What do you guys think of this? Its my first Christ inspired artwork.
Got some pretty rude reactions to it at a con this weekend.
Its funny you can buy all the half naked images of women you want at a con.. But heaven forbid you put up a faith based image.
Have you guys had reactions like this? How do you take it.
Fight the good fight!
Y'know...i come back to this site on occasion and rarely check the forums...for some reason I decided to roam the forums/discussions and stumbled onto this...
1st off, no matter the translation of the piece (from text to picture) consider me inspired... and I don't feel like that often when it comes to pieces of this nature... you are one of the few that's inspired me to do pieces like this...
the ONLY thing I'd have to critique about this is that I would rather see this as an actual painting... i think it would give it the impact behind the message...(in my opinion). from what I've come to learn over the years is that certain mediums compliment certain pieces...i would encourage you to do this in paint.
other than that pretty cool.
Hey Jolene, I'm a little late to join in on this discussion, but I'd like to say something about it. First off, I commend you for putting your christian artwork out there. I wish I could tell you the first time I began to display my comic book style art to people who do not know Christ... all went well...it did not. In the past, I made a very good amount of money doing racy and erotic stuff. I have cleaned up a lot of my art since then ( even tho I still get called out on some of my work). The point is, we as creative people will always be quickly judged by the things we produce. Some of our harshest critics are the people who fail to see our visions. Have great peace with that....for we are truly not of this world anymore. Keep the faith!
Nice piece. I do a lot of cons and also have many Christian pieces. The best advice I can give you is that you are making this art for the Lord and do not worry what others will think. It's only on rare ocassions that I get a very RUDE comment about my work. However, I have lost many sales as people are flipping through my artwork and when they get to the Jesus Art, they suddenly fall silent then walk away. LOL...I just thank the Lord for sending the Holy Spirit their way and giving them a little bit of conviction.
With that said, the hardest criticisms (for me) usually come from other Christians. Some who have been very intense about how my portrayal of Christ does not meet their idea in their head. Thankfully, those are also rare. One example with this piece is that I can imagine a Christian getting upset that you are "endorsing tattoos". Personally, I see what you are capturing and think it's great, but someone else may be offended. <shrug> Oh well. Art can do that to people.
However, most of the interactions I have are very good and I allow my art to do my witnessing for me. If they felt led to ask questions, I am more than happy to have a dialgue with them and share my testimony. But if they are not open to it, I do not try to force a "Come to Jesus" moment on them.
Keep up the good work.
Deuteronomy 6:8 - 8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
yeah it's ironic isn't it.
Wow good way of putting it.
This was done with Copic Markers and inked with fabercastell pens. (I wanted to make the background grey smoother but that certain marker is running out of ink)
RG2Cents said:
Very interesting! May I ask what the medium is? The strokes are intriquing.
Oh, I've had some very nasty reactions to my comics on the internet from folks who hate anything Christ oriented. I just always figured it comes with the territory. If you're doing something God Approves of, you have to expect the devil to stir up any opposition he can.
Thank you Gerard!
It was a local convention (Arizona). And I agree I think people either have had bad experiences in the church and have been turned away or just dont get it.
Other than that the convention went well, I made alot of new connections.
And I plan on doing alot more as the lord leads me to them.
God bless
Gerard Lee said: