This has always mystified me. I won't name names, but a lot of material that passes as Christian, features art that is boring out of perspective, and lifeless..characters are cookie cutter types, with no gray areas, and sometimes the writing is so elementary that any adult throws it down with disgust,. And yet The Bible is filled with the most powerful, most transcendent., the most scary and thought provoking subject matter on earth.Are Christian artists writers just lazy?. Why do they seem so satisfied with churning out slop and presenting it proudly to the world?Your thoughts.

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  • Everyone is clamoring for a "publisher" to step up. I personally would love to do it but there are lots of issues at play. Also, realistically I don't think my pockets are deep enough - hence you have the perennial catch 22: The "publisher doesn't have the money" or won't publish individuals product - so said individual goes off on their own. Sometimes (most times?), doing it better than the "publisher" could themselves.

    If CCAS was willing to become a "Front" for a publishing space - that could be a very interesting proposition.

    Here are some of the issues that will need to be considered:

    Expectations - what quality level is allowed - what does the artist/creator expect from the publisher - and what does the publisher expect from them.

    Control - who controls what? And this again goes to the expectation question: Is the publisher supposed to "print" and promote the product? Or just provide a venue to start from and let the creator be their own advertising mouthpiece? Who gets the piece of what pie? Do you go with an Image route? An alternate route?

    Who checks/edits/does quality control?

    Distribution Digital? (Recommended) Print? And then it goes back to who does what and why.

    There most definitely strength in numbers. Putting together a strong face with more products looks better than disparate elements all over the place. The thing is - Some people are absolutely fine doing it on their own - and want it that way.

    Is this more we need a collection of resources on how to create better products? A better "storefront" mechanism? Say - the individual may have a personal site, but allow them to sell from this site too...etc.

    I dunno, I'm just rambling.
  • Indeed the Internet has opened up many opportunities and possibilities that in my view, anent been fully explored. Even with web comics people are intuitively using the same Methods in the digital world that's been done in print. There's so much more to explore and use integrating music narration flash etc, into your web comics, I'm an older guy so my learning curve is sometimes, slower, but I've made some small attempts of doing this on my YouTube channel, titled, THE SUBWAYSURFER CHANNEL for those who don't know, you can add music to the ids you upload to YouTube, and can even use platforms that allow you to make YouTube vis
    Ds even if you don't have a video camera
  • wow...a lot to ponder there Christopher. A couple thoughts, though...

    -Don't feel you have to be perfected formed, or prepared by God to follow your passion or Divine purpose...that can lead to prograstination (spelling). There are numerous examples of people in the Bible with flaws, or who thought they weren't ready, whom God called upon and used for dramatic results.

    -Re: "Someone who God could use that could open up doors for all the gifted ones. But apparently no one has what it takes to start a Marvel" ....maybe not, but people like Art Ayris and Kingstone Comics (and media) are giving it the good ol' fashioned College try. They are set up to create faith based properties in a variety to different media (including comics). See: ...and it's always good to remember, that Marvel didn't arrive pre-formed on the scene! It took literally decades for the publishing house (that eventually became Marvel Comics) to perfect their successful formula...which has then be duplicated by almost every successful publsher since then (including their main competition....DC natch).

    So, I'll got out on a limb here and play prophet...that we may just already have the talent right here at the CCAS network, to become the foundation of this "new Torch" who will guide and unite us. Digital distribution will open a lot of new doors for small, indy and developing publishers (since it really takes a lot of potential overhead out of the picture...I.E. printing costs).

