Titus Pannell's Posts (4)

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Dark Nature

(Synopsis from each Book)

By Titus Pannell

(Note: The main character’s name is officially changed to Elijah Campbell)

Volume 1: New Breed

The story opens with the main character Elijah Campbell, who is 25 years old, in bondage and imprisoned in a government facility, because he is found outto be a werewolf. The scientist there give him a sedative to put him to sleep, so that they can conductexperiments on him. They discover that Elijah is a new breed of werewolf, butone with symptoms that are reversed. During the scientist’s testing Elijah hasnightmares of his murdered wife, Tonya, who he is holding in is arms and screamingfor help. He suddenly awakens in an interrogation room, and is confronted by atop government agent named Hope Dawson.

Hope questions Elijah, after he is given a truth serum, about his knowledge of the lycanthropy, or werewolf, virus, and whatdoes he think is the cause of his transformation? Elijah tells her about hisscientific findings, and that he believes that his abilities are evolutionary.She then goes on to say that, that is unlikely, and Elijah questions her onwhy. This leads to a little argument of intelligent design vs. evolution.Afterward, Hope then goes on to ask Elijah how is it possible that a worldrenowned scientist was born a wolf? Elijah is greatly perplexed by herquestion. Then Hope throws him 2 test results. One is of the DNA of a normalwerewolf, and the other is of Elijah’s reverse werewolf DNA. Elijah is shockedby this revelation, because when he ran tests on himself he had nothing tocompare his results to until now. Hope continues to ask Elijah if there are anymore like him, but he is too shocked to answer. They decide to take him back tohis prison cell, and await until the shock wears off before they continue thequestioning.

In the cell Elijah has a mental break down that leads him to confront the beast inside in a dreamlike state. He then awakens andbegins to transform. At this time Hope talks with the scientists to see how itmight be possible that Elijah came to be. They too believe that it might be aform of evolution because the original lycanthropy gene was eradicated decadesago, and their predecessors made sure that the virus couldn’t crossover toother species. As Hope and the scientists continue to talk there is a securitybreach, and Elijah’s test samples are missing. Hope radios the guards to see ifElijah is still in his room, but no one answers. She then runs to Elijah’sprison cell and sees a hall way full of bloodied guards. The scene switches toElijah, who is in werewolf form, fighting off guards and escaping the facility.

Hope takes it upon herself to lead the agents known as “Hunters“, along with their robot, to track down and retrieve Elijah. Hourslater, Elijah continues to fight to survive the snowy terrain. He ends uptaking refuge in a cave where he finds himself exhausted and still in shock. Hedecides to get some sleep, which leads him to have a detailed nightmare of thenight that he murdered his wife, Tonya. It is revealed that he was hiding 2secrets from her. 1 is that he was a werewolf, and the 2nd was thathe was cheating on her. When his wife finds out about his adultery they getinto an argument that triggers the beast inside Elijah to emerge and kill her.He then reveals that he tried to cover up his involvement of Tonya’s death whenlaw enforcement starts investigating, but then his wife‘s dead corps comes backto haunt him. Elijah awakens, scarred, to find himself surrounded by a pack ofwolves. They suddenly attack him, and Elijah is able to kill them off inwerewolf form. Unknown to him one survives. A tiny unconscious cub who Elijahhas bitten and infected with the new werewolf disease.

Elijah then uses the wolves’ fur to keep himself worm, but he is soon discovered by The Hunters. Elijah tries to battle them and theirrobot, “The Dog Catcher”, as best as he can, but his efforts prove to befutile. He is soon knocked out and about to die until a mysterious group, knownas Fenrir, comes to his aid. Fenrir is able to defeat the agents, and escapewith the unconscious Elijah. Hope and a most of the agents go after them, whilea few stay behind to analyze the dead wolves and the cave that Elijah stayedin. An agent stumbles upon the infected cub, who is now in human form. Theytake him back to the facility to be tested on. Meanwhile, Elijah awakens, afteranother nightmare, in an abandoned log cabin. He is surrounded by the membersof Fenrir. The commander of the group, Helen Kaufmann, who stays hidden in theshadows of the room, starts to tell Elijah about the agency that is after himand their purpose. Through the conversation it is revealed that Elijah is inAlaska and that “The Hunters” are a secret world wide agency whose sole purposeis the extermination of werewolves. She then goes on to talk about Fenrir andhow they were the ones who orchestrated Elijah’s prison break, as well as stoleall of his test samples. She reveals that they have been watching Elijah for awhile now, but the government obtained him first. She goes on to say that theirorganization started out as a fraternity for werewolves, so they knoweverything about them. It is also revealed that Elijah is the last werewolf onEarth, and that their leader has the answers to his origins. Helen thenpromises Elijah to teach him how tocontrol his abilities if decides to travel with them overseas to the MiddleEast to meet Fenrir’s leader. Elijah questions why they just can’t reveal it tohim now, and he has a hard time trusting them. Then Helen steps out of theshadows and says who else can you trust you have no family or friends. We areyour only allies. Elijah is in shock because Helen looks exactly like his deadwife, and at first he mistakes Helen for her, who pretends to be surprised byhis comment. The story ends with Helen asking Elijah what is his choice?

Volume 2: Predator and Prey

The story picks up 3 months later at Newark airport, in New Jersey, where Elijah and the group Fenrir are in disguise walkingthrough metal detectors, the type that conduct full body scans. They pretendnot to know one another, so that no type of attention will be drawn to them.Elijah takes a seat and it is clear that he is still in shock of the revelationthat he was born a wolf. He then watches a national news report of himself on T.V. It turns out that now Elijah is consideredthe #1 most wanted man in America. The government has propagated to both themedia and the public, on top of therecent uncovering that Elijah actually murdered his wife, that the infamousscientist is not only a fugitive from the law, but a terrorist who is alsoworking for a new terrorist organization that he helped to develop a newbiological weapon for. The exact details of what the biological weapon actuallyis, is unknown. The entire country is at level red. Also, details about some ofthe group members of Fenrir, including Helen, are reported on the news. SinceElijah and Fenrir were last seen at an Alaskan airport planning on boarding aprivate plane, to escape with country, which was thwarted by government agents,every airport and seaport in Alaska Canada and entire West Coast are on a highalert. No one is able to come or go without proper identification, intensebackground checks, full body scans, and a specialized D.N.A. test. This hasslowed down production dramatically. The government makes a statement that thespecialized tests are to check if anyone might have any abnormal conditionsthat can be linked to the unknown biological weapon. Also, governmentintelligence believes that Elijah and Fenrir are somewhere in Canada, and thatboth American and Canadian officials are working together to apprehend them.

