Here's a great discussion about Potter and his literary roots started on


....which included the wonderful quote:  "When people begin to stand in the darkness in order to—they believe—safeguard the light, then gray is the inevitable result." (Greg Garrett)

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  • I don't think Herry Potter have many Christian foundation, it's just another wordly movie and novel, i never read the books but watch a few of the movies, as my spiritual grow more mature in Christ, i find the movies not as interesting as they use to be anymore.

    But as an artist I still watch the movie for their camera angle and environment design as reference to my comic drawings. If some brother find the movie and novels offensive, don't read or watch it, if the movie don't really bother you that much, watch it as an entertainment, but we all love Lord Yeshua.

    I personally find the story of Harry Potter are a bit too simple for me, i prefer more deeper crafting of story telling movie, like Book of Elly.

    Anyway Bro Bob Luedke thanks for posting such interesting topic for us to discuss, God Bless You.

  • Ribu John said:

         I think it should be apparant that Harry Potter is seen as wicked because Harry Potter promotes witchcraft, not because the story is in the fantasy genre.  Harry Potter makes clever and frequent use of spell-based magic, a type of magic that draws children into a belief in power beyond themselves, a power that is clearly not the God of the Bible.

         The Lord of the Rings heroes, on the other hand, were created by a devout Roman Catholic, and while that may not be good enough for most Evangelicals (and I understand that), Tolkien still was a Christian who had Christian beliefs and Christian intents for his story.  The same for CS Lewis with his Narnia universe.  The difference here between Potter and Rings and Narnia is the intent.  Rings and Narnia, in many moments, teaches lessons that parallel Christian teachings, and with obvious Christian roots, although the vehicle is fantasy.

         It's basically an us versus them sort of thing.  We support our side's efforts at fantasy while denouncing the opposition's efforts.  What's so wrong about that?  This is just the way of things.

    There is no difference in the spell casting in either movie. IDK that witchcraft is "promoted" in either. If so, you might as well classify everything in the fantasy genre as wrong. It is wrong if it leads you or your children into sin>>>anything can be used for evil or to lead people into sin. Hiding from the world doesn't protect you from it. The whole "ignorance is bliss" approach to things doesn't make for a very effective follower of Christ.
  •      I think it should be apparant that Harry Potter is seen as wicked because Harry Potter promotes witchcraft, not because the story is in the fantasy genre.  Harry Potter makes clever and frequent use of spell-based magic, a type of magic that draws children into a belief in power beyond themselves, a power that is clearly not the God of the Bible.

         The Lord of the Rings heroes, on the other hand, were created by a devout Roman Catholic, and while that may not be good enough for most Evangelicals (and I understand that), Tolkien still was a Christian who had Christian beliefs and Christian intents for his story.  The same for CS Lewis with his Narnia universe.  The difference here between Potter and Rings and Narnia is the intent.  Rings and Narnia, in many moments, teaches lessons that parallel Christian teachings, and with obvious Christian roots, although the vehicle is fantasy.

         It's basically an us versus them sort of thing.  We support our side's efforts at fantasy while denouncing the opposition's efforts.  What's so wrong about that?  This is just the way of things.

  • you guys are crazy... lol But you are right. Raphael was better at painting girls. I can't believe I just admitted that -sigh-

  • Michelangelo was a superb sculptor and draughtsman, no doubt, but Raphael drew much prettier girls. ;)
  • Now, when it comes to Michaelangelo. He's the greatest artist of all time....... all time....... all time... All art is inspired by the gift that God gave him. Disney, comics, concept art, sculpture, and whatever else I can't think of. My Christian art wouldn't be as good if it weren't for his efforts. Forget where his influence came from. That artwork is christian, and ahead of it's time. I'm sorry did you see Christ resting in his mom's arms? Everything under the sun belongs to God, and that includes art, no matter what the influence. It can try to be twisted up by the devil, but at the end of the day, when it come to a masterpiece like the Sistine Chapel, yeah, that's God's property. Ask yourself this question, how can you learn anything unless it first comes from the world. I first got into art because my cousin who wasn't saved and later went to jail, took an interest in me, and would take time out to draw Pac-Man with me when I was 3. Then when I got older I met a friend who wasn't saved, but liked to draw, took time out to draw with me. Then I saw an Alien Vs. Predator comic book that furthered my passion for art. Then my dad had a bunch of comics, etc. Nothing with me learning how to draw was holy. I wasn't even saved at the time..... nobody can judge Michaelangelo except God. Plus, who knows, you can be christian one moment and backslide the very next day. Michaelangelo's gift was from God, it doesn't matter where the influence came from. Look at the stuff Solomon did, which was far worse than anything Mike could do. But buddy was called the wisest, and he got that gift from God, and when he died he did not go to hell. We'll be seeing him in heaven just like I believe we'll be seeing Michaelangelo too. I don't know, i'm a huge fan of mike. so i could be naive. Oh well,
  • Well, I can't address everyone that's impossible. So I'll just say what I want to say. Noah was a drunk, Abraham was a liar, Moses had an anger management problem a huge temper, David's life was like the soap opera "As the World Turns." With sex, lies, and murder. Solomon probably practiced every sin imaginable, but we live our lives according to his wisdom. But God still used all of them. And their lives were good enough to document in the bible. It's God who is perfect not us. I used to judge harshly with a Saul before Paul christian conviction, but God has shown me the harder I judge, the harder I'll be judged. You can be sincere but sincerely wrong. You mean well but trust me, you will only wear yourself out if you scrutinize every nook and cranny. I'm a just shoot some scriptures out and do with them what you want...."If you love God, and your neighbor like you love yourself then you have fulfilled all the law." and... "All things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial." And, "Look at the log in your own eye, before you offer to take out the speck in some other person's eye."

