"David Crane" was a comic strip about a minister, written by Ed Dodd and drawn by Creig Flessel. Ed Dodd also wrote "Mark Trail" which has often had genuinely reverent moments in it (see the "Mark Trail" strip that I uploaded to this forum several months ago as one example). Flessel, however, went from doing this strip to drawing for Playboy magazine. It just shows how we all have many compartments in our hearts, and God sees them all, and wants to fill us afresh in all of those areas, burning away the dross, so that we can be part of that "bride without blemish" that Christ is coming for. This one is from Christmas, 1961.
Very nice cartooning, yes? Those were all from 1962. Creig Flessel said he liked the Norman Rockwell type of semi-exaggerated characters rather than the Stan Drake approach of realism in drawing. Sadly, in the 1990s an interviewer said, "Your stint on 'David Crane' lasted 12 years, a good, steady gig. Did you have an affinity with the subject matter? You said you grew up in a Protestant family; you were a member of the church." Flessel replied, " I understood the situation very well. Not that I'm religious. I try to stay as far away from the church as I can."
Lastly, I wonder why they didn't give writer Ed Dodd a byline...
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