Elijah laughs inwardly that the government suspects that he is in Canada. Being confident that he gave them the slip, and is aboutto make a clean getaway. He then recounts the events of the past 3 months withhis decision to join Fenrir, how their original plan of escaping the countrywas thwarted, and the training that he has been receiving from Helen to controlhis abilities. It turns out that the only way to control the beast is byletting go of all mental restraints, and letting it out when it emerges. See, the beast inside only feeds off of aperson’s sub-consciousness, so that everything that Elijah has done in werewolfform, such as murdering his wife, is not the result of an alternatepersonality, but what was really in his heart. Fighting against the beastialnature is just fighting one’s true self. Elijah has to merge his conscious withhis subconscious natures to fully realize the beast’s potential. Elijah,accepting this evil lie, names his inner beast “The Id”, because it feeds off ofall of his inner desires.

At the government facility the scientists continue to study the infected wolf, who they have now called “Project K-9”. At this pointthe scientists have noticed that K-9 is growing at an accelerated rate in hishuman form, because of the wolf’s life span differing from a human’s, which is6 years to 1 single human year, but since K-9 now has human DNA his growth is 3years to every 1 human year. This is slow for wolves, but rapidly fast forhumans. This means that he grows 1 year every 4 months. This perplexes thescientists even more because Elijah has not shown this rate of growth, eventhough he was born a wolf. They also discover that the new lycanthropy viruscreates super werewolves with not just outstanding physical abilities butrapidly growing mental ones as well.

Back at the airport Elijah is approached by Helen, who tells him that their flight is still delayed. It’s been 6 hours now, and acostumes officer enters the waiting area demanding to perform a costumes check oneveryone who is boarding the delayed flight. The officer gives no reason as towhy the check must occur, but that it is mandatory. The people there are placedinto several groups, and Elijah find himself placed in the same group as all ofthe members of Fenrir. All of the groupsare then escorted by customs officers to various rooms. On the way Elijah turnsto Helen and says that he doesn’t like this, so they push the officers and tryto make a break for it. They are quickly caught by Hope and the “Hunters“., whowere able to find Elijah because of the full body scanners that are able todetect diseases and abnormalities in people, which this aspect is unknown tothe public. She also reveals that the delayed plane was the government’s doinguntil they arrived, and that the televised news report of agents investigatingin Canada was a lie to make Elijah and Fenrir more relaxed, so that they wouldslip up. Elijah gets angry over the fact that he was out smarted and played fora fool, so he transforms into a werewolf. Hope expected this, which is why shehad the entire right side of the building secretly evacuated, so she calls inreinforcements. A Platoon of 26 armed Hunters burst onto the scene.

As the fight beings an alarm goes off telling people to exit the airport station. The battle still ends up spilling into civilianterritory, and 100’s of spectators witness Elijah in werewolf mode. Elijah andFenrir end up hijacking a commercial airline, with hostages on board, whichincludes a pilot. The agency sends out The Dog Catcher Drone and their fighterjets after them, and they purpose the idea of shooting the plane down, with thehostages on board, so that the new werewolf virus won’t make it overseas, aswell as stop any plans that Fenrir may have for Elijah. Hope persuades thegovernment that not only is the idea immoral, but it will lead to both anational and international upheaval, since there are also foreign passengers onthe plane. Suddenly the 2 of the 5 government fighter jets are shot down by enemyaircrafts, which belong to Fenrir. A dogfight, aerial combat, ensues between the enemy jets, and all 5 of Hunter’splanes are shot down. Everyone on board screams hysterically, and it takesElijah purposefully transforming into a werewolf to shut them all up. As forFenrir’s fighter aircrafts, they guide the plane toward the continent of Africato a desert region, and then they depart.

In the desert the plane lands and Elijah and the group Fenrir are the only ones who exit the plane. They are welcomed by a group ofchauffeurs who have jeeps awaiting them. The hijacked pilot who was put incharged by Fenrir is ordered to fly the hostages to the nearest airport that hecan find. As the plane takes off Elijah and Fenrir enter the jeeps and rideoff. Elijah asks Helen how is it possible that Fenrir is able to do all ofthis, and she tells him that her organization is very resourceful, because someof the world’s richest bankers and politicians are members of their group. Mostof their members are people in very high places, and they see Elijah as theirgreatest investment. Back in the plane the pilot has trouble contacting anyonefor help, and a few minutes later the plane explodes.

As both Elijah and Helen drive through the African landscape the terrain looks too familiar to him. He then reveals that him and agirl that he was friends with were adopted from Africa by 2 Christianmissionary woman. He goes on to tell how wonderful his adopted mother was, andthat when she died he lost faith in God. As Elijah continues to look on strangeflashbacks start coming to him, and Elijah begins to have violent convulsions.At this time there are international news reports about the hijacked planeexploding over a region in Africa, and Elijah is presumed dead. Hope meets withthe African Division of the Hunter agency who recovered the plane’s black box,so that she can get the correct information of what happened to Elijah andFenrir.

3 weeks have passed and the government has done all it could to keep the werewolf aspect of the airport incident story under wraps.They have seized every video camera footage in and around the airport on theday of the hijacking. They release a statement to the public that they areclosely reviewing the tapes to obtain any leads about this terrorist group, andthat they plan on releasing the videos publicly as soon as they can. In otherwords, never. In reality, the government uses the tapes to track down all ofthe spectators who witnessed the werewolf incident. All of the eye-witnesses thatsaw Elijah as a werewolf were paid off by the government to keep their mouthsshut for life. They signed government contracts to keep a vow of silence on theincident and in exchange them and their families will receive tax exempts, fullhealth, dental, and eye care coverage, specialized government psychiatric helpfor the eye witnesses, pensions, free gas for life, and paid travel anywherearound the world. Of course they will be closely monitored by the government tomake sure that they don’t breech the contract. If they do then them and theirfamilies will lose all benefits, and they will receive the same penalty asthose who refused the contract, which is being placed in a specializedgovernment psychiatric ward.

The media has no idea what happened at the airport. All they know is that there was a terrorist attack, and that the government ismaybe hiding something. There are speculations as to what, including rumorsabout a big foot creature wreaking havoc at the airport, and some civilianshearing strange monstrous yells. This is all dismissed as just a hoax, andpeople letting their imaginations get the best of them.

