Possible Comic Jam?

I am a Newbie here and on other forums and thought that maybe a few of us "Newbs" could string together a comic jam. Anyone with interest or possible rules/criteria ideas. post here and we'll see if we can get this thing rolling.blessings Dan-0

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  • I have posted everywhere about my bases. Want in on this one. And It will def. be fun and challenging if done right
  • if there is a pg five I want ot..if it isnt taken..if so than I will take what ever page is available since I didnt jump
    on board as fast as I should have.
    Larry Swearingen III said:
    Im in...Sounds like it could be interesting
  • Im in...Sounds like it could be interesting
  • Earnest Graham said:
    Sign me up for page 3.

    Branson already has page three. Page two or four alright? Two would be easiest and hardest your starting point is a chicken on one side of the road. But where to go, where to go. :)
  • Sign me up for page 3.
  • mike said:
    Also, post the rules up again....please. ie. time limits? with or without dialouge? Is there a script? Who writes the script? Or what are/ will be the parameters for writing and continueing the story?

    Great to have ya along. Rules are on the previous page, as far as script we're winging it, you write your page. We 'll have a week between when previous page is posted to get yours up, or if they post early a week from their deadline. This is about having fun and seeing what comes out the other end.
    I'm excited, How about You?
  • Also, post the rules up again....please. ie. time limits? with or without dialouge? Is there a script? Who writes the script? Or what are/ will be the parameters for writing and continueing the story?
  • As for rules, altering characters might not be allowed. Example-chicken is drawn as a chicken on 1 page, then the next page the chicken is drawn as a man in a chicken suit......
  • The character limit is just so we dont get too many. Up to three so the chicken can stay, but if fox and turtle show up someone has to go. As far as writing or storyboarding, this is practice and we'll wing it. With the larger project, I will leave it up to each artist as long as parameters are maintained. It really needs to have an improvised feel, we don't know where it is going. :D
  • In the case of the chicken and the rabbit, I think it should be dailog. Like the rabbit encouraging the chicken to cross the road. Of course we also should decide if we are going to write this thing out or are we going to storyboard it with illustations.
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