
  • Read all of the comments on this topic.  Had hoped to click your link and see what's up; instead the property of your link is:

    I'll type the URL your noted and get to your site, but thought you'd be interested in knowing the

    link is defunct.

    Best regards, I'm heading your way as soon as I log off CCAS.

    Martin Murtonen said:


    I've got the space available - at I think that's exactly what that site is going to become...a place to promote and push christian web comics...


    BUT it will be very focused. I still need to launch the initial project - through the help of these very boards. I'll do that by Monday.




  • I agree with Lisa on that one big time. Daniel in the bible was surrounded by the secular but was in the will of God.   I would post on secular and christian.  The christian need to be encouraged just as much as the secular need to be saved....  Hey Lisa what site was it that you were on, are those conversations available to view?
  • Hi Sven,


    At the moment, the only management of comics would be done by me. BUT as a place to promote them, that will definitely be the intent. Our first project kicks off in minutes.




  • Martin, is it a place to PROMOTE comics, or UPLOAD comics and have them MANAGED? There is a difference and it makes all the difference in the world

    I've got the space available - at I think that's exactly what that site is going to become...a place to promote and push christian web comics...


    BUT it will be very focused. I still need to launch the initial project - through the help of these very boards. I'll do that by Monday.




  • i think i would like to make a christian webcomic site a place on the net where you dont see nasy images of soft porn furries.

    Sven Jacobs said:

    Are you asking for a site that manages your comics and allows a user to browse through them like Drunkduck? Or are you asking for a site where one can simply POST comics a la TOPWEBCOMICS? Honestly, I could make a script for either, and I probably would, if the Christian webcomic community was actually strong and vibrant. It isn't, so it doesn't seem like it's worth anyone's time, webspace, or money.


    If you acquire space for creating comics, I will create a script for you that will browse through your comics.

  • yeah i guess your right Lisa, i just figured that all these people are not really interested in a cartoon fun family comic and by the looks of it are more interested in boobs and vampires. but yeah i see your point.

    Lisa Hutchinson said:

    Hi Leo,

    I'm not sure if there are any Christian comic posting sites, but I did want to mention that maybe you shouldn't dismiss posting on secular sites if that's how God is leading. We've had tremendous feedback for our Christian comic and had lots of healthy discussions with atheists, ghost hunters, demon worshipers, and seekers (and even believers) about Jesus. Since we are supposed to be lights, we can still be in the world and not of it.

    God bless!


  • Are you asking for a site that manages your comics and allows a user to browse through them like Drunkduck? Or are you asking for a site where one can simply POST comics a la TOPWEBCOMICS? Honestly, I could make a script for either, and I probably would, if the Christian webcomic community was actually strong and vibrant. It isn't, so it doesn't seem like it's worth anyone's time, webspace, or money.


    If you acquire space for creating comics, I will create a script for you that will browse through your comics.

  • Hi Leo,

    I'm not sure if there are any Christian comic posting sites, but I did want to mention that maybe you shouldn't dismiss posting on secular sites if that's how God is leading. We've had tremendous feedback for our Christian comic and had lots of healthy discussions with atheists, ghost hunters, demon worshipers, and seekers (and even believers) about Jesus. Since we are supposed to be lights, we can still be in the world and not of it.

    God bless!


  • All righty! Hey Leo,


    I think you just may have helped me position something I've been kicking around for a while.


    It will take a bit of doing - but I will keep you posted.





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