Back at the government facility Project K-9 has matured a little more, and he is able to speak broken English now. Thescientist let him have a little fun and K-9 begins to take interest in things.His favorite hobbies are watching T.V..., playing catch, and swimming, which heuses the doggy paddle. Since Hope found out, from the plane’s black box, thatElijah and Fenrir have gotten away the agency decides to train “Project K-9” tobecome a killing machine. They are doing this in fear of whatever Fenrir isplanning. They want to be fully prepared for a coming war. The last chapter ofbook 2 ends with Elijah, who is in a secret base somewhere in the West Bank,finally meeting Fenrir’s leader “Kaval Copernican”.


Volume 3: Dark Revelation

The story opens with Project K-9 beginning trained to be a cold blooded killer, who hates werewolves and is loyal to the state. Thetraining becomes so intense for him that he has violent flashbacks of Elijahkilling his family. The scientist realize that K-9’s life cycle is still thesame as a normal wolf , but in his human form he is maturing at a very highaccelerated rate compared to a normal man. Every 2 months he grows a yearolder. This perplexes the scientists more as they compare their findings withwhat they know of Elijah, who was born a wolf, and who has maintained a normalhuman life cycle for 26 years.. This prompts the doctors to want to know moreabout the origins of Elijah.

At this point Hope is still in Africa working with the agency there to try and track down Elijah. Getting frustrated and tired, Hopedecides to get some rest in a nearby hotel. Before she goes to bed she decidesto do her nightly Bible study, which she hasn’t been able to do in a while.When she reads passages from the book of Revelation about the beast who willone day rule this world she is left frozen in fear from the realization of thecatastrophic event that is about to take place involving werewolves.

As for Elijah, he is in Fenrir’s secret base, in Israel, where he is having dinner with Helen and the leader of Fenrir,Kaval. There Elijah explains his storyof his 1st transformation to the leader of the group. In the storyElijah reveals that there was a 2nd werewolf, besides him, that wasfemale who was named Naomi. Their sexual involvement with each other led totheir transformations, which is believed to be evolutionary. Elijah kept thewerewolf situation a secret, because he didn’t want anyone to come after him todissect and conduct experiments. He especially kept this a secret from his wifebecause the werewolf linked him to the adultery that she already suspected,plus she would think that he literally a monster. His story goes on to tell howhe killed his wife, and how he tried to cover up things. Also, it is revealedthat the female wolf died as well. He then explains why he has never decided tofind a cure for his condition, and revert his “so called’ evolutionarydevelopment.

Afterward, Kaval starts to disclose the information about the group Fenrir, which unveils their true history, their involvementwith Norse mythology, “The Prophets of Ragnorak“, their plans for the end ofthe world, how they really created werewolves, and how they were stopped by theagency “Hunter”. Also, the space race led to the destruction of the firstvirus. Kaval goes on to say how some of their members are famous bankers andpoliticians that worship the God Fenrir. Kaval goes on to speak about Elijah’strue origins, his abilities being the best of both worlds, why he does notgrowing rapidly like a normal wolf, him and Naomi were supposed to start a purewerewolf race, how they were able to found him, how they used plastic surgeryto make Helen look like his wife to manipulate him, and what Fenrir’s purposeis for him. As Elijah realizes the startling truth that he is not a product ofevolution, but of bioengineering, he snaps and goes into werewolf mode. Hestarts destroying everything in his sights until the members of Fenrir are ableto stop and detain him. They then lock him up in a prison cell, and they beginpreparations to crossover the werewolf virus from Elijah’s blood to infecthumans.

Back at the government facility there is a training exercise between the Hunters and “Project K-9“. After a couple of minutes theHunters are able to overcome the wolf, which forces the scientists and militaryleaders to go back to the drawing board.

8 months later Elijah is held in a special prison cell of Fenrir’s that has barely enough oxygen to keep him alive, which makes itimpossible for him to transform. He’s in there barely conscious wishing that henever existed. He realizes that every life that he has touched he destroyed. Fenrir’s scientists and guards then come into take him to a special chamber, because they have finally cracked the code totransfer the new virus to humans after all these months. The make 2 kinds ofthe new Lycanthropy virus. The 1st virus, which is Lycanthropy A, isto give the followers of Fenrir all of the werewolf abilities, while stillkeeping their intelligence and civil nature. The 2nd dose,Lycanthropy B, forces a person to give into their beastial urges, whichconverts them back to a primitive way of thinking. This will make it easy forthe leaders of Fenrir to control those who are infected with Lycanthropy B.They will literally be able to train them like their own dogs. The group Fenrirdecides to use Israel as ground zero for the virus, because it is the placethat Christianity originated, and they hate this religion because it was themain factor that caused the downfall of their Norse religion.

The book ends with the American division of the Hunter agency broadcasting a live satellite feed to the other divisions around theworld revealing “Project K-9” and demonstrating his capabilities in a trainingexercise. As Hope watches K-9’s victory she begins to narrate by quote Biblicalpassages from the book of Revelation about the beast and the world‘s end.

Volume 4: Jaws of the Apocalypse

The story begins with various news reports over the 7 years during what is known as “The Great Pandemic”. They explain that ½ of theworld is infected, ¼ is killed off, and the remaining are barely holding on.The new operation of the world, as well as it’s landscape, looks like thewerewolf version of “The Planet of the Apes“, with large statues and monumentsbuilt in honor of the wolf god Fenrir. Werewolves have now populated everymajor city throughout the world. In their human form they act like savagetribal people, but with enough sense to create outstanding architectures. Theyalso hunt normal humans for sport and food. The governments of the world arefearing the end for mankind, and they call the situation an “Extinction LevelEvent”. The United Nations had already built underground shelters in both theNorth and South poles in case of such a pandemic as this, which the lycanthropyvirus cannot get to. They’ve chosen people, known as “The Elite“, who are thebest and brightest minds from around the world. These people include top levelpoliticians, scientists, doctors, psychiatrists, engineers, teachers, soldiers,Artists, and industrialists.

As for everyone else they are above ground, in their own countries, fighting to survive. Some stay in civilian armed communities,while those who are lucky are able to find refuge at a military base. Thesebases, which are set up around the world, are heavily guarded by soldiers whohave Dog Catchers, and they keep strict rules and curfews that people mustadhere to or their out. As far as people gaining entry into these heavilyguarded communities they must be checked out to see if they are infected withthe lycanthropy disease. Those who are found out to be carriers are shot on thespot.

