Ducks in a Row


Hi Fellow writers, artists, and just plain cool people,

What are the most important "Ducks" to have lined up before you decide to go to market with your product?

I have just finished a 32 page issue 0 of my comic and I find myself asking the question "now what?" 

I am looking for the nuts and bolts kind of things, legalities like LLC, Copyright, Tax stuff, and things to look out for when starting to set this stuff up.


I know there are tons of books and sites about this stuff and I am researching these as well, but getting advice from someone who has tried and failed or succeeded seems like a worthy pursuit as well.


I’m sure there are a bunch of us out there that have the same questions.

For me I am an artist not a business man and it can seem overwhelming the stuff you need to figure out.


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  • Sir, I am very excited for you!  You are standing where I was almost 1 year ago today.

    Publishing free:  I self-published 5 graphic novels through that are now on amazon for my Christian Space series 'Raegan and RJ in Space'.  It is fast, easy, free and they have templates for you to use.  My last graphic novel, 'satelitte rescue' took me 3 days from the time I submitted it to createspace 14 Feb 13, to the time it was available on amazon, 16 Feb 13.  The computer does all the work.  Here is the link to my amazon author's page so you can see my novels and I am telling the truth:

    Web site free: Also I did a free web site from that was free to set up that folks can go to and download my graphic novels in pdf through paypal.  It literally took about 15 minutes to set up this site, and I have been toying with it now for a year.  The first 10 days were free now I just pay a low monthly fee.  Here is the link:

    Social Media Free: Finally I did a facebook page that was free to help advertise my graphic novels.  I had never used facebook until I did this it was also easy and free.  Here it is:

    Okay - good luck and let me know if you have any questions or need pdfs of my comics or covers that were successfuly published by createspace.

    Is my stuff pretty, no, but it is out there.

    Congratulations and God Speed!

    Rich Collins



  • Good question! Now if I only had an answer...

    Unfortunately, I'm even newer to this then you are. I hope the more experienced members get on here and help you soon! :)

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