Earnest Graham's Posts (4)

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Interfaith prayer in comics

Did anyone catch the prayer in FF#1. In it, Alex Powers is asked to say grace at dinner, with people and beings of radically different beliefs. He prays by addressing God in each individual way. It reminds me of the awkwardness and difficulty of praying in an interfaith gathering. Having been asked to pray in a diverse setting (though not with aliens around the table), the question it raises is this, is it more respectful to address God in a way that seeks a common denominator in understanding, to address God in the various ways that the people gathered speak of God, or to simply speak from your own tradition, and allow others to pray from theirs?
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How to Draw Bible Comics

Dear Friends ,

I am starting a weekly series on "How to Draw Bible Comics." It will be on my blog The series will feature basic steps in creating a comic, and special considerations when translating the Bible into this visual language. Over the next three months, I will post the development of a comic translation of a passage and offer ideas and resources for making your own stories. Check it out and let me know what you think. It is a work in progress and I hope to refine it with feedback from readers. Peace, Earnest Graham.

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My family and I are heading on vacation this weekend. I told some friends I was going to Philadelphia, and they suggested that I go to the Wizardworld Comicon which is this weekend. As it turns out, I am free on Saturday and can go for the day. (happy dance.) I haven't been to a comic con in years, this will be fun. I put my portfolio together, I am looking forward to sharing it with others and getting feed back from pros. It also dawned on me, as I put it together, that it is primarily comic translations of the bible, and that I will be doing evangelism, just by showing the art.
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Jump Starting Creativity

The June issue of "HOW" Magazine had an article on ways to 'keep the creative juices flowing' by making art every day. The article showed examples for 4 artists who use a daily deadline to explore their creative side. I decided to give it a try, and in April began my "Almost Daily Digitals." In the series, I decided to explore Photoshop, and actually use photos I have taken over the year. Each week, I pick a different theme, and explore the subject. More often than not, i find the art leading me in places I had not considered in the beginning, and it has become a fun excercise. I post the daily digitals on my blog, "" and welcome feedback.I am also interested in other ways that people keep creative in their work, and would love to hear what you do.
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