Brianna and Dalton's Backstories

Here's what I came up with on Brianna and Dalton's backstories:Brianna has pretty much shut herself out of the world. After her powers came in, doctors recommend she be euthanized (which is legal in New Eden, the fictional country where the story takes place. Her mother became extremely overprotective of her (though it was out of love). Her stepdad died in a car accident while taking her home from an appointment, but Brianna lived because of her powers. As an adult, she became a victim of rape (which was how her young twins were conceived) and she became increasingly afraid of people discovering her secret because of her overprotected teenage years. She ultimately learns throughout the series that there are people out there who can be trusted.Dalton was originally planning to become a musician but reluctantly decided to study law instead by the wishes of his Chinese traditionalist parents, who want their only son to have a well-paying job so he can provide for his future children. There's just one problem: Dalton wants to get married but doesn't want to have sex with his future wife (in other words: he's a Heteroromantic asexual). As Dalton graduated from law school and started the three-year service term in the public defenders' office that all rookie New Eden defense attorneys are required to complete, he became increasingly self-absorbed and materialistic. During his last year at the public defenders' office, he intentionally used forged evidence to win a case for his own benefit. He ultimately learns to look beyond himself and redeems himself through Christ.What are your guys' thoughts?

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  • Nice! You have interesting protagonists who have room to grow and change.

    Both your protagonists have sexual dysfunctions which will narrow your target audience; removing those will give you a wider audience and simplify your story-series.

    Time to create a backstory or two for your antagonist.

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