The Darkside

Praise the Lord dudes and dudettes ! it's been a while since I have been on . too many life factors I guess. Anyhoo, I was browsing the internet and stumbled upon a website offering african american superheores artist and writers. let me just say this ,while the art work was outstanding, the language of some of these people was a bit vulgar. In my opinion, this takes away from the whole idea of integrity. I know that every hero can't be Superman or Captain America, but the standard of what our heroes should live by should not come into question when fighting for truth ,justice and the american way......what are your thoughts.

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  • This is a tricky one. On the one hand you want your characters to be alive and speak in a fashion that is believable, we have to be careful that the only thing elevating them to superhero status is their powers. Superheroes should establish and retain a level of moral authority. If not then the character is really just a bad guy running around pretending to be good. This is not only disengenous it is insulting to the audience. My grandmother, told me once she enjoyed movies like the Karate Kid. She said she liked it when the good guy wins. That is something we need to consider. Growing up in the anti hero age, coming from the dawning of MTV and movies like Heathers and such, we have moved away from what it means to be a hero. Heroes should win. It is what they are designed for. Christ did not use the language of the day. Paul did not use the language of the day. We need to be using our language to show we are different from the darkness, from the lost, from the profane. As writers we need to be creating characters that offer the same.

  • Superheroes are defined because of their values not which side of the country they live. If say Superman lives in Malaysia, does he have to fight injustice the Malaysian way? Vice versa if he lives in India or in any other countries. These values can only be found in the Holy book itself. Jesus set a good example of a true superhero. He defies wicked authorities, paid our price on the cross and risen in glory in 3 days. Anyone here would sacrifice themselves for their values? Jesus did and that's something no ordinary person would do but of a hero.
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