peoplewho appeared to be the good Christian people of the worldyet failed to have the correct faithwhich would have removed their "engraved" sinsfrom within their hearts (minds)and allowed them to stand at his coming?Obviously, having not been able to stand before Christat the first resurrectionthey will now fall within the groupthat will come forth at the second resurrectionAre we then to assumethat our loving Godwill punish them forever and everin the fires of Hellwith the rest of the wicked?Not at all,Our loving God will Save his entire Creation!!The Wages of Sin is Death not Eternal Life in HellFrom the Old Testament Hebrew Bible;SHEOL was translated to HELL(a chamber.... cave, tomb, or grave)When the Hebrew Bible was translated to GreekSHEOL then became HADES(unseen underworld for the dead)The concept of torment was not associated with SHEOLby any of the Old Testament ProphetsAs Christianity was arising the Levitical Priesthoodbecame the privileged "learned" in regard to the letter of the lawTherefore, they were respected and fearedfor they had the power of life and deathWhen Rome under Titus invaded Palestine in AD 70the temple was destroyed and eventually Rome accepted ChristianityAs the Popes of Roman Catholic Churchbegan their "holy apostolic succession"they quickly realized that fear and ignoranceworked much better than loveThe everlasting torments of Hellthus made its appearance in conjunctionwith the opposite alluring rewards of HeavenThis brought many peopleand much money into the churchYou were not allowed to have a Bibleas the church would instruct youin all matters concerning religionBut soon, an "enemy" would arisein the form of the Printing PressEx-communication from the churchwould be the result if anyone was caughtreading or having any portion of the Wycliffe BibleWilliam Tyndale and John Rogerswere burned at the stake for being translatorsTranslating from one language to anotherwas not always easy and errors were madeOne such example, was the translating of Hebrew and Greek wordsto the English words of eternal, everlasting and for ever and everThe hebrew word OLAM and the greek word AIONcan be simplified to the english equivalent of EON (age) for this explanationFirst of all, that which NEVER ceasescan only be in the SINGULAR formTherefore, if the hebrew OLAM or greek AIONequals the English EON (age) meaning TIME UNENDING(eternity)there could be but ONE such EON (age)One such time unendingYet many times,these words are used as PLURALS in our scripturesSo, if there are timeswhen there are more than one EONS (ages)We must concludethat one of these EONS (ages)must of necessity be of aLIMITED DURATIONTherefore, if translatorsrendered certain passagesFOR EVER AND EVERthis would have to be an errorbecause if FOR EVER means time unending (eternity)It would be incorrect to attachto TIME UNENDING (eternity)another equal period of TIME UNENDING (eternity)by the added words of AND EVERThis error results in the"ETERNAL" nature of HELLequaling in the same language our"ETERNAL" reign with ChristSo it would appear that our life with Christ is to be ETERNALand that our suffering in HELL is to be ETERNAL alsoYet, what did Paul write about the reign of Christ?1Cor 15:24,25Then shall the end come,when he (Christ)hands over the Kingdom to God the Fatherafter he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and powerFor he must reign UNTIL he has put all his enemies under his feetThe reign of Christ is to be of a LIMITED durationwhich will at some point come to a terminationJust as the Lake of Fire is to be of a LIMITED durationwhich will at some point come to a termination-after having accomplishedwhat it was truly designed byGod the Father to accomplishThe words"everlasting"... "evermore"... "for ever""fore ever and ever"... and "eternal"are no where found not even oncein any Hebrew or Greek manuscriptfrom which our modern language Bibles are translated!!One of the greatest lies about our loving Godhas made its way into the church and is being taught as truthInsinuating, that our Father in Heavenis a God of hatred and vengeanceand that he is the greatest of all hypocritesin that he teaches us to love our enemiesyet he will torture his enemies in fire for ALL eternityThis most evil doctrine was designedto insure that man would hate the loving CreatorThe truth is God, is not going toand never intended to burn anyone,in the Lake of Fire for all eternityWhy did God send his Son into the world?John 3:17For God sent not his Son into the worldto condemn the world;but that the WORLD through him might be SAVEDJohn 12:47for I came not to judge the world,but to SAVE the WORLDJohn 12:32And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,will draw ALL men unto meLuke 3:6And ALL flesh shall see the salvation of God1John 4:14And we have seen and do testify that the Fathersent the Son to be SAVIOUR of the WORLD1John 2:2And he (Jesus) is the propitiation (atoning sacrifice)for our sins: and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole WORLD2Cor 5:19To wit, that God was in Christ,reconciling the WORLD unto himself,not imputing their trespasses unto them;and hath committed unto usthe word of reconciliationRom 11:32For God hath concluded them... ALL ... in unbelief,that he might have mercy upon ALL1Tim 1:15This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation,that Christ Jesus came into the world, to SAVE sinners;John 1:29Behold the Lamb of God,which taketh away the sin of the WORLD2Peter 3:9The Lord is...not willing that ANY should perish1Tim 2:4Who will have ALL men to be SAVEDand to come unto the knowledge of the truth1Tim 4:10because we trust in the living GOD,who is the SAVIOUR of ALL men,specially (but not only) of those that believeGod sent Jesus... to be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDWill God’s “WILL” not be done?Can Jesus be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDand NOT SAVE the entire WORLDThe first time Jesus came,it was notto condemn or judge the worldbut to save the worldThe next time Jesus comesit will be to judge the world in righteousnessThose that will be cast into the Lake of Fire,will have their carnal sinful natures burned away!!In the consuming, purifying presence of the Lord;they will learn righteousnessHeb 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die,but after this the judgmentIsaiah 26:9for when thy judgments are in the earththe inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness1Cor 3:15If any man's work shall be burnedhe shall suffer lossbut he himselfshall be saved yet so as by fireYes, there will be suffering in this Lake of Firefor those who will be cast thereinshall burn in accordance with their sinful carnal naturesThe fire will not be quencheduntil all the sinful nature is burned awayresulting in that person learning obedienceand being made perfectThe wages of sin is death not eternal life in HellIf the wages of sin was to burn eternally in Hellthen Jesus, would have had to burn eternally in Hellfor taking ALL sin upon himselfThe wages of sin is death followed by a resurrectionRev 20:6Blessed and holy is he that hath partin the first resurrection:on such the second death hath no powerRev 2:11He that overcomethshall not be HURT (not killed) of the second deathMalachi 3:3He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverThis verse puzzled some women in a Bible studyand they wondered what this statement meantabout the character and nature of GodOne of the women offeredto find out the process of refining silverand get back to the group at their next Bible StudyThat week, the woman called a silversmithand made an appointment to watch him at workShe didn't mention anything about the reason for her interestbeyond her curiosity about the process of refining SilverAs she watched the silversmith,he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat upHe explained that in refining silver one needed to hold the silverin the middle of the fire where the flames were hottestas to burn away all the impuritiesThe woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spotthen she thought again about the verse that saysHe will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverShe asked the silversmithif it was true that he had to sit there in front of the firethe whole time the silver was being refined?The man answered yes,he not only had to sit there holding the silverbut he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fireIf the silver was left a moment too long in the flamesit would be destroyedThe woman was silent for a momentand then she asked the silversmith:How do you know when the silver is fully refined?He smiled at her and answeredOh, that's easywhen I see my IMAGE in it!!This is a follow-up writing to the Water Spirit Blood truthNot everyone will be able to See this great truthand go from the Scarlet covering, to the finalBlue Purple Scarlet; Water Spirit Blood...coveringNot ONE sin can enter into Heaven,and you could never... ever...pray enoughto cover ALL your sinsSo if you fell over dead ten minutes ago,would you have had any sinsthat you hadn't asked forgiveness for..... ANY...??Of course you wouldAnd you would not be able to stand at the coming of ChristYou will therefore be saved yet so as by firewhen you will be HURT (not killed) in the Lake of FireOr do you really thinkthat Jesus will let a few things slide?The true correct faithremoves ALL sins regardless of when you might dieIf you hope to stand at his coming,it is essential that you havethe correct faith that removes ALL sinIf we are just believing in the blood on the cross,which would be killing the sacrificewithout correctly having put the sins on it-It is a meaningless sacrifice!!Where does that leave your sins...?Jer 17:1The SIN of Judahis written with a pen of Iron,and with point of a diamond:it is graven uponthe Table of their Heart,and upon the horns of your altersIf someone came up to you and asked:DO YOU HAVE SIN IN YOUR HEART...?What would your reply be?How much thoughtwould you have to place on such a question?The importance of this truth, I am proclaimingis emphasized ALL over the Tabernacleand upon the gate to even enterattempting to go back to God the Father through JesusMost Christians live in the Scarlet coveringthey are the "called"and they shall be saved so as by Fire!!But, not at the first resurrection!!The "chosen" come from this group called the "called"and are the "few there be that find it"(find what?..... the true and correct faith)This correct faithmoves them to the final covering of Blue Purple Scarletthe last coveringbefore returning to the Father through Jesus Christ!!So many have the faith of the sacrificebut not the faith of the transfer of their sinsThey will not stand at the coming of Christfor they will still be carrying their sinsas they do not have the correct faithof the three that testify in the earthTheir sins have not ever been put on Jesusby the correct faith in John's Baptism of ChristThey have not been reborn of the "WATER"!!The Lord has provided “PERFECT SALVATION”for the "chosen" who will See the truthand have the perfect faithwhich removes ALL sinsand immediately sends them to the cross!!Those "few there be that find it"will stand before him without sinIf you can receive it: A SINNER....WITHOUT SIN!!When one sees and realizes the significance of this truththey actually feel the burden of ALL sins lift off them!!That is the very moment; they are "reborn" of the "WATER"Heb 10:12,14But this man,after he had offeredONE sacrificefor sinsFOREVER,sat down on the right hand of GodFor by ONE offeringhe has perfectedFOR EVERthem that are sanctified1 John 5:6This is hethat came by water and bloodeven Jesus Christnot by water only,but by water and bloodAnd it is the Spirit that beareth witness,because the Spirit is truth1 Peter 3:21The like figure whereuntoeven BAPTISM doth now also save usNOT the putting away of the filth of the fleshbut the answer of aGOOD CONSCIENCEtoward Godby the resurrection of Jesus ChristRom 11:32For God hath concluded them unbelief,that he might have mercy upon ALL1Tim 4:10who is the Saviour,SPECIALLY (but not only)of those that BelieveWATER SPIRIT BLOODWILLIAM LESLIE WILBUR
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Why the Gospel really is the "GOOD NEWS" for ALL mankind Christ spoke ONLY in parables when talking with the masses, Matt 13:34 "ALL these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in PARABLES; and without a parable spake He NOT unto them" PARABLES ARE SPIRITUAL A parable is a story that contains in figurative or symbolic language a higher moral or spiritual truth Parables are HIGHER, SPIRITUAL, GLORIOUS teachings of ETERNAL things Literally they are of little consequence; Spiritually they are of enormous consequence But without knowing what the symbols represent in a parable, no one could ever understand the higher meaning Therefore the multitudes of people did not understand the teaching of Jesus Christ, because He did not explain the meaning of the symbols to the masses, only to His disciples in private Some parables require only a little spiritual understanding Example: The Parable of a Beam in One’s Eye There are few believers who would not understand the meaning of this parable, although they might not practice its teaching Others such as The Parable of the Prodigal Son requires much more spiritual understanding, as there are many more spiritual truths within this story Many Christians can only understand parables that require very little spiritual understanding When reading the "deeper" parables, they can not comprehend The higher meaning which is totally missed, and/or not believed A simple example: "Another parable spoke He unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened" Jesus didn’t explain this parable, So what does it mean? Most, ...certainly understand, that leaven (like yeast) put into dough will cause the dough to rise through fermentation But what is the spiritual application of this parable? Paul tells us that, 1Cor5:6 "Know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump" But who believes this parable? According to Jesus, the kingdom of God is like this parable of the leaven and the lump The kingdom of God moves and works throughout the entirety of the universe until the WHOLE of God’s creation is brought under its influence But who believes it? The time comes when Jesus Christ will turn over the kingdom of God to His Father: 1Cor 15:24,28b "Then comes the end, when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He shall have put down all rule and all authority and power … that GOD MAY BE ALL IN ALL" Then the whole lump will be leavened with God!! Everyone—ALL This parable is not literal The kingdom of God is not literally "leaven in a lump of dough!! These teachings are SPIRITUAL!!! They teach GREAT SPIRITUAL TRUTHS!!! Every parable teaches a spiritual truth If you do not understand the parable of the leaven and the dough- you don’t understand the gospel!! Because the leaven in the dough is like the kingdom of God and Jesus came preaching the "GOSPEL" OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!! You see... if the leaven does NOT leaven the WHOLE lump, then it is NOT "like the kingdom of God" Anything that does not involve the whole (everyone) cannot be "like" the kingdom of God For anything to be "like" the kingdom of God... it must involve the whole, the all, everyone, all mankind Therefore Jesus said... The kingdom of God is "like" leaven that leavens the WHOLE LUMP!!! NOW THEN... Who will read this and SEE and UUNDERSTAND: To be Saviour of the World...One must SAVE the entire WORLD The FIREMAN... I teach that Yahushuah (Jesus) is the Saviour of the world- and that he can not be SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD- and not SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD I get replies that Christ can be the Saviour of the world, and yet NOT SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD They give me this type of proof: When a fireman goes into a burning building to save trapped people, what happens if these trapped people refuse to be saved? Is the fireman not still a fireman simply because some do not wish to be saved? Here we see the foolishness of the carnal mind at work desperately grasping for straws to support an unscriptural theory- that Christ TRIES to save everyone... (just like a fireman tries to save those trapped in a burning building), but is unable to save everyone because many REFUSE to be saved Therefore Christ is STILL the Saviour of the world even if He doesn’t save everyone in the world I have been told by Christians many times that most of humanity will CHOOSE to be burned in the pain of literal hell fire for all ETERNITY, rather than to be saved by Jesus Christ UTTER FOOLISHNESS!! Only an insane person would prefer to be burned in literal torturing flames of fire rather than to be saved by a fireman!! Futhermore, Any fireman worth his salt will save men, women, children, and even cats, dogs, and other pets, WHETHER THEY WANT TO BE SAVED OR NOT Imagine a mother being told by a fireman that he left her little girl back in a burning building because the little girl didn’t want to be rescued by a fireman? Jesus Christ does not suffer the limitations of a fireman! Jesus Christ IS GOD! God does what He WILLS, and God wills to save all humanity (1Tim 2:4 and Isaiah 46:9-11) As always, the God of Perfect Love has a Perfect Plan 2Peter 3:9 The Lord is...not willing that ANY should perish Rom 11:32 For God hath concluded them... ALL ... in UNBELIEF, that he might have mercy upon ALL 1Tim 4:10 because we trust in the living GOD, who is the SAVIOUR of ALL men, specially (but not only) of those that believe 1Tim 2:4 Who will have ALL men to be SAVED and to come unto the knowledge of the truth Luke 3:6 And ALL flesh shall see the salvation of God John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw ALL men unto me 1John 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be SAVIOUR of the WORLD 2Cor 5:19 To wit, that GOD was in CHRIST, reconciling the WORLD unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation John 1:29 Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the WORLD God sent Yahushuah (Jesus)... to be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLD Rom 5:19 For by one man's disobedience MANY WERE MADE SINNERS (MANY means ALL) so by the obedience of one SHALL MANY BE MADE RIGHTEOUS (MANY means ALL) DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THE BIBLE Do you really, I mean REALLY BELIEVE the first half of 1Cor 15:22 "FOR AS IN ADAM. ..ALL...DIE?" (ALL OR MANY?) Do you really, I mean REALLY BELIEVE the last half, "EVEN SO IN CHRIST SHALL ..ALL.. BE MADE ALIVE?" (ALL or MANY?) Do you believe that Yahushuah (Jesus) only "wants or wishes" to save the world? Do you BELIEVE "our Saviour, God, who wants and wishes for all mankind be saved and come into a knowledge of the truth" is a proper translation of 1Tim 2:4? Do you believe "Who WILLS that ALL MANKIND BE SAVED" is also the proper translation? Do you BELIEVE Isa 46:11? "I have spoken it (as in He has spoken it in 1Tim 2:4 for example) I WILL ALSO BRING IT TO PASS: I have PURPOSED it, I WILL ALSO DO IT" Isa 46:9-10 "I AM GOD, and there is none like me Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My COUNSEL SHALL STAND, and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE” YOU CANNOT BELIEVE BOTH; that God "WILLS" to save ALL mankind and that He WILL perform ALL His "PLEASURE" and will bring about ALL that He has "SPOKEN" and then BELIEVE... that He will NOT save ALL mankind and will NOT accomplish ALL His WILL and will NOT do all His PLEASURE and His COUNSEL will NOT stand Can Yahushuah (Jesus) be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLD and NOT SAVE the entire WORLD? Will Yahushuah (Jesus) FAIL the Father and NOT SAVE the entire world? Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment Isaiah 26:9 for when thy judgments are in the earth the inhabitants of the world WILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS 1Cor 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be SAVED yet so as by FIRE ALL things work together for good and Yahushuah (Jesus) will SAVE the entire world The Prize and "High Calling" of God, is to be in the first resurrection and be able to stand before him- and not to go through Purification by Fire Remember, the Bible proclaims: 1Co 12:3 and that no man can say that Yahushuah (Jesus) is the Lord, but BY the Holy Ghost It is this same Holy Spirit which seals us unto the day of redemption Eph 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption And so shall it be, even with the “unbelievers” when God’s judgments are in the earth the inhabitants will learn righteousness they will receive the Holy Spirit and they will bow and confess Yahushuah (Jesus) is Lord Rom 14:11 For it is written, (in Isaiah 45:23) AS I LIVE, saith the Lord, (does this sound like "maybe" he really means it?) every knee SHALL bow to me, (do you think “shall” means “maybe” or “possibly”?) and every tongue shall confess to God (do you think “every” means just a few?) Isa 45:22, 23 “Look unto me, and be ye SAVED, ALL the ends of the earth; For I am God and there is none else I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, (what part of the word “not” do people not understand?) That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear Rom 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved AND BELIEVE ME... those who have "their part" in the Lake of Fire will be calling upon the Name of the Lord- They will learn righteousness They will bow before him and they will confess him as Lord IS IT SINKING IN... Has the LIGHT BEGUN TO SHINE The Consuming Spiritural FIRE of GOD We are saved by grace through faith (Eph 2:8) However, that does not purge us from all our filthy thoughts and deeds No, there is more There is also a consuming FIRE that God uses on us: "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is JESUS CHRIST Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, WOOD, HAY, STUBBLE; Every man’s work shall be made manifest; for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed BY FIRE; and the FIRE shall TRY EVERY MAN’S WORK of what sort it is If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward If any man’s work shall be BURNED, he shall SUFFER LOSS; but... [pay close attention to this BIG BUT] BUT HE HIMSELF [the one who had his works burned and consumed in God’s consuming fire] SHALL BE SAVED [What will save him?], yet so AS BY FIRE" (1Cor 3:11-15)!!! Ah dear readers, can we begin to understand the workings of God? God consumes with fire, the wood, hay and stubble in our lives The things that don’t deserve to continue But he REFINES the gold, silver, and precious stones (those doctrines and godly character traits of God’s spirit that abide the fire) It is figurative language, it is an analogy, it is a parable, it is metaphorical (where one thing is called another thing) Our lives have either qualities of character (which are likened to gold and precious stones, things of value to refine and retain), or gross lacks in character (which are likened to wood, hay, and stubble and which are not worthy to retain or preserve) And just as real literal fire is used to refine and purify gold and precious metals, so God’s SPIRITUAL FIRE refines and purifies us from our sinful and carnal nature And likewise, as real literal fire is used to burn up wood and stubble, so God’s all consuming SPIRITUAL FIRE will consume and burn up all the impurities in our life These things MUST DIE This purging is the SECOND DEATH And whether the person God subjects to His consuming fire has many good qualities or none, the person himself shall be purged, purified, and SAVED BY GOD’S ALL-CONSUMING SPIRITUAL FIRE!!! We just read it in God’s Holy Word How can any deny it? Every person who has ever lived will be subjected to the cleaning fire of God’s spirit God is the JUDGE (Rev 20;12) ...NOT Satan This judgment throne is "WHITE" not black! God judges in righteousness "He shall judge the world with RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Psalm 96:13) "Because He [God] hath appointed a day, in which He will judge the world in RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Acts 17:31) Next I present a Scripture that many Christians hate I’ll bet you have never heard a sermon on this verse We read that God has appointed a day (a period of time) in which He will "JUDGE" the whole world Revelation 20:10-15 IS THAT DAY OF JUDGMENT! Now we know that those not found in the book of life will be put into FIRE, and they will be TORMENTED This is certainly part of this judgment But it is not literal fire Literal fire burns up physical things and literal fire cannot harm spiritual things So what does the fire do or accomplish? ...MUCH! This judgment in Revelation 20 IS that worldwide judgment spoken of in many prophecies But is the purpose of this worldwide judgment to torture people by burning their flesh in real fire for all eternity? Is that HOW God judges in "righteousness"? Absolutely not We just read where God burns up our fleshly WORKS, and this is "tormenting" for sure But God does not torture our flesh for all eternity Don’t get me wrong, there will be severe chastisements on those who despise God and His Savior and His Gospel But out of their ashes will come salvation!! Here is another marvelous Scripture which answers what happens to sinning humanity when God JUDGES THE WORLD in righteousness "For he [GOD] bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, he layeth it low, HE LAYETH IT LOW, even to the ground, he bringeth it even to the dust" (Isa 26:5) Make no mistake, God will judge the wicked with great severity However, ALWAYS FOR A BENEVOLENT PURPOSE: "With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when Thy judgments are in the earth, THE INHABITANTS OF THE WORLD WILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Isaiah 26:9)!! There will come a time when those who only knew how to blaspheme the name of God, will come to LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS They will not just "hear" of righteousness, no, they will actually "LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS"! The whole book of Isaiah speaks of judgments on Israel and on the nations But the end of all these judgments is SALVATION TO ALL Notice Isa 45:22-23, "Look unto me, and BE YE SAVED, ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH: for I am God, and there is none else I have sworn by Myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness [as in, ‘For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; Who WILL HAVE ALL MEN TO BE SAVED, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth,’ I Tim. 2:3-4] , and shall not return, That unto me EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW, EVERY TONGUE SHALL SWEAR" (See also: Phil 2: 9-11 & 1Cor 12:3) God’s words will NOT return empty or void When God speaks, it will be done When God wills, it will be done When God desires, His desires WILL BE DONE: "Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, MY COUNSEL SHALL STAND, and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE ... I have spoken it, I WILL ALSO BRING IT TO PASS; I HAVE PURPOSED IT, I WILL ALSO DO IT" (Isa 46:10-11) Oh the blasphemy of those who teach that God’s most heartfelt desires WILL NOT COME TO PASS, but will utterly fail!!! Jesus Christ is not the "potential" Savior of the world; HE IS THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD!!! HE WILL SAVE THE WORLD!!! How many self-appointed, bible-thumping, doomsday, fire and brimstone, eternal torture in hell preachers believe these verses in Isaiah? Not one that I know of! Most Christians have never been taught the Scriptures that I am giving you These things are despised by many who call themselves "Christian" And yet, God’s Word is FULL of such statements of God’s salvation to all Are you too... worshiping a God of Failure? A God Who always has to go from plan A to plan B A God Who is running a "disaster control operation" from heaven A God Who supposedly created creatures HE CANNOT CONTROL- Creatures that will wreck His original plan And the foolish and unscriptural teaching is that God created a PERFECT archangel who then SINNED AND REBELLED AGAINST God But... BUT..., here is the evil in this teaching: God did not intend, neither did He KNOW that this was ever going to happen!!! Then, supposedly, God created PERFECT MAN and put him in the garden of Eden, and never intended for him to sin or rebel, nor did He know it was going to happen!! FOILED AGAIN!! Then God sent His Son Jesus Christ to BE: "The SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD" (1John 4:15) And now we are taught by most Christians that JESUS CHRIST FAILED!!! He wanted to save the world, He tried to save the world, it was, in fact, His VERY WILL that all mankind be saved (1Tim 2:4 & 4:10), but He COULDN'T DO IT Man's phantom "free will" proved to be FAR TO POWERFUL FOR THE SON OF GOD TO OVERCOME FAILED AGAIN!!! How many times must your God FAIL before you find ANOTHER GOD? WAKE UP PEOPLE.... God created EVIL, not Satan or any other supposed power greater than God (Isa 45:7) God uses evil for good GOD planted the tree of the knowledge of good AND evil in the garden If man wanted to know "good" he had to partake of the tree of EVIL as well BOTH WERE IN THE SAME TREE, IN THE SAME FRUIT!!! Both good and evil experiences are necessary in the building of Godly Character, and so God provides both God knew what He was doing, He knows what He is doing, He will continue doing exactly what He planned FROM THE BEGINNING!!! God is not... operating a "disaster control center" from his throne of the universe He is not trying to "pick up the pieces" of a totally unexpected tragedy that he never saw coming He is not trying to "figure out" a way to somehow to get things back to being as good as they once were He is not trying to "figure out" a way to out smart Satan- and he is not "falling behind" numerically as far as how many will be saved and how many will be lost God has a plan, and he is working out that plan to perfection on a perfect schedule God has a "will" and he has his "intention" There are times, when we will go against his will accorded with his divine plan- but we will never ever go against his intention which is his intended final result Contrary to popular belief; his "will" was that man would sin and indeed be lost for a period of time but his "intention" is for ALL to be saved, and come to a knowledge of the truth- thus becoming Sons and Daughters of the Most High It was God- who planted the tree of the knowledge of good and evil-not Satan It was God who put Satan there to do the tempting It was God who made Adam and Eve Spiritually weak so that they would indeed partake of the tree according to plan Rom 8:20-22 For the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him (Elohim) who hath subjected the same in hope; because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of Elohim. For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain until now Vanity-empty, vain, profitless, depravity (wickedness) Bondage-slavery, subjection Corruption-spoil, ruin, deprave defile decay, destroy, perish Groan-moan, calamity murmur grief anguish Travail-pangs, pain, travail as in birth, Pain-anguish, starving Elohim himself... subjected the whole creation to vanity and it is Elohim himself who will deliver the whole world from the bondage of corruption, pain, and suffering The Lamb of God was "slain from the FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD" The Salvation of Adam and Eve and the entire world was prepared way before they were ever even created Why do you suppose there was but one tree containing both qualities of good and evil? Because you can't separate good from evil You can't appreciate good- if you have never experienced evil You can't appreciate light- if you have never experienced darkness You can't appreciate eating if you have never been hungry You can't become a Son or Daughter of God without knowing good and evil The Father commissioned Yahushuah (Jesus) to be the Saviour of the world Will he fail the Father, and not save the entire world? Read my writing: Most Christians will die in their sins You will then understand why Yahushuah (Jesus) said "few there be" that will find the narrow way and stand before him without sin The majority... will have "their part" in the Lake of fire and as was stated, some will receive few lashes (so to speak) and some will receive many- but you will not come out until you've paid the uttermost farthling How can anyone be a minister of the gospel and doubt the God of Perfect Love saving ALL of His children? 2Peter 3:9 The Lord is...not willing that ANY should perish Rom 11:32 For God hath concluded them... ALL ... in UNBELIEF, that he might have mercy upon ALL 1Tim 4:10 because we trust in the living GOD, who is the SAVIOUR of ALL men, specially (but not only) of those that believe 1Tim 2:4 Who will have ALL men to be SAVED and to come unto the knowledge of the truth Luke 3:6 And ALL flesh shall see the salvation of God John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw ALL men unto me 1John 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be SAVIOUR of the WORLD 2Cor 5:19 To wit, that GOD was in CHRIST, reconciling the WORLD unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation John 1:29 Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the WORLD God sent Yahushuah (Jesus)... to be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLD Rom 5:19 For by one man's disobedience MANY WERE MADE SINNERS (MANY means ALL) so by the obedience of one SHALL MANY BE MADE RIGHTEOUS (MANY means ALL) DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THE BIBLE Do you really, I mean REALLY BELIEVE the first half of 1Cor 15:22 "FOR AS IN ADAM...ALL...DIE?" (ALL OR MANY?) Do you really, I mean REALLY BELIEVE the last half, "EVEN SO IN CHRIST SHALL ..ALL.. BE MADE ALIVE?" (ALL or MANY?) Do you believe that Yahushuah (Jesus) only "wants or wishes" to save the world? Do you BELIEVE "our Saviour, God, who wants and wishes for all mankind be saved and come into a knowledge of the truth" is a proper translation of 1Tim 2:4? Do you believe "Who WILLS that ALL MANKIND BE SAVED" is also the proper translation? Do you BELIEVE Isa 46:11? "I have spoken it (as in He has spoken it in 1Tim 2:4 for example) I WILL ALSO BRING IT TO PASS: I have PURPOSED it, I WILL ALSO DO IT" Isa 46:9-10 "I AM GOD, and there is none like me Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My COUNSEL SHALL STAND, and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE” YOU CANNOT BELIEVE BOTH; that God "WILLS" to save ALL mankind and that He WILL perform ALL His "PLEASURE" and will bring about ALL that He has "SPOKEN" and then BELIEVE... that He will NOT save ALL mankind and will NOT accomplish ALL His WILL and will NOT do all His PLEASURE and His COUNSEL will NOT stand Can Yahushuah (Jesus) be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLD and NOT SAVE the entire WORLD? Will Yahushuah (Jesus) FAIL the Father and NOT SAVE the entire world? Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment Isaiah 26:9 for when thy judgments are in the earth the inhabitants of the world WILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS 1Cor 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be SAVED yet so as by FIRE ALL things work together for good- and Yahushuah (Jesus) will SAVE the entire world The Prize and "High Calling" of God, is to be in the first resurrection and be able to stand before him- and not to go through Purification by Fire Remember, the Bible proclaims: 1Co 12:3 and that no man can say that Yahushuah (Jesus) is the Lord, but BY the Holy Ghost It is this same Holy Spirit which seals us unto the day of redemption Eph 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption And so shall it be, even with the “unbelievers” when God’s judgments are in the earth the inhabitants will learn righteousness they will receive the Holy Spirit and they will bow and confess Yahushuah (Jesus) is Lord Rom 14:11 For it is written, (in Isaiah 45:23) AS I LIVE, saith the Lord, (does this sound like "maybe" he really means it?) every knee SHALL bow to me, (do you think “shall” means “maybe” or “possibly”?) and every tongue shall confess to God (do you think “every” means just a few?) Isa 45:22, 23 “Look unto me, and be ye SAVED, ALL the ends of the earth; For I am God and there is none else I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, (what part of the word “not” do people not understand?) That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear Rom 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved AND BELIEVE ME... those who have "their part" in the Lake of Fire will be calling upon the Name of the Lord- They will learn righteousness They will bow before him and they will confess him as Lord HOW GOOD OF A POTTER IS GOD? Rom 9:20-21 "Nay but, O man, Who art thou that replies against GOD? Shall the thing formed (that’s us) say to HIM that formed it, (that’s GOD) Why have YOU made me thus? Rom 9:20-21 Has not the Potter (GOD) power over the clay (man), of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto DISHONOUR?" GOD IS THE POTTER AND WE ARE THE POT Could anything be plainer? GOD, the Potter, does not owe an explanation to the pot as to WHY He made the pot the way HE desired!! And God desires to make some pots honorable and some pots DISHONORABLE Why? Because He is a mean and nasty God? NO!!! because HE has a plan, a purpose,and intentions, to save ALL humanity in the end That... IS THE "WILL" OF GOD Isaiah 26:9 for when thy JUDGMENTS are in the earth the inhabitants of the world will LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS Then what about HELL.... IF YOU DIE...You don't BURN forever If you BURN forever...YOU DON'T DIE From the Old Testament Hebrew Bible; Sheol was translated to hell (a chamber.... cave, tomb, or grave) When the Hebrew Bible was translated to Greek Sheol then became hades (unseen underworld for the dead) The concept of torment was not associated with Sheol by any of the old testament prophets As Christianity was arising The Levitical Priesthood became the privileged "learned" in regard to the letter of the law Therefore, they were respected and feared for they had the power of life and death When Rome under Titus invaded Palestine in AD 70 the temple was destroyed and eventually Rome accepted Christianity As the Popes of Roman Catholic Church began their "holy apostolic succession" They quickly realized that fear and ignorance worked much better than love The everlasting torments of Hell thus made its appearance in conjunction with the opposite alluring rewards of Heaven This brought many people and much money into the church You were not allowed to have a Bible as the church would instruct you in all matters concerning religion But soon, an "enemy" would arise in the form of the Printing Press Ex-communication from the church would be the result if anyone was caught reading or having any portion of the Wycliffe Bible William Tyndale and John Rogers were burned at the stake for being translators Translating from one language to another was not always easy and errors were made One such example, was the translating of Hebrew and Greek words to the English words of eternal, everlasting and for ever and ever The hebrew word OLAM and the greek word AION can be simplified to the english equivalent of EON(age) for this explanation First of all, that which NEVER ceases can only be in the SINGULAR form Therefore, if the hebrew OLAM or greek AION equals the english EON(age) meaning TIME UNENDING (eternity) there could be but ONE such EON (age) One such time unending Yet many times, these words are used as PLURALS in our scriptures So, if there are times when there are more than one EONS (ages) We must conclude that one of these EONS (ages) must of necessity be of A LIMITED DURATION Therefore, if translators rendered certain passages FOR EVER AND EVER this would have to be an error because if FOR EVER means time unending (eternity) It would be incorrect to attach to TIME UNENDING (eternity) another equal period of TIME UNENDING (eternity) by the added words of AND EVER This error results in the "ETERNAL" nature of HELL equaling in the same language our "ETERNAL" reign with Christ So it would appear that our life with Christ is to be ETERNAL and that our suffering in HELL is to be ETERNAL also Yet, what did Paul write about the reign of Christ? 