Hey folks, I heard about this on the local radio and decided to check it out, its a great place for christian videos and views, check it out and you even get to upload your own videos! Free to join and all, thought it was pretty cool, not that I have an videos to upload but quite interesting, love the header on the main home page:"If you must curse, use your own name!"-God copy and paste

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  • I'm divided on godtube. While I think it is great that there is a community of believers posting material like this, and that, unlike youtube, there is refreshingly a profanity filter/content filter in place; at the same time, I'm not sure what exactly is on that I haven't already tracked down from other sites. The other thing is, I don't really search out Christian-specific videos necesarily, but rather find I'd rather listen to audio-only formats, such as audio sermons, audio Bible translations, etc.

    The other thing is, I wonder if there is an exclusionary aspect to this, and instead of pulling away from the world, we should remain in it and stay stedfast in our testimony?

    Dunno. The internet seems to be in constant flux, and who knows what format it will look like in a few more years. We are at a point where virtually any media of audio/video from virtually any point in time is available, you can't help but wonder how this will all come together in the future.
  • I like the idea of a place where Christians can fellowship with others and post Christian themes and ideas. I don't think of it as a club, just a place where we can meet and fellowship with likeminded folks. Not really different or original. Other races, creeds, etc. do this all the time. There should be a place focusing on God where we can say what we want without someone getting mad because we violated their civil rights or something.
  • I think Christians are isolating themselves too much now from the main media...I feel that actually encourages them to get more and more radical and degrading when we aren't there to bring the light to them but trying to drag them towards us. When I asked Armand Serrano ( about starting a Christian animation forum his reply was:

    "Thanks for communicating with me. It's always a blessing to hear a brother
    in the industry. I thought about the same thing a few years ago. I was
    thinking of forming a Christian ministry that will be geared towards the
    animation industry. After praying about it and some experience in the
    field, I didn't push through with it for reasons. The problem most of the
    time with this kind of groups whether in the church or outside the church,
    is the "club" mentality. As soon as it becomes a club, the exclusivity
    intimidates the unbelievers. Even church can become like a club if it
    focuses more on the inreach and looses sight of the outreach.

    There's a couple of ministries with broader membership which I'm a part of

    Hollywood Prayer Network ( and Hollywood
    Connect (

    These two have a broder spectrum by reaching out towards the whole
    industry in general. You can join online and probably later on be
    connected with people in animation and start praying for the animation
    industry in particular. But pray about it. If you feel that God is calling
    you to start something specifically for the animation industry and
    definite about it, go ahead and start it. Always keep in mind that the
    goal is to preach the gospel to unbelievers and equip the saints in the
    business. Not to be a club. This is just my opinion. Let me know. Thanks
    for the email and keep in touch.


    A R M A N D   S E R R A N O
    VISUAL DEVELOPMENT • PRODUCTION DESIGN • LECTURER • Animated Films, Games & Commercial • • Twitter - @ArmandSe…
    • didn't think of it that way, I really don't see being christian as a "club" but have noticed some make it that way. hmm...
  • That is too cool... thanks for sharing Christina...
    • no problem, anytime ^^
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