At the end of the news reports the story picks up at an Israeli military shelter in the on Mount Tabor, which overlooks the entireJezreel Valley for miles making it a perfect spot for a fortress, there is ariot. People are fighting with the soldiers to be let in the already overlypopulated fortress. The soldiers warn them one time to leave or they’ll beshot, and when the people fail to listen bullets fly. 20 people are killed,while others scatter in fear. Elsewhere, a little girl walks around a smalltown alone. She winds up in a town heavily populated by werewolves, who startemerging from the shadows. The girl is about to be attacked until she is savedby a squad of 12 soldiers, who have 2 new modeled Dog Catchers and an armysupply truck with them. The 12 introduce themselves one by one, and the leaderof the group reveals herself to be Hope. One of the soldiers is a 33 year oldman named Kadmiel, who wears a strange collar around his neck. Or coarse, thisis “ProjectK-9” all grown up, because of the rapid life cycle of a wolf. Afterthe little girl explains that her parents are dead Hope decides to help her,despite the objection from Kadmiel that the little girl will side track themfor their mission. Kadmiel makes it known very early that all he cares about isgetting his revenge.

The group heads toward a military shelter on top of Mount Tabor, where they plan on dropping off the little girl. Hope and thesoldiers have already been given full access to every military shelter in theworld. At the base of the mountain it’s surrounded by soldiers in Dog Catchers,who tells Hope and her squad that the mountain’s road is too narrow for theirDog Catcher, so they leave 6 of their men behind to watch over their vehicles,which Kadmiel is among them. The little girl and the soldiers, which includesHope, pass through a full body scanner before going up the hill and enteringthe fortress. When inside Hope meets with the shelter’s counsel, who arepersuaded to keep the little girl. Hope and all of the soldiers are asked tospend the night, but they refuse for the sake of their mission.

When Hope is asked what their mission is she reveals that they are looking for the infamous scientist, and terrorist, ElijahCampbell, who’s pure blood may hold the secret to the werewolf cure. Thecounsil believes that he‘s dead from the plane explosion from years back. Hopegoes on to say that there are sources that prove Elijah escaped the planeexplosion, and one of the pieces of evidence is of a satellite photo of Elijahtaken 3 days ago. The reason the photos were taken in the first place wasbecause the government wanted to monitor the bi-annual werewolf celebration inJerusalem known as “The Blood Moon Harvest”. Even though this festival is donearound the world, and it brings the werewolves in their regions together toworship the god Fenrir, Jerusalem has the largest werewolf gathering for theevent. Also, in Jerusalem, they worship the statue of the wolf god Fenrir athis official temple, which is built on the same site as “Solomon‘s Temple. Theyalso think that Elijah is still working with Fenrir.

They flew in and landed at the abandoned “Megiddo International Airport“. They couldn’t fly over the region, because they wouldhave easily been spotted. Even at night it would be difficult, since werewolveshave nocturnal vision. Traveling on the ground was the better way to keep a lowprofile, and not be detected. Suddenly, there is a big stir among the councilmembers in the shelter that there could be a cure to the disease, but that itwould be foolish to step foot anywhere in the western bank of Israel because itis considered the werewolf capital of the world. Hope explains that she has aplan for that. Two of the council members see this as a great opportunity, ifthere is a cure, to acquire it first so that they can get rich off of it. Theymake a plan to hire some civilian men, who are skilled shooters that havenothing to lose, as mercenaries to follow the squad of soldiers.

Before the soldiers leave Hope wants to pray to God at the abandoned church inside the fortress, because the mountain that they are onis where Jesus had his transfiguration. When Hope is inside the church prayingthere is a crowd outside of civilians and military officers, who have a problemfor what she is doing. They think if there was really a God why would he allowthis threat to happen? Hope goes on to explain why God let things happen, froma theological point of view, and how the werewolf apocalypse was foretold inthe Bible centuries ago. This leads to a heated argument, and when the counselmembers of the shelter find out that the full body scanner hasn’t been workingfor weeks things get ugly. Hope, her squad, and other new shelter members areall accused of being werewolves in disguise. Violence beings to erupt and itisn’t long before the rest of Hope’s squadron join the fray. When Kadmieltransforms to save the little girl from being attacked everyone gets scarred,and people try to flee the building. When Kadmiel tries to attack one of themen threatening the girl’s life his collar sends jolts of electricity throughhis body. The armed guards of the shelter begin to open fire on the squad, butHope uses 2 flying drones that are from the new models of the Dog Catchers tohelp the little girl and her squad to get away.

After making their clean escape Hope and the soldiers notice that there is fire coming from the fortress, when their a mile away.They know that the fire and chaos will attract the werewolves. As for thelittle girl she is frightened of Kadmiel. Hope tries to calm her down by`reassuring the girl that the collar around Kadmiel’s neck prevents him fromphysically attacking humans. Kadmiel is also trained by the state to not hurthumans, which he is able to tell by their scent. The collar he wears has asmart A.I. system that can monitor if a person is fully human. It is alsoindestructible, so water and electricity can’t damage it. It has a G.P.S.system inside to track Kadmier. There is also a microchip inside Kadmiel’sbrain that helps him control his werewolf abilities. If he attempts to harm ahuman he will receive an electrical shock from the collar. Hope doesn’t tellthe girl that if Kadmiel continues trying to assualt a human, or goes rogue, thecollar and the chip in his brain will detonate and explode killing him. Kadmielalready knows about this.

When they finally reach the border of the West Bank of Israel Hope removes Kadmiel’s collar, which she is able to do by using aspecial code that she alone has knowledge of, and she sends him into the regionpretending to be a werewolf follower of Fenrir, so he can find Elijah. He hasan earpiece to communicate with Hope. When Kadmiel sees Elijah, who is also 33years old, and who has a full beard and hair, off in the distance he hasflashbacks of Elijah killing his parents, and he decides to deviate from themission to get his revenge against Elijah. He no longer cares about finding acure, the nuclear holocaust, or the end of the world, because his world endedwhen Elijah killed his parents. When Hope tries to talk him out of it Kadmieldestroys his earpiece, and even though he knows what could happen to him hewould rather die than to bring Elijah back to them alive. Hope knowing thatKadmiel has gone rogue is about to detonate the explosive inside his skull whenher and her crew are ambushed by werewolves.

Volume 5: Human Extinction

The story opens with Hope and the soldiers fighting werewolves. The little girl, who is inside the supply truck, is about to getattacked when all of the werewolves are shot by mysterious snipers, and theyall revert back into normal humans. Hope and the solders are puzzled by whatjust took place until the snipers step out of the shadows revealing that theyshot the wolves with the werewolf cure. Hope is in shock by both finding outthat there are humans roaming around alive in this region, and that they havefound the cure.

