Does anyone have any leads on to who might on the rights to the "Picture Stories from the Bible" series, which was edited by M. C. Gaines and first released by All American Comics and then by EC comics?
(M.C. Gaines was the founder of EC comics, which after his death became best known for horror comics and Mad magazine. He also may have been the designer of the stapled comicbook- and he was the first to sell comic books, since before that, they had only been promotional give aways, let alone editing the original Superman, Wonder Woman, and other DC characters, when working with All American and National)
Does anyone know of the most recent printings? I have an Old Testament and New Testament collection- both published by Scarf Press and published in 1979 and and 1980, respectively. It also looks like there was an Old Testament edition published by Bloch Pub Co in 1997.
Do any of you know of any more recent printings of it anywhere or anything about those companies?
Thanks so much!
I actually have the "The Life of Jesus Visualized" with that exact cover.
THE BIBLE VISUALIZED comics by Standard, 1942-1970:
THE PICTURE BIBLE began in installments in Cook's SUNDAY PIX in 1949:
BIBLE STORIES IN PICTURES published by Concordia 1947-57, 2000
Back in the '50s Atlas (later Marvel) published five issues of BIBLE TALES FOR
YOUNG FOLK. You can see scans and a writeup about its contributors here:
More scans can bee seen below:
TALES FROM THE GREAT BOOK #1-4 published in 1955
drawn by Al Lehti and others (all Bible stories)
and what appears to be a reprint (with a new cover) in 1962
You might contact Bloch Publishing Co. to see if they determined these are in public domain, and made use of them, in addition to Scarf (if they're still active) and DC.
All American Comics (the company) basically merged with DC Comics
in the mid 1940s. It's very possible that DC Comics owns the rights
to the Picture Stories from the Bible as they currently own other
M.C. Gaines properties like the original Green Lantern, Flash and
Wonder Woman. It is possible that DC licensed these other companies
you mention to publish them.
It is also possible that these books have fallen into public domain as they were
originally published over 65 years ago.