From Chick Publications' Facebook page...
Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Brother Jack Chick passed away Sunday evening, October 23, peacefully in his sleep. He was 92.
He will be interred in a small private ceremony. Condolences can be sent to Chick Publications (, and they will be taken to his widow. God bless you all.
Our promise to you --
Nothing changes:
The Method
The Vision
The Purpose
- David W. Daniels
I'll be on Tim Berends' show Saturday, 10/29 at 1:35 PM, "Jesus and Tim in Las Vegas" on KKVV AM,, and the recording after it will be at

I became a believer because of one of his tracts and his tracts led to my interest in Christian Comics. In fact, I remember once putting one of his tracts on a vacant desk in my high school and watching as it made its way around to every person in the room, each person reading it cover to cover. Well done indeed. 'Enter thou into the joy of the Lord."
A big Praise God for Jack and a prayer for his widow and friends.
I grew up with his tracts, passed a lot of them out to others; there were a few of his tracts I wouldn't pick up but the ones I did, I never put down without finishing them.