Transexual surgery, is it a sin?

Hi guys, i'm a Malaysian Christian, i reasonly heard a disturbing news in my country, a pastor go through a trans sexual surgery to change his sex to a woman and married another chrisitan man.

This transexual pastor now quit his full time job as pastor and open a direct sell company and bring thousands of people work under him to Christ.

My question is: Can we conclude this pastor as a homosexual? If so why God use him? If God agree with this pastor's act, should'nt God need to appologise for Sodom & Gamorath? If God cannot contredict himself, is this the act af devil, trying to confuse Christian?

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  • Numbers 5:14 literal translations like esv read this as 'spirit of jealousy'.. that there is fight outside of what is seen

    Hosea 4:6 God's own people perish because of lack of knowledge... in this verse God even rejects the priest of God's children that wouldn't teach his people knowledge God wanted them to know


    Between Deuteronomy 22:5, Numbers 5:14, and Hosea 4:6, there is a very strong argument towards people in the church losing a relationship with God due to an external battle they are unaware of or are ignoring.


    A leader's actions will affect the followers.  Do you want to be more like this leader now?  Do you want to do what he does?  Does this action guide you closer to God?  Or does this action make you question what to believe?

  • Exactly! Who else tries to confuse men into sinning? Only he confuses man. Always Remember we're at war.
  • Hi Josue Monserrat,

    In another way... you're saying this is a work of devil to confuse Christian?
  • Hey Buzz Dixon,


    I don't think that God would make a mistake by putting a man in a female body or vice versa.

  • Deuteronomy 22:5
  • Hi Buzz Dixon,


    I think you might have your point there.

  • Hi Corey,

    Please don't get me wrong, i didn't judge this pastor, just trying to ditermint is this a way the enemy confuse christian, imagine what would happen to other new born chistian that have the same temtation to become homo, wouldn't they thought it's ok to be homo in the walk with Christ?

    I just think this will lead many to a wrong path. Anyway thanks for your commend, God bless you man.

  • All I can say is your pastor has put himself in a very compromising postion. Don't judge him but continue to pray for his soul.Satan wants to confuse and destroy us.Don't get tangled in that web.Stay encouraged!
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