
We have some exciting news! CCAS has moved to a new and improved version of our platform. Not only is it more powerful and better organized, it is completely responsive (looks great on all devices).

The only issue we are experiencing with this move:
Members who joined after August 22, 2019 WILL NEED TO RE-ENTER THEIR PROFILE QUESTION, ANSWERS. Please accept our sincere apologies for this inconvenience.

We have added a new Profile Question: "Which Category best describes you?"

Categories: Amateur Artist, Professional Artist, Amateur Writer, Professional Writer, Independent Self-Publisher, Traditional Publisher, and Fan.

Please edit your Profile, and select your chosen category. By choosing the category that best describes you, will enable you to add content to the appropriate new modules:
1. Artists: Add photos to the new Arts & Prints Photo Module.
2. Writers: Add your bio information to the new Writers List Module.
3. Publishers: Add your bio information to the new Publishers List Module.
4. Publishers & Writers: Add books to the new Comic Books & Graphic Novels Module.

CLICK HERE to Edit Profile Questions.

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  • I haven't tried any of the other Elder Scrolls games but I think my dad has them all. The Beginners Guide is pretty good, but it's mostly story. I've discovered the X-men series(and by that I mean I watched the whole X-men: Evolution series on YouTube)Have you seen it? And out of curiosity what's you're favorite video game?

  • I've spent way too much time in the land of Skyrim and I haven't even got past the graybeards in the main quest. I adore Portal 2 but it's hard finding someone to play the multiplayer on the PC with. And I don't really know what games I want to make yet but I really like the style that The Stanley Parable and The Beginners Guide have.

  • Thanks, I like games like Minecraft, Five Nights at Freddy's, anything from Valve(mostly Portal 2), and lately I've been spending a lot of time on Newgrounds. What games do you play?

  • Well, thanks for responding! Sorry it took me awhile to respond back too..I've kind been off the site because I'm behind in school....and just got back from the Philippines, heh. But anyway, thanks for the feedback, and I'm so glad to hear back from you that you're doing better. Oh, we'll never be perfect, but i think once we get things in perspective...things just begin to flow.

    God just blew me away on my missions trip and helped me deal with a lot of stuff...all I can say is keep seeking, and you'll find, take it from me. ;)

    Love your art and hope to hear from you soon! :D

  • Sorry, that last comment was complete babbling.

    Note to self:Don't drink Coca Cola and Hot Chocolate when on the internet

  • I just read your testimony. I know what it's like to be living under that kind of stuff, I used to hate myself. And I mean HATE myself. =/

    (If you go on my page my testimony is there too…but to be honest that's only the half of it.)

    But anyway, The best cure I know to that sort of thing is truth…the truth, that is. =)

    You see, Jesus is the way the truth and the life. He's shown us the way to live, He is THE truth, and He's the meaning of life. I think if a lot more people got that, we would have a lot less philosophers, haha.

    I think where things get out of whack is when it comes down to the whole obedience thing. The fact is, the sum of all the commandments is love. So…if obedience comes from a different source, we're pretty much talking counterfeit here. The real deal is love, but more often than not we get mixed up with the cold, dead, lifeless edition: religion. Grace is given freely, no conditions or nothing. Religion though, that's one of the most destructive forces known to man. That's when we have to "do" things to "earn" stuff. That is ridiculously stupid. I mean, if we took God's word legit, I think we would recognize, "Hey, wait a second. God's the most patient loving awesome perfect fantastic thing/person/whatever ever." For me, I knew that…course, I still didn't really, otherwise I would have totally ditch the counterfeit nonsense I had settled for.

    Haha, enough of my story…lets track back to the whole "love is the fulfillment of all the commandments" bit. When you think about it, how the heck are you really supposed to love someone you don't know? I mean, I know for me I knew God was amazing and awesome, especially from the radical Christians in my family that I was blessed to grow up around, but…I seriously didn't get it! Sometimes you just don't really GET something until you're there, you know what I mean? Like imagine if you've never had chocolate in your entire life (I know, nightmare, right?) but you'd always heard about it and how awesome it is, had it described to you, and seen how other people enjoyed it, but you have never tasted it for yourself. It's kind of like that with God…you just don't get it until you finally try a chocolate bar/get to know Him, haha.

    Another way to look at it is celebrities…you hear about them, can recognize them, and even know about every detail of their life, but you still don't KNOW them. Ah, this message is so loooooong. Sorry bout that, I just…have many thoughts. o.o

    But to wrap this up…um….*can't stop thinking about chocolate* where was I…? Right. So…love. God is love. Fulfillment of commandments is love. You love others the way you love yourself. The standards that you hold to yourself to judge your own value is the way you judge the value of others. So…wow, I feel so overly spiritual. I don't even want to know how long this message is….I am so sorry, I've been having a lot of God rants today. It's not you, it's me. >.< Anyway, we get to know God by reading His word, being in His presence, having one-on-one worship alone time, and refocusing our minds on Him, but not making it too much of a religious "I NEED TO DO THIS OR I'M GONNA DIE!!!! D:" So…yeah. I've probably scared you away by now, haha. Hum. =/ I don't know, just a piece of advice from someone who hopefully at least partly understands what you're going through I guess. :)

    Anyway….God Bless!!

    Your friend,


    P.S. - I love your art!!! :D

  • diggin ur stuff.. cool beans

  • Ma'am, hello there. I like your drawings.  If you want a little job, please consider drawing me a 'Raegan and RJ in Space!' picture or sketch, e-mail it to me at with your address, and I will send you $30 by certified mail that day. You can do pencil, computer, whatever. The web site is where my trilogy is. I will post your work in the 'amazing art' section for kids all over the world to enjoy.  God Bless and stay safe. Some day I would like to turn my graphic novels into a movie or cartoon.  Rich Collins

  • your art work has grown!!! Wow amazing stuff sister!

  • Mia, you are a wonderfully gifted artist.  God has given you a great gift and a great eye for design.  Sometimes we are faced with trials and hardships and it becomes hard to see the good in it, but I pray you don't lose heart.  We are faced with times that are almost hard to bear, but if we remain steadfast in our trust in the Lord, He will guide us through it all.  Keep in mind that God loves you wholeheartedly and that He's with you on during those rough times.  Keep up your spirit and keep creating beautiful art.  Trust Him.  Your artwork is inspiring.  God Bless!

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