Hi there! I joined CCAS a while ago, but this is the first time I formally introduced myself in the forums! My name is Joshua Whiting. I live in Utah with my wife and little girl. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (a.k.a. Mormon or LDS). I love my Savior and the ways in which He has blessed my life and that of my family.
I am a programmer and work for a company that creates educational software for children who are learning English. I enjoy programming very much and love working on a product that benefits children. A few years ago though, I had the idea of starting a webcomic, even though I have limited art and writing skills. With lots of encouragement from my wife, I successfully started my webcomic Aww, Feathers! and it has been updating consistently for about two years now, and I've seen steady improvement since beginning. I also recently started Sour Peppers, a blog for posting simple comic doodles.
If you'd like to see what I'm working on, take a look at the links below. I'd love to see you around! :-)
Aww, Feathers! - A semi-autobiographical, anthropomorphic, slice-of-life webcomic that takes place in Utah Valley. It features a diverse cast of characters, each based on a species of animal. Because "fur, scales, fins, or feathers, everyone has a story!"
Sour Peppers - A collection of doodles that illustrate religious, political, philosophical, or just humorous topics, but always fun and lighthearted. "Life's not always sweet, but it is worth savoring."
Anyone else here a Jehovah's Witness, Christian Science practicioner, or adherent to any other sect? (not P.C. to use the word "cult" any more) - group hugs, everybody! 21st century Christianity has lost its ability to CONFRONT, it seems. Everything's rosy, folks! Never mind that the Mormons teach that God used to be a man, and that each Mormon will one day be god of his own planet with spirit wives (plural) who are eternally pregnant. Never mind that the LDS teach that Jesus and Satan are brothers(!). Did you know that before 1975 that blacks, hispanics, and other minorities were not allowed in the Mormon tabernacles. Truly "the white man's religion" for century. But we'll just sweep all that under the rug now.
Which Jesus do you love? Black Jesus? White Jesus? Chinese Jesus? We can conform 'him' to our own image, 'cos we're "enlightened" in this New Age of luvvin' ever'buddy!
How about Christodelphians? They claim to love "Jesus," but don't believe in the Holy Spirit or the devil! Give 'em a big kiss - they might show up on your forum. But please don't say anything to challenge or convict them - and whatever you do, don't post any links to Chick tracts - so "hateful!" He clearly had an axe to grind, and was just out to rain on everyone's parade...or was he? Anyone left here who has discernment?
P.S. The Church of Christ denomination says you're not saved until you're baptized in water (never mind the thief on the cross to whom Jesus said, "Truly this day I say unto you, you shall be with Me in paradise.").
The apostasy of the last days was prophesied of millennia ago---and here we are.
Nice to have more dads doing comics!
Yup. http://bscruffy.deviantart.com/
Actually we can converse without filling up your comments page if I friend you. I'll send you a friend request.
Joshua Whiting said:
Oh yeah? Are you a member of that group too?
Brien Sparling said:
And just came across your work in Clean Furies on Deviant Art. Cool.
Joshua Whiting said:
Thanks you. :-) I look forward to it!
Gerard Lee said:
Hello Joshua,
I visited your webpage ad enjoyed what I saw:) I hope your time here will be a blessed one!
--- Gerry Lee
You're very kind, thank you! :-) I've improved a lot since I first started, and I hope to continue to improve.
Brien Sparling said:
Joshua, thanks for the intro!
We've got a lot in common, including a devotion to the Lord Jesus above all. I looked over your Aww, Feathers and I'm impressed by the art and story-line. You display a talent with all the basics and you work displays practice. Your character move in a natural fashion and have engaging personalities.
Well done.