1Cor 15:24,25 Then shall the end come, when he (Christ) hands over the Kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and power For he must reign UNTIL he has put all his enemies under his feet The reign of Jesus is to be of a LIMITED duration which will at some point come to a termination Just as the Lake of Fire is to be of a LIMITED duration which will at some point come to a termination after having completed what it was truly designed by God the Father to accomplish The words "everlasting"... "evermore"... "for ever"... "fore ever and ever"... and "eternal"... are no where found.... not even once in any Hebrew or Greek manuscript from which our modern language Bibles are translated!! One of the greatest lies about our loving God has made its way into the church and is being taught as truth Insinuating, that our Father in Heaven is a God of hatred and vengeance And that he is the greatest of all hypocrites in that he teaches us to love our enemies yet he will torture his enemies in fire for all eternity This most evil doctrine was designed to insure that man would hate the loving Creator The truth is God, is not going to and never intended to burn anyone, in the Lake of Fire for all eternity The first time Jesus came, it was NOT to condemn or judge the world but to save the world The next time Jesus comes it will be to judge the world in RIGHTEOUSNESS Those that will be cast into the Lake of Fire, will have their carnal sinful natures burned away!! In the consuming, purifying presence of God they will learn righteousness Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment Isaiah 26:9 for when thy judgments are in the earth the inhabitants of the world will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS 1Cor 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as by FIRE Yes, there will be suffering in this Lake of Fire for those who will be cast therein shall burn in accordance with their sinful carnal natures The fire will not be quenched until all the sinful nature is burned away; resulting in that person learning obedience and being made perfect The wages of sin is death not eternal life in Hell If you die…you don’t burn forever If you burn forever…you don’t die If the wages of sin was to burn eternally in Hell then Jesus,would have had to burn eternally in Hell for taking all sin upon himself The wages of sin is death followed by a resurrection Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power Rev 2:11 He that overcometh shall not be HURT (not killed) of the second death Malachi 3:3 He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up He explained that in refining silver one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot then she thought again about the verse that says He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver She then asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined The man answered yes he not only had to sit there holding the silver in the fire; but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames it would be destroyed!! The woman was silent for a moment and then asked the silversmith: How do you know when the silver is fully refined? He smiled at her and answered Oh, that's easy- when I see My IMAGE in it!! Is Elohim able to redeem anyone from hell? The Translators of the King James Version translated the HEBREW word "SHEOL" to the ENGLISH word "HELL" thirty times If sheol is indeed hell, is God able to redeem anyone from this "hell"? Psalms 49:15 But God WILL redeem my soul from from the power of the GRAVE: for he shall receive me Selah The word "grave" in this verse is the Hebrew word "sheol" which is translated "hell" in no less than thirty other verses So if "sheol" really is "hell" then there is "REDEMPTION" FROM HELL And in the GREEK: 1Cor 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O GRAVE, where is thy VICTORY? The word "grave" in this verse is the Greek word "hades" which is translated "hell" in no less than ten other verses So if "hades" really is "hell" then there is "VICTORY" OVER HELL But the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death What is Brimstone anyway? Does it make the fire hotter and more painful? Is it caustic to the skin causing greater pain? Brimstone is defined by the dictionary as Sulfur Sulfur, is often called brimstone, burning stone, or ignited sulfur It has been used in religious ceremonies for PURIFYING or fumigating buildings and for bleaching cloth (Encyclopedia Britannica, page 536) Methods of Production: Producers describe their method of obtaining sulfur from the ore as PURIFICATION BY FIRE (Page 537) Interesting thought- Purification by Fire Purification by a Lake of Fire? Physical Properties Sulfur is TASTELESS, ODORLESS, AND OF NO EFFECT ON THE SKIN (page 537) Sulfur is a POOR CONDUCTOR OF HEAT AND ELECTRICITY (page538) Interesting thought- A poor conductor of HEAT An even more interesting thought- So if God were to put enough Brimstone into the Lake of Fire, it would actually have the potential of protecting those in the fire like an asbestos suit!! Am I going to fast for anyone? Do you see where I am going with this line of thinking? Malachi 3:3 He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver The FIREMAN... I teach that Yahushuah (Jesus) is the Saviour of the world- and that he can not be SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD- and not SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD I get replies that Christ can be the Saviour of the world, and yet NOT SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD They give me this type of proof: When a fireman goes into a burning building to save trapped people, what happens if these trapped people refuse to be saved? Is the fireman not still a fireman simply because some do not wish to be saved? Here we see the foolishness of the carnal mind at work desperately grasping for straws to support an unscriptural theory- that Christ TRIES to save everyone... (just like a fireman tries to save those trapped in a burning building), but is unable to save everyone because many REFUSE to be saved Therefore Christ is STILL the Saviour of the world even if He doesn’t save everyone in the world I have been told by Christians many times that most of humanity will CHOOSE to be burned in the pain of literal hell fire for all ETERNITY, rather than to be saved by Jesus Christ UTTER FOOLISHNESS!! Only an insane person would prefer to be burned in literal torturing flames of fire rather than to be saved by a fireman!! Futhermore, Any fireman worth his salt will save men, women, children, and even cats, dogs, and other pets, WHETHER THEY WANT TO BE SAVED OR NOT Imagine a mother being told by a fireman that he left her little girl back in a burning building because the little girl didn’t want to be rescued by a fireman? Jesus Christ does not suffer the limitations of a fireman! Jesus Christ IS GOD! God does what He WILLS, and God wills to save all humanity (1Tim 2:4 and Isaiah 46:9-11) NOW... Who will come and read Why it is: "Most Christians will die in their sins" therefore having to go through the purification by FIRE which is not the eternal burning forever and ever HELL they have been lied to about- for all their lives Preview: I am an Emissary for Yahushuah Messiah proclaiming the Washing of Rebirth and Renewal by the Set-Apart Spirit After very much praying, YAHUSHUAH enlightened me, that the majority of his "CALLED" were living in the SCARLET layer of his Tabernacle I was shown this was not the Correct Faith, and that the "FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT" would be the "CHOSEN" from this layer; whom would proceed to the final layer of Blue, Purple, Scarlet...Water, Spirit Blood and have the correct faith which would remove the engraved sins and allow them to stand at his coming Satan's greatest deception has to do with the following colors and the results will be that most Christians will FALL at the coming of the Lord and they will DIE in their sins This will be one of his greatest accomplisments and will result in his greatest enjoyment and laughter Read my writing Most Christians will die in their sins and focus in on these pictures which are within it

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Are there wolves among you giving out Judas' kisses of death...Act 20:29For I know this, that after my departingshall grievous wolves enter in among you,not sparing the flockAct 20:30Also of your own selves shall men arise,speaking perverse things, to draw awaydisciples after themAre all the wolves gone now?Of course not—there will always be wolveswherever there are sheepWolves come in "sheep’s clothing,"full of smiles, and hugs, and kissesYou will not see their teeth until it is too lateJudas was a wolf in sheep’s clothingThe apostles saw a sheep—Jesus saw a wolfWhat was Judas’ ultimate sheep’s camouflage?Why, wasn’t it a simple,sincere, pure, godly "kiss?"Mat 26:48Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign,saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss,that same is he: hold him fastMat 26:49And forthwith he came to Jesus,and said, Hail, master; and kissed himah yes...but was this "kiss"a simple little peck on Jesus’ cheekThe five Scripturesusing the word "kiss" from Paul and Peter,always used the Greek word "philema"which means "kiss" and nothing elseIn Luke 22:48 we read this:"But Jesus said unto him,Judas, betray you the Son of man with a kiss[Gk: a simple ‘philema’ kiss]?"But in Matt 26:48, we find something totally differentJudas told the elders and chief priest:"…whomsoever I shall[PHILEO—passionate fondness] kiss, that same is He…"Judas did not have a "philema" kiss in mind at all!!The "kiss" in Matt 26:48 is a "phileo" kiss,and it means a fond, affectionate, passionate kiss,not a simple "philemo kiss"And the elders and high priestknew the different in these two wordsOne was a peck on the cheek,but Judas determined to use a more a passionate,huggie huggie kissie kissie displayin his attempt to betray Jesusto the devouring and ravaging wolvesThis is really intriguing stuff!!Now after Judas tells the priest and elderswhat kind of a kiss he will give Jesus[a phileo kiss] to betray Jesus,He actually delivers this kissAnd how does he do that?He does it with yet another Greek word for kiss,which is, "kataphileo" mean "to kiss EARNESTLY"This "kataphileo kiss"is used three other times in Scriptures:Luke 7:45"You gave me no kiss[no affectionate ‘phileo’ kiss,Jesus admonishes His disciples]but this woman since the time I came inhas not ceased to kiss[‘kataphileo kisses’—earnestly] My feet"Luke 15:20"And he [the prodigal son] arose, and came to his fatherBut when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him,and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck,and kissed him [earnestly and passionatelywith a ‘kataphileo kisses’]"Acts 20:37"And they all wept sore,and fell on Paul’s neck, and kissed him[with ‘kataphileo kisses’ of great passion and earnest]"Is it not abundantly clearthat this super emotional use of hugs and kisseswas used only on the most RARE occasionsof deep and profound emotional circumstances?But this is not proper conduct for everyday behaviorAre there such over-pious charlatans in your church??Be suspect of those who use super-piousand sanctimonious hugs and kisses every day of the weekNow back to the Judas Kiss of Death:"And forthwith he came to Jesus,and said, Hail, Master; and KISSED HIM"The Greek is "kisses"multiple kisses, with ‘kataphilio kisses,just as we find in every single use of this wordin Scriptures I showed you aboveNo, Judas did not betray Jesus with a peck on the cheek;he deceitfully delivered a "huggie huggie kissie kissie,fraudulent hugs and KISSES OF DEATH!!!What must we learn from all this?Whenever we pretend to be Christ-likebut it’s all a charade,we too are guiltyof giving Christ a Judas kiss of death!!!What a disgusting displayof the carnal mind and flesh, Judas has left usSome have vengeance in their heart,others vanity, others bitterness and hatred,and yet others uncontrollable sins of the flesh,but they try to camouflage their evilswith a plethora of hugs and kisses to allDon’t be afraid to hug;don’t be afraid to kiss,but beware of such phony displays of pious emotions,as they could be your "KISS OF DEATH"
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WHO ARE THE "FALSE CHRISTS"Who are they...who almost deceivethe VERY ELECT and DECEIVE MANY?We read that they are"false Christs" and "false prophets"But WHO are these false Christs and false prophets?How will we know them?What IDENTIFIES them asfalse prophets, liars, and deceivers?Here are just two Scriptureswhere Jesus gives us the IDENTIFYING SIGNSof the these false teachers, and deceivers:"MANY will say to me [Jesus] in that day,Lord, Lord [Master, Master], have we not:A: PROPHESIED[taught, preached] in Thy Name [Jesus]?B: In Thy Name [Jesus]have CAST OUT DEVILS [demons]?C: And in Thy Name [Jesus]done MANY WONDERFUL WORKS [miracles]?And then will I profess[plainly, openly, tell them to their face]I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM MEYOU THAT WORK INIQUITY [lawlessness]" (Matt 7:22-23)"For MANY shall come in my name,saying [that], I [Jesus] am Christ,and shall deceive MANY" (Matt 24:5)Who are the "MANY" today who,(1) Teach and preach in the name of Jesus Christ?(2) Cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ?(3) Do MANY (not a few, but many) WONDERFUL WORKS(not evils works, but good and wonderful works),in the name of Jesus Christ?...Who?The Russians? The Chinese? The Muslims?The Hindus? The Confucianists?The Buddhists? The Jews?The QUARTER BILLION Ethnic Religionists?The HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION Athiests?Do ANY of these worldwide religions"teach, preach, cast out demons,and do many wonderful worksIN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST?"No, they don’t!!Well then,WHO ARE THESE "MANY" who do these things?Do not "MANY"of the TWO BILLION CHRISTIANS in the world today,"teach, preach, cast out demons, and do manywonderful works IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST?"Then I would say that we have identifiedthe "many" that Jesus warned us aboutIt is not preach, teach, heal, and cast out demonsin the name of Jesus Christ-One has to also OBEYthe commandments and teachings of Jesus ChristJesus said that it is the "many" who do good words,but are guilty of "iniquity" which means "lawlessness"Next, who are the "MANY" today who say that,"Jesus IS THE CHRIST, THE MESSIAH?"No, don’t be deceived;it is not those few who occasionally claimthat they themselves are "Jesus the Christ"They don’t deceive the "MANY"Only some fool would ever be deceivedinto believing that some carnal idiotreally IS the ChristBesides, there are NOT "many"who make such a claim in the first placeBut there certainly are "MANY"who say and teach that JESUS is the REAL CHRIST!!And so it is not only thosewho "teach and preach and cast out demonsand do many wonderful works in the name of Jesus"who are DECEIVING THE MANY,but also there is a large group (many)who teach that "Jesus really IS THE CHRIST"and yet Jesus said it would be thesethat are also DECEIVING THE MANY!!Millions of Christianshave heard these Scriptures quoted all their livesBut, God forbid that they would pause a minute or twoto consider WHO REALLY ARE THESE PEOPLETHAT JESUS IS TALKING ABOUT THAT REALLY DOTHESE MANY WONDERFUL THINGS AND YET-DECEIVE THE MANY!!Jesus Christ said"I will BUILD My church..."(Matt 16:18)Where are God’s people (My people)?"And he cried mightily with a strong voice…And I heard another voice from heaven sayingCOME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE,that ye be not partakers of her SINS,and that ye receive not of her PLAGUES" (Rev 18:2,4)Who is the "her"that "God’s PEOPLE" are to "COME OUT OF"but "Mystery Babylon the Great, Mother [church]of Harlots [daughter churches]and the ABOMINATIONS of the earth" (Rev 17:4-6)Today’s Church threatens the world of sinnerswith eternal torture in eternal fireif they do not...COME INTO...their Great Mystery Church of Abominations!!!"Know you not thatYOU ARE THE TEMPLE OF GOD,and that the Spirit of Goddwells IN YOU?" (1Cor 3:16)That's because,"God that made the world and all things therein,seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth,DWELLS NOT IN TEMPLES MADE WITH HANDS" (Acts 17:24)No, God does not "dwell"in temples and buildings made with hands,but SATAN does "DWELL" in carnal churchesmade with hands (Rev 2:13)The Depths of Satan is found IN THE CHURCHHe doesn't attack the Churchfrom without, but from within:Where do we find "Satan’s seat (throne)?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:13)Where do we find "where Satan dwells?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:13)Where do we find "the doctrine of Balaam?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:14)Where do we find them who"say they are apostles (of Christ) and are not?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:2)Where do we find themwho have "left their first love?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:4)Where do we find them which"say they are (spiritual) Jews and are not,but are the synagogue of Satan?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:9 & 3:9)Where do we find"them that hold the doctrineof the Nicolaitanes, which thing I (Jesus) hate?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:15)Where do we find "that woman Jezebel,which calls herself a prophetess,to teach and to seduce my servantsto commit fornication and to eat thingssacrificed unto idols?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 2:19)Where do we find them that"have a name that you live, and are dead?"Why, IN THE CHURCHWhere do we find them that"are wretched, and miserable,and poor, and blind, and naked?"Why, IN THE CHURCH (Rev 3:17)And were do we find "the DEPTHS of Satan?"Why, IN THE CHURCH, of course Rev 2:24)THE CHURCH OF GOD IN PRIVATE HOUSESThere was a transition periodwhere the disciples still went up to the temple,but God’s intimate dealings would now be foundin more humble surroundingsWhen the Holy Spirit was poured outon the first Saints of Jesus,it was not in a synagogue, but in a house:"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come,they were all with one accord in one placeand suddenly there came a sound from heavenas of a rushing mighty wind,and it filled all the HOUSEwhere they were sitting" (Acts 2:1-2)Church services were held in houses:"Likewise greet the churchthat is in their house" (Rom 16:5)"The churches of Asia salute youAquila and Priscilla salute youmuch in the Lord, with the churchthat is in their house" (1 Cor 16:19)"Salute the brethrenwhich are in Laodicea, and Nymphas,and the church which is in his house(Col 4:15)"Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ,and Timothy our brother,unto Philemon our dearly beloved,and fellow labourer,and to our beloved Apphia,and Archippus our fellowsoldier,and to the church in your house"(Philemon 1-2)When we come to the famous Jerusalem Conferencein the fifteenth chapter of Acts, we readthat Paul and Barnabas were"…being brought on their way by the CHURCH…"(Acts 15:3)This is the Church of Jesus Christ,not the church of the synagogue systemNotice that in this conferencetheir determination was to not forcethe Law of Moses on new Gentile converts:"Then pleased it the apostles and elders,with THE WHOLE CHURCH…" (Acts 15:22)The High Priests did not attend this conferenceThis was the first "Policy Binding Counsel"of the Church of Jesus Christ,consisting of only those who believed,who formulated policy which would be bindingon the whole churchThe Jews had "synagogues"—church buildingsThe newly converted Christians came out ofthose synagogue church buildingsand their doctrines, and met in homesWhy?Mostly because Christ was not taughtor tolerated in these synagoguesIn order to worship and followthe teachings of Jesus Christ,it became necessary to "come out of her"...the synagogue system of religionWherefore...2Cor 6:17Wherefore come OUT from among themand be ye seperate, saith the Lord,and touch not the unclean thing,and I will receive youRev 18:4Come out of her, my people,that ye be not partakers of her sins,and that you receive not of her plaguesGod is calling his people ..OUT.. of the Churchesand thus hiding them in the shadow of his handJer 6:2I have likened the daughter of Zionto a comely and delicate womanIsa 51:16And I have put my words in thy mouth, andI have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand,that I may plant the heavens,and lay the foundations of the earth,and say unto Zion, Thou art my people
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JUDGMENT BY FIRE MUST BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GODActs 17:31Because He hath appointed A DAY, in whichHe will JUDGE THE WORLD(Greek-inhabited earth)in righteousnessBefore God brings this final judgmenton the entirety of the world,he must first perform another judgmenton another group of people...This judgment is going on right now,yet many are not even aware of itJUDGMENT BY FIREMUST BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GOD1Pet 4:16-17Yet if any man suffer as a Christian,let him not be ashamed;but let him glorify God on this behalfFor the TIME IS COME thatJUDGMENT MUST BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GODJohn the Baptist said that Jesuswould be baptizing repentant believers with fireMatt 3:11I indeed baptize you with water unto REPENTANCE:but He that comes after me is mightier than I,Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear:He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit,AND WITH FIREPeter said:1Pet 4:12Beloved, think it NOT STRANGEconcerning the fiery trial which is to try you,as though some STRANGE thing happened unto youPeter also said:1Pet 1:7That the trial of your faith,being much more precious than of gold that perishes,though it (your faith) be TRIED IN THE FIRE,might be found unto praise and honour and gloryat the appearing of Jesus ChristPaul said:1Cor 3:13Every man’s work (including believers)shall be made manifest; for the day shall declare it,because it shall be revealed BY FIRE, and the FIREshall try every man’s work of what sort it isJesus said:Mark 9:49For EVERY ONE (sinner and saint)shall be salted with FIREChristian will NOT escape beingrevealed, tried, salted, and baptized by FIREWhatever this "fire" is,it is going to be used ON EVERYONE (Rev 21:8)And are these non-believersjudged differently from believerswho are revealed, tried, salted and baptized IN FIRE?Just HOW are these non-believers judgedin the book of Revelation?How are the "fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable,and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers,and idolaters, and all liars..." JUDGED?Answer: ...In the lake WHICH BURNS WITH FIREIs this "fire" in the book of Revelation DIFFERENTfrom the fire that tries the works of believersin the book of I Corinthians?NO, The word "fire"used in the four examples above concerning believers,is the SAME word "fire" used in the book of Revelationconcerning non-believers:STRONG’s Greek Dictionary of the New Testament:page 219, #4442, pur; a primary word; "fire"(literally OR FIGURATIVELY) Pur is used(besides its ordinary natural significance)Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible:in Rev 3:18 it is SYMBOLIC ofthat which tries the faith of saints,PRODUCING WHAT WILL GLORIFY THE LORD;NOTE:It is NOT the "believer" who "produces" these glorious things,but it is the "SYMBOLIC FIRE" that produces themAnd just Who is this "symbolic fire?"It is, of course, GODFor OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE (Heb 12:29)Also from Strong's:of the fire of DIVINE JUDGMENT upon the REJECTERS of Christ,Matt 3:11 (where a distinction is to be made betweenthe baptism of the holy Spirit at Pentecostand the "fire" of divine retribution;Acts 2:3 could not refer to baptism); Luke 3:16In conclusion...Unless God Almightythrough the purging power of His FIERY SPIRIT,is BURNING OUT the lusts and passions and vanityand haughtiness and greed and self-righteousnessand laziness and weakness and hypocrisy and wickednessand pride and materialism and cynicism and depravityand carnality in your life,then Jesus Christ is NOT choosing youto reign with Himas the Sons of God in the Kingdom of Godand to bring ALL Heaven and Earthto repentance and salvationOur character flaws of the mind and spiritare going to be burned out of us allGod will either BURN OUT these filthy impuritiesfrom our hearts and minds NOW,or He will BURN THEM OUT IN THE LAKE OF FIRE,but either way, make no mistake about it,THESE THINGS ARE COMING OUT!!!Come read:Most Christians will die in their sins(the greatest deception of Satan)
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HOW HARD IS IT GETTING SAVED?According to the sinners prayera person can be saved in about 15 secondsby saying some specially arranged wordsNot so!Not true!!Getting Saved is the hardest most difficult thinganyone will ever have to go through in their entire lifetimeBeing saved is a lifetime process!!Just as we are in a lifetime processof being made into the image of God-Both are on-going processes!!Many times people use the following textsto prove that they are indeed savedIf you believe on the Lord you shall be savedIf you call upon the name of the Lord you shall be savedIf you get Baptized in the name of the lord you shall be savedIf you go through Jesus the door you shall be savedIf you receive Grace through Faith you shall be savedNow, follow me on thisAfter you have done one, two, or all of the aboveare you finally really and truly saved?Wait, I forgot one more:1Cor 1:21For after that in the wisdom of Godthe world by wisdom knew not God,it pleased Godby the foolishness of preachingto save them that believeDo you have to do all the aboveand then on top of that-Listen to the foolishness of my preachingto finally reach that status of being saved?My friends the one and onlyevidence that you are truly saved-will be when you come forthat the first resurrectionJohn 6:39And this is the Father's will which hath sent me,that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing,but should raise it up again AT THE LAST DAYJohn 6:40And this is the will of him that sent me,that every one which seeth the Son,and believeth on him, may have everlasting life:and I will raise him up AT THE LAST DAYJohn 6:44No man can come to me,except the Father which hath sent me draw him:and I will raise him up AT THE LAST DAYJohn 6:54Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood,hath eternal life; and I will raise him up AT THE LAST DAYJohn 11:24Martha saith unto him,I know that he shall rise againin the resurrection AT THE LAST DAYWe are in the on-going processof being saved and made into the image of GodThe completion of this processwill not take place until you riseat the first resurrection-AT THE LAST DAY!!Mat 24:13But he that shall endureUNTO THE END, the same shall be SAVEDGod has a perfect purpose and a planand he will accomplish his "WILL" ...which is:1Tim 2:4Who will (eventually)have ALL men to be saved,and to (eventually) come unto the knowledge of the truthYou can not take the next verseand make a teaching of it aloneas no scripture is of privateor ones own interpretationThe scripture following it;will explain the true meaning of the first versethat so many people quickly use to defendtheir salvation as being an already done dealRom 10:13For whosoever shall call uponthe name of the Lord shall be savedLuke 6:46And why call ye me, Lord, Lord,and do not the things which I say?In other words:If you are going tocall on me- the Lordand- call me Lordthen- YOU'VE GOT YO DO WHAT I SAY!! You have to believe on the Sonand the TESTIMONY that God gave to his Son1Jonn 5:9If we receive the witness of men,the witness of God is greater:for this is the witness of Godwhich he hath TESTIFIED of his Son1John 5:10He that believeth on the Son of Godhath the witness in himself:he that believeth not God hath made him a liar;because he believeth notTHE RECORD THAT GOD GAVE HIS SON1John 5:11And THIS IS THE RECORD, that Godhath given to us eternal life,and this life is in his Son1John 5:12He that hath the Son hath life;and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life1John 5:13These things have I written unto youthat believe on the name of the Son of God;that ye may know that ye have eternal life,and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of GodSo you must-Believe in and callupon the name of the LordDo the things he saysBelieve on the TESTIMONYGod gave of his Son What is the TESTIMONYthat GOD GAVE TO HIS SON?Rev 1:1The Revelation of Jesus Christ,which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servantsthings which must shortly come to pass;and he sent and signified it by his angelunto his servant John:Rev 1:2Who bare RECORD of the word of God,and of the TESTIMONY of Jesus Christ,There it is!!The TESTIMONY that God gave to his Sonis the Book of RevelationsIt's no wonder that we are sternly warnedthat no one is to add or take away from this bookWilliam Wilburcome read:Most Christians will die in their sins
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REPENTANCE ... a deeper look

REPENTANCE ... a deeper lookWhen the sun is shining-there is light and it is warm and dryWhen the sun goes downit gets darker, colderand towards the morningthe earth become damp with dewWould it then;be true to say:The sun is the causeof darkness cold and dampness?This may sound right-but it is not correctThe sun did not cause these thingsThese thing are automatically thereIt is when the sun comes up;that these things are taken awayLikewise...When God removeshis beams of light from mankindthey become dark and cold and dampGod is NOT the cause of those things!!Those things are automatically theredue to sin being in the worldWhen the sun is on one side of the earthGod doesn't have to supernaturallymake the other side dark-It's automatic!!and likewise;God does not have to force anyone to sinIt's automatic!!It is our "nature"to be sinning machineswith masses of sin within usLet's go deeperJames 2:10For whosoever shall keep the whole law,and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of allThe above doesn't sayif you broke one of these lawsthat you have broke them all-but that you are guilty of allThis is why we really need to deeply repent always!!Remember Christ came to magnify the lawand thus made the Law a much higher and Spiritual lawCommitting adultery is sin-yet Christ taught a much higher spiritual messagethat even thought of committing adultery was sinThink for a minute-of a sin that you considerto be one of the most despicable of sinsWhen that person committed that sin;was he not also guilty of ALL the law?I didn't say he broke ALL the other lawsbut that he is indeed guilty of ALLLikewise if you break one of these lawsyou also would be guilty of ALLI didn't say you would ever commit thesame despicable sin you thought about-but that even in a sin you did commityou are just as guilty of ALLincluding the one you judged as so despicable!!Rom 2:1Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man,whosoever thou art that judgest:for wherein thou judgest another,thou condemnest thyself;for thou that judgest doest the same thingsRom 2:3And thinkest thou this, O man,that judgest them which do such things,and doest the same, that thou shaltescape the judgment of God?This is how serious sin is to God!!We may haven't literally committed the despicable sinbut any sin we do commit accounts usjust as guilty of any and ALL sins that are possibleGod makes vessles of honor and dishonorMost of us were blessed by God-being made NOT to travel downsuch a dark alley of despicable sinMay we stop judging the sins of othersand spend more time repenting for our ownWilliam Wilburcome visit my site and read:Most Christians will die in their sins
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THE TRINITYThe Trinity as defined byHastings Dictionary of the Bible Page 1015:The Christian doctrine of Godas existing in three Persons and one Substanceis not demonstrable by logic or scriptual proofRegardless, those that believe in and teach the Trinitybelieve that it is, "...a necessary "hypothesis"that there are three persons to the Godhead:God the FatherThe Holy Ghost (Spirit)Jesus Christ the Son of GodHypothesis as defined by Webster's Dictionary:A system or theory imagined or assumedto account for what is not understoodAn unproved theory, a speculative plan...a formulation of underlying principlesof certain observed phenomenawhich has been verified to some degree... a conjecture; guessFacts:First of all, God ..IS.. Spirit; not "a" SpiritJohn 4:24"God is SPIRIT,and those who are worshiping himmust be worshiping in spirit and truth"Nowhere in the Scripturesis God referred to or called a "trinity"or a person or consisting of threeThe word "three" is never usedin reference to Who or What God isGod is never called or referred to as "a person"The Holy Spirit is never called "God"Since Christ is the Son,he cannot also be the Fatheror be coequal with his FatherJesus plainly said:John 14:28"My Father is GREATER than I"John 17:3And this is life eternal, that they might know theethe ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sentCountless things can be said to "be ONE"in numerous forms of close relationship;In this close relationship of purpose,will, harmony, etc; our Lord said:John 10:30"I and the Father, We are ONE"One plus one plus one DOES NOT equal oneOne God plus one God plus one GodDOES NOT equal one GodOne third of a God plus one third of a God plus one third of a GodDOES NOT equal one whole GodThe Holy Spirit ..OF.. God cannot also be that same GodANYTHING that is either "from" or "of " something ELSEcannot also "BE" that something else no matter what or who it isA "Father" and a "Son"CANNOT ALSO BE THE SAME PERSONJesus did not say:"I and the Father, We are one GOD," did He? No, He did notDo the Scriptures, however, tell usthat there is only ONE GOD? Yes, they doDo the Scriptures, tell usWHO that ONE God is? Yes, they doDo the Scriptures tell uswhat the relationship of Jesus Christ iswith that ONE God? Yes, they doIn fact, all of these things are answered in ONE ScriptureHere is the ONLY Scripture you will EVER need forunderstanding Who Jesus Christ and God the Father areand how many Gods there are, andWho composes that ONE God1Cor 8:5-6"For though there be that are called gods,whether in heaven or in earth,(as there be gods many and lords many,)But to US there is but ONE God, the Father,of whom are all things, and we in him;and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whomare all things and we by himand the next verse:Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge (ver 7)How many Gods are there?Answer: "ONE God."Of Whom is this ONE God composed?Answer: "the FATHER"NOT, the Father, AND the Son, AND the Holy GhostJust, "the Father!" ONLY,"the Father "ONE God, the FATHER!"Is Jesus Christan equal part of this "ONE God?"NO, He is notLet Gods' Word tell usWe don’t need to speculate and theorizeHere is Who and What Jesus Christ is,He is the "ONE Lord"This Scripture tells us that"ALL IS OUT OF" GOD (the FATHER)And this Scripture tells us that"ALL IS THROUGH" Jesus ChristGod the Father is the first cause of alland ALL IS OUT GOD,even Jesus Christ is "OUT of God "John 16:27-28"...I (Jesus) came OUT from GodI CAME OUT from the FATHER..."Now if Jesus came out from the trinity,why doesn’t the Scriptures say so?He didn’t come out from the trinityand He didn’t come out of the Holy Spirit,but HE DID COME, "...OUT FROM THE FATHER!"And after Jesus Christ came OUT from the Father,ALL ELSE came THROUGH Jesus Christ:Col 1: 14-17Who (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God,the firstborn of every creature:For by him were all things created, that are in heaven,and that are in the earth, visible and invisible,whether they be thrones, or dominions or principalities,or powers:all things were created by him and for him:And he is before all things, and by him all things consistChrist came OUT FROM THE FATHERand all else was created THROUGH Jesus ChristThere is no trinity here!!1Tim 2:5For there is ONE God,and ONE Mediator OF God and mankind, the MAN Christ Jesus..."John 14:28"...I am going to the Father, for the Father is GREATER than I"John 17:3And this is life eternal, that they might know theethe ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent1Cor 11:3"Now I want you to be awarethat the Head of every man is Christ,yet the head of the woman is the man,yet the Head of Christ IS GOD"Eph 1:3"Blessed be the God and Father OF our Lord Jesus Christ"Col 1:3"We are thanking the God and Father OF our Lord Jesus Christ"1Pet 1:3"Blessed be the God and Father " OF OUR LORD Jesus Christ,Eph 1:17"...that the GOD OF OUR LORD Jesus Christ, the FATHER..."And just who was it;who raised Jesus from the grave?Acts 2:24"Ye men of Israel, hear these words,Jesus of Nazareth... whom GOD HAS RAISED UPhaving loosed the pains OF DEATH"Rom 8:9,11,14"But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit,if so be that the Spirit OF GOD dwell in you...But if the Spirit OF HIM (GOD the FATHER)that RAISED UP JESUS FROM THE DEAD dwell in you,He (GOD the FATHER) that RAISED UP CHRIST FROM THE DEADshall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you...For as many as are led by the SPIRIT OF GOD (GOD the FATHER),they are the sons of God (God the Father, not sons of the Son)"Gal 1:1"Paul, an apostle, (not of man, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ,and GOD THE FATHER, WHO RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD")Let me make this as easy as I canThere is one God; the FatherThe Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God the FatherJesus Christ the Son,came forth and proceededFROM and OUT of God the FatherThen Jesus Christ did all the creatingwhich is precisely why he being the "Creator"could die and save his entire creationThe Son was given the full measure of the Fathers Spiritand he in turn gives us measures of this same SpiritIf the trinity was true, and the Holy Spirit was a person...when the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she conceived-Jesus would be the Son of the Holy Spirit and not the Son of GodIn Conclusion,Is Jesus God or is he not God?Yes Jesus is God,When the Pharisees accused Jesus of blasphemingbecause He said He was "The SON of God,"Jesus reminded themthat their own scriptures state that, "YE ARE GODS"Psalm 82:6"I have said, YE ARE GODS;and all of you are CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH"So Jesus is God and Ye are Godsboth having come forth from the ONLY true God-but neither Jesus or Ye;are or ever will be the ONLY true God the Fatherwho is GREATEST of allEph 5:31-32"For WE (believers) ARE membersof His (Jesus) body, of His flesh, and of His bonesFor this cause shall a man leave his father and mother,and shall be joined unto his wife,and they TWO shall be ONE fleshThis is a great mystery:but I speak concerning Christ and THE CHURCH""That they ALL may be ONE(Who?-ALL; How many?-ONE)as you Father are in Me, and I in You,that they also may be ONE in US...John 17:21-22And the glory which You gave to Me I have given them,that they may be ONE, EVEN AS WE ARE ONE"This IS the Scripture that Jesus quotedThey didn't accept what Jesus said,and some people will not accept what I am sayingOnce again;Gen 2:24"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother,and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be ONE FLESH"How many people?-TWO;How many flesh?-ONEThere, the Scriptural answer!!"...that they may be ONE,even as WE (Jesus AND His Father) ARE ONE!!HOW many Persons? Jesus & Father-TWO;HOW many GODS?-ONE GODAs a "husband and wife" ARE ONE,and "Jesus and His Church," ARE ONE,so also "Jesus and His Father," ARE ONEWill there be two or three Godsto choose from after the dust settles?NO!!Jesus came forth and proceededFROM and OUT of the Father and is our bridgewhich brings what was lost back unto the FatherFor now he sits at the "right hand" of the FatherWhen he has accomplishedexactly what he came into being to DOwhat will happen to him and his rule?1Cor 15:24,25Then shall the end come, when he (Christ)hands over the Kingdom to God the Fatherafter he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and powerFor he must reign ..UNTIL.. he has put all his enemies under his feetJohn 17:3And this is life eternal, that they might know theethe ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent
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FREE WILL... or... DOES GOD.. "FORCE" ..OUR STEPS ?God never uses that word,but He does use words such as "directs" or "guides"It doesn't take a great deal of energyfor God to make people follow the footstepsthat He has established for themThe SLIGHTEST motivationsin our finances, stomach, social life, egos, etc.,will easily cause us to go either this way or that wayOf course none of this is of any valueunless we can establish it in God's WordNotice what God says regarding our "steps""...It is NOT IN direct his steps..." (Jer10:23)"A man's heart deviseth his way:but the Lord DIRECTS HIS STEPS" (Prov16:9)God could have just as easily said: "...the Lord directs HIS WAY""Man's goings (Heb: steps) ARE OF THE LORD:how can a man then understand HIS OWN WAY?(it matters not if our steps are good or sinful)" (Prov 20:24)"For now thou NUMBEREST my steps(That's pretty specific, Matthew): dost thou NOT watch over my SIN?" (Job 14:16)"The steps('steps' is used to symbolize ALL OF MANS DOINGS)OF A MAN ARE ordered (Heb: established) by the Lord" (Psa 37:23)If ALL man's steps are "established",then of necessitythey are ordered by God IN ADVANCEof him taking those ordered steps!!!With this in mind,Let's take a closer look at man's supposed "FREE WILL"ELOHIM'S FOREKNOWLEDGE CONTRADICTS FREE WILLPhil 2:13it is God (not man)which works in you BOTH TO WILL (God causes us ‘to will’)and TO DO (God causes us ‘to do’)of His good pleasure" to bring about His intentionsAfter years of following Jesus daily,the apostles were not as yet convertedIn the evening of the last PassoverJesus tells Peter:Luke 22:31-32"And the Lord said, Simon, Simon,behold Satan has desired to have you,that he may sift you as wheat;But I have prayed for you,that your faith fall not:and when you are converted,strengthen your brethren"Yes indeed, "when you are converted"And just when might that be?Up until the very last day with their Lord,the apostles all believed that theypossessed the power of free will,which could enable them to choosetheir own destiny, and that they couldand would have the strength of self determinismand free will to maintain that courseBut Jesus told His disciplesthat they would all forsake HimIn other words,Jesus was foretelling of EVENTS that would cause(even ‘force,’ if you will) them to change their wills,against their previously stated willsThey of course, all deniedthat Jesus knew what He was talking aboutMark 14:27 & Zech 13:7"And Jesus said unto them,all ye shall be offended because of Me this night;for it is written, I shall smite the shepherd,and the sheep shall be scattered"The disciples all saidthat they would remain loyalbut Jesus said that they would allbe offended because of HimWas there a reasonfor God causing the disciplesto will loyalty to Jesus and thenin the same night to will to deny Jesus?Does God do anything in vain without a reason?This was all part of their conversion process!!God totally humiliated them by proving to themthat their own will was not freeto do what they wanted, but thatPhil. 