Comics & graphic novels of 2013

Just wanted to throw a question out there:  what are you reading in the way of (secular and/or Christian) comic books, strips, graphic novels, manga, online comics, etc. that's out there now.  Not what are your favorites of time past, but current reading in the year 2013 (it can be reprint material, too).  This is not to condemn or endorse any particular titles---just a survey sort of question.  If you don't read comics anymore, that's a legit answer, too.

Hope to hear from everyone who frequents this forum! 

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  • I read a bunch of comics from Campfire, Toon Books, :01, and whoever else sends me something to review- mostly books intended for the kids or teen sections of the library. Plus whatever we add to our library collection that catches my eye which may not be "new" material, but new to me. I'll have to think about which titles have really gotten my attention and get back to you.

  • not really reading anything .... but I am enjoying Brian Sparlings comic....

  • Thank you to those who replied, but there are so many more here who haven't (yet). 

    My question is for a very good reason which will be stated once a sufficient number of replies have been made.  Rest assured, this is not to criticize anyone or any material out there, but, as I said before, as a survey of sorts. 

    In all fairness, I suppose I should have gone first in the survey, but here goes... 

    As for myself, I don't buy/read any new comics or graphic novels.  I occasionally peruse preview materials online, and my Kubert School students often show me what they're looking at.  My interests (in the secular material) are more on the reprint side (classic comic books and strips republished/restored by IDW, Fantagraphics Books, and Vanguard Publications, e.g.).  And there are so many Golden, Silver, and Bronze age comics being scanned and put online at sites like The Golden Age Site, Diversions of the Groovy Kind, and Ragged Claws, besides countless others.  Also, I like to visit original art sites like Comic Art Fans and Heritage Auctions where I can see large file size scans of covers, interiors, etc. 

    To me, most contemporary comic books and graphic novels are quite ugly because of the (overrendered) computer coloring.  Yes, there are a few exceptions who do fine work in that area.  Any semblance of a Judeo-Christian (and kid-friendly) ethic is long gone from mainstream comics.  For the most part it is such a dark world of warped characters who no longer resemble their former selves (a reflection of secular society as it moves farther and farther away from the influence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ).

    Finally, I feel I've pretty much "seen it all" in what can be done in comics panel continuity as we have known it.  Very, very few creators advance the form these days; some make pretty pictures, yes, but that's not the same thing as cinematic storytelling.  But I didn't want to get into a discussion about this, but rather to hear what you (on this forum) are reading these days.  Please share!

    Kind regards in Christ Jesus,


  • I just read R-Squared Comicz LightWeightz: The Anthology Parts 1 and 2 and Captain America #6.

  • Iveread some of brien sparling's strips that he post. Also I read Steve crespo comic strip from nothing.. other than thatnot too much of anything
  • Secular webcomics I look forward to eagerly and have put money into: CodeName Hunter(DarcSowers), Endtown(Aaron Netherly), Doc Rat(Jenner), Freefall (Mark Stanley), Kevin&Kell(Bill Holbrook

    Christian webcomics: Moth and Ethan(Chandler), Light Weightz (Justin Martin)

    Print Comics I have bought books of this year: Blacksad(Canales & Guarnido), Usagi YoJimbo(Stan Sakai)

    I have a lot of other comics 'Faved' and admire them periodically, but wouldn't pay money for a book of their work.

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