She has so many questions for her saviors, but the snipers decide to answer all of them back at their secret undergroundbase. At the base it is revealed thatthe soldiers were found out to be humans, because of the sniper’s scannerfield. There have been incidents when werewolves pretended to be full humans totrick them. Hope then notices that there are a large number of sheep, who arein cages. One of the snipers explains how the cure came about. It turns outthat Elijah Campbell created it by mixing his blood with the cancer blood cellsof a dying lamb, which neutralizes the lycanthropy cells. The sheep disease,though, can only be found in Israel. This is why the snipers have a large stockof sheep in their base. Once a person takes the cure they are completely immuneto the disease forever. It is revealed that all of the snipers used to be werewolvesthemselves, who Elijah helped to cure. Though, It did take them a couple ofmonths to come to their human senses again. It is also explained why Elijahdecided to turn over a new leaf, and how he regrets what he’s done. It isexplained how all this was really Fenrir’s doing, and how Elijah was just theirpawn. It is explained about “The False Prophets ofRagnorak“, Elijah’s true origins of being a half breed, how Fenrir used Elijah,his non-involvement with the plane explosion, and how he was let go afterFenrir got what they wanted, which they allowed him to live in hopes that hewould one day join their cult. Elijah now fights his beastial urges, and heonly uses the werewolf form when it is absolutely necessary. The thing, though,is that he can only be in wolf form for so long before it starts taking backover.

Since the disease came from Israel, so too did the cure. The city’s human population used to be 0%. Elijah and the cured peoplename their resistance group “ The Remnant“, because, besides for Elijah, all ofthem are the last group of humans in the West Bank. The thing is, is thatFenrir has no clue about the groups existence. It is also explained that thereason why Elijah has yet to take the cure himself is because it will transformhim back into his original state of a wolf, and he is the only one who can gaineasy access into any werewolf region without being attacked.

Hope then reveals that she knows that at the moment Elijah is in Jerusalem, and she speculates that he’s there to try and cure morepeople. She is then told that the real reason Elijah is in Jerusalem is that heis pretending to join Fenrir. See, the only reason that Elijah was let go byFenrir 7 years ago and not killed was so that he could still have a chance tojoin their group. They never thought that it was possible to find a cure forthe new disease. Elijah plans to get himself close enough to inject the leadersof Fenrir with the cure, which will turn them into humans. As a result theirwerewolf followers will turn on them, because they no longer smell likewerewolves themselves and this will cause chaos and disorder. Eventuallyleading to the fall of the group Fenrir and their religion.

The scene then switches to Elijah who is entering “The Temple of Fenrir”. He then has a flashback of him and his wife arguing abouthow she found God, which started to tear their relationship apart. He thenremembers her words of how she wanted him to go to Heaven, and her Bible warningsof the end times which he thought were a joke until now. Inside, Elijah meetsand talks to Helen who tries to seduce him. Elijah pretends to be bothinterested in her and, joining the cult. Helen tells him that he can somewhathave his wife back, through being with her, as well as his own werewolf kingdomin any nation he wants. At first Elijah is tempted, but he knows what he has todo. When she leaves him alone to think about this he smells something familiar,but he can’t put his figure on it. Then all of a sudden Kadmiel appears, andface off and Kadmiel starts revealing who he is and how Elijah played a part inhis origin. Elijah is of course shocked by this revelation, remembering that hekilled Kadmiel’s family, and he speculates about Kadmiel’s rapid growth andcompares it to his own. All of a sudden Kadmiel starts to attack him. Thisforces Elijah to transform into a werewolf.

Back at the base Hope reveals that her group had 72 hours to complete their mission and find Elijah, which most of the nations ofthe world thought that it was a failed endeavor to begin with. This was whythey were the only ones to volunteer and be sent. Also, a message must be sentback to their commander about the group obtaining Elijah or his blood. If theyfailed to do so before the 3 days are up then the governments of the worldwould launch their nuclear missiles, and there would be a world-wide nuclearholocaust. They plan on striking during “The Blood Moon Harvest” because theevent brings together the biggest concentration of werewolves in one place. Thething is this will not only take at the werewolf threat, but every human andliving creature on the planet. It will completely destroy the entire ecosystem.Right now they only have 36 hours left.

The snipers then give Hope and the soldiers one of their batches of the antidote, which Hope puts into the compartments of both ofthe Dog Catcher drones. At this point Hope has already contacted her commanderabout both the cure and how Kadmiel went rogue, and he tells her that therewill be a plane ready to pick them up at Megiddo International Airport in a fewhours. Hope thinks everything will be ok when she sends off the drones, butthings quickly turn bad when both aircrafts are shot down by a missile. Back atthe temple Elijah is still fighting Kadmier, who is too much for him to handle.Kadmier give Elijah an immotal wound on his side, and Elijah is about to bekilled. When Helen and 2 guards burst into the room it temporarily distractsKadmiel and Elijah is able to inject him with the cure, which reverts him back intohis normal wolf form. When Helen and the guards witness what happened she seesthe needle stuck in Kadmie’s side, and she is frightened by what she fearsElijah has done. When she tells the guards to seize Elijah he injects both ofthem with the cure, and he is able to escape through the window while he isstill bleeding.

Elsewhere, when Hope and her squadron go out to see what happened to the drones they are ambushed by the mercenaries and the 2counsel men, who reveal that they are stealing the cure so that they can make aprofit. They plan on stealing all of the formula for themselves, and they aregoing to kill everyone who knows about the cure. The counsel men state that notonly will they make a huge profit this way, but they will be seen as globalheroes for generations to come. Hope tries to tell them that if they don’t getthe cure back to the base within a certain amount of time there will be anuclear holocaust. The mercenaries think that she is bluffing. Hope and thesoldiers are about to be killed when something goes wrong, and they are able toovercome the mercenaries and the counsel men. The problem is the antidote isdestroyed in the scuffle. Hope and the soldiers quickly decide to return backto the base, where they find some of the snipers dead. The place had got raidedby the rest of the mercenaries, who pretended to be hunted by werewolves sothat the snipers would trust and help them. Since they passed the fieldscanners the snipers thought that the mercenaries were telling the truth. Theydid this to get their hands on the rest of the antidote. There are only a fewof the snipers left alive, and the little girl was hiding in a safe place whenthe attack began. All of this proved that these mercenaries were wolves inhuman clothing. Hope contacts and tells her commander this, and the commanderreveals to Hope that no matter what happens it is decided that at least Israelwill still get bombed, because it is the werewolf capital of the world and thiscelebration concentrates all of them to one place, which is the bestopportunity to strike. The countries of the world band together to create theultimate nuclear device named “Spasitel'”, aka “Savior” aka “the king of allnuclear bombs”. the project was headed by the Russians, who modeled it aftertheir “AN602 hydrogen bomb. Hope, her squad, and the few survivors that she hashave 30 hours to make it to Megiddo International airport, to reach the planethat was already sent out, and if they miss it they are doomed.