2:13"it is God (not man) which works in youBOTH TO WILL (God causes us ‘to will’)and TO DO (God causes us ‘to do’)of His good pleasure"to bring about His intentionsIn just one night God smashedthe presumed free will of all the disciplesand they lost confidence in their flesh after that nightThere are two things that constantlyoppose and change the will of man,so that it cannot be said that the willis free to will its own destinyfor even a day or an hourWhat are these two factorsover which man has absolutelyno control whatsoever?CIRCUMSTANCESandGOD’S WILLCIRCUMSTANCES:God changes the minds and wills of mankindaround the world, a billion times a minute,through circumstances that "you know not"which are actually the cause of your choicesand your changed choicesWe are often if not most of the timecompletely unaware of what actuallycaused us to do or say or think as we doHow did all the disciples willto remain loyal to Jesus no matter what,at one moment in time, and in the next momentthey all changed their will to forsake Him?What changed their wills?Circumstances!!One moment they were at ease and safein the upper room, and at a later momentthey were in the garden surrounded by Roman Soldiers!Fear was the circumstancethat caused their (un-free) wills to changeSo it was the presence of certain circumstancesthat caused the disciples to will as they didBut what caused the circumstancesto be as they were to ensurethat they would will appropriatelyto fulfill Christ’s prophecy concerningtheir denying and forsaking Him?GOD’S WILL:Who was in charge of all these circumstances,which caused the disciples to change their wills?Why God, of courseThey did not want to change their willsThey did not desire to deny their Lord and SaviourThey did not wish to make liars of themselvesThey did not want to be shown to be cowardsWell then, why did they change their willsif they did not wish to change their wills?Were they free to not change their wills?No, they were not free.The fear inside of them caused and made(and yes, FORCED, if you will) them to change their willAnd Jesus Himself told themthat they would change their wills,so how pray tell could it have been otherwise?God knew exactly what was neededto make all of the disciples change their willsGod said that they would change their willsand forsake Jesus,and God was not aboutto be made a liarPeter did not even know what it was that caused himto deny Christ until the "cock crew"In our above example with the disciples,not only did they change their emphaticallystated will, but, they did so against their stated willEven when they willed to change their will,they did so against their original desired willPeter did not want to deny Christbut he was made to deny Christby the mere fact that the alternative (fear)was greater than his desire to remain loyalAnd so, how was he "free" to remain loyal?He wasn’tPeter was no more "free" to not deny Jesusany more than he was "free"to be loyal in his original choiceBoth choices were caused,and once something is caused to happen,it could never had been otherwiseOnce the cause is set in motion,the effect must followGod brought about circumstances thatcaused, made, forced, Peter to dowhat he didn’t want to doHow then, can such a forced will, be free?Peter didn't will to deny Jesus,but he was clearly caused to do soThis is an example of how God causes mento change their will even when it is againsttheir initial will to do soHow much easier and unrecognizableare the millions of choices we makein which we very willingly make the decisions we do,because they often appear to be pleasant, profitable,and desirable choices?This exampleof the disciples forsaking Jesus is so important!!Can we believe that Jesuscould have told His disciples the following:"And Jesus said unto them,All ye shall be offended because of me this night,but then again,maybe not all of you will be offended,seeing that all of you have a free willOr maybe this to Peter:"And Jesus said unto him (Peter)Verily I say unto you, that this day, even in this night,before the cock crow twice, thou shall deny me thrice,but then again,maybe you won’t deny Me three times,seeing that you have a free willthat does not need to deny me even onceIt doesn’t depend on what I say,or circumstances brought about by my Father,or what God declares,but rather on your own "free will"Sounds a little sillywhen we look at it logically doesn’t it?Yet this is the contentionof those who believe in "free will"Maybe Peter will,but then again maybe Peter won’t,NOT EVEN GOD KNOWS FOR SUREAlmost sounds like blasphemy, doesn’t it?It is blasphemy to argue that when Godprophesies, states, and intendsthat someone do a particular thing,that the person is still at libertybecause of his supposed free will,to not do what God has saidYet this is what the theory of "free will" demandsThe fact that God has a foreknowledge of everythingproves that free will is an impossibility,True "free will" could alter the futureand therefore God could nothave an absolute and true knowledge of the futureTherefore, it is a grave error to statethat man has a free will that is not"made" or "caused" to do as it does,and yet state that God knows in advancethe only possible choice that a person must makeHow can one believethat if God states that a person will make choice A,that he is nonetheless still at liberty to make choice B?Let me restate that:Can God say that you WILL make choice A,but you can make choice B?Can God say that such and such, WILL happenbut that it doesn’t need to happen?The disciples WILL forsake and deny Christ,but they have a free choice NOT to forsake and deny Him?God knows in advancethat something WILL be a certain way,and yet it doesn’t have to be that way?Peter thought he possessed free will:Matt 26:33"Peter answered and said unto Him,Though all men shall be offended because of you,YET WILL I NEVER BE OFFENDED"Jesus responded that Peterhad no freedom of the willto stick by such a statement"Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee,That this night, before the cock crow,YOU SHALL DENY ME thrice" (Ver 34)Peter again respondsfrom the throne of his presumed free willand CORRECTS Jesus to His face:"Peter said unto Him,Though I should DIE WITH THEE,YET WILL I NOT DENY THEELikewise also said ALL THE DISCIPLES"(Ver 35)And the rest is historyWhen Peterwas confronted the third time we read this:Matt 26:74 & 75"Then began he to curse and to swear,saying, I KNOW NOT THE MANAnd immediately the cock crewand he went out, and wept bitterly"Free will? Where? Give it up!!What about all of the other discipleswho also thought they possessed this powerof free will and self-determinism?Matt 26:56"But all this was done,that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilledThen ALL THE DISCIPLES FORSOOK HIM, AND FLED"Free will? FREE will? FREE WILL?Where?If you still believe man has a will that is "free"from external and internal causes, beyond his control,then your arguments are not with me, but with God’s WordNow for maybe the most profoundand all-encompassing statements in all Scripture:Eph 1:11"In Whom (GOD) also we have obtained(‘obtained’ not ‘earned’) an inheritance,being PREDESTINATED(our ‘destiny’ was ‘pre’ arranged by God, not us)according to the PURPOSE OF HIM(not the free will, OF US!)Who WORKS ALL THINGS (EVERY thing)AFTER THE COUNSEL OF HIS OWN WILL(not OUR OWN WILL)
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Are you too... worshiping a God of Failure?A God Who alwayshas to go from plan A to plan BA God Who isrunning a "disaster control operation" from heavenA God Whosupposedly created creaturesHE CANNOT CONTROL-Creatures that will wreck His original planAnd the foolish and unscriptural teachingis that God created a PERFECT archangelwho then SINNED AND REBELLED AGAINST GodBut... BUT..., here is the evil in this teaching:God did not intend,neither did He KNOWthat this was ever going to happen!!!Then, supposedly,God created PERFECT MANand put him in the garden of Eden,and never intended for him to sin or rebel,nor did He know it was going to happen!!FOILED AGAIN!!Then God sent His Son Jesus Christto BE: "The SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD" (1John 4:15)And now we are taught by most Christiansthat JESUS CHRIST FAILED!!!He wanted to save the world,He tried to save the world,it was, in fact, His VERY WILLthat all mankind be saved (1Tim 2:4 & 4:10),but He COULDN'T DO ITMan's phantom "free will"proved to be FAR TO POWERFULFOR THE SON OF GOD TO OVERCOMEFAILED AGAIN!!!How many timesmust your God FAIL before you find ANOTHER GOD?WAKE UP PEOPLE....God created EVIL, not Satanor any other supposed powergreater than God (Isa 45:7)God uses evil for goodGOD planted the treeof the knowledge of good AND evil in the gardenIf man wanted to know "good"he had to partake of the tree of EVIL as wellBOTH WERE IN THE SAME TREE, IN THE SAME FRUIT!!!Both good and evil experiencesare necessary in the building ofGodly Character, and so God provides bothGod knew what He was doing,He knows what He is doing,He will continue doingexactly what He planned FROM THE BEGINNING!!!God is not...operating a "disaster control center"from his throne of the universeHe is not trying to "pick up the pieces"of a totally unexpected tragedythat he never saw comingHe is not trying to "figure out" a wayto somehow to get things backto being as good as they once wereHe is nottrying to "figure out" a way to out smart Satan-and he is not "falling behind" numericallyas far as how many will be savedand how many will be lostGod has a plan,and he is working out that planto perfection on a perfect scheduleGod has a "will" and he has his "intention"There are times,when we will go against his willaccorded with his divine plan-but we will never ever go against his intentionwhich is his intended final resultContrary to popular belief;his "will" was that man would sinand indeed be lost for a period of timebut his "intention" is for ALL to be saved,and come to a knowledge of the truth-thus becoming Sons and Daughters of the Most HighIt was God-who planted the treeof the knowledge of good and evil-not SatanIt was God who put Satan there to do the temptingIt was God who made Adam and Eve Spiritually weakso that they would indeed partake of the tree according to planRom 8:20-22For the creature was made subject to vanity not willinglybut by reason of him (Elohim) who hath subjected the same in hope;because the creature itself also shall be deliveredfrom the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertyof the children of Elohim.For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain until nowVanity-empty, vain, profitless, depravity (wickedness)Bondage-slavery, subjectionCorruption-spoil, ruin, deprave defile decay, destroy, perishGroan-moan, calamity murmur grief anguishTravail-pangs, pain, travail as in birth,Pain-anguish, starvingElohim himself...subjected the whole creation to vanityand it is Elohim himself who will deliverthe whole world from the bondageof corruption, pain, and sufferingThe Lamb of Godwas "slain from the FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD"The Salvation of Adam and Eve and the entire worldwas prepared way before they were ever even createdWhy do you suppose there was but one treecontaining both qualities of good and evil?Because you can't separate good from evilYou can't appreciate good-if you have never experienced evilYou can't appreciate light-if you have never experienced darknessYou can't appreciate eatingif you have never been hungryYou can't become a Son or Daughter of Godwithout knowing good and evilThe Father commissioned Yahushuah (Jesus)to be the Saviour of the worldWill he fail the Father, and not save the entire world?Read my writing:Most Christians will die in their sinsYou will then understand why Yahushuah (Jesus)said "few there be" that will find the narrow wayand stand before him without sinThe majority...will have "their part" in the Lake of fireand as was stated,some will receive few lashes (so to speak)and some will receive many-but you will not come outuntil you've paid the uttermost farthlingHow can anyone be a minister of the gospeland doubt the God of Perfect Lovesaving ALL of His children?2Peter 3:9The Lord is...not willing that ANY should perishRom 11:32For God hath concluded them... ALL ... in UNBELIEF,that he might have mercy upon ALL1Tim 4:10because we trust in the living GOD,who is the SAVIOUR of ALL men,specially (but not only) of those that believe1Tim 2:4Who will have ALL men to be SAVEDand to come unto the knowledge of the truthLuke 3:6And ALL flesh shall see the salvation of GodJohn 12:32And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,will draw ALL men unto me1John 4:14And we have seen and do testifythat the Father sent the Sonto be SAVIOUR of the WORLD2Cor 5:19To wit, that GOD was in CHRIST,reconciling the WORLD unto himself,not imputing their trespasses unto them;and hath committed unto usthe word of reconciliationJohn 1:29Behold the Lamb of God,which taketh away the sin of the WORLDGod sent Yahushuah (Jesus) be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDRom 5:19For by one man's disobedienceMANY WERE MADE SINNERS (MANY means ALL)so by the obedience of oneSHALL MANY BE MADE RIGHTEOUS (MANY means ALL)DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THE BIBLEDo you really,I mean REALLY BELIEVEthe first half of 1Cor 15:22"FOR AS IN ADAM...ALL...DIE?" (ALL OR MANY?)Do you really,I mean REALLY BELIEVE the last half,"EVEN SO IN CHRIST SHALL..ALL.. BE MADE ALIVE?" (ALL or MANY?)Do you believe that Yahushuah (Jesus)only "wants or wishes" to save the world?Do you BELIEVE"our Saviour, God, who wants and wishesfor all mankind be saved and comeinto a knowledge of the truth"is a proper translation of 1Tim 2:4?Do you believe"Who WILLSthat ALL MANKIND BE SAVED"is also the proper translation?Do you BELIEVE Isa 46:11?"I have spoken it(as in He has spoken it in 1Tim 2:4 for example)I WILL ALSO BRING IT TO PASS:I have PURPOSED it,I WILL ALSO DO IT"Isa 46:9-10"I AM GOD, and there is none like meDeclaring the end from the beginning,and from ancient timesthe things that are not yet done,saying,My COUNSEL SHALL STAND,and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE”YOU CANNOT BELIEVE BOTH;that God "WILLS" to save ALL mankindand that He WILL perform ALL His "PLEASURE"and will bring about ALL that He has "SPOKEN"and then BELIEVE...that He will NOT save ALL mankindand will NOT accomplish ALL His WILLand will NOT do all His PLEASUREand His COUNSEL will NOT standCan Yahushuah (Jesus)be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDand NOT SAVE the entire WORLD?Will Yahushuah (Jesus)FAIL the Father and NOT SAVE the entire world?Heb 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die,but after this the judgmentIsaiah 26:9for when thy judgments are in the earththe inhabitants of the worldWILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS1Cor 3:15If any man's work shall be burnedhe shall suffer loss but he himselfshall be SAVED yet so as by FIREALL things work together for good-and Yahushuah (Jesus)will SAVE the entire worldThe Prize and "High Calling" of God,is to be in the first resurrectionand be able to stand before him-and not to go through Purification by FireRemember, the Bible proclaims:1Co 12:3and that no man can saythat Yahushuah (Jesus) is the Lord,but BY the Holy GhostIt is this same Holy Spiritwhich seals us unto the day of redemptionEph 4:30And grieve not the holy Spirit of God,Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemptionAnd so shall it be, even with the “unbelievers”when God’s judgments are in the earththe inhabitants will learn righteousnessthey will receive the Holy Spiritand they will bow and confessYahushuah (Jesus) is LordRom 14:11For it is written, (in Isaiah 45:23)AS I LIVE, saith the Lord,(does this sound like "maybe" he really means it?)every knee SHALL bow to me,(do you think “shall” means “maybe” or “possibly”?)and every tongue shall confess to God(do you think “every” means just a few?)Isa 45:22, 23“Look unto me, and be ye SAVED,ALL the ends of the earth;For I am God and there is none elseI have sworn by myself,the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness,and shall not return,(what part of the word “not” do people not understand?)That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swearRom 10:13For whosoever shall callupon the name of the Lord shall be savedAND BELIEVE ME...those who have "their part" in the Lake of Firewill be calling upon the Name of the Lord-They will learn righteousnessThey will bow before himand they will confess him as LordHOW GOOD OF A POTTER IS GOD?Rom 9:20-21"Nay but, O man,Who art thou that replies against GOD?Shall the thing formed (that’s us)say to HIM that formed it, (that’s GOD)Why have YOU made me thus?Rom 9:20-21Has not the Potter (GOD)power over the clay (man),of the same lumpto make one vessel unto honour,and another unto DISHONOUR?"GOD IS THE POTTER AND WE ARE THE POTCould anything be plainer?GOD, the Potter,does not owe an explanation to the potas to WHY He made the pot the way HE desired!!And God desiresto make some pots honorableand some pots DISHONORABLEWhy?Because He is a mean and nasty God?NO!!!because HE has a plan, a purpose,and intentions,to save ALL humanity in the endThat... IS THE "WILL" OF GODIsaiah 26:9for when thy JUDGMENTS are in the earththe inhabitants of the worldwill LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESSThen what about HELL....IF YOU DIE...You don't BURN foreverIf you BURN forever...YOU DON'T DIEFrom the Old Testament Hebrew Bible;Sheol was translated to hell(a chamber.... cave, tomb, or grave)When the Hebrew Bible was translated to GreekSheol then became hades(unseen underworld for the dead)The concept of tormentwas not associated with Sheolby any of the old testament prophetsAs Christianity was arisingThe Levitical Priesthoodbecame the privileged "learned"in regard to the letter of the lawTherefore, they were respected and fearedfor they had the power of life and deathWhen Rome under Titus invaded Palestine in AD 70the temple was destroyed and eventuallyRome accepted ChristianityAs the Popes of Roman Catholic Churchbegan their "holy apostolic succession"They quickly realized thatfear and ignorance worked much better than loveThe everlasting torments of Hellthus made its appearancein conjunction with the oppositealluring rewards of HeavenThis brought many peopleand much money into the churchYou were not allowed to have a Bibleas the church would instruct youin all matters concerning religionBut soon, an "enemy" would arisein the form of the Printing PressEx-communication from the church would be the resultif anyone was caught reading or having any portionof the Wycliffe BibleWilliam Tyndale and John Rogerswere burned at the stake for being translatorsTranslating from one language to anotherwas not always easy and errors were madeOne such example,was the translating of Hebrew and Greek wordsto the English words of eternal, everlastingand for ever and everThe hebrew word OLAM and the greek word AIONcan be simplified to the english equivalent of EON(age)for this explanationFirst of all, that which NEVER ceasescan only be in the SINGULAR formTherefore,if the hebrew OLAM or greek AIONequals the english EON(age)meaning TIME UNENDING (eternity)there could be but ONE such EON (age)One such time unendingYet many times, these words are usedas PLURALS in our scripturesSo, if there are timeswhen there are more than one EONS (ages)We must conclude that one of these EONS (ages)must of necessity be of A LIMITED DURATIONTherefore, if translators renderedcertain passages FOR EVER AND EVERthis would have to be an errorbecause if FOR EVER means time unending (eternity)It would be incorrectto attach to TIME UNENDING (eternity)another equal period of TIME UNENDING (eternity)by the added words of AND EVERThis error resultsin the "ETERNAL" nature of HELLequaling in the same languageour "ETERNAL" reign with ChristSo it would appearthat our life with Christ is to be ETERNALand that our suffering in HELL is to be ETERNAL alsoYet, what did Paul write about the reign of Christ?1Cor 15:24,25Then shall the end come,when he (Christ)hands over the Kingdom to God the Fatherafter he has destroyedall dominion, authority, and powerFor he must reign UNTILhe has put all his enemies under his feetThe reign of Jesusis to be of a LIMITED durationwhich will at some point come to a terminationJust as the Lake of Fireis to be of a LIMITED durationwhich will at some point come to a terminationafter having completed what it was truly designedby God the Father to accomplishThe words"everlasting"... "evermore"... "for ever"..."fore ever and ever"... and "eternal"...are no where found....not even once in any Hebrew or Greek manuscriptfrom which our modern language Bibles are translated!!One of the greatest lies about our loving Godhas made its way into the church and isbeing taught as truthInsinuating, that our Father in Heavenis a God of hatred and vengeanceAnd that he isthe greatest of all hypocritesin that he teaches us to love our enemiesyet he will torture his enemiesin fire for all eternityThis most evil doctrine was designed to insurethat man would hate the loving CreatorThe truth isGod, is not going to and never intended toburn anyone, in the Lake of Fire for all eternityThe first time Jesus came, it was NOTto condemn or judge the worldbut to save the worldThe next time Jesus comes it will beto judge the world in RIGHTEOUSNESSThose that will be cast into the Lake of Fire,will have their carnal sinful natures burned away!!In the consuming,purifying presence of Godthey will learn righteousnessHeb 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die,but after this the judgmentIsaiah 26:9for when thy judgments are in the earththe inhabitants of the world will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS1Cor 3:15If any man's work shall be burnedhe shall suffer loss but he himselfshall be saved yet so as by FIREYes, there will be suffering in this Lake of Firefor those who will be cast therein shall burnin accordance with their sinful carnal naturesThe fire will not be quencheduntil all the sinful nature is burned away;resulting in that personlearning obedience and being made perfectThe wages of sin is death not eternal life in HellIf you die…you don’t burn foreverIf you burn forever…you don’t dieIf the wages of sin was to burn eternally in Hellthen Jesus,would have had to burn eternallyin Hell for taking all sin upon himselfThe wages of sin is deathfollowed by a resurrectionRev 20:6Blessed and holy is he that hath partin the first resurrection:on such the second death hath no powerRev 2:11He that overcometh shall not beHURT (not killed) of the second deathMalachi 3:3He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverThis verse puzzled some women in a Bible studyand they wondered what this statement meantabout the character and nature of GodOne of the women offeredto find out the processof refining silver and get back to the groupat their next Bible StudyThat week, the woman called a silversmithand made an appointment to watch him at workShe didn't mention anythingabout the reason for her interestbeyond her curiosity about the processof refining silverAs she watched the silversmith,he held a piece of silverover the fire and let it heat upHe explained that in refining silverone needed to hold the silverin the middle of the firewhere the flames were hottestas to burn away all the impuritiesThe woman thought about Godholding us in such a hot spotthen she thought againabout the verse that saysHe will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverShe then asked the silversmithif it was true that he had to sit therein front of the fire the whole timethe silver was being refinedThe man answered yeshe not only had to sit thereholding the silver in the fire;but he had to keep his eyes on the silverthe entire time it was in the fireIf the silver was lefta moment too long in the flamesit would be destroyed!!The woman was silent for a momentand then asked the silversmith:How do you knowwhen the silver is fully refined?He smiled at her and answeredOh, that's easy-when I see My IMAGE in it!!Is Elohim able to redeem anyone from hell?The Translators of the King James Versiontranslated the HEBREW word "SHEOL"to the ENGLISH word "HELL" thirty timesIf sheol is indeed hell,is God able to redeem anyone from this "hell"?Psalms 49:15But God WILL redeem my soul from from the power of the GRAVE:for he shall receive me SelahThe word "grave" in this verse is the Hebrew word "sheol"which is translated "hell" in no less than thirty other versesSo if "sheol" really is "hell"then there is "REDEMPTION" FROM HELLAnd in the GREEK:1Cor 15:55O death, where is thy sting? O GRAVE, where is thy VICTORY?The word "grave" in this verse is the Greek word "hades"which is translated "hell" in no less than ten other versesSo if "hades" really is "hell"then there is "VICTORY" OVER HELLBut the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable,and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers,and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their partin the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:which is the second deathWhat is Brimstone anyway?Does it make the fire hotter and more painful?Is it caustic to the skin causing greater pain?Brimstone is defined by the dictionary as SulfurSulfur, is often called brimstone, burning stone, or ignited sulfurIt has been used in religious ceremonies forPURIFYING or fumigating buildings and for bleaching cloth(Encyclopedia Britannica, page 536)Methods of Production:Producers describe their methodof obtaining sulfur from the ore asPURIFICATION BY FIRE (Page 537)Interesting thought-Purification by FirePurification by a Lake of Fire?Physical PropertiesSulfur isTASTELESS, ODORLESS,AND OF NO EFFECT ON THE SKIN (page 537)Sulfur is aPOOR CONDUCTOROF HEAT AND ELECTRICITY (page538)Interesting thought-A poor conductor of HEATAn even more interesting thought-So if God were to put enough Brimstone into the Lake of Fire,it would actually have the potential of protecting those in the firelike an asbestos suit!!Am I going to fast for anyone?Do you see where I am going with this line of thinking?Malachi 3:3He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverThe FIREMAN...I teach that Yahushuah (Jesus)is the Saviour of the world-and that he can not beSAVIOUR OF THE WORLD-and notSAVE THE ENTIRE WORLDI get replies that Christcan be the Saviour of the world,and yetNOT SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLDThey give me this type of proof:When a fireman goes into a burning building to save trapped people,what happens if these trapped people refuse to be saved?Is the fireman not still a firemansimply because some do not wish to be saved?Here we see the foolishness of the carnal mind at workdesperately grasping for straws to supportan unscriptural theory-that Christ TRIES to save everyone...