
  • Wow, are you professional grade?

    brian proctor said:

    sorry for the pics comming out so big thats just the way it is on my comp. i did not drew this one it's just something i practiced coloring on.


    I suck at colors
    So I spent way too much time on coloring this comp not to post it.  But Alas, it is not very good.  If there are any pro colorists out there who want…
  • sorry for the pics comming out so big thats just the way it is on my comp. i did not drew this one it's just something i practiced coloring on.



    Photoshop 7 is all you need, don’t get sucked into thinking you need better, for years i colored with 6, i have CS3 now but its no big difference, a few new brushes etc. but just to do coloring 7 is perfect.

    Find an artist who’s colors you like draw that same pic that you find and like, and color it (As best you can) the way he did, and soon you will see how its done and how to do it better.

    Something it took me a long time to learn,...don’t try to be the just like that person/artist,.. learn the techniques and developed your own style.3884405676?profile=original

  • Don't know why this didn't show on the first post, but here's the pencils and inks.

    @miabu, I used photoshop 7.  It's the only version I got, I scan all my work into still.

    I did a simple magic wand on the inks so I could have a quick outline instead of retracing, that's why the lines are so blobby looking.


  • Dude there’s nothing wrong with that coloring, just don’t use your burn tool, use the air brush and do a darker color at the bottoms where there would be shadows and at the top where the light would hit more use a lighter color, just like you started on wolverine.

    Don’t try to change the color just use a darker or lighter shade of the same color.

    I in no was consider myself a professional colorist , i (TRY) to stay with 3 shades the flat color the high lite and the shadow, which as i said is the same color as the flat just lighter and darker.3884406702?profile=original

  • there's nothing wrong with a black and white book, but youtube has some nice tutorials.  for the record your burn tool will become your best friend. when coloring.

  • Don't  give up so soon...=D....What software are you using? and what sort of study guides are you using for references?

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