Hey folks, I remember when the social media exploded after myspace, and when facebook was introduced... I was thrilled with the idea of connecting with old friends and families. I had many people over the years ask where I was, including a young lady who hasn't seen me since kindergarten back in good ol' Long Island, NY. But now, it's like people are posting way too much of their private lives up making it public,and now being subject to both cyber bullying, and even just the most stupidest things.
So, in the end here's what I think about facebook. It has by no way made us any social than how we used to be in this human race, but has "connected" us in ways that we couldn't before. But ultimately, social media has become a destructive and degrading "network" focusing on removing the word private from our lives, and instead has destroyed relationships, marriages, ruined businesses and people's reputations, as well as becoming a determining factor to who gets A JOB or GETS INTO that college students always wanted to get into. Life never used to this chaotic until myspace came along. If you feel the same way I have in the past couple of weeks about social media - myspace, facebook, twitter, etc. Why not rally against it and bring back the old method of communication such as calling someone, or writing a heartfelt letter and deliver it snail mail, or just a plain ol' email.
This is just a PSA against facebook, etc. to show others that the only face I adore the most is Jesus, and that his book has changed my life.
Nuff' said.