    Look, we are all mature christians, and are smart enough to know what will affect us spiritually. We are grown men and women who can make whatever choice we want. That comes with free will. If you are a hard core christian who is anti every thing that's in the world, then according to the bible you are the weak one. It's funny, one would think that the person who is abstaining from everything would be the stronger one, but it's the total opposite. We have to take God out of the box that we have him in a lot of the times.

    Man I got so many lessons I could share when it comes to's ridiculous. Listen, just be careful not to be the christian who washes his face in lemon juice. Every time we think we have God figured out He swings on us. Think about it, Every one thought that when Jesus came the first time he was going to wreck shop and destroy everybody, and set up his kingdom first and ask questions later. Instead he hung out at parties and chilled with sinners, disrespected the so-called religious leaders of the day, and broke so many rules it wasn't even funny.

    Watching Harry Potter is definitely not beneficial but it is permissible, and if a christian decides he/she wants to watch it, then the person who doesn't want to watch it for whatever reason should not convict the person who wants to watch it..... man I feel like I'm Paul right now as I'm writing this. lol. Let me give you an extreme. God told David after he committed adultery that "He" will turn his wives and slave women over to someone close to him, and that that person will have sex in public for every one to see. It was his son Absalom. If God didn't have a problem with people watching this crazy thing happening. Then it shouldn't be a problem whether we watch Harry Potter or not. Because at the end of the day, God is more concerned if you took your grand father to a movie because his wife/your grandmother just died. Than arguing about whether or not Harry Potter is a holy enough movie to see. Although..... this is an awesome topic to discuss.
  • Very well said, Alec. Most believers are living in the flash predominately, not even considering of launching out into the deep with Christ, and as a result never getting caught up in the grand adventure of the Christian life, as spoken about by the phrophets, the disciples, and also Christ himself. If most are honest, their faith has been reduced to a system of rule keeping and a collection of familiar Bible stories learned as kids, and heard willy nilly on the radio or maybe church. Meanwhile, Cnrist is waiting for them to walk in the spirit and enter into the warfare that the MAJORITY of the non western Christian world experiences as a matter of course. Ask any missionary from Afria, Asia, or parts of Europe abuout spiritual waa
    R and the supernatural and they will tell you stories that rival any Harry Potter Movie. The harvest is plentiful..
  • Galatians 6:14: "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world."

    If we as believers are crucified to the world, then secular movies, comics, and other entertainments should be irrelevant to us. We would not seek to find rest in them, but with Christ in the secret closet of prayer. I know a lot of believers who continue to live on the carnal side of their natures when they've been saved for many, many years. That's why it's so important to be properly discipled from the outset, accountable to local ministry in a sound church, then sent out into the mission field (short or long term). The need around us is so great.

    In regard to Elgin's question, the movies require "suspension of unbelief," not faith, so it's easy for the fallen, fleshy nature to enjoy CG supernatural pyrotechnics, but to engage in real spiritual warfare, to see souls set free from bondage and won to Christ, requires faith that has been baptized with fire.

    Kind regards in Christ Jesus,

  • Very interesting question that I've been asking myself ifor the past couple of years... I admit, not knowing how to approach the answer...yet, but will add that I think that it's interesting how some believers seem so inerested in being spectators to films that have an occult vibe, ripe with demonic activity, epic life and death battles,, dynamic manifestations of superhuman power, and yet all but ignore the obvious spiritual dimension of their own faith. Whenever vie attempted discussing this I find myself embroiled in debates about the validity of gifts of the spirit, healings, words of knowledge, etc. Not to mention spiritual warfare, which is treated like a bizarre fringe practice of pentcostals, and other so called holiness churches. And yet the scripture talks emphatically on the very things most believers chase to find in the movies.
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