The winners of the first Gideon Media Arts Conference Comics Writer and Artist contest sponsored by Kingstone Comics have been announced.
The winning artists are:
The winners of the first Gideon Media Arts Conference Comics Writer and Artist contest sponsored by Kingstone Comics have been announced.
The winning artists are:
I posted an article about the Gideon Media Arts Conference on Clash: the Gideon we have a pretty good Graphic Novels/Comics Track with workshops from seasoned professionals, Ben Avery, Roland Mann, and Mike Maihack. Art Ayris, CEO and publisher of Kingstone Comics is also part of our faculty. The best thing about the Gideon is the opportunity to network with other Christian Creatives like filmmakers, actors, musicians, authors, screen writers, and more.I hope you will pray about attending next year. The Lord is moving in the media arts world.