Manga Studio, Poser, DAZ3D

Hey Amazing people!So I am starting to dive into the drawing, coloring, shading, etc & researching the latest and greatest tools that it seems the industry is using. Do any of you use Manga Studio, Poser, or DAZ3D?Looks like these tools are game changers. Where you can create 3D characters, scenes, etc (including shading/coloring) position them how you want & then trace or import them. Simplification & speed to completion seems amazing.Anyway, would love to hear feedback from all of you. Maybe you know of even better tools...Thanks!-Adam

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  • Thanks for the info Rich. I'm going to check out Blender myself.

  • Sir, no problem.  I have pretty much walked the road you are about to take, just like many on here.  Pretty much I have gotten as far as I have with this great site the CCAS, and God.  Any questions let us know.  I did fifteen graphic novels, did a free video game form some free downloaded game software, started my own web site where they can be downloaded, did a facebook page, self-published my stories on amazon, had one translated into Spanish and then self-published that, am having them all professionally illustrated, signed and wrote contracts, got one graphic novel picked up by a real publisher and went through that, entered and won some contests, did some advertising (not very successful there), started a 'home' business sin VA and did that paperwork, and like I said now I am trying to turn one into a cartoon which I will pitch my show to a Christian network like TBN or something.  Let us know if you have any questions.  God Bless.  Rich Collins

  • Wow Richard, fantastic information! It sounds like your series will be quite something. You'll have to keep us all in the loop on when it's available, so that we can see your final product. Thanks for sharing your research & tips!
  • Sir, I guess I should also add I am many years ahead of you on this. I already have my story in graphic novel form and have published a bunch of adventures for it. I am trying to find the fastest and cheapest way to turn it into an animated 3D cartoon.  That is why I need a modeling, animating, and export to video program that can create my characters, ships, and uniforms and am using Blender/Poser to do  that.  If you are just visualizing or developing your story then I would go with one of the free cheap solutions like DAZ3D and you can play around with their stock imports and help you get you started. Okay hope this helps.  God bless.

  • Sir, I have just in the last few months started to animate my graphic novel series.  'Maya' is the Industry standard and is used by major studios but it is very expensive ($4,000) for 3D animation and does it all from modeling to animating to exporting to video. I bought 'Poser 2014' which is only $500. The only problem with 'Poser' is it doesn't create anything, you have to already have the clothes, chairs, starships etc to put them into Poser. It comes with stock stuff, but you cannot create your own clothes and characters and ships and furniture.  So I was looking around at cheaper versions of Maya, came across 3D Max, but still $2,000 so kept looking for a cheap program to do the modeling and clothes, and had decided on DesignPro because it was only $100.  Then I was on Wikipedia and read the 'Poser' entry, and it was discussing this very problem, where and how do you create your personalized and unique characters, clothes, and furniture for your story.  And there it entry that listed all programs that let you create content and export for Poser.  I went down each one, 3D Max, Maya, etc, and there was one I had never heard about - Blender.  I checked it out and went to, and I couldn't believe it, it was free!!!!!!!!!  Apparently this company in Europe went bankrupt, released the program for public use, and now it is being used and maintained by fans.  From what I have seen so far about 2 weeks it does everything Maya does.  There are a ton of videos on Youtube that tell you how to use it like - how to download Blender, how to create clothes in Blender, how to create starships in Blender, etc etc. So it all depends I think on your financial situation.  If money is no object then go with Maya - but if you are like the 99% of us out here trying to put food on the table, I would recommend 'Blender'.  So now I ma creating the uniforms, ships, and content for my series in 'Blender' and trasnfering over for use in 'Poser', where I plan on doing my 3D animation work.  It says Blender does the 3D animation also, but just not as good as Poser, which is specifically designed for it.  So go for it.  Hope this helps.  God Bless.  'Go Raegan and RJ in Space!' 

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