While browsing Ebay for Christian Comics, I came across an auction for a Christian comic intended to minister to neglected, abandoned, and abused children. This booklet is called 'Footprints of Gold'. Among other things, it's mainly the story of a little girl who grows up in an orphanage and experiences unbearable loneliness and bitter tears. The story telling is very direct, a narrative really, but the subject matter is heart wrenching. I think it was a good approach, the children who need this booklet know the realities all too well, it's enough for the writer(Barbara Humiston) to let them know she understands their plight. The art is a lovely colored pencil manga style drawn by Toni Spagnoletti which serves very well for the story. Spagnoletti's choice of media, color pencils, especially is evocative of children's art, which is charming and disarming, and I think will help draw the reader into the subject of hurting children. These little glossy booklets are about $6 each at http://www.dreamscometruebooks.com/
I am very impressed by 'Footprints of Gold'! I highly recommend this booklet to remind us all of the painful realities it addresses, and the hope that we can offer of God's love to the hurting.
Wonderful! There's a place in my heart for abused children, I'm happy to know there's something out there that touches and ministers to them.