(just like a fireman tries to save those trapped in a burning building),but is unable to save everyone because many REFUSE to be savedTherefore Christ is STILL the Saviour of the worldeven if He doesn’t save everyone in the worldI have been told by Christians many timesthat most of humanity will CHOOSEto be burned in the pain of literal hell fire for all ETERNITY,rather than to be saved by Jesus ChristUTTER FOOLISHNESS!!Only an insane person would prefer to be burnedin literal torturing flames of firerather than to be saved by a fireman!!Futhermore, Any fireman worth his saltwill save men, women, children, and even cats, dogs, and other pets,WHETHER THEY WANT TO BE SAVED OR NOTImagine a mother being told by a firemanthat he left her little girl back in a burning buildingbecause the little girl didn’t want to be rescued by a fireman?Jesus Christ does not suffer the limitations of a fireman!Jesus Christ IS GOD! God does what He WILLS,and God wills to save all humanity(1Tim 2:4 and Isaiah 46:9-11)William WilburWhom_ seek_ ye@yahoo.com
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The Messiah gave a Treasure Map of Colors back to the FatherThe Blessing within is beyond ALL your Blessings!!Time is short...Bad things-are soon to come upon the earthRead my writing below:Most Christians will die in their sinsMay Yahushuah open your Spiritual Eyesto the awesome Truth that has beenso long before youThe Truth-you should be believing and teaching-as these things are soon to come aboutSo many of youare claiming the "BLOOD"and yet ...You are still carrying your "SINS"You are indeed blinded, fast asleep,and in a lost state of false peace and securityOpen thine eyes,the Harvest is Great!!Just as Yahushuah gave the Emissariesthe power to remove sinsThis truth also give you the power(through Yahushuah)to remove the sins that so many are still carryingOh how sad it is...So many deceived followershave been going to church their entire lives-still carrying their sinsSatan is allowedto blind you from this truthupon your initial readingIt is those who read it againwhose eyes might be opened:MOST CHRISTIANS WILL DIE IN THEIR SINSWill you DIE IN YOUR SINS?There is not anything in this lifethat would be more devastating-than to die in your sinsAnd if you truly believe that to be trueAnd there was even the slightest chancethat this indeed could happen to youWould you not drop everything-and immediately address this issue!!I mean:How serious... is your professed walk in Christ?If you died today-Would you be able to stand before Christ without sin?Well today is the day you can know for certain-just how serious you really are about Jesus ChristI am writing this inform the majority of you believers-that if you indeed died today;you will die in your sinsI realize this is a very bold statement to makeand yet I can and will back it up!!The question for each of you is:Is this matter important enough-to address this issue immediately?Are you willing to look into this matterand find out exactly why I am saying this is so?John 8:24I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins:for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sinsWho was the first person that we know ofto have the opportunity to know and believe?How exactly would he know and believe?Will the same proof, also allow us to know and believe?John the BaptistJohn 1:32And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spiritdescending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon himJohn 1:33And I knew him not:but he that sent me to baptize with water,the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt seethe Spirit descending, and remaining on him,the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy GhostSo John believed, because after his Baptism,the Holy Spirit did in fact descend and remain on himSo here we have two out of the three thingsthat would testify of Jesus in the earthThe WATER pertains to his Baptismand the taking of all sins upon himself(represented by the color BLUE in the Tabernacle coverings)The SPIRIT pertains to the Holy Spirit descendingand proving this was indeed God's Holy Son(represented by the color PURPLE in the Tabernacle coverings)The BLOOD would be the final witness of the three(represented by the color SCARLET in the Tabernacle coverings)1John 5:8And there are three that bear witness in earth,the Spirit, and the water, and the blood:John 1:29The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith,Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the worldJohn witnessed aloud, that this was indeed God's Holy Sonand he was now carrying the sins of the world upon himHAS JESUS PAID FOR ALL OR NONE OF YOUR SINSTHE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT CHRIST'S BAPTISMWhat I am teaching has absolutely NOTHINGto do with OUR Baptisms!!Many Christians think that just calling outthe name of Christ and believing in his bloodmysteriously removes all their sins- POOF!!They will still be saved!!But they do not, have the correct faiththat will allow them to stand at his comingFEW THERE BE that will find this correct faith!!And Why can they not stand at his coming?BECAUSE THEIR SINS HAVE NEVER BEENPROPERLY PUT UPON THE SACRIFICE FIRSTTHE BLOOD WASHES AWAY ONLY THOSE SINSTHAT ARE PUT UPON THE SACRIFICE FIRST !!forshadowed in the sacrificial system;the sacrifice had to have the sinsput upon its' head by the only one, that could do soA Priest in the lineage of AaronLev16:21And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the goat,and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israeland all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them uponthe head of the goatJohn was this last Levite Priestand both his father and motherwere in the lineage of AaronCorrect Faithis believing that Jesus did in facttake ALL sins for ALL time at his Baptismand that he did indeed pay for ALL sins for ALL timewith his One Offering at the CrossIF YOU BELIEVE THAT;it is accounted to you as righteousness!!Your sins have been properly put on Christwith the proper faith in the three that testify in the earth -the Water Spirit Blood as per 1John 5:8IF YOU DON' T BELIEVE THATthen you are in the group that continually;prays daily for forgiveness of sins-not realizing you could never everpray enough to ever cover all your sinsOne faith takes away ALL your sinsOne faith requires you do something (pray daily)THE AWAKENINGJesus came by Water and Bloodnot by Water only but by Water and Bloodin other words :Jesus came by Baptism and Deathnot by Baptism only but by Baptism and DeathNot every one claiming the Blood of Christwill stand before him at his comingTherefore, not every one claiming the Blood of Christwill be able to SEE and UNDERSTANDthe " WATER" aspect of SALVATIONNot even if GOD himself,PAINTED THEM A PICTURE!!But wait-He did indeed paint every one a picture-Look at the animal sacrifice picture belowif you cover up the left side of the picture;where the sins are being put on the sacrificeand only performed the right side;the killing of the sacrificeit was unacceptable to God;and certainly did not cover any of the sins!!God was very specificin how these sacrifices were to be donebecause they forshadowed his Son's deathNow, Look at the Baptism pictureand the picture of Jesus on the crossif we cover upthe Baptism picture;and the "passing on" of the sinsand only performed;the killing of the sacrificeit also would be unacceptable to Godand certainly did not cover any of the sins!!THEREFORE;if your FAITH covers up the Baptism picture;and you are just believing in the crossand the shed blood of JesusIT IS UNACCEPTABLE TO COVER ANY OF YOUR SINS! !Now follow alongIf you have not put your sins on Jesuswith the Correct Faith of when, where, and howhe took ALL of your sins for ALL timeand then proceeded to the crossto pay for ALL of your sins for ALL timewith his one offeringWhere are your sins?SURPRISE!!YOU ARE STILL CARRYING THEM!!!Satan has deceived almost the entire worldinto just believing in the Blood !!Blindly ...we believe that our sins are goneby just believing in the deathof Jesus at the crossAnd believe me;Satan is going to get great pleasureas he watches millions of Christiansfall in "shock " at the coming of JesusJohn said to Jesus :You come to me to be Baptised;I need to be Baptised by you!!Jesus replies:Suffer it to be so now,It is necessary that we fufil all righteousnessJesus knew he couldn't proceed to the crosswithout the sins of the world upon himIf he did, the sacrifice would be meaninglessOnly a Levite Priest;in the line of Aaron, could pass the sins onto Jesus(John was through both his father and mother)It's no wonder Jesus said of John:Mat 11:9But what went ye out for to see?A prophet? yea, I say unto you,and MORE THAN A PROPHET(an essential element of your salvation)Mat 11:10For this is he, of whom it is written,Behold, I send my messenger before thy face,which shall prepare thy way before thee(preparing the way by the very act ofputting ALL sin upon Jesus)Mat 11:11Verily I say unto you,Among them that are born of womenthere hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist:John was a major and significant part of our salvation!!Baptism- Jesus takes the sins of the world upon himselfSacrifice- Jesus proceeds to the cross and pays the judgmentIt is our faith ... and believing with all our heartsthat he took ALL sins, for ALL time, . . . there ...that puts our sins on the sacrificeCoupled with the factThat he then proceeded to the crossand shed his blood as payment(judgment)The two go hand in hand-you can not disregard one of theseand have believed in the correct and proper manner!!The BLOOD of the Sacrifice washes awayONLY the SINS that were put on the Sacrifice FIRST !!!God himself designed the Tabernaclewith the different layers of colorsto guide us to the final layerbefore returning to the Father through Christ!!It is surely not a freak accident. ..the Blue Purple Scarlet matches the Water Spirit Blood!!After very much praying,the Lord enlightened me,that the majority of his "CALLED"were living in the SCARLET layer of his TabernacleI was shown this was not the Correct Faith,and that the "FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT"would be the " CHOSEN" from this layer ;whom would proceed to the final layer ofBlue, Purple, Scarlet. . . Water,Spirit, BloodThey alone would have the Correct Faithwhich would remove the engraved sinsand allow them to stand at his comingThe many Christians who go to churchstill carrying their sins because of improper faithare the ones that live in the Scarlet layerThey are the "CALLED"( many are "called" but few are "chosen")And they will still be saved;AFTER ... they take "their part" in the Lake of Firewhich will remove all the sinful carnal naturethat they never put on Christ by having theCorrect Faith in theBlue Purple Scarlet ... Water Spirit BloodUntil Christ died we had to ask for forgivenessOnce he died and paid the pricefor ALL sin for ALL timewe no longer have to ask for forgiveness!!It is Satan who wants youto keep asking for forgivenessbecause if you continue to ask for forgiveness;you are denying the Correct Faiththat he already took ALL sins for ALL timeand paid the price (judgment)for ALL sins for ALL timeThis incorrect faith allows Satan to arguethat you do not have the Correct Faiththat you have not been reborn of the "Water "therefore you are still carrying your sinsand therefore you indeed belong to him!!!Satan wants you to keep believingthat you have to pray daily for sins;as a never-ending requirement to be savedAnd if you think for a minute,that you could possibly pray enoughto cover all your sins-you are badly mistakenWhat if you died 15 minutes ago?Would you have had even one sin you forgot??Do you think Jesus can or willlet that one sin slide when he had given youthe perfect Salvation of the Water Spirit Blood?And ponder this;Do you think that a person who went to churchall their life and was totally devoted to the Lordshould burn in hell forever with the rest of the wickedbecause he forgot to pray for just one sin?Remember sin can not enter heavenso somehow, someway that sin has to be removedthus my writing will also cover the truthabout the Lake of Fire lie and it's real purposeIn ConclusionJesus told us:You must be born of the Water and the SpiritTherefore I am boldly proclaiming and teachingthe washing of rebirth and the renewal by the Set-apart SpiritBeing reborn of the WATER is the very split secondthat you by Correct Faith in the Water Spirit Blood-believe with all your heart soul and mind that Jesusdid indeed take ALL of YOUR sins at his Baptismand then proceeded to the cross and paidfor ALL of your sinsYou are reborn at that very split second;as you now have the Correct Faiththat puts ALL of your sinsproperly on the Sacrificeby having the Correct Faith inthe three that testify in the earth :The Blue Purple Scarlet ... Water Spirit BloodThe Blood of the Sacrificewashes away. . . . ONLY. ...those sins that are put on the Sacrifice FIRSTThe Gospel of Water Spirit Bloodanswers all the questions and teaches you:Where it was doneWhen it was doneHow it was doneWhat way it had to be doneWhy it was done as forshadowedWho had part in itWhat about "Daily Sins" ?Yes, as we continue through lifewe will still make errors and sinuntil all things are restoredWhen this happens:The Set-apart Spirit will convict us and we will know;that act/ thought was wrong (guilty feeling)We acknowledge it(accepting in our mind, it was sin)We repent for falling back into the fleshy nature(are sorry and confess it was sin)This is not asking for forgiveness!!1John 1:9If we confess our sins,he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,and to cleanse us from all unrighteousnessTHIS DOES NOT SAY IF WE CONFESS… AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESSWe then get back on our feet and back into our Spiritual Natureby re-focusing on the perfect salvation of Water Spirit BloodWhen Jesus washed Peter's feetit was to show him that even though he was "clean"he would continue to have daily sinsJesus was showing him that his feet (so to speak)would continue to get dirty until all was restoredJesus told Peter that he would understand lateras to what washing his feet signifiedIt signified that Jesus had also taken care ofALL our daily sins as well with his one offeringDO YOU BELIEVE THIS?JESUS DOES NOT HAVE TO COME BACKAND DIE AGAIN FOR YOUR DAILY SINS!!My friends;Satan can not stop Godfrom speaking through someonetherefore his only alternativeis to go to the "receiving end" of the messageand attempt to draw out their "defensive" carnal natureto stop them from receiving itMy advice is look at the Tabernacle againSee the colors that God himself designedThe entry gate of the Sanctuarywas also constructed with these colorssignifying that one must have the Correct Faith in Jesusto even enter the Sanctuary and attempt to go back toGod the Father through ChristAnd believe me, it is no accident whatsoeverthat the Blue, Purple, Scarlet colorswere all over the Tabernacleas well as on the entry to the Holy Place ,to the Most Holy Place , and even on the veilbetween the Holy and the Most Holy PlaceReflect on the sacrifices that forshadowedwhat Jesus would come and doReflect on why Jesus saidthere was no man born of woman greater than JohnReflect on the fact, you could never everpossibly pray enough to cover all your sinsby the daily forgiveness prayerAnd then reflect on how beautiful and perfectthis true Salvation which the Lord providedcovers all your sinseven if you died 15 minutes agohaving not got to ask forgivenessfor something that slipped your mind!!In the New Testament;Circumcision (cutting off sin)is that OF THE HEART (MIND)Read this very carefullyand SEE how you who were separated from Godare made a Son/Daughter by Circumcision-the "cutting off" of sin by the Correct FaithHave you been Spiritually Circumcised?"The Passover"This was a special day; to rememberand thank God for the Exodus from EgyptGod told Abraham that if he and his descendantswould enter into his covenant and be circumcisedHe would become their God and they wouldbecome his peopleCircumcision was the "cutting off" of the foreskinsignifying the "cutting off" of sin and becoming God's peopleOnly those who were circumcised became God's peopleand were allowed to eat the meat of the Passover celebrationThe Passover lamb signified Christthat is why not one bone was to be broken!!In the new Testamentwe must be "Spiritually Circumcised"to participate in the JESUS the PassoverRom 2:29Circumcision is that of the heartSpiritual Circumcisionis spiritually "cutting off" sin thus becoming God's peopleWe do so by faith , and believing inthe Water, the Spirit, and the BloodWe "cut off" sin, by believing in faith ,that Jesus took all sins upon himself at his baptismand then proceeded to the cross where he would paythe price (judgment) for them in our placeHow then, do we Spiritually become GOD'S people?By believing in the WATER SPIRIT BLOOD truth!!Just as the circumcision of the fleshrepresented the "cutting off" of sinand becoming God’s peopleThe proper faith of believingin the "cutting off"of ALL sin at the Jordan River-makes us God's children againWE CAN PARTICIPATEIN CHRIST AND HIS KINGDOM!!Rememberthose who were not circumcised in the fleshwere "cut off" from his peopleThose who are not Spiritually Circumcisedby the proper Faith of the WATER SPIRIT BLOODwill also be "cut off" from his people!!Let's also take a look at the book of JoshuaJoshua led God's peopleto the Jordan en-route to the "promised land"When the Priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant,stepped into the Jordan river the water was "cut off"and parted leaving dry land so they couldcross over into the "promised land"ForshadowingJesus was to be baptized in the future by John,at this same Jordan River and would "cut off" all sin foreverSo we could also enter the "promised land"by the Water, the Spirit, and the Blood sacrifice of JesusThe Baptism of the Lord is where he took ALL the sinsThe Cross is where he paid for ALL the sinsThis Correct Faith washes us of themand puts them properly on him-thus we can be viewed "righteous"in the eyes of the FatherBecause WE BELIEVE GOD (proper faith)Just as Abraham BELIEVED GOD (by faith)it is accounted to us as righteousness!!This correct faith allows the FEW THERE BEto stand before him at his comingThe truth I am trying to show the worldtakes you from the "CALLED" PERSONWHO LIVES IN THE SCARLET LAYEROF THE TABERNACLE COVERINGWHO STILL PRAYS DAILY FOR FORGIVENESSand takes you to the "CHOSEN" PERSONWHO LIVES IN THE BLUE PURPLE SCARLETFINAL TABERNACLE COVERINGWHO NO LONGER ARE TRICKED BY SATANINTO PRAYING DAILY FOR FORGIVENESS OF SINSWhich I repeat;gives him a great argument thatYOU never had the correct faithYOU were never reborn of the "WATER"YOU are therefore still carrying your sinsYOU BELONG TO HIM (SATAN )Our God is an awesome Godand he will save his