I am an addictions specialist and creating graphic novels to tell the story of how addictive behaviors, particularly with "digital drugs" (i.e. gaming, social media, porn) are turning generations of kids into "zombies" preparing for the uprising of the AntiChrist and the events played out associated with the AntiChrist.
I am looking for a Christian artist(s) to partner with me. I have a large and growing social media presence (78,000+ fans and growing 300 to 500+ weekly). If we get along and the LORD calls us to partner, then I am looking for a partner to work on further issues and share in royalties. I am also a public speaker with amazing reviews, and my speaking engagements are picking up.
When a school or church invites me to talk, they buy the books for the kids ahead of time. During my talk, I quiz the kids on the concepts covered in the books and give out prizes. Our goal is help the kids (who are overstimulated) to learn via these graphic novels about addictions, digital media addictions, and the evils associated with addictive behaviors: human trafficking, abduction (similar to recent Virginia Tech murder of the 13 y.o. girl who was lured to her death with a social app called Kik), death, and grooming brain to be part of the "Zombie Invasion."
Here's a clip where I show how I engage the kids in my talks:
My speaker reviews:
My public Facebook Page:
Contact me here:
I'd love to help!