Now, the only hope is for Hope and the soldiers to enter Jerusalem to retrieve Elijah, who they believe is still in danger ofKadmiel, before time runs out. They are given an untested spray that Elijahjust developed that will give them the scent of a werewolf, so that they can gointo the city without any werewolf noticing them. This is straight up a suicidemission that each of them is willing to go on to save the world. The lastcouple of pages end with Helen broadcasting that Elijah is highly dangerous andhe must be brought in dead or alive.

Volume 6: Survival of the Fittest

The Last book of the epic story begins with Hope and the soldiers enter the city of Jerusalem, with different werewolves watchingthem. When they are being approached by werewolves the squad gets extremely nervous,but they decide to play it cool. They are all told that they need to keep alook out for a dangerous werewolf named Elijah Campbell, who must be turned inby all means. This information alerts Hope and the soldiers.

During this time Helen enters Fenrir’s sacred chambers where Kaval is praying to the god Fenrir, which no one is allowed to disturbhim for any reason while he is meditating. Helen explains that she’s beenwaiting too long for him to be done to tell him something very important. Atfirst Kaval is about to have her killed for disturbing him until she revealsthat Elijah has found the cure to the virus, which Kaval is shocked by what hehears. She tells him that she didn’t want to release this information to anyoneelse but him, because of what it would mean to those who are infected. Kavalgets furious thinking that history could repeat itself again for werewolves.Helen brings in Kadmiel, who is now a permanent normal wolf, which Kavalwonders what he was doing inside the temple. Helen then asks Kaval should theykeep the celebration of their god going and Kaval says that there won’t be no celebrationuntil Elijah is dead. He then broadcasts an announcement to all of thewerewolves in the city that the “Blood Moon Harvest” celebration is off untilElijah is found and immediately killed. When all of the werewolves in the citystart to transform to find Elijah, Hope and the solders find themselves in evendeeper trouble. They quickly take cover, so they won’t be noticed.

In the desert, the last few surviving members of “The Remnant” and the little girl are driving in one of the Dog Catchers leaving theWest Bank region and heading towards “Megiddo International Airport”, with theinfected lambs. They are all cramped inside of the Dog Catchers. Back at thetemple when Kaval is alone Elijah drops in on him, unexpectedly, taking Kavalby complete surprise. It is revealed that the reason why Elijah’s scentcouldn’t be detected is because he sprayed himself with an odor masking solutionthat he created, so it’s impossible to find him by his smell. The thing,though, is that Elijah is still bleeding from the attack of Kadmier.

Back in the city Hope and the soldiers are surrounded by a group of werewolves who suspect that there is something wrong with themnot transforming. When the squad’s life is threatened if they don’t transformthey are about to pull out their guns, and prepare for the worst. All of asudden an announcement is made by Elijah to all of the werewolves in the cityto come to the temple to witness what is about to take place. All of thewerewolves, including those who were about to kill the soldiers, start runningto the temple. At the temple the doors are locked in Kaval’s chambers, where Kaval is held captive byElijah. Helen and the werewolf guards are on the outside trying to break thedoors down. When all of the werewolves in the city gather to the temple Elijahshows them an Kaval, who he then injects with the cure. When the guards comebusting in Kaval tells them to attack the injured Elijah, but sense Kaval isnow human the werewolves no longer listen to him. Instead, they begin to growland turn on him. When they start charging at Kaval Elijah throws him over theedge, which the guards follow, to feed Kaval to the pack of werewolves below.Helen is the only one left, and Elijah tries to inject her with the cure but heis too hurt. He also has a problem fighting her because she looks exactly likehis wife.

Suddenly there is an explosion, and the statue of Fenrir is destroyed. When Helen sees this she runs to the edge to see what’sgoing on. She sees that this was done by a Dog Catcher, who locks in on her andfires off a missile, which forces Helen to jump from the ledge to the pavementbelow. The transforming tanks is being controlled remotely by one of thesoldiers. Chaos begins and the werewolves start attacking the Dog Catcher. Withthis distraction, Hope and her squad are able to meet up with Elijah inside thetemple, who is bleeding to death. They carry him out of the temple, and theyare able to make it to the hidden supply truck that is just over the hill. Hopequickly briefs Elijah on everything, especially the fact that they only have 31/2 hours to make it 200 miles to the airport. Elijah then reveals that Kadmierwas the one responsible for giving him the immortal wound on his side. Insidethe truck Hope is able to bandage up Elijah’s wound, who notices that she iswearing a cross. At this point the is afraid of dying and he wonders about the afterlife.He then asks Hope if she is religious because he wasn’t, and she says no shehas a personal relationship with Jesus. He then goes on to say that she soundslike his wife. When he asks her to explain what that means Hope does. Elijahthen passes and his mind is in a hellish dream world, where he is confronted byhis inner werewolf demon. The wolf inside is about to drag his soul to Hell,when Elijah wakes up and sees that they made it to Megiddo, a.k.a“Armageddon”, airport. The problem,though, is that the plane has already come, because “The Remnant” and thelittle girl are gone. Only the Dog Catcher is left. Everyone fears the worst,especially Elijah, and when one of the soldiers sees through a set ofbinoculars that a legion of werewolves, who are led by Helen, are chargingstraight for them, because they were tracked by their scent., everyone panicsabout their horrible end, and they begin to wonder if there really is a God andan afterlife. Hope then begins to pray with Elijah and the soldiers thesinner’s prayer to accept Christ into their lives, and afterward they begin tosing a church hymn. All of a sudden Hope notices a white airplane that isdescending down from the sky like a dove descending from Heaven. When thewerewolves get closer to them the soldiers use the Dog Catcher to fend them offuntil the plane lands. Eventually Hope and the soldiers are able to make itonto the plane, which is revealed to have been hijacked by the members of “TheRemnant”. Elijah is about to enter when Helen attacks him, and they both end upfighting on board the plane. The doors are closed shut so no other werewolvescan get inside, and the plane begins to take off. The werewolves on the outsidetry to hand onto it with no luck. On the inside Elijah still fights with Hope andhe tries to inject her with the cure, but he accidentally does it to himself.Eventually Helen is shot to death by Hope, and Helen’s body is tossed from theplane to the werewolves below.

