What do I do with my gifts?

Hello friends! I've been bogged down lately with some things. And I just want some advice from anyone who might know what this is like. 

I'm in college, a community college, I started here with the hopes of transferring to an art school after knocking out 2 years towards my bachelors. And I'm in the end of my second year, I could transfer potentially after this semester. I started out with the intention of going into Animation but I'm no longer feeling that path and now I just don't know what I'm going to do.

A lot of my classes and experiences really changed my perspective on a lot of things as well as drained a lot of my time.....

I'm a writer, I do poetry, and I draw comics, and I love story telling. I also love language, and culture, and people! I feel like I could do a lot of things, I just don't know where to go with it. Where to start. What kind of a degree does a comic loving, poet, who likes culture get?? Would i pursue illustrative art with some kind of minor in english? I want to be more involved in church ministry, is it even necessary for my to continue my studies, could i possibly just start independently pitching to various publishers? 

I'm at a place in my life in which I feel I could go anywhere. Its very confusing, doors are there but I don't know for sure which one is mean't for me. I've been praying on it for quiet some time, but I suppose I'm in a place of waiting. 

I've gotten a lot of inspirations, and ideas that just come to me, on how I could spread the Gospel through comic work and story writing. I feel they might definitely be coming from the Lord but I don't know when I'm meant to start on these projects. In what context? In what ministry? School is a distraction, I havent been able to truely sit down and draw or write in such a LONG time. I've also been an executive member in my schools creative writing club. And I feel its detrimental to my artistic growth. So I worry about my art. It gets to a point where drawing can even seem un-natural, I havent done it in weeks. I have my studies which arent very art based, and my work, and all these things going on while I'm trying to figure out where God wants me to go next when it seems I could go just about anywhere. 

I'm scared my talents will become stagnant, I'll lose sight of what has been put in me. Or perhaps I'm scared they're being taken away from me intentionally. I can't comprehend the things the Lord is trying to do in my life. I want to serve but I also want to create. I want my drive to work back, but I don't know if I'm meant to at this point. 

tired of school and very confused

would love Godly wisdom and input. 

grace mercy and peace to you all

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  • If you're in a place of waiting, God may have some character development in store for you. Ask him to help you learn what you're supposed to and have peace with it if you are where he wants you to be now.  You're still in school and your experiences, classes and people you meet can help nudge you in the right direction. Above all, he wants you spend time with him above all enjoying time with him. Sometimes he wants us to just be with him and just focus on what he puts in front of us. And always stay in the word and keep serving others. If anything consider praying about fasting, that he prepares a fast for you when necessary.

    That feeling of having life up in the air is a scary but good thing.  It forces us to cling to Christ, trust him, and seek him for direction. I'm out of college and my life is still like that.  It can go in any direction at any time.  In the meantime, God has just been working on me and healing me. I'm all the better for it.  I feel like if he gave me what I wanted too soon, it'd be a disaster.  He's not going to give us things we're not ready for.

  • What Alec and Brien said is the most important thing you need to do.  Seeking the Lord's guidance is the most important thing you can do.  However long it takes to hear His voice, you wait to hear His voice. On Facebook, comic book writer had a very practical response to the question, "What you be doing if you weren't doing your passion?"  This is a secular answer and writer is not a Christian, so take it with a grain of salt, but it is a practical answer;

    David Walker (DC writer)- "That's an interesting question, and I don't know if there is an answer to it, because I've always been following my passion. There have been times when I've had to balance that passion with certain practical realities, but there's always been the chasing of the dream. Back in the late 1990s, I had a job working in a warehouse and doing light maintenance. It was mind-numbing and soul-sucking, but it was a great time in life, because when I wasn't lugging boxes in a warehouse, I was at home putting together my own magazine. The warehouse gig paid the bills, and the other stuff fed my soul. If I wasn't making a living with my writing, I'd still be writing, and finding a way to make money to pay the bills."

  • All good things come from God. Its written somewhere that David found strength from God when he ran out. You are running out, so find strength in GOD to just keep working and studying and drawing.The projects God has given to you, you will finish them with His help and you can begin distribute them. Am exactly where you are plus am a family man. There is no time to rest just keep working. The same GOD who gave you the vision will also give you strength. All good things come from GOD and He is sovereign, He leaves nothing to chance. God is good. Pray to God.

  • I'm in the same boat too. Have done a couple I'd projects for the Church I go to, but nothing comic-related.
  • I know for me it involved a lot of character development and some stuff in me getting broken and set right. Hills and valleys... Still in a valley but it's been a valuable experience for my faith and even what it means for my art.

  • <3

    Cynthia Charles Ouellette said:

    Have a talk with the Lord, non rushed away from it all. Tell Him you only want to do His will in your life and to please open the right doors and close the wrong ones. Tell Him you know He had His plans and destiny for you all worked out even before you were a positive on the pregnancy test. God is a gentleman and will let you do your will. Formally ask Him to take over and be your GPS. Let Him know you will get up, dress up and show up for life each day. And ask If He will please recalulate and block all that is not His will. Remember: we are all exactly where we need to be, and doing what or going through what we need to experience, in order to be of better service to our creator and fellowman.
    Every morning I ask His will,not mine and ask Him to block me if I get in the way.
    What do I do with my gifts?
    Hello friends! I've been bogged down lately with some things. And I just want some advice from anyone who might know what this is like.  I'm in coll…
  • Have a talk with the Lord, non rushed away from it all. Tell Him you only want to do His will in your life and to please open the right doors and close the wrong ones. Tell Him you know He had His plans and destiny for you all worked out even before you were a positive on the pregnancy test. God is a gentleman and will let you do your will. Formally ask Him to take over and be your GPS. Let Him know you will get up, dress up and show up for life each day. And ask If He will please recalulate and block all that is not His will. Remember: we are all exactly where we need to be, and doing what or going through what we need to experience, in order to be of better service to our creator and fellowman.
    Every morning I ask His will,not mine and ask Him to block me if I get in the way.
  • I agree with Alec. I will add two things about God's possible answer...and you can be sure he will answer.

    1) Because God's ultimate goal is to transform you(Roman12:1,2) his answers and timetable will move you toward that goal. You have an open heart, and an awareness of your drives and gifts; and dissatisfaction is driving you to seek him.  Here's something else you can do while you wait: interview others about how God helped them choose their future. Since you're a writer you may find a lot of the stories of others could become material for future poetry or art projects of your own. But best of all, their stories will encourage you.

    2) I don't think you can miss God's will for your career or lose your God given talents in arts. He knows your future, you can't surprise or frustrate him although he can certainly surprise or frustrate you. I sympathize with your vexation and malaise...and I can promise that as you persist is searching, and hold yourself close to Jesus, your gifts will bless others as God blesses you.  Make a printout of this discussion and put it in an envelope, it will make you smile when you open it next January.


  • Pray it through.  You need a revelation that only our Lord Jesus Christ Himself can give you.  Well meaning people can give counsel, even good counsel, but you need a personal Word from the Lord.  He has the perfect plan for your life, and had it in mind long before you were born or born again.  Pray, take some steps, and don't be afraid of making mistakes.  God will bear you up and direct the sincere heart.  He will first give you peace, then revelation.  Read the Scriptures, and have some solid believers intercede for you as well.  Be willing to be used of God to bless others; He's got your back, so you needn't be constantly looking over your shoulder, or wondering about what YOU will do for yourself.  "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path." 



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