Well as you all know, Thanksgiving is Thursday, but there is a single day set out every year to be thankful, why only once a year? Shouldn't we be thankful to God each and every day? Sure! Anyway, what you YOU truley thankful for this year and each day? Think about it, what are some things that you don't normally think of (IE: family, friends, salvation) that you are ACTUALLY thankful for and don't really state it? Seriously, think about it, are you THANKFUL for the trials in your life? Thankful for the current BAD situation so that it makes you stronger in the end? Testimonials if you want to name it really, a different way to state a testimonial, what you YOU truly thankful for that you don't normally say Thanks about? Past, and present ^^

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  • Great question!

    I'm definitely thankful for family, for food and a home. But lately I've grown to appreciate what a blessing work is (strange as this seems to say.) It's a blessing to find a job that, even if it isn't a "dream job" (aka comic book artist...) is still a job that you don't mind doing, and you have a good rapport with management and coworkers, that can really be a blessing from God! Something to be very thankful for.

    I've been reading 'Imitiation of Christ' by Thomas A'Kempis lately, and find his teachings on humility to be fascinating and relevent, especially when he talks about the freedom that comes from working FOR someone else. Sortof strange to reflect on, but as he states, when you aren't in charge, you are afforded great freedom: you do your work as you are told to do it, and do the best job that you can.

    Sorry, got off on a rant: I'm thankful for family, home, and work, and I praise God for all His goodness.

  • Yes, you never really think about the small things, like you said, He gives us little hints here and there and then we think on it for awhile. I am thankful for the normal things in my life as well, family, friends, my husband, etc. I am also thankful yes, to the gift he has given me, but also for the trial that has been set before me, trial and opportunity I should say, because the Lord opened a door to something that has been deep in my heart as a desire to do ever since I first picked up a pencil and began scribbling on paper. I am thankful every day to God that he has allowed me the mercy that he has given so graciously even though I didn't deserve it, I am thankful for the gift of salvation and the fact that God allows us to come to him with everything, even the tiniest things. God is good and each and every day we should thank him from our hearts that he has given us life and life eternal through Jesus Christ, if not for that we all wouldn't have a hope, because we sin everyday and there is no way to atone for it other than forgiveness and mercy from God through salvation ( sorry, in a sense of euphoria if you will, lol) well no, I am not really "sorry" for stating that I love God and all that he has done. Glorify God with all your soul, heart and mind and keep your eyes upon him for we will see him in the clouds one very soon day ^^. God Bless!
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