The plane is in the air and everyone is safe, which also includes the little girl and the diseased sheep on board. It is revealedthat Elijah still has his human characteristics, and that he can still talk. Hededuces that he is able to do this while still looking like a normal wolf,because he is a half breed. The little pets Elijah, mistaking him for a regulardog, and she says “Good Doggy”. The story ends with Hope quoting Bible passagesin a narrative, as the super nuclear bomb, “Spasitel'”, hits Israel destroyingthe “Temple of Fenrir” and all of the werewolves at Megiddo airport.

(Side Note)

There is really an airport in Israel at the place where Armageddon will happen called “Megiddo Airport”.

Tell Dan that even if you take away the werewolf element you still have a pretty great story.

The ending’s meaning is 2 fold. First the airplane and the atomic bomb are both symbols of jesus’ return. The airplane symbolizes therapture of his follower before he destroys the wicked during the final hour ofthe battle of Armageddon.

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Dark Nature Revised (copyright)

DarkNature by Titus Pannell

What if you found out that you weren't who you thought you were, and that your true existence was to bring about the end of mankind.This is the premise for “Dark Nature” which is an apocalyptic werewolf taleabout a scientist, named Titus Pannell, who discovers the dark truth about hisdestiny.

The epic begins when a mysterious scientist named Titus Pannell is captured and imprisoned in a top secret government facility, becausehe is found out to be a werewolf. The scientists there discover that Titus isharboring a new werewolf virus in his blood, which acts the opposite from theold. Instead of turning humans into wolves it transforms wolves into men, suchas the mysterious case with Titus. By the time the government realizes thisthere is a security breach. Both the blood samples and Titus are gone. The secretagency then sends out soldiers, known as “Hunters”, along with a transforming robotictank, called “The Dog Catcher”, to retrieve Titus. The team is led by aChristian woman named Hope Nevaeh. The agency, which is not Christian, uses thecross as a powerful weapon against werewolves. They think that the cross holdspsychological powers not real spiritual ones.

As Titus tries to elude the government he is constantly haunted by the memories of his dead fiancée, who he murdered afterhis first transformation. Titus tries to find a cure for his disease, but hefails at every turn. Titus is eventually found by the government and he isalmost captured until a mysterious group known as Fenrir saves him. It turnsout that they were the ones who orchestrated Titus’ escape, as well as stealhis blood samples. Their captain is a woman named Helen Kaufmann, who lookssimilar to Titus’ dead fiancée. It is her boss, who is currently stationed inthe Middle East, who has the answers to Titus’ werewolf origins. As both Titusand the organization try to evade the soldiers a civilian captures Titus’transformation on video tape. The footage is aired on national news stations,and the government tries to cover up the existence of werewolves by calling ita hoax.

Once Titus is able to make it overseas he meets with Fenrir’s leader, who reveals that the organization was originally a Nazi werewolf groupthat began in W.W.2. After the war the allied nations banded together to wipeout the werewolf threat from the face of the planet. The leader goes on to tellthat Titus’ origins involved an inhuman experiment conducted in Africa, andthat his blood is the catalyst to a new developing virus that will once againtransform humans into wolves. The goal for the virus is to bring about a biologicalwar, and cause a global pandemic. Titus tries to stop the Nazis but fails, and Israelbecomes ground zero for the virus.

The 2nd half of the epic picks up 7 years into the future, during “The Great Pandemic”, when the age of man is eclipsedby the dawning of the werewolf era. 2/4 of the world is infected, 1/4 is dead,and the last remnants are barely holding on. The governments of the world issuemartial law. Fear and paranoia sweep across the planet, as people turn on eachother and kill one another on suspicion of being werewolves in disguise. Atthis time, the role of the main character is switched to Hope Neveah, who isthe leader of a Christian resistance. They believe that this end was foretoldin the Bible, and that the “Mark of the Beast” is the werewolf virus. Hope’smission is 2 fold. 1st she is searching Titus to obtain a pure sampleof his blood, so that a scientist she is working with can find a cure. 2ndHope wants revenge on Titus, because she blames him for the pandemic and thedeath of loved ones.

WhenHope finds Titus things don’t go as she planned. Titus has already found thecure to the disease by using Lamb’s blood. He doesn’t use the antidote onhimself, because it will permanently transform him back into his original stateof a wolf. After Titus explains what really happened with the virus, and howFenrir was responsible, Hope and Titus team up to try and save mankind. Theircrusade leads them to their final battle against Fenrir, who are all now superdeformed werewolves. As the battle intensifies Hope is brutally attacked.Titus, believing Hope is dead, mentally snaps and transforms into a werewolf, destroyingeverything in his path. The bloodlust becomes too intense for him, and his mindgoes into a psychological showdown with his inner beast. The beast is on theverge of victory until Hope wakes up and shoots Titus with the cure. This turnsTitus back into his original state of a wolf, but the antidote has someabnormal effects on him. Instead of acting as an animal, Titus has retained hisentire human characteristics, and he is able to verbally communicate withhumans. The ending closes with Titus and Hope walking off into the sunsettogether with the Lamb’s blood antidote.
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Leading the Youth Nation (Copyright)

Leading the Youth Nation by Titus Pannell

What if you had everything you ever wanted, but you had to choose to give it all up for a divine calling that could save millions of souls. This is the premise of “Leading the Youth Nation”, which is a bizarre
comedy about a famous rock star’s journey from the concert stage to the pulpit
of a youth group.

Elijah Campbell is the 21-year-old lead guitarist of the mega-famous rock group “Abomi-Nation”, who gets charged, in court, on a D.U.I offense while defacing church property. For his punishment he is sentenced to 6
months of community service being an assistant youth pastor at the church. At
this time the church’s youth group is failing before Elijah arrives. Only 3
teens attend the Wednesday night youth meetings, which is led by a 96 year old
man. After Elijah arrives over 200 teenagers, who are his fans, join the youth
group, and about 50 of them attend regularly. Many of the clergy and lay
people, who are led by the outspoken 51 year old Ethel Conley, believe that
Elijah will be the down fall of their church, starting with the youth, but the
head pastor of the church believes that this could be a blessing in disguise.
The pastor hopes that Elijah will be changed by hearing God’s word, as well as
realize his responsibilities as a celebrity to the youth of our nation.