entire Creationbut once again FEW THERE BEthat can SEE and UNDERSTANDthe truth I am teachingWILL YOUR CONSCIENCE CONDEMN YOU IN THE END?What is it;that has separates us from our God?Isa 59:2But your iniquities have separatedbetween you and your God, and your sinshave hid his face from you, that he will not hearThe removal of these sins is the only wayto reconcile us to our God2Cor 5:19To wit, that God was in Christ, reconcilingthe world unto himself, not imputing theirtrespasses unto them; and hath committedunto us the word of reconciliationA shadow of something, is not the real thing ;therefore, a shadow can not dothat which the real thing can doHeb 10:1For the (ceremonial) law (of sacrifices)having a SHADOW of good thing s to come,and not the very image of the things,can NEVER with those sacrificeswhich they offered year by year continuallymake the comers there unto perfectIf the "shadow" could have done this,CONSCIENCE would no longer condemn the sinnerHeb 10:2For then, would they (the sacrifices)not have CEASED to be offered?because that the worshipers ONCE PURGEDshould have had NO more CONSCIENCE of sinsBecause the "shadow" could not dowhat only the real thing could doThe sacrifices were repeated yearlyas the Day of AtonementHeb 10:3But in those sacrifices there isa remembrance again made of sins every yearAnd WHY is this?Heb 10:4For it is NOT POSSIBLE that the bloodof bulls and of goats should take away sinsBut itIS POSSIBLE,that the blood of the Son of Godshould not only take away ALL sinbut that the worshipers ONCE PURGEDshould have had NO more CONSCIENCE of sinsHeb 10: 12But this man, after he had offeredONE sacrifice for sins FOR EVER,sat down on the right hand of God;Heb 10: 14For by ONE offeringhe hath perfected FOR EVERthem that are SANCTIFIED (set apart as holy)1Peter 3:21The like figure where unto even BAPTISMdoth also now save us (not the putting awayof the filth of the flesh , but the answerof a good . . CONSCIENCE .. toward God,)by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:HAS JESUS TAKEN AND PAID FORALL OR NONE OF YOUR SINS?DO YOU HAVE THE CORRECT FAITHTHAT PUTS ALL YOUR SINS ON JESUS?DO YOU UNDERSTANDTHAT ONCE YOU REALLY BELIEVETHE " WATER" ASPECT OF SALVATION-YOU ARE VIEWED AS RIGHTEOUSAND RECONCILED TO THE FATHERBECAUSE OF YOUR CORRECT FAITH ?AND THAT YOU ARE INDEEDA SON OR DAUGHTER OF GODAT THAT VERY MOMENT?My FriendIt is no accident whatsoever that theBlue Purple Scarlet matches the Water Spirit BloodOr that . . YOU. . were one of thosewho was CHOSEN to hear this truthSEE the slide show or pics on my profile pageand read the writing: The Gospel of Water Spirit BloodYou can read this awesome truth in my blog orI can send a color -worded copy to a good emailbut you must be sure to SEE the slide show or picson my profile page by clicking my Baptism Picturewritings of enlightenment:The Gospel of Water Spirit BloodThe Sacred NamesYou, Have One SinThe Seal of God or the Mark of the BeastDo you really; I mean REALLYREMEMBER,Satan is an expert at being God's adversary;it is no wonder...that man has takenthe Sacred Names of the FATHER and SONout of the Bible over 6000 timesand replaced the nameswith the words Lord or God?That man has takenthe Holy Sabbath that was instituted and blessedby our Creator for all generation sand changed it to another day?That man only teachesthe "BLOOD" aspect of Salvationwhen the "WATER" aspect of theWATER SPIRIT BLOOD is essential?AND SO...We profess to believe and follow the Creatoryet, we don' t even know his name!!We don' t worship himon the ONLY day he set asideas a SIGN or SEAL between him and us foreverfor all generations that we may knowhe is the true Creator of all things that were madeWe don't understand and believe,the " WATER" aspect of Salvationwhich results in us blindly believingjust the "BLOOD"and still carrying our sinsbecause of having the incorrect faith!!HELL AND UNIVERSAL SALVATIONWe now know, and understandhow a world of so many "so called" Christianscan be separated into "few there be that find it"Being in the first resurrection is the "high calling" of Godand the Gospel of Water, Spirit, Blood,provides us with the Correct Faith in Jesuswhich will allow us to stand before him without sinAgainwhat happens to the multitude of the peoplewho appeared to be the “good” Christian peopleof the world yet failed to have the Correct Faithwhich would have removed their "engraved" sinsAnd would have also allowed them to stand at his coming?Obviously, not being able to "stand" at the first resurrectionthey will now fall within the group that will come forth at the second resurrectionAre we then to assume that our loving God will punish them forever and everin the fires of Hell with the rest of the wicked?Not at all,Our loving God will save his entire Creation through his Son-Jesus!!The wages of sin is death not eternal life in hell:From the Old Testament Hebrew Bible; Sheol was translated to hell(a chamber.... cave, tomb, or grave)When the Hebrew Bible was translated to GreekSheol then became hades (unseen underworld for the dead)The concept of tormentwas not associated with Sheol by any of the old testament prophetsAs Christianity was arising, the Levitical Priesthoodbecame the privileged "learned" in regard to the letter of the lawTherefore, they were respected and feared for they had the power of life and deathWhen Rome under Titus, invaded Palestine in AD 70the temple was destroyed and eventually Rome accepted ChristianityAs the Popes of Roman Catholic Church began their "holy apostolic succession"They quickly realized that fear and ignorance worked much better than loveThe everlasting torments of Hell thus made its appearancein conjunction with the opposite alluring rewards of HeavenThis brought many people and much money into the churchYou were not allowed to have a Bibleas the church would instruct you in all matters concerning religionBut soon, an "enemy" would arise in the form of the Printing PressEx-communication from the church would be the resultif anyone was caught reading or having any portion of the Wycliffe BibleWilliam Tyndale and John Rogers were burned at the stake for being translatorsTranslating from one language to another was not always easy and errors were madeOne such example, was the translating of Hebrew and Greek wordsto the English words of eternal, everlasting and for ever and everThe hebrew word OLAM and the greek word AIONcan be simplified to the english equivalent of EON (age) for this explanationFirst of all, that which NEVER ceases can only be in the SINGULAR formTherefore,if the hebrew OLAM or greek AIONequals the english EON (age) meaning TIME UNENDING (eternity)there could be but ONE such EON (age)One such time unendingYet many times, these words are used as PLURALS in our scripturesSo, if there are times when there are more than one EONS (ages)We must conclude that one of these EONS (ages)must of necessity be of A LIMITED DURATIONTherefore, if translators rendered certain passages FOR EVER AND EVERthis would have to be an error because if FOR EVER means time unending (eternity)It would be incorrect to attach to TIME UNENDING (eternity)another equal period of TIME UNENDING (eternity) by the added words of AND EVERThis error results in the "ETERNAL" nature of HELLequaling in the same language our "ETERNAL" reign with CHRISTSo it would appear that our life with Christ is to be ETERNALand that our suffering in HELL is to be ETERNAL alsoYet, what did Paul write about the reign of Christ?1Cor 15:24,25Then shall the end come, (WHEN?)when he (Christ) hands over the Kingdom to God the Fatherafter he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and powerFor he must reign UNTIL he has put all his enemies under his feetThe reign of Jesus is to be of a LIMITED durationwhich will at some point come to a terminationJust as the Lake of Fire is to be of a LIMITED durationwhich will at some point come to a termination-after having completed what it was truly designed by God the Father to accomplishThe words"everlasting"... "evermore"... "for ever"..."fore ever and ever"... and "eternal"...are no where found.... not even once in any Hebrew or Greek manuscriptfrom which our modern language Bibles are translated!!One of the greatest lies about our loving Godhas made its way into the church and is being taught as truthInsinuating, that our Father in Heaven is a God of hatred and vengeanceAnd that he is the greatest of all hypocrites in that he teaches usto love our enemies yet he will torture his enemies in fire for all eternityThis most evil doctrine was designedto insure that man would hate the loving CreatorThe truth isGod, is not going to, and never intended to,burn anyone, in the Lake of Fire for all eternityThe first time Jesus came,it was NOT to condemn or judge the world but to save the worldThe next time Jesus comesit will be to judge the world in RIGHTEOUSNESSThose that will be cast into the Lake of Fire,will have their carnal sinful natures burned away!!In the consuming, purifying presence of God; they will learn righteousnessHeb 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgmentIsaiah 26:9for when thy judgments are in the earththe inhabitants of the world will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS1Cor 3:15If any man's work shall be burnedhe shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as by FIREYes, there will be suffering in this Lake of Firefor those who will be cast therein shall burnin accordance with their sinful carnal naturesThe fire will not be quenched until all the sinful nature is burned away;resulting in that person learning obedience and being made perfectThe wages of sin is death not eternal life in HellIf you die…you don’t burn foreverIf you burn forever…you don’t dieIf the wages of sin was to burn eternally in Hellthen Jesus, would have had to burn eternally in Hell for taking all sin upon himselfThe wages of sin is death followed by a resurrectionRev 20:6Blessed and holy is he that hath partin the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no powerRev 2:11He that overcometh shall not be HURT (not killed) of the second deathMalachi 3:3He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverThis verse puzzled some women in a Bible studyand they wondered what this statement meantabout the character and nature of GodOne of the women offered to find out the processof refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible StudyThat week, the woman called a silversmithand made an appointment to watch him at workShe didn't mention anything about the reason for her interestbeyond her curiosity about the process of refining silverAs she watched the silversmith,he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat upHe explained that in refining silverone needed to hold the silver in the middle of the firewhere the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impuritiesThe woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spotthen she thought again about the verse that saysHe will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverShe then asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit therein front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refinedThe man answered yeshe not only had to sit there holding the silver in the fire;but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fireIf the silver was left a moment too long in the flames it would be destroyed!!The woman was silent for a moment and then asked the silversmith:How do you know when the silver is fully refined?He smiled at her and answered Oh, that's easy-when I see My IMAGE in it!!AND SODo you really, …I mean ...REALLY… Believe the Bible?Do you really BELIEVE… the first half of 1Cor 15:22"FOR AS IN ADAM...ALL...DIE?" (ALL OR MANY?)Do you really BELIEVE… the last half,"EVEN SO IN CHRIST SHALL ...ALL... BE MADE ALIVE?" (ALL OR MANY?)Do you really BELIEVE… the BIBLE?Rom 5:19For by one man's disobedience MANY WERE MADE SINNERSso by the obedience of one SHALL MANY BE MADE RIGHTEOUSDo you really…I mean ..REALLY..BELIEVE… the BIBLE?2Peter 3:9The Lord is...not willing that ANY should perish1Tim 2:4Who will have ALL men to be SAVEDand to come unto the knowledge of the truth1Tim 4:10because we trust in the living GOD,who is the SAVIOUR of ALL men,specially (but not only) of those that believeRom 11:32For God hath concluded them... ALL ... in unbelief,that he might have mercy upon ALLLuke 3:6And ALL flesh shall see the salvation of GodDo you believe that Jesus only "wants or wishes" to save the world?Do you believe "our Savior, God,who wants and wishes for all mankind be savedand come into a knowledge of the truth"is a proper translation of 1Tim 2:4?Do you believe that "who WILLS that ALL MANKIND BE SAVED"is also the proper translation?Do you believe Isa 46:11?"I have spoken it (as in He has spoken it in 1Tim 2:4 for example)I WILL ALSO BRING IT TO PASS:I have purposed it, I WILL ALSO DO IT"And here is a second witnessIsa 46:9-10"I AM GOD, and there is none like me Declaring the end from the beginning,and from ancient times the things that are not yet done,saying, My COUNSEL SHALL STAND, and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE"YOU CAN NOT BELIEVE BOTH;that God "wills" to save all mankindand that He will perform all His "pleasure"and bring about all that He has "spoken,"AND THEN BELIEVEthat He will NOT save all mankindand will NOT accomplish all His willand will NOT do all His pleasureand His counsel will NOT standJohn 12:32And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,will draw ALL men unto me1John 4:14And we have seen and do testifythat the Father sent the Sonto be SAVIOUR of the WORLD1John 2:2And he (Jesus)is the propitiation (atoning sacrifice)for our sins: and not for ours only,but for the sins of the whole WORLD2Cor 5:19To wit, that GOD was in CHRIST,reconciling the WORLD unto himself,not imputing their trespasses unto them;and hath committed unto usthe word of reconciliationJohn 1:29Behold the Lamb of God,which taketh away the sin of the WORLDGod sent be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDCan Jesus be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDand NOT SAVE the entire WORLD ?Will Jesus fail the Father, and not save the entire world?Heb 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgmentIsaiah 26:9for when thy judgments are in the earththe inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness1Cor 3:15If any man's work shall be burnedhe shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fireThe Prize and "High Calling" of God is to be in the first resurrectionand be able to stand before him, and not to go through Purification by FireRemember the Bible teaches us1Co 12:3that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy GhostAnd yet goes on to say:Rom 14:11For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord,every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to GodIsa 45:23I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouthin righteousness, and shall not return,That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swearThus it shall be so; even with those that were "non-believers"Rom 10:13For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be savedAND BELIEVE MEthose who have "their part" in the Lake of Firewill be calling upon the Name of the Lordand they will bow before himand they will confess his nameand they will learn righteousnessWilliam Wilbur (
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THE SACRED NAMESThe Sacred Names were thought to be to Sacredto be uttered and therefore they were removedfrom the Scriptures over 6,800 times andreplaced with Lord or Godand soMasses of Christians, have been pursuingfor many years, a personal relationshipwith their Lord and Saviourand yet, after all this time;They, have never even known his real name!!WHOM SEEK YEProverbs 30:4who has established all the ends of the earth?what is His NAME, and what is his Son's NAME,IF THOU CANST TELL?A brief study in linguisticsTo translate is to explain the meaningof one language using the words of anotherTo transliterate is to spell a wordusing the letters of another language"I am" is the English translationof the meaning of God’s personal nameThe English transliterationof God’s personal name is YHVH, or YHWHWith vowels added, YAHVEH or YAHWEH,being translated to I AM WHO I AMNo matter what language you use,whether you translate or transliterate,YHVH's name means "I am who I am"and it directly points to his real name,which is the same in all languagesYHVH is the personal NAME of the Creator,and revealed in the four letters YOD, HEY, VAV, HEYAlthough often transliterated as YAHWEH,It is more accurately transliterated as YAHVEHV is the better transliterationas there is there is no letterin Hebrew like the W (double-U)The four Hebrew letters transliterated YHVH are:a Yod, rhymes with "rode", which we transliterate."Y"a He, rhymes with "say", which we transliterate.…."H"a Vav, like "lava", which we transliterate "W" or....."V"a He rhymes with "say", which we transliterate..…."H"Original Hebrew didn't have any vowels,and was written right to leftSome of the consonants carry with themthe indication of associated vowel soundsThe Y is associated with the sound of a "long e", as in “beam”The H is associated with the sound of a "short a" as “ah”The Vav ("W" or "V") is associated with the vowel “u”and produces the sound in the word "cool"The H is associated with the sound of a "short a" as “ah!”Thus, the name of the Creatorsounds something like "ee-ah oo' ah", (Yah-oo' ah)with the accent on the second of the three syllablesPsalm 68:4Sing unto God, sing praises to his name:extol him that rideth upon the heavensby his name YAH, and rejoice before him“JAH” is transliterated in Bible but there is no "J" in HebrewThe name of YAH is related to the Hebrew verb "Hoveh"which means "to be" ( I am I was I will be)Therefore "YAH Hoveh" (transliterated as JAH hoveh)in the present tense means "YAH is"So therefore, YAH could alsobe his actual or abbreviated nameDeut 6:4Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:SHMAA YISRAEL YAH HOVEH ELOHEINU YAH HOVEH ECHADHEAR ....ISRAEL .YAH IS .......OUR GOD .YAH IS .......ONEEven the most ancient of praisesends with the name YAHYAH is the last partof the word "halleluYah" and means "praise YAH"Now let's take a closer look at the Son's NAMEThe Hebrew/Jewish name for the Jewish Messiah is:YAHU'SHUAHwritten.........Y'SHUAHspoken.........YAHU'SHUAH YEHOSHUA or YESHUApronounced...YAH-OO'-SHOO-AHY'SHUAH means"YAH is Salvation" or "YAH the Saviour"This sacred name was gradually changedto "Je-Zeus Khristos" by the pagan masseswho converted and joined the originally Jewish Messianic SectChristianity was born, with a mixtureof pagan customs and traditionsConstantine the Great, was a Zeus worshiper,who converted to Christianity which resultedin worshipers of the sun god, Zeus,entering into the Christian religionYAHU'SHUAH'S abbreviated form of Y'SHUAHbecame "Y'Zeus" or Je-Zeus which eventuallybecame "Jesus" in EnglishThe name "Jesus" was never appliedto the SAVIOUR during his lifetime,nor for nearly 300 years afterhis death and resurrectionThe correct name of the Messiah, YAHU'SHUAH,is the only name by which he was known to hisdisciples, though he has several titles such asRabbi, Son of Man, Saviour, Anointed, King of KingsNot even once did he ever hearhimself addressed as "Jesus Christ"even when the Greek proselytes went to Philip andsaid, "We would see YAHU'SHUAH" (John 12:20, 21)A second witness of such a changeis the translation of Luke 4:27,where it refers to the prophet "Eliseus"and an event recorded in 2 Kings 5:14The Prophet's Hebrew name, however,was 'Eli'Shuah', which means "God is my Salvation"The same pagan influence that changedY'SHUAH to "Y'Zeus" is reflected in the changeof "Eli'Shuah" to Eli' Zeus ("My God is Zeus")YAHU'SHUAH (or Y'SHUAH)is used often, in the Tanach (Old Testament)as well as in the official Jewish dailyand festival prayer books, where it isgenerally translated as "Salvation"The Father's name YHVHis written using four Hebrew letters(right to left) YOD HEY VAV HEYHis true Hebrew name is YAHUAHwhich means I WAS I AM I WILL BEThe Son's name YAHU'SHUAHis written using five Hebrew letters(right to left) YOD HEY VAV SHIN HEY(The written Shin is pronounced Shu)"Shu" is a Hebrew root word meaningSALVATION, deliverance, overcoming,health, help, prosperity, and welfareWhen you add the root "Shu"to the Father's name between the "u" and the "a"this results in the Son's name YAHU'SHUAHYAHU'SHUAH and YAHUAH are OneYAHU'SHUAH came IN his YAHUAH’S NAMEYAHUSHUAH !!YAHUAH the Father sent YAHU'SHUAH his Sonto be SAVIOUR of the entire worldThe FATHER's True Hebrew Name is:written..........YHVHspoken...….....YAHUAHpronounced....YAH-OO'-AHThe SON's True Hebrew Name is:written..........Y'SHUAHspoken..........YAHU'SHUAHpronounced....YAH-OO'-SHOO-AHThe CHOSEN TRIBEYAHUDAH (JUDAH)pronounced....YAH-OO'-DAHIsaiah 52:6Therefore my people shall know my NAME:Psalm 9:10And they that know thy NAMEwill put their trust in thee:John 17:6I have manifested thy NAMEunto the men which thou gavest me out of the world:John 17:26And I have declared unto themthy NAME and will declare it:John 14:13-14And whatsoever ye shall ask in my NAME,that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the SonIf you ask anything in my NAME I will do itActs 4:12for there is no other NAME under heavengiven among men whereby we must be savedRom 10:13For whosoever shall call uponthe NAME of the Lord shall be savedMay the Father YAHUAH bless youthrough his Holy Son YAHU'SHUAHWilliam WilburCome read: Most Christians will die in their sins
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God is not...