  • Man let me put my 2 cents in it. Ha ha ha ha it's perfect timing on this one. "Too much faith and not enough works." Plus, some people who are singing in the choir are not singers at all, and should be doing something else. Plus, it's every man for themselves. Man you don't know how I wish things were different. I wish I could have come on the scene and things already be established. Someone who God could use that could open up doors for all the gifted ones. But apparently no one has what it takes to start a Marvel, or God hasn't allowed it to come to pass. I see a whole lot of talent, but there is no torch to unite us all. I have plans to make it happen but, that junk is hard because you have to have a perfect balanced life as a christian. I can't just focus on the comic, I with a lot of us have to focus on the other responsibilities in our lives. Sometimes it waters down the presentation. That junk is frustrating sometimes. But it won't be watered down with me.
    I'll tell you a secret....God has made a lot of promises to me, through prophets, dreams, and visions. And it seems the closer I get to that desired goal, the more the devil fights against me. Plus I don't think God is ready to use me, because he's still building the character I need to have. Patience, love, hope, faith, and other things on top of that. I also think he's preparing everything ahead of me. He's knows my heart, and sees that I want to open up doors for every one. I wish I could show you the work I've been doing, but I can't. But just put it this way..... A man's gift will make room for him.
  • Or how about how the whole Israel into Egypt back to the promised land as a metaphor for the Christian walk of salvation?
  • I still hope to see some Tanakh (Old Testament) stories illustrated in comics form with New Testament revelation. For example, the life of Joseph is the most profoundly Messianic foreshadowing in the Old Testament. That story has been drawn in comics, in story books, and has been filmed on several occasions, but never with its prophetic significance brought forth in echoing the earthly life and ministry of our Lord. Joseph's reunion with his brethren is an amazing foreshadowing of Jesus' second coming, revelation, and reconciliation with the Jews. Zechariah also prophesied of this.
  • Thanks, Elgin. This is what I've been working on recently...
  • Well said. The Word Of God is an undisputed, undiluted best seller of all time. Its rich in material, that a lot of writers havent seriously studied to realize its drama, and even humor. I think many of us, myself included, sometimes place so much value on how is this going to turn me a profit that we dont pour ourselves into it heart and soul for fear that we are... dare I say it... "wasting our time". On a very real level we feel, and have been taught by the secular world that unless there is a measurable monetary payoff for our creative and literary efforts, than it is not really worth our expenditure of time and energy. Such an attitude is a dangerous one. At the core, all believers should be doing their best to bring men to a knowledge of the truth. Christ has CHOSEN to use us in his redemptive work, and how shameful and selfish it is for us who have, like GOD I dare say, been given the LITERAL POWER TO CREATE, and we do not use it for his glory unless there is a dollar at the end.... Its shameful, and I reprimand myself in this as well. If I had the attitude that souls would be saved with every comic that I put out,then I would do my level BEST to produce regardless of the monetary value. People in the kingdom of darkness have NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER "repping" their father, The Devil. We've all seen them at comic conventions, as they proudly display their wares on their comic tables, tackling every subject under the sun... AND GETTING AN AUDIENCE. Ask yourself if youre ashamed of Jesus subject matter. Even if you lie to yourself, God KNOWS the answer... its really important that YOU know too... and then do something about it.

    One more lesson we can take from the rule book of "the world" when it comes to indy publishing. the MAJORITY of the so called indy comic superstars today did what they are doing for NO MONEY for a LOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time Before finding an audience because they BELIEVED in the product.

    and here we have the TRUTH

    but we're ashamed to act on it.

    I really need to start drawing again. How about you?
  • Wow! Deep conversation here. I'll offer my two cents (for what it's "worth"). Whether it's for God, a business proposal or an interview, the presentation and quality will ALWAYS help sell the endevour. You don't wear ripped jeans to an interview, you don't make a presentation with scribbled art on notebook paper (although I did include my Kindergarten accessment test with my resume once for giggles- and got the job) With this said, you need something that's going to stand out to make a big impression. On the flip side, Jesus didn't wear shiny armor ordained with flowing robes. He didn't pull into Jerusalem on a tricked out golden chariot. And yet He is the co-author of the highest selling book of all times- The Bible. So it comes down to the message. The words and script have been written for us. It's up to us to craft it with the best tools we have. My art isn't "top-notch" but I'd like to think it's not low grade either. But in the end, it's the talent God gave me and I'm doing the most I can with it. Is it paying my bills? Not even close! Do I think i'll ever be able to quit my day job? Doubt it. But I've learned to never put anything past God's wisdom and guidance. As he opens the doors, I'll walk through them. If I never sell a million copies, that's okay. When I hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant.", that'll be enough for me. Until then, I'm just one guy with a pencil, a goal and the best subject material out there- God's word.
  • If I wanted to hypothetically budget for top tier work, so some of these so-called projects could get on the map, what would that take - to keep you fed with roof over your head?

    I KNOW what I would want to get paid for MY services - what about "You"? Email me direct if you don't want numbers floating around. If people are comfortable, they can toss out vague BALLPARK figures.

    THE REASON I ASK is, I might consider financing - but need to know how to budget for this. And would a) artists be opposed to working from pre-made scripts or would you rather have your own writer and b) would individuals be opposed to skipping out the print side and going straight to digital?

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