The twist in the story begins when Elijah pretends to become a Christian, so that he can get with the pastor’s daughter. The pastor, himself, attributes Elijah’s quick turnaround as an occurrence similar
to Paul on the road to Damascus, and almost everyone buys it except Ethel
Conley and her minions. At first Elijah sees this as one big joke until the 96
year old youth leader gets injured, and Elijah is asked to temporarily pastor the
youth. Things quickly become serious for him when he is told by a male youth
that if it wasn’t for Elijah preaching the word of God to him for the first
time he would have committed suicide. At first, Elijah attributes this to the
power of his celebrity influence, until he sees other teens as well as their
parents’ lives being changed because of God. Now, Elijah begins to find himself
struggling between really believing in Jesus, and accepting this new calling
into his life, or making his triumphant return to Rock n’ Roll.

In each chapter of the series Elijah is always in some new kind of adventure with the youth group. If it’s either a youth retreat, talent competition, doing a 30 Hour Famine, or organizing youth plays
there is always something going on, and someone getting saved. As Elijah is
doing all of this he beings to really fall in love with the pastor’s daughter,
because he sees her being different from any other girl he has ever met.
Problem is she still doesn’t give him the time of day. Plus, she is in love
with the church’s guitarist, Patrick. This leads Elijah to hold a “Battle of
the bands” charity fundraiser to battle against Patrick to win the heart of the
pastor’s daughter. Throughout all of these adventures Ethel Conley is
constantly lurking in the shadows trying to bring down Elijah.

About ¾ of the way into the story Elijah accepts Jesus as his personal lord and saver, and he fully realizes his responsibilities to the youth. His personality changes so drastically that even
the pastor’s daughter begins to take notice of him. The teens begin to feel the
power of Jesus’ love pouring out of the heart of Elijah so immensely that they
begin to minister about the love of God to teens at their school, and over a
thousand teenagers start coming to the youth meetings. This garners so much
press that a national youth rally is held and Elijah becomes the guest speaker.

Towards the end of the series Elijah’s 6 months are up, and the old youth pastor has passed away. The church has found a new youth pastor to lead the kids, but Elijah puts in his bid to stay as the new official
youth leader. A meeting is then held among the clergy to decide what should
happen, until Ethel decides to blackmail Elijah with a copy of a recording of
him confessing his hypocrisy. Elijah is forced to step down quietly from the
youth pastor position, so there won’t be a huge media scandal. The teens try to
get him back, but it doesn’t work.

Months later Elijah is
propositioned by his old band mates to rejoin them in a world-wide comeback tour,
but he declines their offer. When he starts to minister to them they turn on
Elijah, and they call him a washed up musician. A day later, the new female
youth pastor comes to Elijah’s house for advice, and Elijah confesses
everything to her. The youth pastor takes this information back to the head
pastor, and he calls an emergency clergy meeting. Afterward the entire church
goes to Elijah’s house to forgive him, and to offer him the job of coordinator
for the new youth choir. Elijah accepts and decides to donate all of his money
to start youth program.
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Dark Nature (copyright)


What if you found out that you weren't who you thought you were, and that your true existence was to bring about the end of mankind.This is the premise for “Dark Nature” which is an apocalyptic werewolf taleabout a scientist, named Titus Pannell, who discovers the dark truth about hisdestiny.

The epic begins when a mysterious scientist named Titus Pannell is captured and imprisoned in a top secret government facility, becausehe is found out to be a werewolf. The scientists there discover that Titus isharboring a new werewolf virus in his blood, which acts the opposite from theold. Instead of turning humans into wolves it transforms wolves into men, suchas the mysterious case with Titus. By the time the government realizes thisthere is a security breach. Both the blood samples and Titus are gone. The secretagency then sends out soldiers, known as “Hunters”, along with a transforming robotictank, called “The Dog Catcher”, to retrieve Titus. The team is led by a womannamed Hope Nevaeh. What ensues is an epic that will lead to the end of theworld.

As Titus tries to elude the government he is constantly haunted by the memories of his dead fiancée, who he murdered afterhis first transformation. Titus tries to find a cure for his disease, but hefails at every turn. Titus is eventually found by the government and he isalmost captured until a mysterious group known as Fenrir saves him. It turnsout that they were the ones who orchestrated Titus’ escape, as well as stealhis blood samples. Their captain is a woman named Helen Kaufmann, who lookssimilar to Titus’ dead fiancée. It is her boss, who is currently stationed inthe Middle East, who has the answers to Titus’ werewolf origins. As both Titusand the organization try to evade the soldiers a civilian captures Titus’transformation on video tape. The footage is aired on national news stations,and the government tries to cover up the existence of werewolves by calling ita hoax.

Once Titus is able to make it overseas he meets with Fenrir’s leader, who reveals that the organization was originally a Nazi werewolf groupthat began in W.W.2. After the war the allied nations banded together to wipeout the werewolf threat from the face of the planet. The leader goes on to tellthat Titus’ origins involved an inhuman experiment conducted in Africa, andthat his blood is the catalyst to a new developing virus that will once againtransform humans into wolves. The goal for the virus is to bring about a biologicalwar, and cause a global pandemic. Titus tries to stop the Nazis but fails, and Israelbecomes ground zero for the virus.

The 2nd half of the epic picks up 7 years into the future, during “The Great Pandemic”, when the age of man is eclipsedby the dawning of the werewolf era. 2/4 of the world is infected, 1/4 is dead,and the last remnants are barely holding on. The governments of the world issuemartial law. Fear and paranoia sweep across the planet, as people turn on eachother and kill one another on suspicion of being werewolves in disguise. Atthis time, the role of the main character is switched to Hope Neveah, theformer leader of “The Hunters”. Her mission is 2 fold. 1st she issearching for Titus to obtain a pure sample of his blood, so that a scientistshe is working with can find a cure. Then 2nd Hope wants to seekrevenge on Titus, because she blames him for what the pandemic did to her lovedones.

When Hope finds Titus things don’t go as she planned. Titus has already found the cure to the disease by using Lamb’s blood. He doesn’t usethe antidote on himself, because it will permanently transform him back intohis original state of a wolf. After Titus explains what really happened withthe virus, and how Fenrir was responsible, Hope and Titus team up to try andsave mankind. Their crusade leads them to their final battle against Fenrir,who are all now super deformed werewolves. As the battle intensifies Hope isbrutally attacked. Titus, believing Hope is dead, mentally snaps and transformsinto a werewolf, slaughtering everyone in his path. The bloodlust becomes toointense for him, and his mind goes into a psychological showdown with his innerbeast. The beast is on the verge of victory until Hope wakes up and shootsTitus with the cure. This turns Titus back into his original state of a wolf,but the antidote has some abnormal effects on him. Instead of acting as an animal,Titus has retained his entire human characteristics, and he is able to verballycommunicate with humans. The ending closes with Titus and Hope walking off intothe sunset together with the antidote.

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