Judges on Kickstarter!

Don't want to read all this?: here's the link!

Hi, I'm Mark Hartman. CCAS newcomer. I have a biblical comic project up right now at! My goal is $2,000 an I've already raised $845. The deadline is July 22nd and I could really use support from fellow christians to fund the project and spread the word.

If you could take just a moment out of your day to share my Kickstarter page on any social networking site you might be a part of, I would be eternally grateful!!! If you can't afford to donate, or just aren't that interested, please at least take the time to share the project, because I'm sure someone you know will be interested, and then you wouldn't just be helping me, you'd also be helping them. A like on facebook, as small as it might be, is still a step in the right direction. A share is one big leap!

As much as social networking helps, every dollar counts! If every member of CCAS gave just one dollar my project would be more than funded, and I would certainly be able to work on continuing the series. Even if not everyone decides to help out, just one dollar can raise the backer count and the funding, even if it's small. Getting noticed on kickstarter has a lot to do with popularity and little things like comments and $1 pledges can put the project up that extra rung on the ladder.

Be a part of something great, doing what we all want to do, bring comic fans to the bible and the bible to comic fans. The best part is, people won't even know that it happened. Comic fans will walk away with the great story they were looking for, but not just that, also a new sense of their place in God's kingdom. Bible fans will walk away, not just with a new look at the bible, but also at the medium it was presented in.

Judges is the comic book retelling of the biblical book of the same name, and any fan of judges knows it's the perfect book to be tailored to a society that loves great heroes, great action, and great stories: today's comic fans. So let's do it together!

---> See the Judges Kickstarter <---

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  • glad to see you made your goal! I just saw the post! Are you still taking dontations? I Gotta help out a fellow steel city kid,

  • Hey, just wanted to say congrats on your success on Kickstarter! I checked out the link and saw you got the funding that you needed on July 22nd!  I also have a kickstarter up and running, though if you know of anyone who is looking for a good read for their kids 5+ (homeschooling, Sunday School lessons or alt. reading that's fun, entertaining and educating) then pass it on!

  • Thanks for the help! Looks like the funding is coming through!

  • Pledge today and read the first 4 pages in an exclusive backer update!

  • I've been interviewed

    Check it out!

  • Thank you so much! It's not my intention to have you pledge if you can't afford it, spreading the word is just as helpful, but if you do indeed pledge, thank you very much in advance! This is certainly in God's hands and I have been pleasantly surprised at how generous my immediate friends and family have been already, and even more excited when people I don't even know see my vision the same way I do. God bless!

  • I like your enthusiasm for the vision God has given you Mark. Bit pinched by the cost of my own project, but I will try to pledge a little bit before the deadline. I hope your excitement over God's inspiration never wanes. Even at my age I remember the first days I thought God called me to write some kind of Christian comic. There were many setbacks and closed doors and tears, but God gifted me with the time and the means to at least self publish my amateur book, and gave me the best artist partner I could ask for, and gave me peace that my overly ambitious old day dreams never came to pass. I really believe Mark, that as long as you keep your desire to glorify God first, He will make a way. It may or may not come to pass the way you wish it, but for those who love the Lord, nothing is wasted. May God bless your Kickstarter program!

  • If you do share this, or donate, please comment here so I have the opportunity to thank you!

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