My name's Matt, I've been working on a new low fantasy christian graphic novel inspired by Origen Adamantious' preexistence theory. It will be similar to C.S. Lewis' work with 'The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe' in the sense that it will be a non-fiction story that has my christian faith and beliefs peppered in. I can't draw, so I plan on using real photographs as my picture panels instead of drawings. There will be a lot of special effects to create the world the characters will live in, but I already have a photoshop specialist who has already brought a few of my ideas to life. We think it'd be best to start a Kickstarter to raise a little more money for this, but first I need to have a little more support behind this project before throwing it to the All or Nothing Kickstarter campaign. I'm looking for people interested in getting behind this project, I'm searching for actors to play the characters and talking with a professional photographer. I'm not familiar with who to go for editing and publishing, as I'm a professional dancer, I'm a little out of my element, but I'm not gonna let that stop me from doing this. Looking for editors, publishers or someone who can point me in the right direction and guide me where I need to go. All the best!
I live in Indiana, so if I have to be there in person to record, it's not a possibility, but if we were able to meet over Skype (or something like that) to record my lines. It could work. Thank you very much.
Matthew Roberts said:
Cool, sorry to respond so slowly. I think I'm looking to shoot pics for the first chapter this summer around May. I live in New York, so it will happen there, not sure if that's inconvenient for you.