(This is the First Writing I did, and Dates back to late last year. It's in a Document Style, and Was my attempt to try and start making some lore my comics universe. I don't know if it got people interested, you be the judge.)

Genesi, The First Home World:

Genesian Historian Document Number: 2529046

Submitted by Dot’ri [Redacted], former member of the Genesian Historian Society.

Date submitted: 57th day, Season of bloom, year 4526 ATP

To all outlanders that happen to find their way onto Genesi and wish to either learn of our planet in their quick visit, or wish to make this planet their home, I Dot’ri [Redacted], High member of the Genesian Historian Society and its council, have tasked myself with creating a small series of documents for you to read and come understand the basics of this planet and it’s culture.

Part 1: The Calendar, and the clock.

Unlike most planets in the galaxy, Genesi’s pure size (4,784 Miles in radius), placement in the solar system (Seventh closest to the sun), and having the slowest Day cycle, give it one of the longest calendars in the group of habitable planets in our solar system. A day on Genesi lasts forty five hours, from sun rise to sun set, which can be quite unusual to get used to, seeing how this is one of the longest day cycles in the solar system, however that is the extent of how unusual the Gensian day cycle gets, as the rest to be explained is a solar system standard. Each hour is a culmination of one hundred minutes, each minute is built from 100 seconds, and each second is made from twenty decisecond  (A Genesian decisecond being twice that of one from earth). This time system, though it’s hard to pin point exactly when, was made during the year 112-135 ATP (After Turning Point), and proceeds an ancient time system that has already been documented more times than one can count; It remains to be the standard of Genesian society as it has shown to be reliable, though this is only the simplified version of the system.  

On Genesi, the days are long and the years are longer, such is the way of the Genesian calendar. One year is culminated from six hundred and ten days on Genesi ; this too is a topic that can be very bewildering to those that wish to live upon our planet, as again, it is the longest year cycle in the solar system. Unlike other societies, Genesians use a three season system, which was developed around the year 439 ATP; it is also pared with a 12 sector system to split up the year, which was created around 312 ATP. These are kept around mainly as Genesians are sticklers for tradition, and that they’ve been quite reliable. The three seasons of Genesi seem to be rather simple in name, but those names do make sense. The season of bloom is always the first new season of the year, and of course refers to the blooming of many flora species; this season can also be known as the season of birth, as fifty-five percent of Genesian Fauna give birth through the span of the season (Which depending on what bit of either hemisphere one is on, will change, though the common amount is two-hundred days). The season of bloom is also represented by the awakening, or from exiting slumber as it is preceded by the season of frost and many fauna and flora exit out of hibernation. The season of Bloom occurs during the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth sectors of the year. Next is the Season of Flame, a season to which lives up to its name in the latter two thirds of the season; the first third is where the heat slowly develops, gradually growing over time. Don’t let the name fool you though, not many fires happen during this season, and the ones that do are quickly taken care of most of the time. The Season of Flame occurs during the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth sectors of the year. The Season of Flame is often represented as a test of durability, as during the first few thousand years before and after the turning point, the season was used to determine the strength of buildings and structures in towns and cities. If a building or structure did not stand up to the fires, the structure was redesigned in order to do so; the season was, and still is, used as community and tribe building exercise, and tested how well the community or tribe would hold up and work together. Finally, there is the season of frost. As the name implies, during this season, frost will envelope most areas and place most of Genesian flora, and some fauna, into hibernation. Occasional snow, or full on snow storms will appear depending on where one is in either hemisphere. This season is often represented, not by death, but by slumber; of course this comes from the observation of hibernation from both flora and fauna during this season. The season is not represented by death as death can happen at any time, and there is no true recording of a set season for death. The season of frost occurs during the eleventh, twelfth, first, and second sectors of the year.

ATP or After the Turning Point is the common year system used when defining a year after the said "Turning point", and thus should be gone over as well. Long ago, our planet was enveloped in a great schism, a split a once prosperous society, one which caused war after war and battle after battle. Innocent lives were lost due to the leaders of four factions that held the power over the planet. Those under them listened to their words, their false cries to do what was right, and fallowed their words into wars they could not fathom. With people weak and weary from war, their trust in their leaders dwindled. Eventually a group of soldiers rose from all four factions, and in secret, decided to form an alliance, and find the true agendas of their leaders. With months of espionage, of gathering data, of gathering documents, and finally rallying those who would listen, they set off in four groups, storming the castles these "Leaders" had built for themselves, and having little resistance against them. Within days, the now defunct leaders were set up on a stage, where the territories of all four factions used to clash, for all the people of either group could see. four of the first founders of the new resistance stood in front of the four leaders, and decided their fate. They elected not to execute them, but to banish them from a new world order they would create from the ashes of lies, selfish desires, and the anarchy these "Fools" (as they would later be called in documents by the members of this new society), had created. With weight of their failures and disgrace of their actions pushing them forward, they were sent off each with a months supply of food and water, a punishment that some to this day say was too light, but many other say suits them just perfectly; The four leaders were never heard from again, while this new society flourished and eventually called themselves "The Guardians of the Way". The Guardians would later name the day they banished the "Fools" out, as the "Turning point", the day that changed Genesian culture for the better.

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