God is not...operating a "disaster control center"from his throne of the universeHe is not trying to "pick up the pieces"of a totally unexpected tragedythat he never saw comingHe is not trying to "figure out" a wayto somehow to get things backto being as good as they once wereHe is nottrying to "figure out" a way to out smart Satan-and he is not "falling behind" numericallyas far as how many will be savedand how many will be lostGod has a plan,and he is working out that planto perfection on a perfect scheduleGod has a "will" and he has his "intention"There are times,when we will go against his willaccorded with his divine plan-but we will never ever go against his intentionwhich is his intended final resultContrary to popular belief;his "will" was that man would sinand indeed be lost for a period of timebut his "intention" is for ALL to be saved,and come to a knowledge of the truth-thus becoming Sons and Daughters of the Most HighIt was God-who planted the treeof the knowledge of good and evil-not SatanIt was God who put Satan there to do the temptingIt was God who made Adam and Eve Spiritually weakso that they would indeed partake of the tree according to planRom 8:20-22For the creature was made subject to vanity not willinglybut by reason of him (Elohim) who hath subjected the same in hope;because the creature itself also shall be deliveredfrom the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertyof the children of Elohim.For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain until nowVanity-empty, vain, profitless, depravity (wickedness)Bondage-slavery, subjectionCorruption-spoil, ruin, deprave defile decay, destroy, perishGroan-moan, calamity murmur grief anguishTravail-pangs, pain, travail as in birth,Pain-anguish, starvingElohim himself...subjected the whole creation to vanityand it is Elohim himself who will deliverthe whole world from the bondageof corruption, pain, and sufferingThe Lamb of Godwas "slain from the FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD"The Salvation of Adam and Eve and the entire worldwas prepared way before they were ever even createdWhy do you suppose there was but one treecontaining both qualities of good and evil?Because you can't separate good from evilYou can't appreciate good-if you have never experienced evilYou can't appreciate light-if you have never experienced darknessYou can't appreciate eatingif you have never been hungryYou can't become a Son or Daughter of Godwithout knowing good and evilThe Father commissioned Yahushuah (Jesus)to be the Saviour of the worldWill he fail the Father, and not save the entire world?Read my writing:Most Christians will die in their sinsYou will then understand why Yahushuah (Jesus)said "few there be" that will find the narrow wayand stand before him without sinThe majority...will have "their part" in the Lake of fireand as was stated,some will receive few lashes (so to speak)and some will receive many-but you will not come outuntil you've paid the uttermost farthlingHow can anyone be a minister of the gospeland doubt the God of Perfect Lovesaving ALL of His children?2Peter 3:9The Lord is...not willing that ANY should perishRom 11:32For God hath concluded them... ALL ... in UNBELIEF,that he might have mercy upon ALL1Tim 4:10because we trust in the living GOD,who is the SAVIOUR of ALL men,specially (but not only) of those that believe1Tim 2:4Who will have ALL men to be SAVEDand to come unto the knowledge of the truthLuke 3:6And ALL flesh shall see the salvation of GodJohn 12:32And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,will draw ALL men unto me1John 4:14And we have seen and do testifythat the Father sent the Sonto be SAVIOUR of the WORLD2Cor 5:19To wit, that GOD was in CHRIST,reconciling the WORLD unto himself,not imputing their trespasses unto them;and hath committed unto usthe word of reconciliationJohn 1:29Behold the Lamb of God,which taketh away the sin of the WORLDGod sent Yahushuah (Jesus) be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDRom 5:19For by one man's disobedienceMANY WERE MADE SINNERS (MANY means ALL)so by the obedience of oneSHALL MANY BE MADE RIGHTEOUS (MANY means ALL)DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THE BIBLEDo you really,I mean REALLY BELIEVEthe first half of 1Cor 15:22"FOR AS IN ADAM...ALL...DIE?" (ALL OR MANY?)Do you really,I mean REALLY BELIEVE the last half,"EVEN SO IN CHRIST SHALL..ALL.. BE MADE ALIVE?" (ALL or MANY?)Do you believe that Yahushuah (Jesus)only "wants or wishes" to save the world?Do you BELIEVE"our Saviour, God, who wants and wishesfor all mankind be saved and comeinto a knowledge of the truth"is a proper translation of 1Tim 2:4?Do you believe"Who WILLSthat ALL MANKIND BE SAVED"is also the proper translation?Do you BELIEVE Isa 46:11?"I have spoken it(as in He has spoken it in 1Tim 2:4 for example)I WILL ALSO BRING IT TO PASS:I have PURPOSED it,I WILL ALSO DO IT"Isa 46:9-10"I AM GOD, and there is none like meDeclaring the end from the beginning,and from ancient timesthe things that are not yet done,saying,My COUNSEL SHALL STAND,and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE”YOU CANNOT BELIEVE BOTH;that God "WILLS" to save ALL mankindand that He WILL perform ALL His "PLEASURE"and will bring about ALL that He has "SPOKEN"and then BELIEVE...that He will NOT save ALL mankindand will NOT accomplish ALL His WILLand will NOT do all His PLEASUREand His COUNSEL will NOT standCan Yahushuah (Jesus)be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDand NOT SAVE the entire WORLD?Will Yahushuah (Jesus)FAIL the Father and NOT SAVE the entire world?Heb 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die,but after this the judgmentIsaiah 26:9for when thy judgments are in the earththe inhabitants of the worldWILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS1Cor 3:15If any man's work shall be burnedhe shall suffer loss but he himselfshall be SAVED yet so as by FIREALL things work together for good-and Yahushuah (Jesus)will SAVE the entire worldThe Prize and "High Calling" of God,is to be in the first resurrectionand be able to stand before him-and not to go through Purification by FireRemember, the Bible proclaims:1Co 12:3and that no man can saythat Yahushuah (Jesus) is the Lord,but BY the Holy GhostIt is this same Holy Spiritwhich seals us unto the day of redemptionEph 4:30And grieve not the holy Spirit of God,Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemptionAnd so shall it be, even with the “unbelievers”when God’s judgments are in the earththe inhabitants will learn righteousnessthey will receive the Holy Spiritand they will bow and confessYahushuah (Jesus) is LordRom 14:11For it is written, (in Isaiah 45:23)AS I LIVE, saith the Lord,(does this sound like "maybe" he really means it?)every knee SHALL bow to me,(do you think “shall” means “maybe” or “possibly”?)and every tongue shall confess to God(do you think “every” means just a few?)Isa 45:22, 23“Look unto me, and be ye SAVED,ALL the ends of the earth;For I am God and there is none elseI have sworn by myself,the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness,and shall not return,(what part of the word “not” do people not understand?)That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swearRom 10:13For whosoever shall callupon the name of the Lord shall be savedAND BELIEVE ME...those who have "their part" in the Lake of Firewill be calling upon the Name of the Lord-They will learn righteousnessThey will bow before himand they will confess him as LordHOW GOOD OF A POTTER IS GOD?Rom 9:20-21"Nay but, O man,Who art thou that replies against GOD?Shall the thing formed (that’s us)say to HIM that formed it, (that’s GOD)Why have YOU made me thus?Rom 9:20-21Has not the Potter (GOD)power over the clay (man),of the same lumpto make one vessel unto honour,and another unto DISHONOUR?"GOD IS THE POTTER AND WE ARE THE POTCould anything be plainer?GOD, the Potter,does not owe an explanation to the potas to WHY He made the pot the way HE desired!!And God desiresto make some pots honorableand some pots DISHONORABLEWhy?Because He is a mean and nasty God?NO!!!because HE has a plan, a purpose,and intentions,to save ALL humanity in the endThat... IS THE "WILL" OF GODIsaiah 26:9for when thy JUDGMENTS are in the earththe inhabitants of the worldwill LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESSThen what about HELL....IF YOU DIE...You don't BURN foreverIf you BURN forever...YOU DON'T DIEFrom the Old Testament Hebrew Bible;Sheol was translated to hell(a chamber.... cave, tomb, or grave)When the Hebrew Bible was translated to GreekSheol then became hades(unseen underworld for the dead)The concept of tormentwas not associated with Sheolby any of the old testament prophetsAs Christianity was arisingThe Levitical Priesthoodbecame the privileged "learned"in regard to the letter of the lawTherefore, they were respected and fearedfor they had the power of life and deathWhen Rome under Titus invaded Palestine in AD 70the temple was destroyed and eventuallyRome accepted ChristianityAs the Popes of Roman Catholic Churchbegan their "holy apostolic succession"They quickly realized thatfear and ignorance worked much better than loveThe everlasting torments of Hellthus made its appearancein conjunction with the oppositealluring rewards of HeavenThis brought many peopleand much money into the churchYou were not allowed to have a Bibleas the church would instruct youin all matters concerning religionBut soon, an "enemy" would arisein the form of the Printing PressEx-communication from the church would be the resultif anyone was caught reading or having any portionof the Wycliffe BibleWilliam Tyndale and John Rogerswere burned at the stake for being translatorsTranslating from one language to anotherwas not always easy and errors were madeOne such example,was the translating of Hebrew and Greek wordsto the English words of eternal, everlastingand for ever and everThe hebrew word OLAM and the greek word AIONcan be simplified to the english equivalent of EON(age)for this explanationFirst of all, that which NEVER ceasescan only be in the SINGULAR formTherefore,if the hebrew OLAM or greek AIONequals the english EON(age)meaning TIME UNENDING (eternity)there could be but ONE such EON (age)One such time unendingYet many times, these words are usedas PLURALS in our scripturesSo, if there are timeswhen there are more than one EONS (ages)We must conclude that one of these EONS (ages)must of necessity be of A LIMITED DURATIONTherefore, if translators renderedcertain passages FOR EVER AND EVERthis would have to be an errorbecause if FOR EVER means time unending (eternity)It would be incorrectto attach to TIME UNENDING (eternity)another equal period of TIME UNENDING (eternity)by the added words of AND EVERThis error resultsin the "ETERNAL" nature of HELLequaling in the same languageour "ETERNAL" reign with ChristSo it would appearthat our life with Christ is to be ETERNALand that our suffering in HELL is to be ETERNAL alsoYet, what did Paul write about the reign of Christ?1Cor 15:24,25Then shall the end come,when he (Christ)hands over the Kingdom to God the Fatherafter he has destroyedall dominion, authority, and powerFor he must reign UNTILhe has put all his enemies under his feetThe reign of Jesusis to be of a LIMITED durationwhich will at some point come to a terminationJust as the Lake of Fireis to be of a LIMITED durationwhich will at some point come to a terminationafter having completed what it was truly designedby God the Father to accomplishThe words"everlasting"... "evermore"... "for ever"..."fore ever and ever"... and "eternal"...are no where found....not even once in any Hebrew or Greek manuscriptfrom which our modern language Bibles are translated!!One of the greatest lies about our loving Godhas made its way into the church and isbeing taught as truthInsinuating, that our Father in Heavenis a God of hatred and vengeanceAnd that he isthe greatest of all hypocritesin that he teaches us to love our enemiesyet he will torture his enemiesin fire for all eternityThis most evil doctrine was designed to insurethat man would hate the loving CreatorThe truth isGod, is not going to and never intended toburn anyone, in the Lake of Fire for all eternityThe first time Jesus came, it was NOTto condemn or judge the worldbut to save the worldThe next time Jesus comes it will beto judge the world in RIGHTEOUSNESSThose that will be cast into the Lake of Fire,will have their carnal sinful natures burned away!!In the consuming,purifying presence of Godthey will learn righteousnessHeb 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die,but after this the judgmentIsaiah 26:9for when thy judgments are in the earththe inhabitants of the world will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS1Cor 3:15If any man's work shall be burnedhe shall suffer loss but he himselfshall be saved yet so as by FIREYes, there will be suffering in this Lake of Firefor those who will be cast therein shall burnin accordance with their sinful carnal naturesThe fire will not be quencheduntil all the sinful nature is burned away;resulting in that personlearning obedience and being made perfectThe wages of sin is death not eternal life in HellIf you die…you don’t burn foreverIf you burn forever…you don’t dieIf the wages of sin was to burn eternally in Hellthen Jesus,would have had to burn eternallyin Hell for taking all sin upon himselfThe wages of sin is deathfollowed by a resurrectionRev 20:6Blessed and holy is he that hath partin the first resurrection:on such the second death hath no powerRev 2:11He that overcometh shall not beHURT (not killed) of the second deathMalachi 3:3He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverThis verse puzzled some women in a Bible studyand they wondered what this statement meantabout the character and nature of GodOne of the women offeredto find out the processof refining silver and get back to the groupat their next Bible StudyThat week, the woman called a silversmithand made an appointment to watch him at workShe didn't mention anythingabout the reason for her interestbeyond her curiosity about the processof refining silverAs she watched the silversmith,he held a piece of silverover the fire and let it heat upHe explained that in refining silverone needed to hold the silverin the middle of the firewhere the flames were hottestas to burn away all the impuritiesThe woman thought about Godholding us in such a hot spotthen she thought againabout the verse that saysHe will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverShe then asked the silversmithif it was true that he had to sit therein front of the fire the whole timethe silver was being refinedThe man answered yeshe not only had to sit thereholding the silver in the fire;but he had to keep his eyes on the silverthe entire time it was in the fireIf the silver was lefta moment too long in the flamesit would be destroyed!!The woman was silent for a momentand then asked the silversmith:How do you knowwhen the silver is fully refined?He smiled at her and answeredOh, that's easy-when I see My IMAGE in it!!Is Elohim able to redeem anyone from hell?The Translators of the King James Versiontranslated the HEBREW word "SHEOL"to the ENGLISH word "HELL" thirty timesIf sheol is indeed hell,is God able to redeem anyone from this "hell"?Psalms 49:15But God WILL redeem my soul from from the power of the GRAVE:for he shall receive me SelahThe word "grave" in this verse is the Hebrew word "sheol"which is translated "hell" in no less than thirty other versesSo if "sheol" really is "hell"then there is "REDEMPTION" FROM HELLAnd in the GREEK:1Cor 15:55O death, where is thy sting? O GRAVE, where is thy VICTORY?The word "grave" in this verse is the Greek word "hades"which is translated "hell" in no less than ten other versesSo if "hades" really is "hell"then there is "VICTORY" OVER HELLBut the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable,and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers,and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their partin the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:which is the second deathWhat is Brimstone anyway?Does it make the fire hotter and more painful?Is it caustic to the skin causing greater pain?Brimstone is defined by the dictionary as SulfurSulfur, is often called brimstone, burning stone, or ignited sulfurIt has been used in religious ceremonies forPURIFYING or fumigating buildings and for bleaching cloth(Encyclopedia Britannica, page 536)Methods of Production:Producers describe their methodof obtaining sulfur from the ore asPURIFICATION BY FIRE (Page 537)Interesting thought-Purification by FirePurification by a Lake of Fire?Physical PropertiesSulfur isTASTELESS, ODORLESS,AND OF NO EFFECT ON THE SKIN (page 537)Sulfur is aPOOR CONDUCTOROF HEAT AND ELECTRICITY (page538)Interesting thought-A poor conductor of HEATAn even more interesting thought-So if God were to put enough Brimstone into the Lake of Fire,it would actually have the potential of protecting those in the firelike an asbestos suit!!Am I going to fast for anyone?Do you see where I am going with this line of thinking?Malachi 3:3He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silverWilliam WilburWhom_seek_ye@yahoo.com
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The FIREMAN...I teach that Jesus Christis the Saviour of the world-and that he can not beSAVIOUR OF THE WORLD-and notSAVE THE ENTIRE WORLDI get replies that Christcan be the Saviour of the world,and yetNOT SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLDThey give me this type of proof:When a fireman goes into a burning building to save trapped people,what happens if these trapped people refuse to be saved?Is the fireman not still a firemansimply because some do not wish to be saved?Here we see the foolishness of the carnal mind at workdesperately grasping for straws to supportan unscriptural theory-that Christ TRIES to save everyone...(just like a fireman tries to save those trapped in a burning building),but is unable to save everyone because many REFUSE to be savedTherefore Christ is STILL the Saviour of the worldeven if He doesn’t save everyone in the worldI have been told by Christians many timesthat most of humanity will CHOOSEto be burned in the pain of literal hell fire for all ETERNITY,rather than to be saved by Jesus ChristUTTER FOOLISHNESS!!Only an insane person would prefer to be burnedin literal torturing flames of firerather than to be saved by a fireman!!Futhermore, Any fireman worth his saltwill save men, women, children, and even cats, dogs, and other pets,WHETHER THEY WANT TO BE SAVED OR NOTImagine a mother being told by a firemanthat he left her little girl back in a burning buildingbecause the little girl didn’t want to be rescued by a fireman?Jesus Christ does not suffer the limitations of a fireman!Jesus Christ IS GOD! God does what He WILLS,and God wills to save all humanity (1Tim 2:4 and Isaiah 46:9-11)As always, the God of Perfect Love has a Perfect Plan2Peter 3:9The Lord is...not willing that ANY should perishRom 11:32For God hath concluded them... ALL ... in UNBELIEF,that he might have mercy upon ALL1Tim 4:10because we trust in the living GOD,who is the SAVIOUR of ALL men,specially (but not only) of those that believe1Tim 2:4Who will have ALL men to be SAVEDand to come unto the knowledge of the truthLuke 3:6And ALL flesh shall see the salvation of GodJohn 12:32And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,will draw ALL men unto me1John 4:14And we have seen and do testifythat the Father sent the Sonto be SAVIOUR of the WORLD2Cor 5:19To wit, that GOD was in CHRIST,reconciling the WORLD unto himself,not imputing their trespasses unto them;and hath committed unto usthe word of reconciliationJohn 1:29Behold the Lamb of God,which taketh away the sin of the WORLDGod sent Yahushuah (Jesus) be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDRom 5:19For by one man's disobedienceMANY WERE MADE SINNERS (MANY means ALL)so by the obedience of oneSHALL MANY BE MADE RIGHTEOUS (MANY means ALL)DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THE BIBLEDo you really,I mean REALLY BELIEVEthe first half of 1Cor 15:22"FOR AS IN ADAM. ..ALL...DIE?" (ALL OR MANY?)Do you really,I mean REALLY BELIEVE the last half,"EVEN SO IN CHRIST SHALL..ALL.. BE MADE ALIVE?" (ALL or MANY?)Do you believe that Yahushuah (Jesus)only "wants or wishes" to save the world?Do you BELIEVE"our Saviour, God, who wants and wishesfor all mankind be saved and comeinto a knowledge of the truth"is a proper translation of 1Tim 2:4?Do you believe"Who WILLSthat ALL MANKIND BE SAVED"is also the proper translation?Do you BELIEVE Isa 46:11?"I have spoken it(as in He has spoken it in 1Tim 2:4 for example)I WILL ALSO BRING IT TO PASS:I have PURPOSED it,I WILL ALSO DO IT"Isa 46:9-10"I AM GOD, and there is none like meDeclaring the end from the beginning,and from ancient timesthe things that are not yet done,saying,My COUNSEL SHALL STAND,and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE”YOU CANNOT BELIEVE BOTH;that God "WILLS" to save ALL mankindand that He WILL perform ALL His "PLEASURE"and will bring about ALL that He has "SPOKEN"and then BELIEVE...that He will NOT save ALL mankindand will NOT accomplish ALL His WILLand will NOT do all His PLEASUREand His COUNSEL will NOT standCan Yahushuah (Jesus)be SAVIOUR of the entire WORLDand NOT SAVE the entire WORLD?Will Yahushuah (Jesus)FAIL the Father and NOT SAVE the entire world?Heb 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die,but after this the judgmentIsaiah 26:9for when thy judgments are in the earththe inhabitants of the worldWILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS1Cor 3:15If any man's work shall be burnedhe shall suffer loss but he himselfshall be SAVED yet so as by FIREALL things work together for goodand Yahushuah (Jesus) will SAVE the entire worldThe Prize and "High Calling" of God,is to be in the first resurrectionand be able to stand before him-and not to go through Purification by FireRemember, the Bible proclaims:1Co 12:3and that no man can saythat Yahushuah (Jesus) is the Lord,but BY the Holy GhostIt is this same Holy Spiritwhich seals us unto the day of redemptionEph 4:30And grieve not the holy Spirit of God,Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemptionAnd so shall it be, even with the “unbelievers”when God’s judgments are in the earththe inhabitants will learn righteousnessthey will receive the Holy Spiritand they will bow and confessYahushuah (Jesus) is LordRom 14:11For it is written, (in Isaiah 45:23)AS I LIVE, saith the Lord,(does this sound like "maybe" he really means it?)every knee SHALL bow to me,(do you think “shall” means “maybe” or “possibly”?)and every tongue shall confess to God(do you think “every” means just a few?)Isa 45:22, 23“Look unto me, and be ye SAVED,ALL the ends of the earth;For I am God and there is none elseI have sworn by myself,the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness,and shall not return,(what part of the word “not” do people not understand?)That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swearRom 10:13For whosoever shall callupon the name of the Lord shall be savedAND BELIEVE ME...those who have "their part" in the Lake of Firewill be calling upon the Name of the Lord-They will learn righteousnessThey will bow before himand they will confess him as LordWilliam WilburWhom_ seek_ ye@yahoo.comhttp: / / www. myspace. com/ water_ spirit_blood
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