I've just posted two self-promoting posts, but now I'm going to post something that could be of help to you.
I write the comics/animation column for Family Fiction magazine. It is a news column, about materials that are coming out during the period each issue of the magazine covers.
For me to write about upcoming comic projects, I need to know about upcoming comic projects.
So, that said, if you have an upcoming comic project, web or print, let me know. If you have a release date, contact me. I cannot write about everything, because I can only write about two items every two months. But if I don't know about your project, I can't write about it at all!
For webcomics, I generally write about comics that have been running for a while and are continuing strong, unless there is another angle to play up. (Like I wrote about Tom Bancroft's webcomic because the angle was here is a Christian animator/cartoonist doing a webcomic . . . why?)
Thanks for your help! If you want to contact me, you can e-mail me at ben@benavery.com
haha .. Good heart in wanting to help us get exposure though. :) Here is my Graphic Novel project. Should be in print in June:
Nevermind. They brought everything in house, and that means not using freelancers anymore, so I'm no longer writing this column. So, that said, I'm still interested in your project -- I just can't write about it.